 С нетерпением ждал этот альбом. И он полностью оправдал ожидания. Просто крик души «ХЭВИ!!!» разлетелся по всей квартире при первом ознакомлении. Это отличная работа калифорнийских металлистов. Альбом начинается с небольшой инструменталки с репликой "I've come for you all !" Достаточно мощное интро. Следом, не откладывая в долгий ящик, "клеточники" пустили заглавную композицию альбома "Hell Destroyer". Лучшего начала, чем скриминг, трудно найти, блестящее мощное звучание, ударник и басист трудятся на славу, и тут голосовая вставочка а-ля героический ("All fear the hell destroyer! / All fear the hell destroyer !") и сразу добротное соло! Что можно отметить - команда подобралась просто супер. Владеет голосом Пек все лучше, так что он может баловать нас разнообразными партиями.
"I Am the King" – следующая песенка, тоже не дает скучать, начинается с мощной гитарной партии. На припеве бодрое хоровое скандирование, и без небольшого соло тут тоже не обошлось. В общем, отличная мощная композиция. "The Circle Of Light" - небольшая история и сразу же "Christ Hammer". Тут вступление постепенно нагнетает героическую обстановку, затем обрыв и пошел вокал. На самом деле, расписывать так можно все творения на альбоме. Очень ровный альбом, каждая песня мощна, но при этом нет ощущения клонирования, все композиции абсолютно разные. Но хотелось бы выделить композиции "Abomination", "Rise of the Beast", "Fall of the Angels" (очень красивая песня) и "Metal Devil" (ну это просто надо услышать, поток позитивного идиотизма ворвался в мой мозг). Итог: отличный альбом, если вам нужно что-то героическое, советую! |
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Помнится, слышал я позитивные и даже восторженные отзывы на группу Cage и был заинтригован. Знакомство я своё с ними начал с данного опуса и, собственно, на этом оно с ними и закончилось, к великому прискорбию. Сырой, определенно второсортный материал, не отличающийся художественным разнообразием, с жутко примитивными текстами, названия песен уже говорят сами за себя. Тексты, конечно, никогда не были для меня приоритетным показателем в оценке того или иного творческого продукта, но в этом случае они только добавляют масла в огонь. Если бы ещё этот металлический цирк продолжался поменьше, а то ведь количество композиций тут весьма солидное, причём в немалом объёме присутствуют разделяющие основные песни бессмысленные прелюдии. Единственный гигантский плюс сего "шедевра" - потрясающий вокал Шона Пека, мощь просто сумасшедшая, и очень жаль, что вокалист такого уровня (просто возрожденный Роб Хэлфорд на "Пэйнкиллере") делает в такой посредственной группе. Нет, может быть, музыканты сами по себе и не плохи, но это же очевидный ширпотреб, который сойдёт разве что для аккомпанемента на веселой рокерской тусовке, чтобы просто что-то шумело из колонок. За вокал группа получает 4 балла, вместо заслуженных 3-х, хотя стоит учесть, что даже Шонн Пек со своими данными, к сожалению, общую картину не спасает... "Hell Destroyer" - олицетворение серости и однообразия, неудачное воплощение "Мановаровских" концепций. Но, как я посмотрю, находятся ценители подобного творчества, значит, видимо недаром ребята трудились, что ж, каждому своё, главное, чтобы по кайфу было. |
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просмотров: 12224 |
Hell, hell, hell destroyer - Wracking havoc in hell
I'm sentencing hell to a permanent fate
Armies and legions I obliterate
All your cities and towers I render to dust
All of you stand before me - Powerless now die by the end of the
Hell, hell, hell destroyer - Hell, hell, hell destroyer
Hell, hell, hell destroyer - The annihilation of hell
All fear the hell destroyer ! All fear the hell destroyer !
Created from vengeance-and sent down below to slay them with lightning and steel
The blacker, the evil the stronger he grows, no mercy or fear does he feel
Light kills as he violently vanquishes hell
Blood spills as Lucifer's legacy fell
By the fire from my wings I'll melt you all to cinders !
Now the kingdom of lies is rubble and ash
The dreams of devils are forever smashed
I echo a scream and soar to the sky
I leave my mark behind up from the ground - The towering sign of the hell destroyer
Hell, hell, hell destroyer - All hail the new king of hell
All fear the hell destroyer ! All fear the hell destroyer !
