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  BLACK - the satanic verses!
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1349 Beyond The Apocalypse Candlelight 2004 UK 750
1349 Revelations Of The Black Flame Candlelight 2009 UK 750
1349 Demonoir Indie 2010 NOR LE/DIGIPACK/CD/DVD 1200
ABAZAGORATH The Satanic Verses Eternal Death 2014 USA 750
A CANOROUS QUINTET As Tears Chaos Records 1994 GER CHAOS CD 02 3000
A CANOROUS QUINTET Silence Of The World Beyond No Fashion 1996 SWE NFR 019 3000
A CANOROUS QUINTET The Only Pure Hate No Fashion 1998 SWE NFR 028 1800
ABBATH Abbath Season of Mist 2016 FRA LE/BOX 1200
ABGOTT Fizala Helvete 2003 EU HEL 001 600
ABIGAIL Forever Street Metal Bitch Drakkar Productions 2003 EU 600
ABIGOR Orkblut - The Retaliation Napalm 1995 AUS NPR 008 1800
ABIGOR Supreme Immortal Art Napalm 1998 AUS NPR 040 1500
ABIGOR Channeling the Quintessence of Satan Napalm 1999 AUS NPR 062 1200
ABIGOR In Memory Napalm 2000 AUS NPR 082 650
ABIGOR Satanized Napalm 2001 AUS NPR 088 650
ABLAZE MY SORROW If Emotions Still Burn No Fashion 1996 SWE NFR 015 1800
ABLAZE MY SORROW The Plague No Fashion 1997 SWE NFR 026 1800
ABLAZE MY SORROW Anger, Hate And Fury No Fashion 2002 SWE 900
ABSU The Sun Of Tiphareth Osmose 1995 FRA OPCD 029 1200
ABSURD Blutgericht Nebelfee Klangwerke 2005 GER LE/BOX 1800
ABYSMAL The Pillorian Age Avantgarde Music 1995 EU AV 007 1200
ABYSS, THE The Other Side Nuclear Blast 1995 GER NB 107-2 1800
ABYSS, THE Summon The Beast Nuclear Blast 1996 GER NB 209-2 1800
ABYSSOS Fhisthanian Nightbreed Cacophonous 1999 UK NIHIL 33 CD 1800
ABYSSIC HATE Suicidal Emotions No Colours 2000 GER original 650
ACHERON Satanic Victory Lethal 1994 AUS original 3000
AD HOMINEM Climax Of Hatred Avantgarde Music 2005 EU 650
AD INFERNA L`Empire Des Sens Silverdust 2002 FRA 650
ADORNED BROOD Asgard Moonstorm 2000 EU 750
AETERNUS Dark Sorcery Hammerheart 1995 HOL LE/DIGIPACK 1500
AETERNUS …And So The Night Became Hammerheart 1998 HOL LE/DIGIPACK 2500
AETERNUS Burning The Shroud Hammerheart 2000 HOL 650
AEVERON The Ancient Realm Castamere 2006 EU digipack 550
AGAINST THE PLAGUES Decoding The Mainframe Vic 2009 EU 650
AGARTHI At The Burning Horizon Red Stream 1997 USA original 550
AGATHODAIMON Blacken the angel Nuclear Blast 1998 GER original 900
AGATHODAIMON In Darkness Massacre 2013 GER 750
AGHAST Hexerei Im Zwielicht Dem Finsternis Cold Meat Indusry 1995 GER 2CD 1200
AJATTARA Kalmanto Spikefarm 2007 EU 700
AKERCOCKE The Goat Of Mendes Peaceville 2001 UK 750
ALCEST Ecailles De Lune Prophecy 2010 GER LE/BOX 2000
ALCEST Les Voyages De L`ame Prophecy 2012 EU 750
ALCEST Shelter Prophecy 2014 EU LE/DIGIBOOK/2CD 1500
ALGAION Oimai Algeiou Full Moon Productions 1995 EU FMP003 1800
ALGOR Uder Pohanskeho Hnevu Eclipse 2003 EU 550
ANAAL NATHRAKH The Whole Of The Law Metal Blade 2016 EU LE/DIGIPACK 1200
ANCIENT Det Glemte Riket Hammerheart 1993 HOL digipack, r/r 2002 650
ANCIENT The Cainian Chronicle Metal Blade 1996 GER 750
ANCIENT Mad Grandiose Bloodfiends Metal Blade 1997 GER 650
ANCIENT The Halls Of Eternity Metal Blade 1999 GER 650
ANCIENT Proxima Centauri Metal Blade 2001 GER 650
ANCIENT CEREMONY Cemetary Visions Alister 1994 EU ARCD 95001 1200
ANCIENT CEREMONY Fallen Angel`s Symphony Cacophonous 1999 UK NIHIL 32CD 900
ANCIENT CEREMONY Synagoga Diabolica Cacophonous 2000 UK 750
ANCIENT RITES Fatherland Mascot 1998 EU purple jewel case 2000
ANCIENT RITES And The Hordes Stood As One Hammerheart 2003 HOL 650
ANCIENT WISDOM The Calling Avantgarde Music 1997 EU AV 020 1500
ANCIENT WISDOM …And The Physical Shape Of Light Bled Avantgarde Music 2000 EU AV 048 1500
AND OCEANS Cypher Century Media 2002 GER cm77419-2 550
ANDRAS Sword Of Revenge Last Episode 1999 GER LE 039 700
ANDRAS Quest Of Deliverance Last Episode 1999 GER 700
ANDRAS …Of Old Wisdom Perveted Taste 2005 GER 550
ANGELCORPSE Exterminate Osmose 1998 FRA 900
ANGELCORPSE The Inexorable Osmose 1999 FRA LE/DIGIPACK 1200
ANGELCORPSE Of Lucifer And Lightning Osmose 2007 USA 650
ANGST In Hoc Signo Vinces Black Attack 2005 EU 550
ANOREXIA NERVOSA Exile Season Of Mist 1997 FRA SOM 004 900
ANOREXIA NERVOSA Drudenhaus Osmose 2000 FRA OPCD 094 750
ANOREXIA NERVOSA New Obscurantis Order Osmose 2001 FRA OPCD 125 750
ANSUR Axiom Candlelight 2006 EU 550
AOSOTH Chapter Four: Arrow In Heart Agonia 2013 POL 650
APOTHEOSIS Farthest From The Sun Nocturnal Art Productions 2002 EU original 650
ARCKANUM Sviga Loe Regain 2008 SWE CD/Slipcase 750
ARCKANUM Fran Marder Debemur Morti 2009 NOR CD Digibook 750
ARCKANUM Kampen Debemur Morti 2009 NOR CD Digibook 750
ARKHON INFAUSTUS Perdition Insanabilis Osmose 2004 FRA LE/DIGIPACK 650
ARCTURUS Aspera Hiems Symfonia/Constellation/My Angel Candlelight 1996 UK 2CD, r/r 2002 1200
ARCTURUS La Masquerade Infernale Music For Nations 1997 UK original 900
ARTEFACT Ruins Rupture Music 2008 EU 550
ASCEND-ENCY Regression Shiver 2011 EU 550
ASGAROTH Red Shift Peaceville 2002 UK LE/DIGIPACK 600
ASMEGIN Hin Vordende Sod & So Napalm 2003 AUS 750
ATOMA Skylight Napalm 2012 EU 750
ATOMIZER Caustic Music For The Spiritually Bankrupt Hells Headbangers 2008 USA 550
AUGRIMMER Nothing Ever Was Northern Silence 2011 GER LE/DIGIPACK 550
AUTUMN VERSES Tunes Of Disconsolation Solistitium 1997 GER 900
AURORA BLACK And The Skies Dream Infinite Horror CMC 2008 USA 550
AVATAR Memoriam Draconis Wood-Nymph 1996 EU WSR 002 2000
AVERSE SEFITA Advent Parallax Candlelight 2008 UK 550
BAL-SAGOTH Starfire Burning Upon The Ice-Veiled Throne Of Ultima Thule Cacophonous 1996 UK NIHIL18CD 900
BAL-SAGOTH Battle Magic Cacophonous 1998 UK NIHIL 29CD 750
