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« Time Can't Stop to Flow »

Saudade "Time Can Год



CD Single / EP

Gothic Rock

N Название
1Time Can't Stop To Flow
2Torn (single edit)
3Time Can't Stop To Flow (piano)
"This single is free for everyone. So, the band is still unsigned and with this internet-single we look forward to the album release. As well as couple of tracks specially for our fans it is a promotional stuff for the labels and others. Hope, you\'ll be glad with this single. In addition the brand new web-site is almost ready and it will work as soon as possible..."

Recorded in august 2007
Mixed by Uładzimier Dziadziuška
Produced by Alexander Krupp
All music and lyrics by Alexander Krupp
Cover Art and Design by Anastasija Žmakina
(c) 2007 Saudade

Thanks for certain materials
used in the creation of CoverArt to
Max Mitenkov,flordelys-stock and malstir
Тексты песен
Time Can't Stop To Flow

I\'m sighing away,
Drifting through the night
In a shroud of rain
I\'ve lost my guiding light

The future is what should die
The past becomes unknown
The present is called life
Time can\'t stop to flow

I\'m sighing again
The moments will never return
I\'m Скрыть/показать


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