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Вакен (Германия)

* Афиша
<font color=#ffffff>WACKEN OPEN AIR 2007</font>
* *

На концерт собираются (1):

Festival take place in the middle of Schleswig Holstein, 02-04.08.2007

1349 - (Update: 28.01.2007)
All That Remains - (Update: 26.02.2007)
Amorphis - (Update: 21.09.2006)
Animal Alpha - (Update: 29.04.2007)
The Answer - (Update: 24.05.2007)
Die Apokalyptischen Reiter - (Update: 04.12.2006)
Belphegor - (Update: 21.09.2006)
Benedictum - (Update: 04.12.2006)
The Black Dahlia Murder - (Update: 21.09.2006)
Black Majesty - (Update: 17.10.2006)
Blind Guardian - (Update: 01.09.2006)
Blitzkrieg - (Update: 29.04.2007)
Cannibal Corpse - (Update: 21.09.2006)
ChthoniC - (Update: 26.01.2007)
Communic - (Update: 17.10.2006)
Destruction - (Update: 27.12.2006)
Dimension Zero - (Update: 24.05.2007)
Dimmu Borgir - (Update: 04.12.2006)
Dir En Grey - (Update: 28.01.2007)
Disillusion - (Update: 26.10.2006)
Drone - (Update: 24.05.2007)
Electric Eel Shock - (Update: 16.03.2007)
Enslaved - (Update: 17.10.2006)
Falconer - (Update: 16.01.2007)
Fair To Midland - (Update: 24.05.2007)
Fastway - (Update: 24.05.2007)
Grave Digger - (Update: 01.09.2006)
Haggard - (Update: 21.09.2006)
Heaven Shall Burn - (Update: 17.10.2006)
Hatesphere - (Update: 24.05.2007)
Iced Earth - (Update: 28.01.2007)
Immortal - (Update: 01.09.2006)
In Flames - (Update: 01.09.2006)
J.B.O. - (Update: 21.09.2006)
Kampfar - (Update: 21.09.2006)
Lacuna Coil - (Update: 04.12.2006)
Letzte Instanz - (Update: 26.10.2006)
Mambo Kurt - (Update: 27.04.2007)
Maroon - (Update: 24.05.2007)
Mennen - (Update: 24.05.2007)
Moonsorrow - (Update: 17.10.2006)
Moonspell - (Update: 21.09.2006)
Municipal Waste - (Update: 04.12.2006)
Napalm Death - (Update: 17.10.2006)
Narziss - (Update: 28.01.2007)
Neaera - (Update: 26.10.2006)
Norther - (Update: 19.12.2006)
Pharao - (Update: 24.05.2007)
Possessed - (Update: 29.04.2007)


How to travel to the Wacken-Open-Air 2007?

362 days a year Wacken is a small town with 2000 souls in the middle of Schleswig Holstein.
But for three days in august it raises up to 30000. Wacken is located 10 km north of Itzehoe and 50 km north/west of HAMBURG. You will reach it as described below: To get an overview, visit There you?ll find a map!

It?s important for all festival visitors that you obey the instructions of the stewards and security. If you arrive in a car containing 4 or 5 persons, you won?t wait so long at the entry. Think about the costs!

Travel with your own car (from Hamburg):
Hamburg A7 towards Kiel; A23 towards Heide; get off at Schenefeld then follow the signs.

Travel with your own car (from Kiel)
The A215 towards Neumunster. Then follow the B430 towards Wacken (follow the signs).