BAL-SAGOTH The Power Cosmic Nuclear Blast 1999 GER 900
BAL-SAGOTH Atlantis Ascendant Nuclear Blast 2001 GER 900
BAL-SAGOTH The Chthonic Chronicles Nuclear Blast 2006 USA 750
BALTAK Macedonian Darkness And Evil Battlegod 1999 AUST BP 01 650
BALTAK Kral Na Dva Svetoi Battlegod 2000 AUST BP 006 650
BALTAK Macedonian War Battlegod 2003 AUST 650
BARATHRUM Eeerie Nazgul`s Eyrie Prod. 1995 FIN 1800
BARATHRUM Legions Of Perkele Spinefarm 1998 FIN 1200
BARATHRUM Venomous Spinefarm 2003 FIN 550
BARATHRUM Anno Aspera - 2003 Years After Bastard`s Birth Spinefarm 2005 EU 550
BARBATOS Rocking Metal Motherfucker From Beyond 2003 HOL 750
BATHORY Bathory Black Mark 1984 GER ifpi 1800
BATHORY Jubileum I Black Mark 1992 AUS BMCD 666-7 1500
BATHORY Jubileum II Black Mark 1992 AUS BMCD 666-8 1500
BATHORY Octagon Black Mark 1995 GER 1200
BATHORY Blood On Ice Black Mark 1996 GER original 2000
BATHORY Destroyer Of The Worlds Black Mark 2001 GER BMCD 666-15 1200
BATHORY Nordland I Black Mark 2002 GER LE/DIGIPACK 2500
BATHORY Nordland II Black Mark 2003 GER LE/DIGIPACK 2500
BEALIAH Anthology Of Life Undead Bombworks 2008 EU 550
BEATRIK Journey Through The End Of Life Total Holocaust 2002 USA r/r 2004 550
BEATRIK Requiem Of December Avantgarde Music 2005 EU 550
BEHEMOTH Chaotica Metal Mind 1994 POL digipack, r/r 2002 750
BEHEMOTH Satanica Avantgarde Music 1999 EU 900
BEHEMOTH Historica Metal Mind 2001 POL 5CD/DIGIBOOK 2500
BEHEMOTH Demigod Century Media 2005 GER LE/CD/DVD 1500
BEHEMOTH Slaves Shall Serve Regain 2005 SWE digipack 750
BEHEMOTH The Apostasy Regain 2007 GER LE/DIGIPACK/CD/DVD 750
BEHEMOTH Ezkaton Regain 2008 SWE MCD 750
BEHEMOTH Evangelion Metal Blade 2009 GER LE/DIGIPACK/CD/DVD 750
BEHEMOTH Abyssus Abyssum Invocat Peaceville 2011 UK LE/DIGIPACK/CD/DVD 1200
BEHEMOTH The Satanist Nuclear Blast 2014 GER LE/BOX/CD/DVD 1800
BEHERIT H418ov21.C Spinefarm 1993 FIN SPI 19 CD 1800
BEHERIT Beast Of Beherit Spinefarm 1999 FIN original 750
BELMEZ Berserker Napalm 1995 AUS NPR 007 1500
BELMEZ Wundgrind Christhunt 2001 EU 650
BELPHEGOR The Last Supper Last Episode 1995 EU LEP 025 3500
BELPHEGOR Blutsabbath Last Episode 1997 GER LEP 010 3500
BELPHEGOR Pestapokalypse VI Nuclear Blast 2006 GER LE/DIGIPACK 1200
BELPHEGOR Bondage Goat Zombie Nuclear Blast 2008 GER LE/CD/DVD/DIGIPACK 1200
BETHLEHEM Sardonischer Untergang Im Zeichen Irreligi?ser Darbietung Red Stream 1998 USA 550
BETHZAIDA Nine Worlds Season Of Mist 1996 FRA som002 650
BEWITCHED Pentagram Prayer Osmose 1997 FRA 1200
BIFROST The Wildest Fire Nazgul`s Eyrie Prod. 1996 EU original 900
BILSKIRNIR In Flames Of Purification Millenium Metal 2002 EU 550
BLACKLODGE <Solarcult> End Of Life 2006 EU 550
BLAND VARGAR Notturno II La Crepuscule Du Soil 2012 EU digipack 550
BLASPHEMY Gods Of War/Blood Upon The Altar Osmose 1993 EU OPCD 008 2500
BLODSRIT Ocularis Infernum Adipocere 2003 EU 550
BLOOD STORM The Athlantean Wardragon Cacophonous 1997 UK original 1200
BLUT AUD NORD Memoria Vetusta I: Fathers Of The Icy Age Candlelight 1996 USA r/r 2005 550
BONJOUR TRISTESSE Par Un Sourire Alive 2014 EU digipack 550
BORKNAGAR The Olden Domain Century Media 1997 GER original 1500
BORKNAGAR Empiricism Century Media 2001 GER LE/DIGIPACK 1200
BURZUM Belus Byelobog 2010 EU digipack 1200
BURZUM Fallen Byelobog 2011 EU digipack 1200
CARPATHIAN FOREST Through Chasm, Caves And Titan Woods Avantgarde Music 1995 ITA AV 011 2500
CARPATHIAN FOREST Black Shining Leather Avantgarde Music 1998 ITA LE/DIGIPACK 1500
CARPATHIAN FOREST Strange Old Brew Peaceville 2000 UK digipack, r/r 2007 650
CARPATHIAN FOREST Morbid Fascination Of Death Avantgarde Music 2001 ITA 650
CARPATHIAN FOREST We`re Going To Hell for This Metal Mind 2002 POL digipack, r/r 2009 650
CARPATHIAN FOREST Defending The Throne Of Evil Season Of Mist 2003 FRA SOM 068 750
CARPATHIAN FOREST Skiend Hans Lik Season Of Mist 2004 FRA LE/DIGIBOOK, SOM 077 1200
CARPATHIAN FOREST #### You All!!! Season Of Mist 2006 FRA LE/METAL BOX, SOM 114 1200
CARPATHIAN FULL MOON Serenades In Blood Minor Avantgarde Music 1994 ITA AV 006 900
CASUS BELLI Kalos Kai Agathos Metal Mind 2000 POL 650
CATAMENIA VIII - The Time Unchained Massacre 2008 GER LE/DIGIPACK 650
CATAMENIA Cavalcade Massacre 2010 GER LE/DIGIPACK 650
CHAOSWEAVER Enter The Realm Of Doppelganger Napalm 2012 EU LE/DIGIPACK 550
CHORONZON Magog Agog Nocturnal Art Productions 1998 EU Eclipse 009 550
CHRIST AGONY Moonlight: Act III Old Temple 1996 POL r/r 2017 650
CHRIST AGONY Trilogy Pagan 1998 POL r/r 2005 650
CHTON Chtonian Lifecode Retiribute 2004 EU 650
COBOLT 60 Meat Hook Ballet Head Not Found 2002 NOR HNF 053 900
CONDEMNATIO CRISTI Soundtracks On Parole 2013 SLO 550
COUNTESS Holocaust Of The God Believers Barbarian Wrath 2006 EU 500
COVENANT Nexus Polaris Nuclear Blast 1998 EU original 1200
CRADLE OF FILTH Sodomizing The Virgin Vamps bootleg ??? UK live in London 1994 + 1992 demo 1500
CRADLE OF FILTH The Principle Of Evil Made Flesh Cacophonous 1994 UK 1200
CRADLE OF FILTH Vempire or Dark Faerytales in Phallustein Music For Nations 1996 UK EP 900
CRADLE OF FILTH Cruelty And The Beast Music For Nations 1998 UK LE/CROSS 6000
CRADLE OF FILTH Cruelty And The Beast Music For Nations 1998 UK original 750
CRADLE OF FILTH From The Cradle To Enslave Music For Nations 1999 UK LE/DIGIPACK 1200
CRADLE OF FILTH From The Cradle To Enslave Music For Nations 1999 UK 550
CRADLE OF FILTH Bitter Suites To Succubi Abracadaver 2001 UK LE/DIGIPACK 1200
CRADLE OF FILTH Lovecraft & Witchearts Music For Nations 2002 UK 2CD 1200
CRADLE OF FILTH Live Bait For The Dead Cradle Of Filth 2002 UK 2CD/Slipcase 1200