3. Am The King
Born into fire, die by the blade - This is the life I have made
Now the war's coming on again
Treacherous dog end this charade - I'm coming to put you away
I put fear in the hearts of men
Legions are gathering deep in the night, prepare for the end of your reign
Might and magic will finally collide, the heavens will tremble and shake
Hail ! Hail ! Born to be king !
Hail ! Hail ! Rule everything !
Hail ! Hail ! Stand by my side as a legend is born tonight !
I've been to hell and back to overtake the throne - I am the king !
This wicked legacy is mine and mine alone - I am the king !
Your twisted treachery, this bloodbath has been settled - I am the king !
Bow down and kiss the ring, I wear the wrown of metal - The king !
Sinew and steel will carry the day - Slashing and blasting away
No more you will claim this land
Sick is your sorcery, ill is your mind - No mercy from me you will find
I'll strike you down where you stand
Legions are gathering deep in the night, prepare for the end of your reign
Might and magic will finally collide, the heavens will tremble and shake
Hail ! Hail ! Born to be king !
Hail ! Hail ! Rule everything !
Hail ! Hail ! Stand by my side as a legend is born tonight !
I've been to hell and back to overtake the throne - I am the king !
This wicked legacy is mine and mine alone - I am the king !
Your twisted treachery, this bloodbath has been settled - I am the king !
Bow down and kiss the ring, I wear the wrown of metal - The king !
4. The Circle Of Light
5. Christ Hammer
We came from the valley below and with our naked eyes
We saw the saviour being crucified
His sacrifice was so clear, for all our sins he died
Now you'll see fire falling from the sky
Destruction by fire - From the sky
The wrath of the sire - From the sky
All is forever changing and all of you
Heathens be frightened and know
The winds of change will blow
All will be conquered by...
The christhammer will strike the evil down
He'll rock the earth and shake the ground
Calling ! The christhammer will crush the infidels
He will return, send you to hell
Alone I was stricken to be the one with second sight
Chosen to see then lead the circle of light
I hid the hammer away, then the future to me was revealed
I scribed my visions of the broken seals
Four horsemen coming - Seven seals
Broken and bloody - Fate revealed
A revelation for you all
Heathens be frightened and know
The winds of change will blow
All will be conquered by...
The christhammer will strike the evil down
He'll rock the earth and shake the ground
Calling ! The christhammer will crush the infidels
He will return, send you to hell
Surrender yourself
Fall to your knees
Hear my words
Believe what I say
The twenty-first century dawns, the battle still rages for power
All of us know we face our darkest hour
The lords of chaos reveal the wickedness of their plan
They seek to recreate the son of man
Menacing demons - Son of man
Angels are screaming - Son of man
Time for redeeming and banish you
Heathens be frightened and know
The winds of change will blow
All will be conquered by...
The christhammer will strike the evil down
He'll rock the earth and shake the ground
Calling ! The christhammer will crush the infidels
He will return, save you as well
The christhammer calling !
The christhammer calling !
The christhammer calling !
The christhammer calling !
Hammer ! Hammer ! Hammer !
Christhammer ! Hammer ! Hammer !
The power of the christhammer
6. Born In Blood
Rise almighty dark lord for all that is unholy
Bring your blasphemous reign upon this tormented land
Born from a sea of blood, take power and devour
Rise, oh master, and bring forth revelation
Steal the blood for the beginning, the beginning of the end
We're the ones to do the sinning, we need a leader to ascend
Taken from his bloody image, extract and violate
The shroud of Turin we will pillage for evil incarnate
He'll feel the light upon his face
And fuel the fight as God's erased
Brought to life a duplicate
He'll mastermind man's fall from grace
Stealing the light
Bringer of pain and enveloping black
Follow him blindly, he'll lead us to war
He who both is and is not
Born in the blood bled from the son
We will fight
Nothing will stop us from raping the world
Bow and forever they'll heed and obey
Be this the first act of war
Born in the blood
War has begun !
From a most unholy science we turned the savior to the beast
Ruling with a fist of iron and spreading our disease
Abandon all your hope and courage ye who enter here
For we will usher in a new age of blasphemy and fear
He'll feel the light upon his face
And fuel the fight as God's erased
Brought to life a duplicate
He'll mastermind man's fall from grace
Stealing the light
Bringer of pain and enveloping black
Follow him blindly, he'll lead us to war
He who both is and is not
Born in the blood bled from the son
We will fight
Nothing will stop us from raping the world
Bow and forever they'll heed and obey
Be this the first act of war
Born in the blood
War has begun !
