« The Scythe »
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1 | The Scythe 5:36
 | 2 | Lost Hill Of Memories 4:58
 | 3 | Infection 5:24
 | 4 | Poison Tears 4:30
 | 5 | Riddle Of Stars 5:22
 | 6 | Romance And Wrath 8:14
 | 7 | The Divided Heart 4:39
 | 8 | Totentanz 2:28
 | 9 | Death And The Suffering 5:11
 | 10 | Dominhate 8:57 |
   Damnagoras - vocals
Aydan - guitars & b.v.
Gorlan - bass
Elyghen - violin & keyboards
Zender - drums |
Guest Player:
Mike Wead Guitar Solo On “The Scythe” & 2nd Solo On “A Riddle Of Stars”
Laura De Luca Female Vocals On “Romance And Wrath” & “Dominhate”
Jared Shackleford Poetry Of Death
Mauro Bortolani Piano
Isabella Tuni The Lady With The Scythe On “Romance And Wrath”
Laura De Luca, Pauline Tacey, Claudio Coassin & Aydan Backing Vocals
Claudio Coassin, Damnagoras, Aydan & Jarpen Scream & Growls
The String Quartet:
Eleonora Steffan - Violin
Valentina Mosca - Violin
Elyghen - Viola
Marco Balbinot - Cello |
 | 1. The Scythe
[Lyrics by: Aydan]
On this night of Nights, She's coming my way
Under this rain, dirty with agony and pain
Mistress of Doom, winner of all fights
My glance is reflected in the blade of the Scythe
A sparkling golden sickle
Mows down souls whistling in the air
Reddens littl |
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 Итальянцы Elvenking всегда позиционировали себя, как группу, играющую позитивную мелодичную музыку с заметным влиянием фолка и эпическими элементами (что ясно уже по названию группы, которое они позаимствовали из "Властелина Колец"). Но вот, вышел четвертый альбом группы. Что он принес слушателям? Одно скажу точно, фолка ждать не стоит. Это, скорее, пауэр-металл, временами (в частности, на песне “The Divided Heart”) перетекающий в откровенный лав-металл в стиле Charon или To Die For. Мало того, что они ушли от фолка, так еще и концепцией альбома сделали тему смерти. Это видно уже и по названию альбома, “The Scythe”, то есть “Коса”. На обложке изображена девушка, сидящая около воды, из которой к ней тянутся руки, как я поняла, мертвецов. В руках эта девушка держит кровавую косу. Как признались сами музыканты, это милое и безобидное с виду создание является олицетворением смерти – ведь никогда не знаешь, как выглядит смерть, почему бы не изобразить ее в виде симпатичной молоденькой девушки? Кстати, эту же тему развивает и видео-клип на упомянутую выше “The Divided Heart”. Это первый клип в истории группы, но получился он на большой палец, даже не ожидала – очень сильная работа. Признаюсь, поняла я его не сразу, а со второго раза, когда посмотрела повнимательнее, все стало предельно ясно. Эффектная концовка только усиливает общее впечатление. На мой взгляд, это самая сильная песня альбома, хоть и немного не в их стиле. На новом диске нас ожидает всего 10 композиций, не особо отличающихся друг от друга. Хотя еще одна песня, пожалуй, стоит особняком – это красивый инструментал, “Totentanz”. В остальном же, альбом довольно ровный, без каких-либо претензий на шедевральность. Еще один крепкий релиз от итальянцев. (Диск предоставлен компанией CD-Maximum) |
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Для меня, как для фаната Elvenking, данный альбом был большим сюрпризом. Уж никак не ожидал, что позитивная folk power metal группа выпустит концептуальный альбом на тему смерти. Хотя, в принципе, сюрприз оказался в основном приятным. Порадовало утяжеление мелодий. Они стали более цепляющими, запоминающимися. Скрипка звучит всегда к месту и в тему. Музыканты добавили в музыку немного industrial (начало песни «Dominhate»), изрядную долю horror («The Scythe», «Infection», «Romance and Wrath»), щепоточку love metal («The Divided Heart») и долю metalcore («Romance аnd Wrath», «Death аnd the Suffering») .Понравились все песни. Расстроила только песня «Poison Tears». Тут уж Damnagoras явно перестарался. По тексту песня подошла бы Cradle Of Filth, по музыке - Elvenking подходит, но немного тяжеловата. В общем, можем поздравить итальянцев с еще одной качественной работой. |
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В отличие от предыдущих рецензоров, я считаю, что «The Scythe» - закономерный этап развития группы. Он смог сохранить сильную атмосферу «The Winter Wake», но подал её в более агрессивной форме. Кроме этого альбом привнёс в музыку итальянцев невероятный драйв и мощь, которых не было раньше.