CRADLE OF FILTH Harder. Darker. Faster. Thornography Deluxe RoadRunner 2008 USA 2CD 1200
CRADLE OF FILTH Godspeed On The Devil`s Thunder Roadrunner 2008 GER LE/2CD 1200
CRADLE OF FILTH Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa Nuclear Blast 2010 GER LE/DIGIPACK/CD/DVD 1200
CRADLE OF FILTH Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa Nuclear Blast 2010 GER slipcase 550
CRADLE OF FILTH Evermore Darkly... Peaceville 2011 UK LE/DIGIBOOK/CD/DVD 1500
CRADLE OF FILTH The Manticore And Other Horrors Peaceville 2012 UK LE/DIGIPACK 1500
CRADLE OF FILTH Hammer Of The Witches Peaceville 2016 UK LE/DIGIPACK 1500
CREST OF DARKNESS Project Regeneration Listenable 2000 EU LE/DIGIPACK 650
CREST OF DARKNESS Evil Knows Evil My Kingdom 2004 USA 650
CRIMSON MIDWINTER Random Chaos Black Mark 1998 GER BMCD 131 650
CRONIAN Erathems Underground Activists 2013 FRA LE/DIGIPACK 550
CROWN OF AUTUMN The Treasures Arcane Elnor 1997 ITA LE/DIGIPACK 650
CRYPTIC CARNAGE Rozelowe Last Episode 1998 EU LEP 019 650
CRYPTIC CARNAGE …And Another Kingdom Was Born Last Episode 1998 GER LEP 026 900
CRYPTIC WINTERMOON A Coming Storm Massacre 2003 GER 900
CRYSTAL ABYSS Word Of The Darkest Ages Paimon 2007 EU 550
DARK FUNERAL Vobiscum Sathanas No Fashion 1998 SWE LE/DIGIPACK 1200
DARK FUNERAL Teach Children To Worship Satan No Fashion 2000 SWE original 900
DARK FUNERAL Diabolis Interium No Fashion 2001 SWE LE/LEATHER DIGIPACK, NFR 066 2500
DARK FUNERAL/VON Devil Pigs Karmageddon 2004 HOLL karma057 900
DARK FUNERAL In The Sign Regain 2005 SWE EP 750
DARK FUNERAL Where Shadows Forever Reign Century Media 2016 GER LE/DIGIPACK/CD/DVD 1200
DARKSIDE Cognitive Dissonance Season Of Mist 2001 EU 550
DARKTHRONE Total Death Moonfog 1996 NOR fog011 1200
DARKTHRONE Goatlord Moonfog 1996 NOR digipack 900
DARKTHRONE Preparing For War Peaceville 2000 UK 3CD/BOX, r/r 2006 1500
DARKTHRONE Plaguewielder Moonfog 2001 NOR LE/DIGIPACK, FOG028 1200
DARKTHRONE Too Old Too Cold Peaceville 2006 UK LE/DIGIPACK 750
DARKTHRONE The Cult Is Alive Peaceville 2006 UK LE/BOX 1200
DARKTHRONE F.O.A.D Peaceville 2007 UK LE/BOX 1200
DARKTHRONE Frostland Tapes Peaceville 2008 UK LE/3CD/BOX 1500
DARKTHRONE Darkthrone And Black Flags Peaceville 2008 UK LE/CD/DVD/SLIPCASE 900
DARZAMAT Transkarpatia Metal Mind 2005 POL LE/DIGIPACK 650
DAWN Naer Solen Gar Niber For Evogher Century Media 1994 GER r/r 2014 900
DAWN The Eternal Forest - Demo Years 91-93 Century Media 1994 GER r/r 2014 900
DAWN OF DREAMS Darklight Awakening Last Episode 2000 EU 650
DAWN OF RELIC Lovecraftian Dark Season Of Mist 2003 FRA original 900
DEATHSPELL OMEGA Infernal Battles End All Life 2000 EU r/r 2010, slipcase 900
DEATHSPELL OMEGA Veritas Diaboli Manet in Aeternum: Chaining the Katechon Norma Evangelium Diaboli 2008 FRA digipack 900
DEATHSPELL OMEGA Paracletus Season Of Mist 2010 EU LE/DIGIPACK 750
DEATHWITCH Monumental Mutilations Necropolis 1999 USA 900
DECEMBER MOON Source Of Origin Spinefarm 1996 EU original 900
DEEP-PRESSION The Critical State Of Lonliness Singularity 2007 USA 550
DEEP-PRESSION Void Of A Morning Valse Sinistre 2009 POL 550
DEINONYCHUS The Silence Of December Cacophonous 1995 UK original 2500
DE PROFUNDIS The Emptiness Within Kolony 2012 EU 600
DEMONAZ March Of The Norse Nuclear Blast 2011 GER LE/DIGIPACK 900
DEMONIZED Demonized Osmose 2003 FRA 550
DESTROYER 666 Phoenix Rising Season of Mist 2000 EU 750
DEVILMENT (Dani Filth of Cradle Of Filth) The Great And Secret Show Nuclear Blast 2014 CD LE/DIGIPACK 1500
DEVILMENT (Dani Filth of Cradle Of Filth) II The Mephisto Waltzes Nuclear Blast 2016 CD LE/SUPER JEWEL CASE 1500
DIABOLOS RISING 666 Osmose 1994 FRA OPCD 023, yellow case 750
DIABOLOS RISING Blood, Vampyrism & Sadism Kron-h 1995 FRA kron-h02 650
DIABOLICAL MASQUERADE The Phantom Lodge Adipocere 1997 EU LE/DIGIPACK, AR039 1200
DIABOLICAL MASQUERADE Nightwork Avantgarde Music 1998 EU AV 033, digipack 1200
DIABOLICAL MASQUERADE Death`s Design Avantgarde Music 2001 EU LE/DIGIPACK 900
DIABOLICAL PRINCIPLES Manifesto Of Death Kristallblu 2014 GER digipack 550
DIABOLOS RISING 666 Osmose 1994 FRA 650
DIABOLOS RISING Blood, Vampirism And Sadism Osmose 1995 FRA LE/YELLOW CASE 750
DIMMU BORGIR For All Tid Nuclear Blast 1994 GER digipack, r/r 2000 650
DIMMU BORGIR/OLD MAN CHILD Devil`s Path/In The Shades Of Light Hammerheart 1995 HOL digipack, r/r 2000 650
DIMMU BORGIR Devil`s Path Hot Records 1995 NOR SHAGRATH006 3000
DIMMU BORGIR Stormblast Cacophonous 1996 UK original 1500
DIMMU BORGIR Enthroned Darkness Triumphant Nuclear Blast 1997 GER LE/DIGIPACK 1500
DIMMU BORGIR Spiritual Black Dimensions Nuclear Blast 1999 GER LE/DIGIPACK 1500
DIMMU BORGIR Alive In Torment Nuclear Blast 2001 GER LE/SHAPE 750
DIMMU BORGIR Death Cult Armageddon Nuclear Blast 2003 GER LE/METAL BOOK 6000
DIMMU BORGIR Godless Savage Garden Nuclear Blast 2006 GER 550
DIMMU BORGIR In Sorte Diaboli Nuclear Blast 2007 USA LE/DIGIPACK 900
DIMMU BORGIR Abracadaver Nuclear Blast 2010 GER LE/BOX 1800
DIMMU BORGIR Forces Of The Northen Night Nuclear Blast 2017 GER LE/2CD/2DVD/DIGIBOOK 2000
DISMAL EUPHONY Soria Moria Slot Napalm 1995 GER NPR 021, LE 1500
DISMAL EUPHONY Autumn Leaves - The Rebellion Of Tides Napalm 1997 GER LE/DIGIPACK, NPR 033 1200
DISMAL EUPHONY Lady Ablaze Napalm 2000 GER 650
DISMAL EUPHONY Python Zero Nuclear Blast 2001 GER 650
DISSECTION Somberlain No Fashion 1993 SWE NFR 006 2500
DISSECTION Storm Of The Light And Bane Nuclear Blast 1995 GER original 2500
DISSECTION Where Dead Angels Lie Nuclear Blast 1996 GER original 1200
DISSECTION The Past Is Alive (The Early Mischief) Necropolis 1997 USA 1200
DODSFERD Cursing Your Will To Live Moribund 2007 USA 650
