« Detonator »
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1 | Intro To Shame
 | 2 | Shame Shame Shame
 | 3 | Lovin' You's A Dirty Job
 | 4 | Scratch That Itch
 | 5 | One Step Away
 | 6 | Hard Time
 | 7 | Heads I Win, Tails You Lose
 | 8 | All Or Nothing
 | 9 | Can't Wait On Love
 | 10 | Givin' Yourself Away
 | 11 | Top Secret |
   Stephen Pearcy: Lead Vocals
Warren DeMartini: Guitar
Robbin Crosby: Guitar
Juan Croucier: Bass
Bobby Blotzer: Drums
Michael Schenker: Guitar (not credited) |
 | Shame, Shame, Shame
I'm knockin' at your door
And there's no answer
I hear the moans and groans
Of your nasty laughter
I'm kickin' in the door
As your breathin' gets faster
Your trail of clues
Is leadin' to disaster
Once I looked into your eyes
I thought they were true
Innocence can  |
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 Альбом, конечно (что логично), пролетел мимо кассы. Но слушая его, понимаешь, что царь вернулся в голову, а в сердце затеплилось вдохновение. Жаль, что поздно.
За какую-то пятилетку (6 лет в общем – если быть точным) группа совершила просто супер-кульбит: из стаи голодных волков играющих за выпивку и сотню баксов в задрипанном клубе они превратились в группу, продающую альбомы миллионными тиражами, а собрать площадку тысяч на 20 поклонников – раз плюнуть. А ровно за те же пару лет из всеобщих любимцев они превратились в группу, которая живет и здравствует лишь на былых успехах, да на волне популярности той музыки, что они играют. Вокруг них другие группы становятся все популярнее. Bon Jovi и Motley Crue – уже в статусе небожителей, а ведь недавно они играли на разогреве у Ratt. А с Guns’n’Roses уже не могут конкурировать даже полубоги Crue. Старик Ковердейл со своим Whitesnake, и тот продал в США больше 10 млн. копий пары своих альбомов. И это за 3 года.
"Detonator" планировали как «большое возвращение». Обидно то, что все бы получилось, выйди он во время "Reach for the Sky", а еще лучше - "Dancing Undercover". Тогда слава и хиты Bon Jovi и Мотков были бы подперты первоклассными песнями Ratt.
Но вышло другое: Крусье говорил, что планировали выпустить забойный и сыроватый рок, как на первых альбомах, но в итоге пригласили Десмонда Чайлда и Дайану Уоррен, как гарантов хитов. Жаловаться не на что, одна только "Give in Yourself Away" 100% хит и вообще, одна из наимелодичнейших песен в репертуаре. "Shame, Shame, Shame", "Lovin’ You – Is a Dirty Job" и др. – просто идеальные рок-бомбы, да только из Сиэтла уже вовсю дуло ветром гранжа, так что альбом стал казаться анахронизмом и пережитком прошлого. Альбом пролетел мимо тор 20 (#23) и стал первым альбомом группы (и последним тоже), не получившим «платину» на родине.
Кросби сидел на игле и не мог играть, так что в половине песен звучит гитара Майкла Шенкера. Турне отыграли со скрипом, а потом группа и вовсе развалилась. Кросби умер в 2002 году от СПИДа, а его товарищам на него было наплевать. Кроме Крусье.
Занавес. |
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После едва убедительного альбома "Reach for the Sky" группа, как было указано в предыдущей рецензии, собралась с силами, скооперировавшись с именитыми сторонними сонграйтерами, и представила миру свой пятый полноформатный альбом "Detonator", полностью соответствующий своему названию. Практически каждый номер радует своей жизнеутверждающей атмосферой, отполированным звуком, прекрасными аранжировками и по-настоящему доработанными песнями. Вокальные линии звучат удивительно свежо и прилипчиво, гитарные риффы наполнены драйвом и сочной тяжестью, не давящей на голову, а в гитарных соло выкристаллизовалась вся любовь Уоррена ДеМартини к блюзу, который он удачно адаптировал к стилистике группы. Нет смысла разбирать все песни по-отдельности - это надо слушать целиком: здесь и отличные заводные боевички от Ratt, вобравшие в себя всю зрелость подхода ("Shame, Sahme, Shame"; "Can't Wait on Love"; "Top Secret"), интересные среднетемповые номера ("Lovin' You..."; "One Step Away") и единственная настоящая пауэр-баллада группы, лишённая показушной слащавости и боли - "Givin' Yourself Away". Если рассматривать песни по отдельности, то каждая если не хит, то близка к этому званию, а в целом какие-то могут оттенять другие, а потом и наоборот.
Жаль, что тур в поддержку альбома проходил в наполовину заполненных залах, а сам релиз не стал платиновым. Хотя он и заполучил золото, но всё же продался тиражом в районе 800000 - 900000 копий, что чуть-чуть не дотягивало до платинового статуса. На следующий год группа выпустит компиляцию лучших вещей, на которой аж пять песен с этого альбома займут своё место (больше, чем с других полноформатников группы). Не знаю, было ли это специально сделано, чтобы дать возможность еще раз пропиарить вещи с "Detonator", но право занимать своё место среди лучших они имеют полное.