I am reborn but wait, I'm feeling my soul hesitates
They tell me that I am the son of the devil
They bow to me, I am the one
Dreams and schemes are being whispered into our master's ears
Decimating the resistance, their hope will disappear
The spider's web that we are weaving, their presence he will grace
Politicians will be grieving their power is replaced
He'll feel the light upon his face
And fuel the fight as God's erased
Brought to life a duplicate
He'll mastermind man's fall from grace
Stealing the light
Bringer of pain and enveloping black
Follow him blindly, he'll lead us to war
He who both is and is not
Born in the blood bled from the son
We will fight
Nothing will stop us from raping the world
Bow and forever they'll heed and obey
Be this the first act of war
Born in the blood
War has begun !
Born in the blood
7. Abomination
They made him and now they're his slaves and soon all creation will follow
Chosen to rise, irresistible lies
He is the king of tomorrow
Accepting his path and coming of age, abusing political might
Black magic rays for the end of days
The instrument of revelation
He mystifies seductive eyes
He's come to set the world on fire
Abomination - Draining the life from us all
Abomination - Into the fire
Tyrannically taming the earth, the nations are heeding his call
He promises peace - the lies of the beast
One by one the nations fall
In line the seventh sign will seal a new order
Abomination - Draining the life from us all
Abomination - Into the fire
Abomination - The voice of an angel will call
The circle of light preparing to strike
The circle of light preparing to strike
Sovereign minds all unite and save the world
All are blind by his eyes from desire
I give you all this gift unto the world
Peace forever if you follow me
The devil is pleased with his plan, his minions rejoice in his name
Some cry out loud but few hear the sound
The sound of the reckoning
He's gathered the leaders tonight, the nations unite now as one
They follow in prayer his hypnotic stare
The new age of hell has begun
All rise as freedom dies
Hail the new age messiah
Abomination - Draining the life from us all
Abomination - Into the fire
Abomination - The voice of an angel will call
The circle of light preparing to strike
One last hope for forever
8. Innauguration
9. Rise Of The Beast
Rise ! Rise ! Rise ! Prepare for the rise of the beast !
Rise ! Rise ! Rise ! Prepare for the rise of the beast !
He's come to bring the end of days
Raised in the arts of black magic ways
A pawn the lords of chaos play
Made to be king bringing doomsday
He will protect you from harm - A lie !
He can do no wrong - Another lie !
He is the answer to all of your prayers
The world's falling under his spell
Rise ! Rise ! Rise ! Prepare for the rise of the beast !
Rise ! Rise ! Rise ! Prepare for the rise of the beast !
A silent tyrant on his throne
Tongue like a serpent, heart like a stone
Sovereign nations shall behold
One man to lead them, they'll do what they're told
He will protect you from harm - A lie !
He can do no wrong - Another lie !
He is the answer to all of your prayers
The world's falling under his spell
Rise ! Rise ! Rise ! Prepare for the rise of the beast !
Rise ! Rise ! Rise ! Prepare for the rise of the beast !
Come to the line all your children of the night, see the metal shine in the full moonlight
Push the limit farther then you ever had to go until you're out of control
Come to the line all your children of the night, see the metal shine in the full moonlight
Push the limit farther then you ever had to go until you're out of control
Come to the line, see the metal shine, he is the king of tomorrow - Death, despair and sorrow !
Nations united in his prayer
His words mesmerize them his hypnotic stare
This new world branded by his sign
All hail his image, all get in line
He will protect you from harm - A lie !
He can do no wrong - Another lie !
He is the answer to all of your prayers
The world's falling under his spell
Rise ! Rise ! Rise ! Prepare for the rise of the beast !
Rise ! Rise ! Rise ! Prepare for the rise of the beast !