DODSFERD Death Set The Beginning Of My Journey Moribund 2008 USA 650
DODSFERD Suicide And The Rest Of Your Kind Will Follow Moribund 2009 USA digipack 750
DODSFERD Denninig With Arrogance Your Pathetic Existence (Years Of Pure Hatred And Disgust) Infernal Profunds 2008 USA 650
DODSFERD/MORTOVATIS Until Your World Go Down Moribund 2010 USA 650
DODSFERD Spitting With Hatred The Insignificance Of Life Moribund 2011 USA 650
DORNENREICH Durch Den Traum Prophecy 2006 GER LE/DIGIPACK 750
DORNENREICH In Luft Geritzt Prophecy 2008 GER LE/DIGIPACK/2CD 900
DRASTIQUE Pleasureligion Beyond 2003 ITA LE/DIGIPACK 750
DRUDKH Blood In Our Wells Season Of Mist 2006 FRA r/r 2010 650
DRUDKH Microcosmos Season Of Mist 2009 FRA 650
DRUDKH Handful Of Stars Underground Activists 2010 UK LE/DIGIPACK 650
DRUDKH Eternal Turn Of The Wheel Season Of Mist 2012 EU LE/DIGIPACK 650
DUNKELSTORM Schicksal Furias 2001 ARG 550
DYSTHYMIA The Shivering Opus Pest 2008 CHI 550
EBONY LAKE On The Eve Of Grimly Inventive Cacophonous 1999 UK NIHIL 31 CD 900
EINHERJER Odin Owns Ye All Century Media 1997 GER original 900
EISBLUT Schlachtwerk Massacre 2005 GER MASDP0479, DIGIPACK 900
EISREGEN Zerfall Massacre 1997/2004 GER plus 10 bonus tracks 900
EISREGEN Leichenlager Last Episode 2000 GER original 900
EISREGEN Farbenfinsternis Last Episode 2001 GER original 900
EISREGEN Wundwasser Massacre 2004 GER LE/DIGIPACK 1200
EISREGEN Hexenhaus Massacre 2005 GER LE/CD/DVD/DIGIBOOK 1200
EISREGEN Eine Erhalten Massacre 2007 GER LE/DIGIBOOK 1200
EISREGEN MadenReich Massacre 2011 GER LE/DIGIPACK 900
ELYSIAN FIELDS Adelain CP Unisound 1995 GRE original 1200
EMANCER The Human Experiment Black Owl 2003 USA 750
EMANCER Invisible Pro-Sonic 2004 EU 650
EMANCER Twilight And Randomness Naga 2008 CZ LE/DIGIPACK 650
EMINENZ Exorial Lethal 1994 EU 1200
EMINENZ Anti-Genesis Last Episode 1998 GER 750
EMINENZ The Heretic Neon Knights 2003 GER digipack 750
EMPEROR/ENSLAVED Emperor/Hordanes land Century Media 1994 GER slim digipack 650
EMPEROR In The Niightside Eclipse Candlelight 1994 UK LE/DIGIPACK/2CD, remastered 650
EMPEROR In The Niightside Eclipse Century Media 1994 GER slim digipack 650
EMPEROR Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk Century Media 1997 GER slim digipack 650
EMPEROR/THORNS Thorns Vs Emperor Moonfog 1999 NOR original 900
EMPEROR Reverence Century Media 1997 GER slim digipack 650
EMPEROR Prometheus: The Discipline Of Fire And Demise Century Media 1999 GER slim digipack 650
EMPIRE AURIGA Auriga Dying Moribund Records 2008 USA 550
ENDSTILLE Infektion 1813 Season Of Mist 2011 EU digipack 550
ENOCHIAN Night Monumental Evil Leviathan 1996 EU LVR 001 650
ENOCHIAN Stormthrone Leviathan 1997 EU LVR 011 550
ENSLAVED Eld Osmose 1997 FRA 1500
ENSLAVED Blodhemn Osmose 1998 FRA 1800
ENSLAVEMENT OF BEAUTY Megalomania Head Not Found 2002 NOR HNF 062 900
ENTHRAL Prophecies Of The Dying Hot Records 1997 NOR HR 009 900
ENTHRONED Regie Sathanas Regain 1998 GER r/r 2008 650
EVOL The Saga Of Horned King Adipocere 1995 FRA original 1200
EVOL Portraits Adipocere 1999 FRA original 1200
EWIGES REICH Zeit Des Erwachens Perveted Taste 2002 GER 650
EWIGKEIT Battle Furies Eldethorn 1997 EU 750
FALKENBACH …Magni Blandin Ok Megintiri Napalm 1997 AUS NPR 037 2000
FALKENBACH Tiurida Napalm 2011 AUS 650
FEJD Storm Napalm 2009 AUS 550
FINNTROLL Jaktens Tid Century Media 2001 GER 900
FINNTROLL Nattfodd Spinefarm 2004 FIN embossed case 900
FINNTROLL Trollhammaren Century Media 2004 GER LE/DIGIPACK 900
FINNTROLL Ur hordens Diup Spinefarm 2007 FIN LE/DIGIPACK 900
FINNTROLL Blodsvept Century Media 2013 GER 900
FORGOTTEN WINTER Origem Da Inexistencia Kristallblut 2013 GER digipack 550
FORLORN The Crystal Palace Head Not Found 1997 NOR HNF041CD 900
FORLORN Opus III: Ad Caelestis Res Napalm 1999 AUS 650
FORLORN Hybernation Napalm 2003 GER 650
FROZEN SHADOWS Empire De Glace Millennium Metal 1996 GER 550
FUNEBRIS Leap Of The Everlasting Fire Last Episode 2001 GER LEP 073 750
GAAHLSKAGG Erotic Funeral No Colours 2000 EU NC034 550
GEHENNA Murder Moonfog 2000 NOR original 750
GLITTERTIND Evige Asatro Karmageddon 2003 EU 650
GLORIOR BELLI Gators Rumble, Chaos Unfurls Agonia 2013 FRA digipack 650
GODKILLER The End Of The World Wounded Love 1998 EU original 1800
GORGOROTH Destroyer - Or About How To Philosophize With The Hammer Nuclear Blast 1998 GER original 1200
GORGOROTH Quantos Possunt Ad Satanitatem Trahunt Regain 2009 SWE 750
GRAVELAND Celtic Winter No Colours 1994 GER NC 010 2500
GRAVELAND Dawn Of Iron Blades No Colours 2004 GER 750
GRAVEN Perished And Forgotten Undercover 2002 GER 750
GRAVEWORM When Daylight`s Gone Serenades 1997 GER original 1800
GRAVEWORM Underneath The Crescent Moon Serenades 1998 GER original 1800
GRAVEWORM As The Angels Reach The Beauty Serenades 1999 GER original 900
GRAVEWORM Collateral Deffect Nuclear Blast 2007 USA LE/DIGIPACK 900
GRAVEWORM Diabolical Figures Nuclear Blast 2009 USA LE/DIGIPACK 900
GRAVEWORM Fragments Of Death Nuclear Blast 2011 GER LE/DIGIPACK 900
GRIMFIST Ghouls Of Grandeur Candlelight 2003 UK 750
GROTESQUE In The Embrace Of Evil Black Sun 1996 SWE LE/DIGIPACK, BS 007 900
HADES The Dawn Of The Dying Sun Full Moon Productions 1997 USA FMP010 2000
HADES ALMIGHTY Millenium Nocturne Hammerheart 1999 EU HHR049 1200
HADES ALMIGHTY The Pulse Of Decay Psycho Bitch 2001 EU PB001 1200
HARDINGROCK Grimen Candlelight 2007 EU 650
HAT The Demise Of Mankind Antichristian Front 2009 NOR LE/DIGIPACK 650
HATE FOREST Purity Supernal 2002 UK 550
HATE FOREST The Most Ancient Ones Supernal 2003 UK 550