В этот год свет увидели "Cherry Pie" от Warrant, "Flesh & Blood" от Poison, но если первым повезло из-за титульной песни и еще пары-тройки номеров, то вторые, на мой взгляд являются полностью бездарными, хотя и продали обе группы свои альбомы в разы большими тиражами. Близко в жанре к этому творению Ratt я бы поставил только дебютные релизы того же года от групп Firehouse и Slaughter, которые тоже оказались более удачными в коммерческом плане. Но реальность оказалась суровой для Ratt, и вскоре группы не стало. Но этот альбом стал для них настоящей лебединой песней. Шедевр, однозначно. |
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просмотров: 27378 |
And now the finger points
At you, baby
Shame Shame Shame
You should've known better
Than to cheat on me
Shame Shame Shame
Now it don't matter
So let me be
You've got your own self to blame
Now it's time to feel the pain
Of your twisted little game
It's such a cryin'
Shame Shame Shame
Shame Shame Shame
Did you do your poses
In the mirror
Did you tell him
Baby, baby please
Did you twist his tongue
And bend his ear
Did you have him beggin', beggin'
On his knees
Once you looked into my eyes
And told me you were mine
Now I see your cheap disguise
And you're runnin' out of time, baby
Shame Shame Shame
You should've known better
Than to cheat on me
Shame Shame Shame
Now it don't matter
So let me be
You've got your own self to blame
Now it's time to feel the pain
Of your twisted little game
It's such a cryin'
Shame Shame Shame
Shame Shame Shame
Lovin' You's a Dirty Job
I woke up in the mornin', I'm still flat on my back
Couldn't move a muscle like I had a heart attack
The night was wild and woolly
Didn't think I'd make it through it
'Cause lovin' you's a dirty job
And I'm the man to do it
Lovin' you is a dirty job, lovin' you is a dirty job
You put me through the ringer and hung me out to dry
You licked me off your fingers just like a piece of pie
You break my heart in pieces
But I've got the glue to glue it
Girl lovin' you's a dirty job
And I'm the man to do it
Lovin' you is a dirty job, lovin' you is a dirty job
Lovin you is a dirty job
Girl lovin' you's a dirty job and
I'm the man to do it
I'm gonna hold you till the end of time
I'm gonna love you 'cause it's now or never
I'm gonna kiss you till I make you mine
Lovin' you is a dirty job, lovin' you is a dirty job
I'm gonna hold you till the end of time
I'm gonna love you 'cause it's now or never
I'm gonna kiss you till I make you mine
Lovin' you is a dirty job, lovin' you is a dirty job
Lovin you is a dirty job
Girl your love is thicker than mud
And you're trying to drag me through it now
Lovin' you is a dirty job, lovin' you is a dirty job
Scratch That Itch
You say that you've got nothing to lose
You've got that hunger honey
You gotta feed it
Just open wide I'll take a bite outta you
'Cause I'm ready, are you ready
Love's like a bug that you catch in a snatch
I'm here to treat it baby
You know you need it
You gotta rash and now your hearts gotta scratch
Are you ready, yes I'm ready
You know what I'm tryin' to say
Let's put it this way
Scratch, scratch that itch
Scratch, scratch that itch...
I'll be the doctor and I'll give you the cure
For this infection
I'm your injection
I'll heal what ails ya honey
That's for sure
Are you ready, yes I'm ready
You know what I'm tryin' to say
Let's put it this way
Scratch, scratch that itch
Scratch, scratch that itch...
Any night or any day
I'll be there right away to
Scratch, scratch that itch
Scratch, scratch that itch...
One Step Away
I waited for you baby on that hot summer night
I was so hot for ya, you were nowhere in sight
You thought I was foolin'
So your heart took a flight
I guess we're star crossed lovers
We just can't get it right
Two years later I was out on the town
I saw you on the street and my heart hit the ground
I guess love is like a chain
And you're always bound
It's better late than never
Girl am I gettin' through
It's better late than never
Than livin' without you
I'm one step away
We're ships in the night
But tonight you ain't gonna get away
I'm one step away
The timing is right this time
And I'm gonna make you stay
One step away, one step away
I'm callin' on you baby
Like a blast from the past
I heard your heart was broken
I knew it wouldn't last
Some things are forever
And some things burn out fast
Hard Time
When you're down
Kissin' the ground
And your friends downtown
Won't even let you sleep on the floor anymore
When you're holdin' up a cup
On a corner in the cold all night
You start to cry and wonder why
You're doin' hard time
You're doin' hard time, hard time
Even your soul ain't got a dime
You're doin' hard time, hard time
Outta luck, can't make a buck
Try to run but you're stuck
In the muck of your shattered life
Like a knife through your heart tears you apart
You got no one to hold but
Your memories through the night
And you can't see the light
You're doin' hard time
You're doin' hard time, hard time
Even your soul ain't got a dime
You're doin' hard time, hard time
When you're found they push you around
You got no one to hold but
Your memories through the night
You can't see the light
You're doin' hard time
You're doin' hard time, hard time
Even your soul ain't got a dime
You're doin' hard time, hard time
When you're found they push you around
You got no one to hold but
Your memories through the night
You can't see the light
Heads I Win, Tails You Lose
You're a fake, you're a snake
You're a sleazy operator
Always on the take
You're a liar, you're a cheat
You're good at starin' fires but
You can't take the heat
You're gonna get it now...