You're feeling a loss of control - Faster for the master
You're sinking below - Faster for the master
None shall be saved - Faster for the laster
Ye of little faith - Faster for the master
10. Cremation Of Care
11. Bohemian Grove
Into the darkness, close to the truth, the sun was beginning to set
Clutching the hammer, I entered the grove armed with malicious intent
The great secret of the global elite was hidden deep in the trees
I made my way towards the towering cliffs close to their pagan disease
They have no souls
They worship death
Tied to the altar they'll take your last breath
The dark side coming out tonight
The dark side come with me tonight
By the light of the bohemian grove
The center of evil
They could take us all
I have to succeed, lord give me the power
I need to make all them bleed, I see it's all up to me
Covered and claoked, faceless and masked, the ceremony began
There by the lake, under the owl, bohemians started to chant
Ancient their tongue, one thousand or more, the dignitaries disguised
They tied down a woman, removing her robe, she was to be sacrificed
He took his blade
He held it high
The crowd screamed in ecstasy watching her die
The dark side coming out tonight
The dark side - Human sacrifice
There by the fire I witness bohemian grove
The dark side coming out tonight
The dark side - It's now time to strike
Gripping the hammer I quickly discarded my robe
I broke through the people and held the hammer up high
The look in his eyes as I struck him with all of my might
His blood soaked stained the night
I took flight as their leader had died
I had to escape, run from the grove and tell the tale that I saw
Vanishing quickly I slipped through the trees, the darkness would cover it all
Hundreds gave chase, the fear that I felt through the forest I ran
They're closing on me, I fight to break free and reveal his reptilian hand
Welcome my friend, you've come to the grove
We hope you've enjoyed your stay
You're never to leave or tell of this tale
Bohemians won't be betrayed
12. Final Proclamation
13. From Death To Legend
With the dawn of his death we thought the war came to an end
With his last breath no one would listen again
The new world was weak, his passing was part of their plan
Now as we speak he's becoming much more than a man
Lost alone and forsaken
Surrounded by bodies that fell
You're the next to be taken
He's taking you with him to hell
Grant his majesty his final wish
Eliminate money and greed
Give him your hand and he'll give you his mark
Then you'll have all that you need
He went from death to legend
From death to legend
From death to legend and back again
From death to legend (Live by his lie he'll take you, nowhere to hide)
From death to legend (He'll break you taking, his mark will bring the end)
From death to legend and back again
Live by his lie he'll take you
Nowhere to hide
He'll break you taking his mark will bring the end
Statues and towers were built in his name
And still his power reached out from the grave
Voices and images telling us all to obey
Follow them flawlessly, he says that we'll all be saved
Lost alone and forsaken
Surrounded by bodies that fell
You're the next to be taken
He's taking you with him to hell
Grant his majesty his final wish
Eliminate money and greed
Give him your hand and he'll give you his mark
Then you'll have all that you need
He went from death to legend
From death to legend
From death to legend and back again
From death to legend (Live by his lie he'll take you, nowhere to hide)
From death to legend (He'll break you taking, his mark will bring the end)
From death to legend and back again
Lead us to slaughter just like the unknowing lamb
The lords of chaos held us in the palm of their hands
Lucifer's forces are gathering ready to strike
You've taken the chip marked by the Antichrist
Lost alone and forsaken
Surrounded by bodies that fell
You're the next to be taken
He's taking you with him to hell
Grant his majesty his final wish
Eliminate money and greed
Give him your hand and he'll give you his mark
Then you'll have all that you need
He went from death to legend
From death to legend
From death to legend and back again
From death to legend (Live by his lie he'll take you, nowhere to hide)
From death to legend (He'll break you taking, his mark will bring the end)
From death to legend and back again
14. Legion Of Demons
Up from his kingdom of fire his legions come swarming
Unholy warriors cry, a dark day is dawning
Crushing the snow and the ice, they stand by the millions
Dealing with the devil's device, they'll bring his dominion
They come without warning, the ending is near
They blacken the light of the sun
They fall from the sky making men disappear
Blasting their hellfire guns
Send forth the legion - Breaking the seal
Legion - Lightning and steel
Legion of demons
The legions of demons
Now go - Up from below - Nothing shall stop you
Wicked savior - Savior of the wicked
Laser eyes, locusts they fly they'll burn every nation
No one will be left alive - The first revelation
They come without warning, the ending is near
They blacken the light of the sun
They fall from the sky making men disappear
Blasting their hellfire guns
Send forth the legion - Breaking the seal
Legion - Lightning and steel
Legion of demons
The legions of demons
Divide - Take none alive - Show them no mercy
Wicked savior - Savior of the wicked
Prepare for revelation, destroy and divide
Take all the unbelievers and bathe them in hellfire
This sinful world of man is mine to conquer and slay
With my evil revolution the light will die today
Take them, make them all mine !