На альбоме много сильных песен («The Scythe», «Poison Tears», «Death and the Suffering»), которые сносят своей энергией! Самая атмосферная песня – «Infection», а во второй песне интересное вступление.
Что касается минусов: меня раздражают вставки между песнями, они уместны в начале и конце альбома, а так всё портят. «Totentanz» - совершенно неудачная композиция, также не понравился эпик «Dominhate».
Ещё одна добротная работа Elvenking'а. Жду дня, когда они выпустят альбом года, а пока - «5-». |
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просмотров: 16242 |
The seas of life and mankind's lairs
A fall into the abyss
Deep into agony and pain
Spiral down to the anguish
It had been all in vain
Welcome, please join the fair of failures
Enter into the hall of pleasures
Righteous the act to kill
Wasn't it one of Gods wills?
Leave behind all the trails of winter
The time had come for me to go
The fear has gone, the storm is over
And there's someone at your door
Another name to be carved
For every slash of my blade
Until the day you find
The one reflected is your face
Come, taste blood, rust and terror
Come to the show with no restraint
-It's your time!
Mother of desperation
Death of thunder and rain
Sighs and tears are all in vain
Clad in a cloak of despair
She'll take you away
Welcome, please join the fair of failures
Enter into the hall of pleasures
Righteous the act to kill
Wasn't it one of Gods wills?
Leave behind all the trails of winter
The time as come for me to go
The fear has gone, the storm is over
And there's someone at your door
Hold your ground and watch your back
With the aim of remaining the last
I asked this night for a piece of advice
This time the Scythe won't fall, keep still!
2. Lost Hill Of Memories
[Lyrics by: Aydan]
(...and if you follow the trails down this winter wake
Sh's reaping down souls, one for every flake
Throughout the ages, through centuries
She, mistress of customs, of memories)
Strange the breeze
Late the season comes
As beats late the clock of my heart
Falling leaves colour all around
As my intentions stroking the ground
And up there have seen the skies
Pains and joys of so many lives
All griefs your empty glance
Water of the Ocean tell her I am near
Winds of far horizons blow off all the fears
Fearless I stand, strong of all
the emotions The lived through
As my memories and soul belong to you
Painted into the setting sun
A black shadow ringed in red flames
Handsome as words cannot describe
Ruthless as her blinded black eyes
And up there have seen the skies
Pains and joys of so many lives
All griefs your empty glance
Water of the Ocean tell her I am near
Winds of far horizons blow off all the fears
Fearless I stand, strong of all
the emotions The lived through
As my memories and soul belong to you
"I don't fear for my Fate, what really does ache
is a fond thought of home"
"No one ever will be in control of his End"
"By her tears and her pain I'm eternally damned
Memories of a Life"
"Nothing can ever be done to avoid my last touch"
Water of the Ocean tell her I am near
Winds of far horizons blow off all the fears
Fearless I stand, strong of all
the emotions The lived through
As my memories and soul belong to you
On that strange and silent night
On (the) Lost hill of memories
I've spoken of love and touched she smiled to me
3. Infection
[Lyrics by: Damna]
(For all the ones who seek their dawn
My wrath I breed, My wrath I spawn
Behind a crooked cross they hide
Forever I Shall be their bride)
Amidst this fog my body twitches with the wolves growl
A snuff utopia for the soul
Wake up! emerging from this cruel poetry
The real nightmare is the prison called reality
I have seen to much waste of lives being thrown into the fire
No way I'm gonna set you free
You come to me with a piece of your shadow pretending to see
Sown in my flesh the seed of your hatreds infecting me
Dark embrace, cold embrace, sweet embrace unfolding
Seeking for the end not written in your destiny
This is not the cure and now I spill I spill on your deception
Back to old "Hill Life Sanitarium" I go
My home - my life - the only place I know
No mirror holding the reflection of the emotions I feel
And puppets hanging from the walls I see
I have seen to much waste of lives being thrown into the fire
No way I'm gonna set you free
