« Believe »
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1 | Prayer
 | 2 | Liberate
 | 3 | Awaken
 | 4 | Believe
 | 5 | Remember
 | 6 | Intoxication
 | 7 | Rise
 | 8 | Mistress
 | 9 | Breathe
 | 10 | Bound
 | 11 | Devour
 | 12 | Darkness |
   David Draiman— vocals
Dan Donegan — guitars
John Moyer— bass
Mike Wengren — drums |
Mixed By - Andy Wallace
Producer - Johnny K
The CD also contains bonus multi-media content, including the video "Prayer", which is playable on most computers. |
 | 1. Prayer:
Another dream that will never come true
Just to compliment your sorrow
Another life that I've taken from you
A gift to add on to your pain and suffering
Another truth you can never believe
Has crippled you completely
All the cries you're beginning to hear
Trapped in your mind, and |
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 Disturbed, завоевавшие множество поклонником своим первым релизом «The Sickness», выпускает свой второй альбом с интересным названием «Believe». Что от него ожидать? Надо слушать. Даже после первого прослушивания всего альбома, я заметил ряд особенностей. А именно, специфическая атмосфера альбома. Меня она погружает в необычный, встревоженный мир сомнений и раздумий. Из которого не так легко вернуться в обычную жизнь. А говоря простым языком, альбом попросту «цепляет» своей энергетикой. Но все это мои личные рассуждения. А говоря «в общем», возможно, многим данный альбом покажется однотипным. Уважая чужую точку зрения, лишь скажу, для меня каждая песня запомнилась чем-то особенным, не объяснимым на словах. Хочется отметить несколько песен, наиболее понравившихся, это «Liberate», «Awaken», «Intoxication». И конечно, заканчивающую альбом песню-балладу «Darkness». Она не просто так стоит в конце альбома, уравновешивая всю агрессию и жестокость, композиций до нее. Пора уже подводить итог. Команда Дэвида Дрэймана изменилась, теперь это уже не «чистый» nu metal, а что-то обособленное от всего потока подобных групп из штатов. Плохо это или хорошо? Ответ однозначен, это отлично! Так держать, Disturbed, продолжайте свое дело. Ставлю «9»! Спасибо за внимание. |
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Сегодня существует лишь несколько коллективов родом из Штатов, благодаря которым я могу с без фальши говорить, что американская тяжёлая музыка не ушла окончательно в пучину однотипного new metal. В их числе Disturbed, которые сильно выделяются на общем фоне за счёт очень достойного голоса (с довольно своеобразным тембром) фронтмена группы - Девида Дреймана, оригинальности композиций и их исполнения. Неожиданно удивив всех и вся в 2001 году дебютным альбомом “The Sickness”, группа не стала останавливаться на достигнутом и выпустила ещё два альбома – “Believe” и “Ten Thousand Fists”. Если дебютник - чистый new metal с претензией на "что-то" большее, то “Believe” вообще не имеет практически ничего общего с этим жанром. По сравнению с предыдущей работой звучание стало намного чище. Пропала нарочитая агрессивность, как в мелодиях, так и в текстах (почти вся лирика посвящена религиозным темам). Исчезли речитативы (единственный пример – “Liberate”), резко уменьшилось количество электронных эффектов, на истерический крик вокалист больше не срывается, хотя всё же свою уникальную фишку со "звериным рыком" использует регулярно. Спокойный, ровный, неагрессивный - так можно охарактеризовать данный альбом. Но в этом и притаилась проблема. При первом прослушивании можно выделить несколько весьма и весьма интересных вещей – “Prayer”, “Intoxication”, “Liberate”, “Rise”... и всё. При последующих прослушиваниях можно вообще никак не напрягаться - весь альбом идёт "на одной волне", тихо, мягко и лениво вливаясь в уши. Разнообразия - полный ноль, имеющегося запаса драйва хватает ненадолго. Композиции зачастую слишком похожи друг на друга по звучанию. Не удивлюсь, если задумка была такой изначально, но зачем? Можно даже слушать его фоном при работе, нисколько не отвлекаясь. Завершает данное творение американских альтернативщиков ничем не примечательная баллада “Darkness”, под которую не грех и заснуть. Скучно, господа... Хотя нет, не настолько уж и скучно. Стоит отметить, что мастерство ребят заметно поднялось, что выражается в хорошей техничности игры. Профессионально, ничего лишнего - чётко и без "грязи". Несмотря на весьма существенные недостатки, “Believe” честно заслужил высокую оценку. Хотя бы потому, что благодаря именно этому альбому Disturbed в своё время окончательно отошли от nu metal'а и сейчас создают куда более серьёзную музыку. 7 из 10. |