Evil revolution
Satan's retribution
Demonic invasion
Total devastation
Mankind's armies falling
Revelation calling
Legions of demons are taking your souls !
Two billions lives have been lost, the legions devour
Nothing can stop their attack, it's man's final hour
They come without warning, the ending is near
They blacken the light of the sun
They fall from the sky making men disappear
Blasting their hellfire guns
Send forth the legion - Breaking the seal
Legion - Lightning and steel
Legion of demons
The legions of demons
Yes - My power protects you - Their weapons are useless
Wicked savior - Savior of the wicked
Deadly recreation
Evil coronation
Hopeless situation
15. Betrayal
The cities still burn
Man will not return
I have no one to turn to
There is no kingdom for me
This is not how I was told it would be
I have but one choice left
One way to go
One last chance to save my soul
Vanquished when the angels fall
The dark will be once and for all
What have I done ?
Just what have I done ?
What have I done ?
I know what must be done
16. Fall Of The Angels
I'll make you an offer you cannot refuse
I'm journeying back from the black
Based one my theory when he's weak and weary
Send war angels in to attack
I'll make him appear, I'll have to be there to dignify this deceit
Can you deliver, it's slim as silver our chances to bring his defeat
For the moment I sold him my immortal soul
This deal's gotten worse by the day
For that very reason I'm committing this treason
So I'll be released from their chains
A pentagram lies in my chamber up high, then the candles blew out with a wind
From my incantations, his manifestation - Let the battle begin
Fall of the angels - They'll fall to the earth
Angels from heaven will fall to the earth
Fall of the angels - They'll fall to the earth
Angels from heaven will fall to the earth
The fall of Leviathan will save the world
Without his protection they have no choice but to return
My hopes to escape this without repercussion
Unfortunately is not coming true
I've given my life now you must stop him somehow
The rest is now up to you
One by one they fell from the sky, four of god's angels of rage
A clash of the titans with immortals fighting for control of the age
Fall of the angels - They'll fall to the earth
Angels from heaven will fall to the earth
Fall of the angels - They'll fall to the earth
Angels from heaven will fall to the earth
Angels from heaven falling to the earth
Falling to the earth
Falling to the earth
Falling to the earth
17. Fire And Metal
Children of devastation, we have hell on the run
We are seizing salvation with the fire and metal from our guns
Slaying remnants of legions, blast them down as they run
Victimized by a treason - Megadeath by megatons
One mighty nation under god
It's kill or be killed - So kill them all
Fire and metal will meet - Eye for an eye
Vengeance is coming, you better retreat - Eye for an eye
The sleeper has awakened now our justice will be done
Rewriting the lines in the sand - Revelate them
Striking down the forsaken with unspeakable rage
For our fallen this modern crusade - Extermination
One mighty nation under god
It's kill or be killed - So kill them all
Fire and metal will meet - Eye for an eye
Vengeance is coming, you better retreat - Eye for an eye
Forever will freedom be saved - Eye for an eye
By soldiers that fight from the home of the brave - Eye for an eye
Fire and metal will meet tonight
Fire and metal we will unite
Fire and metal will meet tonight
Fire and metal they will ignite
Fire and metal will ignite
18. Beyond The Apocalypse
It's over, the end times have now come and gone
Smoldering cities still burning in the distance - The breaking of dawn
Crawling from wreckage, survivors uniting - We rise with glory and steel
Inside us we're changing, evolving and knowing - A new golden age is here
The fighting is over, the battle is won, the holy war left us in ruin up
From the ashes our new world's begun - A spiritual revolution
We hear the devil say then we turned around and walked the other way
He whispers to your soul
Broken bones, blood on ice, I'm your human sacrifice
Lose your mind, no control, we just want to rock and roll
The lords of the dark are gone forever and all
We stand in victory
Rise up and be counted for those that come tonight
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done alright
We're taking you far beyond the apocalypse (far beyond)
Taking you far beyond the end of the world (far beyond)
We're taking you far beyond the apocalypse (far beyond)
Taking you far beyond the end of the world
Spiraling upwards and touching the sky, new cities of shimmering silver
Into the future our power will fly, creation has been changed forever
We hear the devil say then we turned around and walked the other way
He whispers to your soul
Broken bones, blood on ice, I'm your human sacrifice
Lose your mind, no control, we just want to rock and roll
Utopian nights, cities with luminous lights
Turning the darkness into eternal daylight
What is happening to me ?