You come to me with a piece of your shadow pretending to see
Sown in my flesh the seed of your hatreds infecting me
Dark embrace, cold embrace, sweet embrace unfolding
Seeking for the end not written in your destiny
This is not the cure and now I spill I spill on your infection
I spill on your Deception
I spill on your infection
Sown in my fresh the seed of your hatreds infecting me
I have seen to much waste of lives being thrown into the fire
No way I'm gonna set you free
You come to me with a piece of your shadow pretending to see
Sown in my flesh the seed of your hatreds infecting me
Dark embrace, cold embrace, sweet embrace unfolding
Seeking for the end not written in your destiny
This is not the cure and now I spill I spill on your infection
4. Poison Tears
[Lyrics by: Damna]
(The puritan filth, where ivy grows
The poisoned tear, the thorn, the rose
The sin, the pleasure, the sexual urge
Is what I choose for my last dirge)
This is the day I'll die
The scent of lust, my last goodbye
Devotion and distress - love and tempting flesh
Thousands battles I have fought
Like a falling Ceasar now I rot
The night of the long knives - The weakness of our kind
A human messiah carrying the cross
Still to this day they follow an icon - I can't believe it
Do you believe in the afterlife? - I don't!
An eyeball in the mouth of the snake is pouring poison
Every day I'm lost and found
Torn and beaten to the ground
Like a poison tear that falls without a sound
-crying poison tears
Every time I fall again
A paradox that has no end
Like a vortex turning circles in the sand
-crying poison tears
On Lost Occasion Avenue
Satan's fisting his way through
The false legion of the dead
Puritanie filth they spread
A headless rider I wanna be
To spew out all my anger
The seven deadly sins and the animal within
A human messiah carrying the cross
Still to this day they follow an icon - I can't believe it
Do you believe in the afterlife? - I don't!
An eyeball in the mouth of the snake is pouring poison
Every day I'm lost and found
Torn and beaten to the ground
Like a poison tear that falls without a sound
-crying poison tears
Every time I fall again
A paradox that has no end
Like a vortex turning circles in the sand
-crying poison tears
Every day I'm lost and found
Torn and beaten to the ground
Like a poison tear that falls without a sound
-crying poison tears
Poison tears my eyes still cry
Pouring venom till I die
On that day you'll realize it's all a lie
-crying poison tears
Crying poison tears
5. A Riddle Of Stars
[Lyrics by: Aydan]
(Of Love and Death, of Earth and War
Death is the saviour, Life is a whore
Of hugs and lashes, Of caresses and scars
There is a light, a riddle of stars)
There's a fire that warms the cold room
There's a star that caress(es) the night Moon
There is always somewhere a friendly comfort whispering
will get better soon
There's a flare to see through the darkness
There's the dark to shelter your sadness
There is something worth being lived and taste(ed)
Breath of it every day
An enigma that is haunting my dreams
A mystery that I need to be solved
A riddle to the stars above
While I'm holding you this night
I can hear you breathing
As a star is shining bright over the edge of this void
I need to be washed and be cleansed
From all the bad deeds I commit
Purify my soul and forget my sins
once more
There're intentions that leave dead good souls
There was one death that saved us all
There is always, has always been and there will be
A fruitful harvest for Her Scythe
While I'm holding you this night
I can hear you breathing
As a star is shining bright over the edge of this void
I need to be washed and be cleansed
From all the bad deeds I commit
Purify my soul and forget my sins
An enigma that is haunting my dreams
A mystery that I need to be solved
A riddle to the stars above
While I'm holding you this night
I can hear you breathing
As a star is shining bright over the edge of this void
I need to be washed and be cleansed
From all the bad deeds I commit
Purify my soul and forget my sins once more
6. Romance & Wrath
[Lyrics by: Damna]
(To cut the strings, to end their lives
No mercy, pity, no false disguise
Morte, Amore, Death and Love
Behold their pain from high above)
Pale moon skies
Witnesses of my inner pit of commotion
Chaos rise!