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просмотров: 32902 |
Let me enlighten you
This is the way I pray
Living just isn't hard enough
Burn me alive, inside
Living my life's not hard enough
Take everything away
Another nightmare about to come true
Will manifest tomorrow
Another love that I've taken from you
Lost in time, on the edge of suffering
Another taste of the evil I breed
Will level you completely
Bring to life everything that you fear
Live in the dark, and the world is threatening
Let me enlighten you
This is the way i pray
Living just isn't hard enough
Burn me alive, inside
Living my life's not hard enough
Take everything away
Return to me, return to me, return to me, turn to me, leave me no one
Turn to me, return to me, return to me, turn to me, cast aside
Return to me, return to me, return to me, turn to me, leave me no one
Turn to me, return to me, return to me, you've made me turn away
Living just isn't hard enough
Burn me alive, inside
Living my life's not hard enough,
They take everything from you
Living just isn't hard enough
Burn me alive, inside
Living my life's not hard enough
Take everything away
2. Liberate:
Bold motherfucker don't you limit your mind
Liberate your mind
You motherfucker, you're so narrow-minded
So narrow-minded
So liberate your mind
Now motherfucker, will you liberate your mind
Liberate your mind
You motherfucker, you're so narrow-minded
So narrow-minded
So liberate your mind
Now motherfucker, will you liberate your mind
This time
Bold motherfucker
Don't you limit your mind
Can't you see that the messages
Have fallen behind
All the hate in your heart
Will be leaving you blind
So bold motherfucker
Don't you limit your mind
Now bold motherfucker
Don't you limit your mind
Can't you see that the messages
Have fallen behind
All the hate in your heart
Will be leaving you blind
So bold motherfucker
Don't you limit your mind
This time
Waiting, for your modern messiah
To take away all the hatred
That darkens the light in your eye
Still awaiting, I
Liberate your mind
You motherfucker, you're so narrow-minded
So narrow-minded
So liberate your mind
Now motherfucker, will you liberate your mind
Liberate your mind
You motherfucker, you're so narrow-minded
So narrow-minded
So liberate your mind
Now motherfucker, will you liberate your mind
This time
Bold motherfucker
Don't you limit your mind
Can't you see that the messages
Have fallen behind
All the hate in your heart
Will be leaving you blind
So bold motherfucker
Don't you limit your mind
Now bold motherfucker
Don't you limit your mind
Can't you see that the messages
Have fallen behind
All the hate in your heart
Will be leaving you blind
So bold motherfucker
Don't you limit your mind
This time
Waiting, for your modern messiah
To take away all the hatred
That darkens the light in your eye
Still awaiting, I
"Out of Zion shall come forth a law
And the word of the Lord from Jerusalem
Nation shall not raise sword against nation
And they shall not learn war anymore
For the mouth of the Lord hath spoken"
Waiting, for your modern messiah
To take away all the hatred
That darkens the light in your eye
How long will we be
Waiting, for your modern messiah
To take away all the hatred
That darkens the light in your eye
Still awaiting, I
Still awaiting, I
3. Awaken:
Stripped of life, alone
In the midst of something that I
Want to play with your evil inside
wanting, letting go, of what never could be again
Lost and alone
Imprisoned now inside your mind
With the way you tried
To destroy me again
You were waiting and living for no one
With the way you tried
To completely refuse all your life
Feed on your nothing
You'll never live up to me
Awaken you
With a little evil inside
Feed on your nothing
You'll never live up to me
I've stricken you
I don't want to live with the lie
Feed on your nothing