I feel strange
Rise up and be counted for those that come tonight
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done alright
We're taking you far beyond the apocalypse (far beyond)
Taking you far beyond the end of the world (far beyond)
We're taking you far beyond the apocalypse (far beyond)
Taking you far beyond the end of the world
Where do we go from here now (the end of the world)
That there is nothing more to fear (the end of the world)
Where do we go from here now (the end of the world)
That there is nothing more to fear (the end of the world)
19. The Lords Of Chaos
20. Metal Devil
Metal demon ! Metal devil ! Metal demon ! Metal devil !
Light from the darkness, a century since his demise
Up from the ashes the evil machine will arise
Titanium tendons and sinews of steel - This merciless master of metal
666 innocent souls will bring back the devil to life
We see them in the night : the legions are leaving the light
Forever and a day it's taken to make him awake
They kept evil alive, the devil never died, the dark lord will arise
Metal devil - They kept evil alive, the new world won't survive, a sacrilegious sight
Metal devil - Uncrucified (metal devil), the lord of lies (metal devil), extinguisher of light
Metal devil !
Deep in the dungeon, all preparations were set
Dark resurrection, years of imbalance reset
Infernal invention to siphon your souls : six hundreds spirits were taken
Sixty-six others were eaten alive, witness the dawn of damnation
We see them in the night : the legions are leaving the light
Forever and a day it's taken to make him awake
They kept evil alive, the devil never died, the dark lord will arise
Metal devil - They kept evil alive, the new world won't survive, a sacrilegious sight
Metal devil - Uncrucified (metal devil), the lord of lies (metal devil), extinguisher of light
Metal devil !
Rise master ! What is thy bidding dark lord ?
Blast through the doorway, into the light of the age
Legions of subjects horribly born to obey
The sound of his circuitry sizzles and cracks this towering titan of terror
He raises his arms to the people below and issues the final command
We see them in the night : the legions are leaving the light
Forever and a day it's taken to make him awake
They kept evil alive, the devil never died, the dark lord will arise
Metal devil - They kept evil alive, the new world won't survive, a sacrilegious sight
Metal devil - Uncrucified (metal devil), the lord of lies (metal devil), extinguisher of light
Metal devil !
21. King Diamond
[European Bonus Track]
Tell you a tale of a soul that was lost, mind had gone over the edge
Painting a picture of musical madness and drilling it into your head
Deep down under the ground a thunderous evil was heard
Shocking and numbing for never before were spoken such blasphemous words
Don't look in his eyes they're black as the night
He'll make you see things in the shadows
Sinister siren of Satan himself
You'll never escape when he bellows
Now say his name !
King Diamond, what have you done, twisted the minds of us all
King Diamond, sinister son of the devil himself
King Diamond, what have you done, twisted the minds of us all
King Diamond, sinister son of the devil himself
Demons and witches will raise the undead, things will go bump in the night
His face is there painted a menacing head, he's bathing himself in the moonlight
Locked in the attic and burning the candle, he'll sing of the family ghost
Missy and grandma will echo his message : never should we break the oath
Don't look in his eyes they're black as the night
He'll make you see things in the shadows
Sinister siren of Satan himself
You'll never escape when he bellows
Now say his name !
King Diamond, what have you done, twisted the minds of us all
King Diamond, sinister son of the devil himself
King Diamond, what have you done, twisted the minds of us all
King Diamond, sinister son of the devil himself
Melissa... Belial... Abigail... Grandma...
Melissa... Belial... Abigail... The princess of hell...
His legend kept growing and quickly it spreads, his evil it flew on the wind
One day he will visit the land of the dead but don't think his haunting will end
Crossing the river he's there next to Charon, making his way cross the Styx
There on his forehead burning and branded his upside down crucifix
Don't look in his eyes they're black as the night
He'll make you see things in the shadows
Sinister siren of Satan himself
You'll never escape when he bellows
Now say his name !
King Diamond, what have you done, twisted the minds of us all
King Diamond, sinister son of the devil himself
King Diamond, what have you done, twisted the minds of us all
King Diamond, sinister son of the devil himself
King Diamond !
King Diamond !
King Diamond !
King Diamond !