To desecrate my last hidden sense of devotion
Loose like never before the break point of my life is bonded by chance
and reasons frail like crystal glass near to fall on a million spikes
I've never - just never - he never loved as much as he loves her now
My only sweet hearthold - His only sense of bliss
The hangman - merciful abyss - eradicating black souls from the guildty
My wonder - to plunder the sad emotions of a bleeding soul - love - dead heart
Cursed to see her beloved dying by his own hand - by mistake
No mistake for the Lady in black!
Romance and Wrath
See the fire that washes away
the wrath of chaos
Torn is the romance
The illusion is lost again
She is lying on the stake
with no life in her eyes
Torn is the romance
The illusion is lost again
Kiss now the dead skin on her cheek
Useless is my touch my breath my heat
Condemned to suffer for so long
What did I do to deserve this thing
- so wrong?
They destroyed the heart of innocence today
The heart of innocence
Now you enter my reign so I can better feel your pain
It's not your time but you'll soon meet the Lady with the Scythe
I found myself this path through hell - now I realize!
The pain the suffering She's stealing from my eyes - feel my wrath!
Don't want all this to happen - now I understand!
The lady with the Scythe - may She be damned!
Now you're mine all mine!
Your pain speaks books to me so finally everything
I see now I don't need you anymore
It's not your time not yet
I found myself this path through hell - now I realize!
The pain the suffering She's stealing from my eyes - feel my wrath!
Don't want all this to happen - now I understand!
The lady with the Scythe - NO!
See the dusk that runs away
The change of seasons
Born is the romance
The illusion is here to stay
She is lying on the grass
with full life in her eyes
Born is the romance
The illusion is here to stay
She is living once again
and he will never remember - it's not their time
- Not yet
I've never - just never - he never loved as much as he loves her now
My only sweet hearthold - His only sense of bliss
The hangman - merciful abyss - eradicating black souls from the guilty
My wonder - has plundered!!
Pale moon skies
Witnesses of my inner pit of commotion
Chaos rise!
To desecrate my last hidden sense of devotion
Loose like never before to break point of my life is bonded by chance
and reasons frail like crystal glass near to fall on a million million spikes
You're my slave in your grave
7. The Divided Heart
[Lyrics by: Damna]
(Half my heart a gift of purity
Half my heart a deadly curse
Half will live in sweet obscurity
Half will take me to my hearse)
Two sided heart pushing to face another walk from the start
Shifting my soul to what was heaven before and now's just a stain, a novelty no more
Passion and soul together deceiving my brain and I fall
But soon they will fade delighted by something else and now I rewind, one more time
Waiting for...
all my feelings now in vain
The Divided Heart!
Tearing me apart
The divided heart
Playing it's game for all these wasted years
I have been walking alone
All these years I have been carried away - carried away
Your blood is mine, the shivers it's sending me just right through my spine
Are gonna crawl, splitting my heart in two and haunting my soul - illusionned no more
Passion and soul together deceiving my brain and I fall
But soon they will fade delighted by something else and now I rewind, one more time
Waiting for all lights to fade away,
all my feelings now in vain
The Divided Heart!
