Blut aus Nord
« Memoria Vetusta I: Fathers of the Icy Age »
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1 | Slaughterday (The Heathen Blood of Ours) 06:49
 | 2 | On the Path of Wolf... Towards Dwarfhill 05:46
 | 3 | Sons of Wisdom, Master of Elements 06:07
 | 4 | The Forsaken Voices of the Ghostwood's Shadowy Realm 06:01
 | 5 | The Territory of Witches/Guardians of the Dark Lake 08:12
 | 6 | Day of Revenge (The Impure Blood of Theirs) 05:16
 | 7 | Fathers of the Icy Age 07:01
 | | Total playing time: 45:12 |
   Vindsval - guitars, vocals
W.D. Feld - drums, keyboards |
Recorded and mixed by Vindsval.
Front cover by Francois de Nomé "Les Enfers"
Re-released by Candlelight USA in 2005 as "Fathers Of The Icy Ages". |
 | 1. Slaughterday (The Heathen Blood of Ours)
It was a stormy night of winter, the wind was
cold and the moon was full
The warriors of the Tyrant's army attacked
the village and slaughtered
our mothers, fathers, wives and sons
In the silence of our decimated tribe, we were alive; The brot |
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 Быть может, это прозвучит обвинением, но Blut Aus Nord пытаются быть понятными. Второй их альбом (а ныне – томящаяся в ожидании пополнения первая часть дилогии «Memoria Vetusta») исследует просторы практически мэйнстримового по подаче, но неизмеримо более глубокого и идейно-яркого блэк-метала. Классические идеи индивидуализма представлены уже не в таком аскетическом виде, как на «Ultima Thulee», и мизантропия, явленная здесь, оформлена не кое-как. Кроме того, «Fathers of the Icy Age» – единственный альбом Vindsval-а, лирика которого была сделана достоянием общественности! Вступающую в эстетические компромиссы музыку французов здесь можно определить как непомерно мелодичный атмосферный блэк. Это второй подряд чрезвычайно успешный опыт Blut Aus Nord, на котором они (или все-таки он?) потянулись к легкости, динамизму и конкретности – и в итоге получили хитовый и запоминающийся материал, который, однако, почти не теряет ни в скорости, ни в мечтательном мелодизме своей философской мощи. Не назвал бы я тягу к гитарному солированию приметой блэк-метала вообще да и неизбывные запасы красот в этом альбоме окрашены совсем не во мрачные цвета, они скорее общеметалично печальны. Одновременно и клавишные не загружают мозг, а лишь способствуют доступу и без того воздушного метала к слушателю. Эмбиент как самодостаточная реальность, гигантский энергетический генератор, концентрировавший в себе весь духовный заряд Blut Aus Nord, как то было на дебюте, более не имеет силы и появляется лишь строго в начале и в конце диска. Теперь у Vindsval-а на первом месте общее инструментальное равновесие, и поэтому опорой друг другу являются властители воздуха – двигающиеся северным ульем гитары, дающие первоклассный мелодический мед, повелители ледяной тверди – землетрясные партии ударных и самый надежный цементирующий материал – бас. Что касается вокала, то это, конечно, скрим не без надрыва, но все особо экстремальные эпизоды неизменно сглаживаются плавным полетом мелодий. Кроме них, на «Memoria Vetusta I» можно услышать исполненные героики прошлого чистые вокальные затяжки и совсем эксклюзивную для блэка вещь – легкой дымкой пролетают скоро замолкающие голоса меланхолического бессилия. Можно много и долго говорить о грандиозности замысла, органичности звучания, достоверности выплеснутых эмоций и т.п., но эпическая мощь диска ничуть не поблекла за эти годы и в дополнительных словославиях не нуждается. И все же незабываемым мелодиям и атмосферным текстурам, запечатлевающим исследования огромных пространств, нельзя не поразиться лишний раз. “Carpe Diem” – это может быть сказано про каждую секунду «Memoria Vetusta I: Fathers of the Icy Age»…
Лирическая начинка альбома очень насыщенна – здесь есть все, о чем только может мечтать любитель по-северному суровой музыки, согревающей одни сердца и замораживающей другие. Детально разработаны место (глубь темных лесов, Dwarfhill, Ghostwood и т.д.), время и атмосфера (преимущественно ночь), неизменные спутники (вороны, волки, ведьмы) и высшие ценности (кровные связи, волчья мудрость, обращение к природным силам Земли, вечная тишина). Что до последнего, то пресловутая блэк-металическая несклонность к компромиссам сполна отражена в “The Forsaken Voices of the Ghostwood`s Shadowy Realm”. Разобраться во всех линиях сложновато, попахивает перегруженностью образами и беллетристикой, но что-то такие подозрения не колеблют фундамент общего впечатления. В высшей степени цельная и какая-то бесспорная работа. Все так и есть: гордые сыны перед зеркальной поверхностью льда, которые сказали… в память… |
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просмотров: 14383 |
Our memories were on fire under the sea of Maganst
"Earth, drink our tears of blood"
Mutilated corpses in our head, we ran away
Through the dephts of the dark forest we wan-
dered, and fell in a dream of sorrow
The next morning, awaked by the coldness of the dawn
Some ravens encircled us and Ath the biggest
came near us
The talked to our soul in a very eerie tongue
And we could understand the ancients words of
the messenger of Dwarfh
Ancient nation of a dying realm, we hear your
song, she's flying in the wind
Oh... you'll never see the child
In the deepest sorrow, your tears are flowing
in your wounds
Oh... you'll never see the child
Deep in the realm of Frostthrone, let the blood
on the ground
Oh... we are the children
2. On the Path of Wolf... Towards Dwarfhill
We walked during one day in our
ancient land of wisdom
With Ath as guide, prince of messenger in the sky
Arrived in a blackened place lightened by
hundreds of wolves eyes
Ath, the biggest raven stopped and declared
in eerie tongue
"Follow the wolf in the forest...