And you'll never live up to me
Awaken you, oh no,
Can't live up to me
I've striken you
Feed on your nothing and you can't live up to me
There isn't a thing that I can do
Watching the whole thing just wash away
Making me long
Making you strong
Awaken you
With a little evil inside
Feed on your nothing
You'll never live up to me
I've stricken you
I don't want to live with the lie
Feed on your nothing
And you'll never live up to me
4. Believe:
Believe, when you lie
You will never need to recognize yourself
To deceive
To remove all chance of doubt and be received
With your lie
The deception is complete when you concede
And decide
To reject your lives, sacrificed to me
Penance can't absolve your sin, into me
Penance can't absolve your sin
All your belief cannot absolve your sin
All your belief cannot absolve your sin
Believe, when you lie
You will never need to recognize the source
Of deceit
To renew your faith in God
You must believe, in your lie
The redemption is complete when you conceive
And decline
To release your lives
Sacrificed to me
Penance can't absolve your sin, into me
Penance can't absolve your sin
All your belief cannot absolve your sin
All your belief cannot absolve your sin
Reap your life, like you want to recognize, all you've come to Reap your life, like you want to recognize, all you've come to
Reap your life
Veiled in shadow
Faces of the crucified
I can hear their screams tonight
Ever haunting me
Burn your lie into me
Penance can't absolve your sin, into me
Penance can't absolve your sin
All your belief cannot absolve your sin
All your belief cannot absolve your sin
All your belief cannot absolve your sin
All your belief cannot absolve your sin
5. Remember:
Sensation washes over me
I can't describe it
Pain I felt so long ago
I don't remember
Tear a hole so I can see
My devastation
Feelings from so long ago
I don't remember
Holding on, to let them know
What's given to me, given to me
To hide behind
The mask this time
And try to believe
Blind your eyes to what you see
You can't embrace it
Leave it well enough alone
And don't remember
Cut your pride and watch it bleed
You can't deny it
Pain you know you can't ignore
I don't remember
Holding on, to let them know
What's given to me, given to me
To hide behind
The mask this time
And try to believe
If I can
To know this will
Conquer me
If I can
Just walk alone
And try to escape
Into me
Sensation washes over me
I can't describe it
Pain I felt so long ago
I don't remember
I'm just holding on, to let them know
What's given to me, given to me
To hide behind
The mask this time
And try to believe
If I can
To know this will
Conquer me
If I can
Just walk alone
And try to escape
Into me
Into me
Into me
6. Intoxication:
Now you tell me you like it
You tell me you want it
You're mine
And you don't need another one
Come on and tell me you like it
Tell me you want it
You're mine
And another one to me
And the world will get you high
What can you take from me
That which you cannot buy
Laughing and turning away
What will you take from me
Now that you are inside
Now are you feeling
Enough, to vilify what I love
To sanctify all I hate
Endowed with the need
To carry over the life I lead
Intoxicating enough, to vilify what I love
To sanctify all I hate
Endowed with the need
To carry over the life I lead
7. Rise:
Throw away
The charade of your life
Let the flame of my heart
Burn away
Your complacence tonight
I command you to rise
Wash away
The decay of your life
Feel the light of your eyes
Find the way
Through the darkness tonight
Fearing no one
Do you really think I covet like you do?
Come, take me away
Remove the fear from my eyes
Feel the flame of my heart
Burning away
All conversation tonight
Hearing no one
Am I precious to you now?
Am I precious to you now?
Now rise
Turn away
From the shame of your life
Feel the light from my eyes
Consolation tonight
Fearing no one
Do you really think I want it like you do?
Come, take me away
Remove the fear from my eyes
Feel the flame of my heart
Burning away
All conversation tonight
Hearing no one
Am I precious to you now?
Am I precious to you now?
Fearing no one
Saviors of my soul
Am I precious to you now?
Am I precious to you now?