Tearing me apart
The divided heart
Playing it's game for all these wasted years
I have been walking alone
All these years I have been carried away - carried away
The tears that I don't cry won't fill my eyes but pain inside I feel is real
Pain is real until the day I'll die
The divided heart
Tearing me apart
The divided heart
Playing it's game for all these wasted years
I have been walking alone
All these years I have been carried away - carried away
8. Totentanz
"The mother of pain, the mother of tears
The blackest of tortures, the most cruel of fears
Sweet and dreadful, white queen and witch
Death, Death, Death is a bitch
Death has the answers, your throat has the knife
Death is a savior, life is a whore
Morte, Amore, Death and Love
She's reaping down souls with regret
Suffered I had and suffer I will
Counting my days and the blood that I spilled
The sweetest of tortures, that we call life
will hopefully cease with the slash of a knife"
9. Death And The Suffering
[Lyrics by: Damna]
(Suffered I have and Suffer I will... Counting my days in the blood that I spill
The sweetest of tortures, that we call Life... Will hopefully cease with the slash of a knife)
How can I accept this way?
A countdown to the final day
Holding by the blade the knife
How can I accept my life?
The Skeleton beholds our race (for)
New faces to deface
Grinding our hopes to be
Plunged into fire
I strive just for anything, anything that could save me from this hell
And I dream the most dreadful things, dreadful things, back in mind and wrathful eyes
Too late cause the moment has died
The Skeleton benights us
Broken strings on a harp like
The sirens departing with their beautiful songs
The Skeleton benights us
Overdashing with sorrow the path paved with love and hate
My heart is bleeding, bleeding everyday
My mind can't stop from dreaming dreadful
Death and the suffering
How can I deny this way?
Forgetting 'bout the final day
Why can't I put down the knife?
How can I deny my life?
The hooded Queen beholds our race (for)
New faces to deface
Rushing forth the tides of life Into the ocean
I strive just for anything, anything that could save me from this hell
One day oh will anything, anything come and dry the tears I cry
Too late the moment has died
The Skeleton benights us
Broken strings on a harp like
The sirens departing with their beautiful songs
The Skeleton benights us
Overdashing with sorrow the path paved with love and hate
My heart is bleeding, bleeding everyday
My mind can't stop from dreaming dreadful
Death and the suffering
Kneel down to the Death and the suffering
The Skeleton benights us
Broken strings on a harp like
The sirens departing with their beautiful songs
The Skeleton benights us
Overdashing with sorrow the path paved with love and hate
My heart is bleeding, bleeding everyday
My mind can't stop from dreaming dreadful
Death and the suffering
10. Dominhate
[Lyrics by: Aydan]
(A day of Life, a night of Sex
I'm going through every kind of excess
Till I find myself hating the mirror
Where a Stranger sees me clad in terror)
A lullaby of personalities
Introduce another side of me
A demonic twist of Fate
Trying to dominate my hate
Whip my soul and caress my flesh
'til the whines melody still lasts
A burning wish, a lechery
There's a demon in me
I guess I will be falling,
I can't deny
Into a hole of fire that shines so bright
If I am ready for the calling?
I cannot tell
I'm reaching for the skies or the flames of hell
So the moment has arrived now, it sounds so strange
I though it would be different what has changed?
The love, the proud and the libertine
- remember what you were?
Has left his evil flowers for his Christine
...And with them all her sins
Whip my soul and caress my flesh
till the whines melody still lasts
A burning wish, a lechery
There's a demon in me
The dirty shameful and obscene
- so shameful Was that me?
Has dug a humid grave for another Catherine
...another name to sin...with...
Face the side of me that hates
The side of my disgrace
Where I could not step in
Thanks to all of you who had so much patience
And so much passion for my soul
You can't understand all the importance you had
And how much you have meant
To this little life that I have lived
And to all the rest to whom tried to bring me
Down and to wound my own trust
You stole my innocence destroyed ideals
And you need to be damned
I am cursing you from down below
Look me in the eyes
And face all my blinded hate
I would be afraid cause I will get ya!
Please, remember me and don't forget
Remember me for what I really was
You, a sweet verse of poetry
The flavour of a life that fades away
Time to say good bye, to finish what's undone
Time for a last kiss before she has gone
Save best for last?
Take another night another's passing by
Dark will cover all will eclipse and hide
The lives of all
You, a sweet verse of poetry
The flavor of a life that fades away
(On that Night of Nights, She came my way
Under the rain, dirty with agony and pain
Death of sorrow, Death of misery
The scythe has fallen... was it for me?)