HECATE ENTHRONED Dark Requiems…And Unsilent Massacre Blackened 1998 EU original 750
HECATE ENTHRONED Redimus Blackend 2004 UK BLACK 071 750
HELFAHRT Wiedergang Trollzorn & SMP Records 2008 GER 550
HELFAHRT Drifa Trollzorn & SMP Records 2009 GER 550
HEMLOCK Crush The Race Of God Head Not Found 1998 NOR HNF 034 750
HORNA Aania Yossa Debemur Morti 2006 EU slipcase 650
HORTUS ANIME Waltzing Mephisto Black Lotus 2003 EU 550
HORTUS ANIMAE The Blow Of Furious Winds Sleaszy Rider 2005 GER LE/DIGIPACK/CD/DVD 900
HROSSHARSGRANI The Secret Fire CCP 2001 EU original 550
HROSSHARSGRANI Schattenkrieger CCP 2003 EU original 550
IMMORTAL Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism Osmose 1992 EU OPCD 007, ifpi 1500
IMMORTAL Pure Holocaust Osmose 1993 EU OPCD 019 1500
IMMORTAL Blizzard Beasts Osmose 1995 EU 750
IMMORTAL Battles In The North Osmose 1995 EU OPCD 027 900
IMMORTAL At The Heart Of Winter Osmose 1999 EU re-issue 900
IMMORTAL Damned In Black Osmose 2000 EU OPCD 095 900
IMMORTAL Sons Of Northern Darkness Nuclear Blast 2002 GER LE/DIGIPACK 2000
IMMORTAL All Shall Fall Nuclear Blast 2009 GER LE/DIGIPACK 1500
IMPALED NAZARENE Tol Cormpt Norz Norz Norz Osmose 1992 EU OPCD 010 900
IMPALED NAZARENE Ugra-Karma Osmose 1993 EU OPCD 018 1200
IMPALED NAZARENE Suomi Finland Perkele Osmose 1994 EU OPCD 026, LE/DIGIPACK 1200
IMPALED NAZARENE Latex Cult Osmose 1996 EU OPCD 038 1200
IMPALED NAZARENE Absence Of War Does Not Mean Peace SPV 2001 GER 900
IMPALED NAZARENE Death Comes In 26 Carefully Selected Pieces Osmose 2005 FRA LE/DIGIPACK 1200
IMPENDING DOOM Signum Of Hate Perverted Taste 1998 GER 550
IMPIETY Asateerul Awaleen Shivadarshana 1996 EU digipack 750
IMPIETY Kaos Kommand 696 Osmose 2003 FRA 650
IN BATTLE Welcome To The Battlefield Metal Blade 2004 GER LE/DIGIPACK 750
IN BATTLE Kingdom Of Fear Candlelight 2007 UK 650
INQUISITION Magnificent Glorification of Lucifer No Colours 2004 GER NC 084 1500
INQUISITION Nefarious Dismal Orations No Colours 2007 GER NC 121 1200
IN THE WOODS Heart Of Ages Misanthropy 1995 EU Amazon 004 2500
IN THE WOODS Strange In Stereo Candlelight 1999 EU 1200
IN THE WOODS Omnio Misanthropy 1997 EU Amazon 011 1200
IN THE WOODS Three Times Seven On A Pilgrimage Prophecy 2000 EU slim digipack 900
IN THE WOODS Pure Debemur Morti 2001 EU LE/DIGIPACK 900
JUDAS ISCARIOT Of Great Eternity Elegy 1997 USA original 3500
JUDAS ISCARIOT Heaven In Flames Moribund 1998 USA 900
JUDAS ISCARIOT Dethroned, Conquered And Forgotten Red Stream 2000 USA 900
KADENZZA Into The Oriental Phantasma Holy 2003 EU digipack 900
KADENZZA The Second Renaissance Holy 2005 EU digipack 900
KAMPFAR Mare Napalm 2011 EU LE/DIGIPACK 900
KAMPFAR Profan Napalm 2016 EU LE/DIGIPACK 900
KEEP OF KALESSIN Agnen: A Journey Through The Dark Avantgarde Music 1999 EU 750
KEEP OF KALESSIN Reclaim Indie 2003 USA 550
KEEP OF KALESSIN Kolossus Nuclear Blast 2008 USA LE/DIGIPACK/CD/DVD 1200
KHOLD Phantom Moonfog 2002 EU 750
KHOLD Krek Tabu 2005 NOR 750
KORPIKLAANI Spirit OF The Forest Napalm 2003 GER 650
KORPIKLAANI Tervaskanto Napalm 2007 GER LE/DIGIPACK/CD/DVD 1200
KORPIKLAANI Korven Kuningas Nuclear blast 2008 GER LE/DIGIPACK 900
KORPIKLAANI Keep On Galloping Nuclear blast 2008 GER CDM 600
KORPIKLAANI Karkedo Nuclear blast 2009 USA 650
KRIEG Rise Of The Imperial Hordes Red Stream 1998 USA digipack 750
KULT OV AZAZEL Oculus Infernum Arctic Music Group 2003 CAN 1200
LACRIMAE Course To Arsoning Americal Line 2001 MEX 550
LEGENDA Autumnal Holy Records 1997 FRA HOLY 25 CD 750
LEVIATHAN A Silhouette Of Splinters Moribund 2005 USA 550
LEVIATHAN/SAPTHURAN split Battle Command 2005 USA 500
LIFELOVER Konkurs Avantgarde Music 2008 ITA AV 103 750
LIFELOVER Dekadens Osmose 2009 FRA OPCD 231 750
LORD AGHEROS Of Beauty And Sadness My Kingdom 2010 ITA 550
LORD BELIAL Revelation Regain 2007 GER 650
LORD BELIAL The Black Curse Regain 2008 GER 650
LORD BELIAL Ancient Demons Regain 2008 GER 650
LUCIFUGUM Клеймо Эгоизма Drakkar Productions 2004 FRA DK 033 500
LUNAR AURORA Seelenfeuer Voices Of Wonder 1998 EU original 1500
LUNAR AURORA Ars Moriendi Ars Metali 2000 EU ARS 024 900
LUX OCCULTA Forever Alone Immortal Pagan 1996 POL original 650
LUX OCCULTA Dionysos Pagan 1997 POL original 650
LUX OCCULTA My Guardian Anger Pagan 1999 POL original 650
LUX OCCULTA The Mother And The Enemy Metal Mind 2001 POL original 650
LYFTHRASYR The Recent Foresight Twilight 2007 GER digipack 650
MACTATUS The Provenance Of Cruelty Napalm 1999 GER 900
MACTATUS The Complex Bewitchment Napalm 2000 GER 900
MACTATUS Suicide Napalm 2002 GER LE/SLIPCASE 900
MALEVOLENTIA Contes Et Nouvelles Macabres Le Cercle Production 2005 FRA 550
MALHEBRE Prostration Ahdistuksen Aihio 2010 EU LE/SLIPCASE 550
MALIGNANT ETERNAL Far Beneath The Sun Napalm 1997 AUS original 900
MALIGNANT ETERNAL 20th century beast Napalm 1998 AUS LE/MULTIFOLD DIGIPACK 900
MALIGNANT ETERNAL Alarm Napalm 1999 AUS original 900
MANEGARM Dodsfard Displeased 2003 HOL 650
MANEGARM Vargstenen Black Lodge 2007 SWE digipack 900
MANES Under Ein Blodraud Maane Hammerheart 1999 EU HHR 031 2500
MANIAC BUTCHER Epitaph: The Final Assault Of Maniac Butcher Death To Mankind 2000 EU 550
MARDUK #### Me Jesus Osmose 1991 EU OPCD 030 1500
MARDUK Those Of The Unlight Osmose 1993 EU OPCD 015 2500
MARDUK Opus Nocturne Osmose 1994 EU OPCD 028 1500
MARDUK Glorification Osmose 1996 FRA OPCD 043 900
MARDUK Nightwing Osmose 1998 FRA OPCD 064 900
MARDUK Panzer Division Marduk Osmose 1999 FRA OPCD 080 650
MARDUK Panzer Division Marduk Osmose 1999 FRA LE/DIGIPACK, with metal shield 3000
MARDUK Obedience Regain 1999 GER LE/DIGIPACK 1500
MARDUK World Funeral Blooddawn Productions 2003 SWE 750