Now, I cannot stop this
Pure emotion
Falling from my eyes
You are vindicating
Saviors of my soul
Now rise
Throw away
The charade of your life
Let the flame of my heart
Burn away
Your complacence tonight
Fearing no one
8. Mistress:
I stand on the brink of your mind
Living inside a nightmare from which
I just cannot awaken
Stand on the edge of your life
Just give me another moment
From which I will never awaken
Stand on the brink of my own demise
Fallen again for another
Mistress of burden
To idolize
Hoping that one of them will decide
To let me in
To stand on the edge of the knife
Cutting through the nightmare from which
I just cannot awaken
Stand on the edge of the night
Living inside a moment
From which I will never awaken
Stand on the brink of my own demise
Fallen again for another
Mistress of burden
To idolize
Hoping that one of them will decide
To let me in
Look at what you've done to me
You've become my enemy
Poisoning the world for me
Take away my everything
Weakened as I am
Never awaken
Stand on the brink of my own demise
Fallen again for another
Mistress of burden
To idolize
Hoping that one of them will decide
To let me in
9. Breathe:
You will realease your life
Forgetting what's forsaken the reason why
You are alone again
You will believe the lie
Judging from what you've taken
You breathe, alive
You are alone again
From the heart of darkness
You call to me
Spirit raging on
There is nothing I can do
For you are next to no one
You will release your life
Joining with the goddamned world
Of the dead and the lonely
You'll never leave alive
Now do you think you're too damn good
For the killing kind
You will begin to cry
Hearing the silence breaking
You breathe, alive
But you are alone again
From the heart of darkness
You call to me
Spirit raging on
There is nothing I can do
For you are next to no one
You will release your life
Joining with the goddamned world
Of the dead and the lonely
You'll never leave alive
Now do you think you're too damn good
For the killing kind
You will release your life
forgetting what's forsaken
You breathe, alive
You are alone again
You will release your life
Joining with the goddamned world
Of the dead and the lonely
You'll never leave alive
Now do you think you're too damn good
For the killing kind
Nothing I can do
10. Bound:
Darkness cover me
I'm not ready to die, girl
Because of what you don't tell me
I'm not ready to walk inside of where you're taking me
I'm not ready to die, girl
Because of what you don't tell me
I'm not willing to compromise the man i want to be
Think you're a little bit closer
To changing me
You're never winning me over
You're wasting time
Leave me be
I'm not ready to die, girl
Because of what you don't tell me
I'm never going to tow the line of your conformity
I'm not ready to die, girl
Because of what you don't tell me
I'm not ready to leave the realm of anonymity
Think you're a little bit closer
To changing me
You're never winning me over
You're wasting time
Get away from me
Think you're a little bit closer
To changing me
You're never winning me over
You're wasting time
11. Devour:
Still enough
Although I know you're not begging
Still as the thoughts running through your mind
Still enough
Although I know you're not begging
Give me a reason to make you mine
I will devour you
Take all the pain away
I cannot stay my hand
From reaching out so that I can
Empower you
For all eternity
It seems to ease my mind
To know that you've brought
Meaning to my life
Had enough
Although I see you're not running
Still are the thoughts running through your mind
Dead to love
The path that you are now taking
Show me the reason to make you mine
I will devour you
Take all the pain away
I cannot stay my hand
From reaching out so that I can
Empower you
For all eternity
It seems to ease my mind
To know that you've brought
Meaning to my life
Run, to where the smallest ray of light will never find you
Run, to where you will not need to shield your eyes
Run, away from all the soulless, heartless fiends who hound you
Run, away and let your memories go blind, when I
I will devour you
Take all the pain away
I cannot stay my hand
From reaching out so that I can
Empower you
For all eternity
It seems to ease my mind
To know that you've brought
Meaning to my life
12. Darkness:
Don't turn away
I pray you've heard
The words I've spoken
Dare to believe
Over one last time
Then I'll let the
Darkness cover me
Deny everything
Slowly walk away
To breathe again
On my own
Carry me away
I need your strength
To get me through this
Dare to believe
Over one last time
Then I'll let the
Darkness cover me
Deny everything
Slowly walk away
To breathe again
On my own