Car Sharing Service to the W:O:A 2007:

Here you find some links to car-sharing sites, until our own service is open again:

Rent a car:
You can rent a car at the Airport-Lubeck and also at the Airport-Hamburg. It?s the easiest way to travel to Wacken. From Lubeck you can travel directly to Wacken without the way over Hamburg. Here are the links to the most important Rent a car companies which have their stations also in Schleswig Holstein: - Hertz - e-Sixt - Europcar

Travelling by bus/train:
To Itzehoe by train. Here you get the Info of the deutsche Bundesbahn
Maybe it?s cheaper here: or here

Transfer from the airport Lubeck - airport Hamburg:
For passengers from Ryanair (but also for all other passengers) there will drive an airport bus from Hamburg to the airport Lubeck Blankensee and back. The bus will wait for flights which come too late to the airport so you don?t have to wait a long time. It will drive 1:15 h and cost 8,00 EUR (for one way). You can?t reservate!
Departure from Hamburg (Central bus station called ZOB) and from Lubeck will be in front of the terminals!

You can also travel with the "TRAVELiner" (the company is called Autokraft): Lubeck - Bad Oldesloe - Hamburg Airport (driving 9 times each day in both directions). Departures in fromt of the terminall 1 and 3/4 - for more informations please call: +49 (451) 8 88 10 77

From airport Hamburg to Wacken:
The AIRPORT EXPRESS (Line 110) will bing you from U-/S-Bahnhof Ohlsdorf to all important bus/train stations. The AIRPORT EXPRESS of the company Jasper will travel between Hamburgs railraod station and the airport Hamburg. From the railroad station you are able to travel with local trains called "S-Bahn S21" and "S31" to the "Holstenstra?e" to Remedy Records for a fee of 1,50 EUR. The Remedy Records team will bring you for a fee of 20,- EUR (for a two-way ticket) from Hamburg "Holstenstra?e" to the festivalarea to Wacken and back. Please check out the follwing times and call Remedy for a registration so they know you will travel with them.

Times for the shuttle service from Remedy Records to the festival area Wacken

Wednesday - 01.08.2007 - 71er Bus - 05.00pm from Hamburg Transfer to Wacken
Thursday - 02.08.2007 - 71er Bus - 02.00pm from Hamburg Transfer to Wacken
Friday - 03.08.2007 - 71er Bus - 10.00am from Hamburg Transfer to Wacken
Saturday - 04.08.2007 - 71er Bus - 10.00am from Hamburg Transfer to Wacken

At these days return from Wacken to Hamburg one hour after last band finished.

Departure place Hamburg: Remedy Records bus stop Holstenbrauerei Hamburg
Departure place Wacken: Shuttlebus bus stop in Wacken

Remedy Records
Holstenplatz 18
22765 Hamburg

Registration at Remedy Records for the Shuttle service by email:

From the railroad station Hamburg to the railroadstation Itzehoe:
Every hour the trains drive from the railroad station Hamburg to the railroad station Itzehoe. Watch out: Times. From here you?re able to drive with the shuttle service to the festival area in Wacken.

Travelling by bus:
There are many companies abroad, where you can buy bus travels incl. tickets for the W:O:A.
here is the list: Bus Tours Europe.

In Germany BOCK-TOURS makes you an offer:
Travelling by bus + tickets, from Deutschland, Netherlands, Austria and Switzerland to Wacken.
Informations at:
Tel: +49 (0) 5442 - 80 30 65
Fax: +49 (0) 5442 - 80 30 67

Cops usually control the main roads for drunken drivers & drugs!

No campground reservation for groups under 150persons neccesary!
There will be enough space for all visitors!

W:O:A Info Office

Here you'll find again all infos about the W:O:A Info Office in Wacken - Hauptstraße 82

Opening Times:

28.07. - 29.07.06 8:00 - 20:00
30.07. - 31.07.06 8:00 - 24:00
From 01.08. 24h/day

Phone: 04827 - 99 85 99

What we offer:
- Internetcafe (NEW!!)
- all infos about the W:O:A
- History book about 15 years of W:O:A for a special price
- the official W:O:A merchandising
- the official W:O:A outdoor equipment
- power - to charge your mobile
-Phone / Fax / Internet
- Drinks
- 24 h Service from the 01.08.06
- every kind of help

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