MARDUK Wormwood Regain 2009 SWE LE/DIGIPACK 1200
MASTER`S HAMMER Ritual Osmose 1991 FRA OPCD 031 2000
MAYHEM Mediolanum Capta Est Avantgarde 1999 FRA 750
MAYHEM Grand Declaration Of War Seasons Of Mist 2000 FRA LE/DIGIPACK 900
MAYHEM Chimera Seasons Of Mist 2004 FRA LE/DIGIPACK 1500
MAYHEM Ordo Ad Chao Seasons Of Mist 2007 FRA 550
MAYHEM Pure Fucking Mayhem Regain 2008 SWE LE/CD/DVD 900
MAYHEM Esoteric Warfare Seasons Of Mist 2016 FRA LE/DIGIPACK 900
MELEСHESH Sphynx Osmose 2003 FRA 650
MENHIR Ziuwari Perverted Taste 2006 EU 650
MEPHISTOPHELES Landscape Symphonies Adipocere 1997 FRA original 650
MEPHISTOPHELES Modern Instinct Purity Last Episode 2001 EU original, LEP 071 650
MEPHISTOPHELES Death Unveiled Remedy 2003 GER digipack 750
MIDVINTER At the Sight of the Apocalypse Dragon Black Diamond 1997 EU original 900
MISERY A State Of Suffering 30 days of Night 2006 UK EP 550
MISFORTUNE Forsaken Blackened 2000 GRE 550
MISTELTEIN Divine. Desecrate. Complete No Fashion 2001 EU NFR 054 1200
MOONSORROW T?m? IkuinenTalvi Sagitarius 1999 FIN original 2000
MOONSORROW Suden Uni Plasmatica 2001 FIN original 2000
MOONSORROW V: Havitetty Spikefarm 2007 FIN 900
MORGUL All Dead Here Season Of Mist 2005 FRA 900
MORK GRYNING Return Fire No Fashion 1997 SWE 2000
MORK GRYNING Maelstorm Chaos No Fashion 2001 SWE LE/DIGIPACK, NFRDG53 1800
MORK GRYNING Mork Gryning Black Lodge 2005 SWE 900
MORRIGU …blood shall be spilled Nephere X 2005 EU 500
MURDER RAPE Evil Shall Burn Inside Me Forever Evil Horde 2001 BRA 750
MUTIILATION Remains Of A Ruined, Dead, Cursed Soul Drakkar Productions 1999 FRA r/r 2012 900
MYSTERIARCH Mournful Embrace Of Aeons Razed Soul EU digipack 650
MYSTIC CIRCLE Morgenrote (Der Schrei Nach Finsternis) Last Episode 1996 GER LEP 007 1200
MYSTIC CIRCLE Infernal Satanic Verses Last Episode 1999 GER LEP 048 1200
MYSTIC CIRCLE Kriegsgooter II Last Episode 2000 GER LEP 061 650
MYSTIC CIRCLE The Bloody Path Of God Dockyard 2006 GER 650
MYSTIC FOREST Welcome Back In The Forest Adipocere 2001 FRA 1500
MYSTIC FOREST Romances Blackmetal 2004 UK 900
MYSTICUM Demon`s Never Sleep/Black Magic Mushrooms private ??? USA 550
NACHTMYSTIUM Demise Battle Kommand 2004 USA 650
NACHTMYSTIUM Silencing Machine Century Media 2012 GER LE/DIGIPACK 650
NACHTMYSTIUM The World We Left Behind Century Media 2014 GER 650
NAGLFAR Vittra Wrong Again 1995 SWE WAR 008 2000
NAGLFAR Diabolical Wrong Again 1998 SWE WAR 005 1800
NAGLFAR Pariah Century Media 2005 GER LE/DIGIPACK 900
NAGLFAR Harvest Century Media 2007 GER LE/DGIPACK/CD/DVD 1200
NAGLFAR Teras Century Media 2012 GER LE/DIGIPACK 900
NARGAROTH Herbstleyd No Colours 1998 GER 800
NARGAROTH Amarok No Colours 2000 GER 800
NARGAROTH Black Metal Ist Krieg No Colours 2001 GER 800
NATTEFROST Terrorist Necronaut Pt. 1) Season Of Mist 2005 FRA digipack 750
NATTSMYG Fylgja Unexploded 2011 SWE 650
NATTVINDENS GRAT A Bard`s Tale Solistitium 1995 GER 1500
NECROART Lama Sabactani Cyber Ghetto 2014 EU 550
NECROMANTIA The Sound Of Lucifer Storming Heaven Dockyard 1 2007 EU 550
NECROMICON Sightveiler Hammerheart 1998 HOL LE/DIGIBOOK, HHR 014 1200
NECROMICON Peccata Mundi Hammerheart 2000 HOL HHR 046 550
NECRONOCLAST Monument Moribund 2008 USA 500
NECROPHOBIC The Third Antichrist Hammerheart 1999 GER r/r 2003 650
NECROPHOBIC Bloodhymns Hammerheart 2002 GER 750
NEKRASOV/MOON/NEKROS MANTEIA The Haunting Resonance Fall Of Nature 2008 EU 550
NIDHOGGR Ragnarok Craneo Negro 2016 EU 550
NIFELHEIM Servants Of Darkness Black Sun 2000 EU 750
NINNGHIZHIDDA Blasphemy Invasion 1998 EU 650
NOCTEM CURSIS Nocturnal Frost Le Crepuscule Du Soir 2014 FRA digipack 650
NOCTE OBDUCTA Galgendammerung - Von Nebel, Blod Und Todgeburten Grind Syndicate 2001 GER r/r 2009 1200
NOCTE OBDUCTA Stille - Das Negende Schweigen Supreme Chaos Records 2003 GER 1200
NOCTE OBDUCTA Sequenzen Einer Wanderung SCR 2008 GER LE/WOODEN BOX 4000
NOKTURNAL MORTUM Goat Horns The End 1998 USA original 1500
NOKTURNAL MORTUM Ne Christ Last Episode 1999 GER original 1500
NOKTURNAL MORTUM Lunar Poetry The End 2001 USA original 1500
NONEXISTENCE Antarctica Candlelight 2013 EU 650
NORDAFROST Back To The Shores Of Grey Heavy Horses 2008 EU 650
NOTHNEGAL Decadence Season Of Mist 2012 FRA digipack 750
NOTRE DAME Demi Monde Bizarros Osmose 2004 SWE LE/DIGIPACK 750
NOX AUREA Ascending In Triumph Metal Blade 2010 GER 550
OATHEAN Oathean Jusin Productions 2010 KOR 750
OATHEAN The Eyes Of Tremendous Sorrow Jusin Productions 2013 KOR 750
OBLOMOV Mighty Cosmic Dances Radiation Noise 2005 CZE 550
OBSIDIAN GATE Whom The Fire Obeys Kristallblu 2015 GER digipack 650
OBTAINED ENSLAVEMENT The Shepherd And The Hounds Of Hell Napalm 2000 AUS NPR 076 900
OCCULTUS Cosmos Decade 1997 COL digipack 550
OCTINOMOS On The Demiurge Full Moon 1996 USA 750
OCTINOMOS Welcome To My Planet Hammerheart 2000 EU HHR 056 750
OCTOBER FALLS The Streams Of The End Debemur Morti 2007 FRA digipack 650
OCTOBER FALLS The Womb Of Primordial Nature Debemur Morti 2008 FRA LE/DIGIBOOK 650
OCTOBER FILE Holy Armour From The Jaws Of God Candlelight 2007 UK LE/DIGIPACK 650
OLD MAN`S CHILD Pagan Prosperity Century Media 1997 GER 1200
OLD MAN`S CHILD Ill Natured Spiritual Invasion Century Media 1998 GER 900
OLD MAN`S CHILD Revelation 666 Century Media 2000 GER LE/DIGIPACK 900
OLD MAN`S CHILD Vermin Century Media 2005 EU 650
OLD MAN`S CHILD Slaves Of The World Century Media 2009 EU LE/DIGIPACK 900
OPERA IX The Black Opera: Symphoniae Mysteriorum in Laudem Tenebrarum Avantgarde Music 2000 ITA 750
OPERA IX Maleventum Avantgarde Music 2002 EU digipack 1200
OPERA IX Anphisvena Avantgarde Music 2004 ITA 750