(Beyond your reality)
Follow the wolf who knows the legend
Listen to the call of the purple river
(Beyond the human sense)
And observe the other side of the shore"
We left the darkness on wolf's tracks...
(God of forest)
Alone, on the way of our first initiation
We left the darkness on wolf's tracks...
(God among the men)
As for the river's purple water,
We left the voice of the mighty God of place
On the other side of the shore, Dwarfh awaited us
So, we took a bridge made of Gold and Jeweled
to join him
We floated in curiosity, with wolf in our heart
Under a new sky, in a land of pure beauty
In our veins, our blood was cold
Our soul filled with a strange quiet
We came near the shore
We came near our destiny...The old man was there
Listen to me
"I know every deatil about you and your
defunct trive
The stars know the disgrace of this kingdom
You'll get a revenge on the blood-thirsty man
3. Sons of Wisdom, Master of Elements
Months of fighting, months of ancestral wars
Weapon throned on tombstone
Strength throned on oath
Great warriors alive in the breath of an ancient wise
Stell with bastards flesh in our thoughts full of hatred
Ceremonial oath in memory
We praised in front of an eternal fire
Old man in cold wind offered us the pure alloy
...And ravens flew in the sky
...And wolves howled in the night
We called the natural forces of earth
We incoqued the God of Knowledge
The old man was initiated us
He taught us wisdom through the ages
Silently, a dark silouette crept...
A shade came near us and told:
"You possess the power of your fathers
...Fathers beyond the stars"
We called the natural forces of earth
We incoqued the God of Knowledge
We called the soul of the great army
We called the soul of death beyond clouds
In memory of our deceased brothers
We praised in front of an eternal fire
...And ravens flew in the sky
...And wolves howled in the night
Old man in cold wind offered us a great destiny
4. The Forsaken Voices of the Ghostwood's Shadowy Realm
It was a frozen swamp where wandered some
malicious spirit
There was a funebre atmosphere and putrid
smell of sulphur
In the obscurity we could make out some
transparent silouettes
We were on the shadowy realm that some persons
called Ghostwood
Suddenly through the thick fog
We begun to hear a strange macabre serenade
The lugubrious choirs of the forsaken cursed spirits
"Don't listen to the chants of the soul in sorrow
They're like a trap to take you away from your path"
The voices of the ancient warriors became oppressive
More and more difficult to resist in the wood
We tried to put our fingers in our ears but it
was effectless
So, we took a piece of ice and plunged it into
our ears to cut out eardrums
Then, we were rid of the spirit's hold, free of
their harassment
Deafness was the price to pay
Deafness was the key
Deafness was the key to go out of the haunted
domain of ghostwood
Suddenly, through the thick fog; we were alone
We were alone with an eternal silence
5. The Territory of Witches/Guardians of the Dark Lake
We had to go through a mysterious land among
the twilight's creatures
It was the land of witches, guardians of the
dark lake enlighted by the moon
Trees there were the tallest of Frostthrone
In their trunks we could see the figures of the
dead bodies
Pure beauty of witches...so dangerous
Embraced the paleness of their skin
Pure beauty of their bloody eyes...so dangerous
They suck the energy of every man
who fell in their trap
Vampyric creatures on a throne of bones,
We saw your true face in the flame of witchcraft
"Hate in their bloody eyes"
The trees became alive aorund us
We swung our swords in the wind
And we rushed in the fight to sow death with fury
Pure beauty of witches...their head rolled on the ground
Pure beauty of witches...their blood was sticky and as
dark as the night
Beheaded but still alive they laughted
They danced with madness under the moon
Tortured and dark soul in sorrow
Immortal wives
In a bath of malediction
We sent their dismembered bodies to the grim lake
Elements of creation, we call to thee
Fathers of winds, storms cold and frost
They create a blizzard on the land
Pagan Gods destroyed the order of guardians
They froze the lake's dark water
Pure beauty of witches emprisoned in a coffin of ice
Pure beauty of their bloody eyes immobilized
in the mirror of eternity
6. Day of Revenge (The Impure Blood of Theirs)
War ! Revenge's day has come, let's spill the blood of the bastard
In front of us the vast towers of the Maganst"s castle pierced the
noctural beauty of the strarry sky
The rays of the fullmoon enlighted the sinister
gargoyles of stones
Power in our eyes, hate and blood in our veins
We were in the last battle
In honnour of our tribe and gods
We praised the steel of our mighty sword
Excited by the view of this bloody carnage
The wolves hawled on the moutain of wisdom
Mistress of the mist, recieved all the dead
In the land of eternal twilight
We saw a great gap in the ground
Mother earth, recieved all the corpses
War !
Revenge's day has come, let's spill the blood of
the bastard
Human flesh on steel
Ancient nation we heard your song
We had your life in our veins
In memory of our cult, we crushed
War !
The domain beyond the stars,
Forest, land and sea beyond hate
Cryed from freedom
7. Fathers of the Icy Age
Fathers ! From your mighty world
Fathers ! We saw your tears of gold
Messengers in the night ! We saw your drawing in the sky
Wolves ! We heard your song beyond the montains
We eternally danced on the ruins, in a land of wisdom
In the name of forests
In the name of stars
In the name of all the stars
In the name of storms
We praised the magical knowledge
We were on the way of the blood and fire
With a sea of corpses in the valley
In memory of our tribe we were alive
Proud sons of ancient nation
Proud sons of sacred song in the wind
Proud sons behind a mirror of ice who told
"Fathers of the Icy Age"
... In remembrance ...