OPHICVS Azrever Ne Alemamam Tribulation 2014 USA 550
OPHTHALAMIA A Journey In Darkness Peaceville 1994 UK r/r 2009, super jewel case 650
OPHTHALAMIA Via Dolorosa Avantgarde Music 1995 ITA AV 013 650
ORDER OF ENNEAD Order Of Ennead Earache 2008 EU 650
OXIPLEGATZ Worlds And Worlds Fairytale 1996 EU 900
PANOPTICON Roads To The North Bindrune 2014 USA digipack 900
PANTHEON I The Wanderer And His Shadow Candlelight 2007 UK 550
PENETRALIA Carpe Noctem Last Episode 1999 EU 550
POCCOLUS Poccolus Supernal 1996 UK r/r 2006 550
POTENTIAM Balsyn Wounded Love 1999 EU 550
PRIMIGENIUM Art of War Full Moon Prod. 1997 USA FMP 011 1200
PRIMIGENIUM All Your Tears Will Be Ours Full Moon Prod. 2000 USA FMP 028 1200
PRIMORDIAL Dark Romanticism Karmageddon 2004 EU 2CD 750
PRIMORDIAL The Gathering Wilderness Metal Blade 2005 GER LE/DIGIPACK/CD/DVD 1200
RAGNAROK Psychopathology Agonia 2016 EU 750
RAISE HELL Wicked Is My Game Nuclear Blast 2002 GER LE/DIGIPACK 650
RAISE HELL City Of The Damned Black Lodge 2006 SWE LE/DIGIPACK 650
RAISM The Very Best Of Pain Osmose 1996 FRA digipack, KRON-H 4 MCD 650
RAISM Aesthetic Terrorism Osmose 1997 FRA KRON-H 07CD 650
RAM-ZET Escape Spikefarm 2002 FIN 900
RAM-ZET Neutralized Ascendance 2009 UK 900
ROK This Is Satanic Osmose 1998 EU 750
ROK Burning Metal Modern Invasion 2000 EU 750
ROOT Madness Of The Graves Paragon 2003 USA 550
ROOT Kargeras: Return From Oblivion Agonia 2016 POL digipack 550
ROTTING CHRIST Passage To Arcturo Unruly Soiunds 1991 USA r/r 2006 750
ROTTING CHRIST Triarchy Of Lost Lovers Century Media 1996 GER re-issue 650
SABBAT Envenom Evil 1995 EU r/r 2016 750
SADISTIK EXEKUTION We Are Death…Fukk You Osmose 1994 EU OPCD 022 1800
SADISTIK EXEKUTION Fukk Osmose 2002 FRA OPCD 113 900
SAMAEL Blood Ritual Century Media 1992 USA original 2500
SAMAEL Ceremonies Of The Opposites Century Media 1994 GER original 2000
SAMAEL Passage Century Media 1996 GER original 900
SAMAEL Exodus EP Century Media 1998 EU 700
SAMAEL Eternal Century Media 1999 EU digipack 1500
SAMAEL Reign Of Light Century Media 2004 EU slipcase 1500
SAMAEL Era One Century Media 2006 USA 2CD 1200
SAMAEL Solar Soul Nuclear Blast 2007 GER 650
SAMAEL Lux Mundi Nuclear Blast 2011 GER LE/DIGIPACK 1500
SAMAEL Above Nuclear Blast 2009 GER LE/DIGIPACK 1200
SAMAIN Indomitus Bloodless Creation 1996 AUST 900
SARAH JEZEBEL DEVA A Sign Of Sublime Candlelight 2010 USA 750
SARKE Vorunah Indie Recordings 2009 NOR slipcase 550
SATARIEL Lady Last Lilith Hammerheart 1998 HOL 750
SATARIEL Phobos And Deimos Hammerheart 2002 HOL 750
SATYRICON/ENSLAVED The Forest Is My Throne/Yggdrasil Moonfog 1995 NOR FOG 009, digipack 2000
SATYRICON Megiddo - Mother Earth In The Dawn Of A New Age Moonfog 1997 NOR FOG 014 1500
SATYRICON Intermezzo II Moonfog 1999 NOR original 650
SATYRICON Rebel Extravaganza Moonfog 1999 NOR 1200
SATYRICON Now, Diabolical Century Media 2006 GER 550
SATYRICON The Age Of Nero Century Media 2008 GER 550
SATYRICON The Age Of Nero Century Media 2008 GER LE/DIGIPACK/CD/DVD 1200
SATYRICON Satyricon Kaledoscope 2013 EU LE/DIGIPACK 1200
SEAR BLISS Forsaken Symphony Red Stream 2002 HUN 750
SECRETS OF THE MOON Stronghold Of The Inviolables Cicatrix 2001 EU 650
SECRETS OF THE MOON Carved In Stigmata Wounds Lupu Lounge 2004 EU 2CD/DIGIPACK 900
SECRETS OF THE MOON Privilegium Lupus Lounge 2009 LE LE/BOX 2000
SEPTRION Perpetual Frost Ablaze Prods 2006 EU slipcase 550
SERPENTINE CREATION The Fiery Winds Of Armageddon Sathanath 2015 EU 550
SETH Les Blessures de L`Bme Season Of Mist 1998 EU 550
SETH The Excellence Osmose 2000 EU LE/DIGIPACK 900
SETH Divine-X Osmose 2002 FRA LE/SLIPCASE, OPCD 124 650
SETHERIAL Nord Napalm 1996 GER NPR 017 2500
SETHERIAL Hell Eternal Napalm 1998 GER NPR 069 1500
SHADE EMPIRE Sinthetic Magick Records 2004 USA 750
SHADOW Shadow Century Media 2001 GER cm77381-2 550
SHINING III-Angst Avantgarde Music 2002 EU r/r 2004 750
SHINING ABYSS Sacrifice-Reh-96 Hell Is Here 2008 EU 550
SHINING OF KLIFFOTH Suicide Kings Last Episode 1999 GER EP 550
SHINING OF KLIFFOTH Twilight Of Sehemeah Last Episode 2000 EU LEP 055 550
SIEBENBURGEN Grimjaur Napalm 1998 AUS NPR 044, original red case 750
SIEBENBURGEN Plagued Be Thy Angel Napalm 2001 AUS LE/DIGIPACK, NPR 100 900
SIEBENBURGEN Revelation VI Massacre 2008 AUS LE/DIGIPACK, MASS 585 600
SIGH Ghastly Funeral Theater Cacophonous 1997 UK NIHIL17CD 2000
SIGH Hail Horror Hail Cacophonous 1997 UK NIHIL24CD 2500
SIGH Gallows Gallery The End Records 2007 USA slipcase 750
SIGH Hangman's Hymn The End Records 2007 USA 650
SIRIUS Spectral Transition Dimension Sirius Nocturnal Art Production 2001 EU 650
SITHLORD Labyrinth To The Gods Bleed 2000 AUST BLEED 006 750
SKYFORGER Thunderforge Folter 2003 EU 750
SKYMNING Stormchoirs Invasion 1999 EU original 750
SOLEFALD Neonism Avantgarde 1999 ITA 750
SOLEFALD Pills Against The Ageless Ills Century Media 2001 USA 750
SOLEFALD Norr?n Livskunst Indie 2010 EU LE/DIGIPACK 750
SOLHVERV T?gernes ?rtusinde Euphonius 1996 DAN 550
SOLSTAFIR Masterpiece Of Bitterness Spinefarm 2005 EU r/r 2017 750
SONIC REIGN Raw Dark Pure Metal Blade 2006 USA 500
SOULPHUREOUS Rest In Hell Buil2Kill 2012 EU 500
SPITE EXTREME WING Magnificat Beyond 2003 ITA 550
STILLNESS BLADE The First Dark Chapter (Misanthropic Elevation) Obskure Sombre 2007 EU 550
STORMLORD Supreme Art Of War Last Episode 1999 GER LEP 047 2000
STRID Strid Ars Mysteriorum 1994 EU ARS 001 900
STURMGEIST Uber Season Of Mist 2006 FRA SOM 137 550
SUIDAKRA Lays From Afar Last Episode 1999 GER LE/DIGIPACK, LEP 042 1500
SUIDAKRA The Arckanum Last Episode 2000 GER LEP 056 900
SUIDAKRA Emprise To Avalon Century Media 2002 GER 750
SUIDAKRA Signs For The Fallen Century Media 2003 GER 750
SUIDAKRA Command To Charge Century Media 2005 GER LE/DIGIPACK 750
SUMMONING Lugburz Napalm 1995 AUS NPR 010, signed! 2000
SUMMONING Minas Morgul Napalm 1995 AUS NPR 013 1500
SUMMONING Dol Gurdur Napalm 1996 AUS NPR 024 1500
SUMMONING Nightshade Forests Napalm 1997 AUS NPR 029 750
SUMMONING Stronghold Napalm 1999 AUS 900
SUNOI Within The Depths Of A Dream... Jusin Productions 2005 KOR 750
SVARTAHRID As The Sunrise Flickers Napalm 2001 AUS NPR 087 650
SVARTSOT Ravnenes Saga Napalm 2007 AUS LE/DIGIPACK, NPR 221 CD 750
TAAKE Nattestid Ser Porten Vid Wounded Love 1999 EU digipack 900
TAAKE Taake Dark Essense 2008 EU digipack 900
THA-NORR Wolfenzeitalte Nazgul Eerie 1995 EU Nagul 007 1800
THEATRE OF THE MACABRE A Paradise In Flesh And Blood Demolition 2000 GER 550
THE GRAND BELIAL`S KEY Judeobeast Assasination Drakker 2001 FRA original 1500
THE LEGION Unseen Creation Listenable 2003 FRA 750
THE LEGION Revocation Listenable 2006 FRA 650
THE MEADS OF ASPHODEL The Early Years Godreah 2009 UK 650
THE MEADS OF ASPHODEL The Murder Of Jesus The Jew Candlelight 2010 UK 650
THIRDMOON Grotesque Autumnal Weepings CCP 1997 EU original 1200
THIRDMOON Bloodforsaken Napalm 2000 AUS NPR 078 650
THOU ART LORD Diabolou Archaes Legiones Molon Lave 1993 GRE 750
THOU ART LORD DV8 Black Lotus 2002 GRE 650
THOU SHALT SUFFER Into The Woods Of Belial Nocturnal Art Productions 1997 EU Eclipse 007 1800
THROCULT Stormbringer - Conjuration Of The Nighthorde Crash 2004 USA 550
THRONE OF CHAOS Pervertigo Spinefarm 2002 FIN 550
THUNDRA Blood Of Your Soul Spinefarm 2000 FIN 550
THUNDRA Ignored By Fear Einheit 2009 GER 550
THY ENDLESS WRATH In The Veins Of The Olden Gods Tribulacion 2013 COL 550
THY INFERNAL Warlords Of Hell Napalm 2001 USA NPR 094 550
THY PRIMORDIAL Where Only Seasons Mark The Path Of Time Pulverized 1997 EU original 900
THYRANE Travesty Of Heavenly Essence Spikefarm 2005 FIN 650
THYRFING Valdr Galga Hammerheart 1999 HOL LE/DIGIPACK 1500
THYRFING Valdr Galga Hammerheart 1999 HOL 650
THYRFING Farsotstider Regain 2009 HOL CD/DVD, slipcase 750
TODGEWEIHT Der Krieg Gegen Das Kreuz Kristallblut 2015 EU digipack 550
T.O.M.B. UAG Crucial Blast 2011 USA digipack 550
TRIUMPHATOR Wings Of Antichrist Necropolis 1999 EU original 550
TROLL Neo-Satanic Supremacy Napalm 2010 AUS 550
TSJUDER Demonic Posession Drakkar Productions 2002 EU 550
TSJUDER Desert Northern Hell Season Of Mist 2004 EU digipack 550
TWILIGHT OPERA Shadows Embrace The Dark Cacophonous 1997 UK NIHIL 27 CD 900
TWILIGHT OPERA Midnight Horror Cacophonous 1999 UK NIHIL 35 CD 900
TWILIGHT OPERA The End Of Halcyon Age CDM 2003 EU 650
TWIN OBSCENITY For Blood, Honour And Soil Century Media 1998 GER 900
TWIN OBSCENITY Bloodstone Century Media 2001 GER 900
ULVER Nattens Madrigal - Natte Hymne Til Ulven I Manden Century Media 1997 GER 2000
ULVER 1993 First Decade In The Machines Jester 2003 NOR 1200
ULVER Blood Inside Jester 2005 NOR LE/RED VELVET BOX 2000
ULVER Wars Of The Roses Jester 2011 NOR LE/DIGIBOOK 1500
UNLIGHT Death Consecrates With Blood Massacre 2009 GER mascd0615 550
UNPURE Unpure Napalm 1995 AUS NPR 011 1200
UNPURE Coldland Napalm 1996 AUS NPR 022 900
URANUS Heathendome Uranus 1999 GRE 550
URGEHAL Massive Terrestrial Strike No Colours 1998 GER NC 019 1500
URUK-HAI …And All The Magic & Might He Brought WAR 2013 AUS digipack 750
USURPER Threshold Of The Usurper Primitive Reaction 1997 EU r/r 550
USURPER Necronemesis Necropolis 1999 USA original 900
USURPER Visions From The Gods Necropolis 2000 EU 650
VAMPIRIA Among Mortals Icarus 2001 ARG LE/DIGIPACK 650
VERGELMER Light The Black Flame Cacophonous 1997 UK NIHIL 20CD 1500
VERJNUARMU Ruatokansan uamunkoetto Dynamic 2008 EU 650
VESPERIAN SORROW Beyond The Cursed Eclipse Displeased 1999 HOL 650
VILKATES Apocalyptic Millennium Last Episode 2000 EU original, LEP 058 650
VINDSVAL Imperium Grotesque Skaldic Art 2000 EU 650
VINTERSORG Till Fjalls Napalm 1998 GER NPR 056 900
VINTERSORG Odemarkens Son Napalm 1999 AUS NPR 075 900
VINTERSORG Cosmic Genesis Napalm 2000 GER NPR085, slipcase 900
VINTERSORG Visions From The Spiral Generator Napalm 2002 GER NPR107, slipcase 900
WATAIN The Wild Hunt Century Media 2013 GER LE/DIGIBOOK 750
WAYLANDER Reawakening Pride Once Lost Century Media 1998 GER 650
WAYLANDER The Light, The Dark And The Endless Knot Blackend 2001 GER 650
WAYLANDER Honour Amongst Khaos Listenable 2008 FRA 750
WAYLANDER Kindred Spirits Listenable 2012 GER 650
WICKED,THE For Theirs Is The Flesh Spinefarm 2002 FIN 650
WICKED,THE Sonic Scriptures Of The End Times Or Songs To Have Your Nightmares With Spinefarm 2004 FIN 650
WILLOW WISP Delusion Of Grandeur (A Gathering Of Heretics) Full Moon Productions 1999 USA 650
WINDIR Arntor Head Not Found 1999 EU 1200
WINDIR 1184 Head Not Found 2001 EU 1200
WINDIR Likfred Head Not Found 2003 EU 1200
WINDS OF SIRIUS Beyond All Temples And Myths Season of Mist 1999 FRA 550
WOLFEN SOCIETY Conquer Divine No Fashion 2002 SWE NFR 057, MCD 550
WYKKED WYTCH The Ultimate Deception Goomba 2012 USA digipack 550
XAOSIS Mara I: Czarne Wzgorza Eastside 2013 POL 550
XAOSIS Mara II: Umarle Domy Eastside 2013 POL 550
XASTHUR The Funeral Of Being Blood, Fire, Death 2003 USA 550
XASTHUR Telepathic With The Deceased Moribund 2004 USA 550
XASTHUR A Gate Through Bloodstained Mirror Hydra Head 2008 EU 2CD/DIGIPACK 900
XERATH II Candlelight 2011 USA 900
XERATH III Candlelight 2014 USA 900
ZORN Schwarz Metal Jesus Wept 2001 GER 550
ZYKLON Aeon Candlelight 2003 UK slipcase 800

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