You're gonna get what's comin' to you
You won't forget this time...
(The tables turnin' round and now it's)
Heads I win, tails you lose
I may not be Sherlock
But you ain't got a clue
Heads I win, tails you lose
I may not be a doctor
But you're sick as a flu
You're a user, you're a slime
You better look somewhere else
For someone else to climb
You're a loser, out of time
You'd send your momma up the river
To make a lousy dime
You're gonna get it now...
You're gonna get what's comin' to you
You won't forget it this time...
(The tables turnin' round and now it's)
Heads I win, tails you lose
I may not be Sherlock
But you ain't got a clue
Heads I win, tails you lose
I may not be a doctor
But you're sick as a flu
Heads I win, tails you lose
I may not be a surgeon
But I'll cut you right through
Heads I win, tails you lose
I may not be a preacher
But it's hell I'll send you to
All or Nothing
"Take it or leave it"
It's a sign of the times
IF there's something I can take
I'm gonna make you mine
And if you think I'm kiddin'
Baby don't turn your back
I'll be comin' on you
Quicker than a heart attack
I've had to crawl, lie
I would've killed for a meal
I've had to beg, borrow and steal
I was beat, and had to cheat
Sold my ass on the street
But baby now I'm back, on my feet
All or nothing, get outta my way
Give me what I want or get outta my face
I want it all or nothing, I want it today
Give me what I need or I'll blow you away
So if you see me on the street
You better look away
'Cause I'll spit right in your eye
And if you think I'm foolin'
I got news for you
You'll be out there walkin'
In dead man's shoes
I've been up, down
Kissin' the ground
I've had to climb my way to the top
I'm a lean, mean fightin' machine
I ain't goin' back to that fucked up scene
All or nothing, get outta my way
Give me what I want or get outta my face
I want it all or nothing, I want it today
Give me what I need or I'll blow you away
I want it all, all or nothing
I want it all, all or nothing
I want it all, all or nothing
I want it all, all or nothing
All or nothing, get outta my way
Give me what I want or get outta my face
I want it all or nothing, I want it today
Give me what I need or I'll blow you away
I want it all, all or nothing
I want it all, all or nothing
I want it all, all or nothing
I want it all, all or nothing
Can't Wait on Love
Can't wait on, I can't wait on
Can't wait on love
You got me shakin' all night long
Body's achin' the pain's so strong
My heart's racin' show me a sign
Don't keep me waitin' at the startin' line
Girl you wind me like a clock
I'm the key that fits your lock
Can't wait on, I can't wait on
Can't wait on love
Don't be long I've got my heat on
I can't wait on love
I'm so excited
I can't sleep
Let me slide in
Way in deep
Girl you tie me in a knot
In your web of love I'm caught
Can't wait on, I can't wait on
Can't wait on love
Don't be long I've got my heat on
I can't wait on love
I'm a time bomb tickin' away
You lit my fuse now you gotta pay
Can't wait on, I can't wait on
Can't wait on love
Don't be long I've got my heat on
I can't wait on love
Givin' Yourself Away
You say you don't want me
You say you don't care
You say that your heart
Ain't got no room for me there
You say you don't need me
But I know that it's just a lie
'Cause when you call me in the night
Tellin' me your life is better off without me
How come you're sleepin' all alone
Tellin' me you don't ever think about me...
Hey, you're givin' yourself away
It's there in every move you make
You can't hide your heartache away
Hey, it's somethin' you don't have to say
It's written in the tears on your face
I see through the part that you play
Your givin' yourself away...
Your givin' yourself away...
It doesn't matter what you say
Your givin' yourself away...
Your givin' yourself away...
So you got all your freedom
And you got all your time
So you got the illusion that your doin' fine
So you smile in the mirror
Through the sadness your smile can't disguise
Why don't you come right out and say
Baby you can't take another day without me
You know I'm runnin' through your blood
You need me like a drug and you can't live without me...
Hey, you're givin' yourself away
It's there in every move you make
You can't hide your heartache away
Hey, it's somethin' you don't have to say
It's written in the tears on your face
I see through the part that you play
Your givin' yourself away...
Your givin' yourself away...
It doesn't matter what you say
Your givin' yourself away...
Your givin' yourself away...
And when you call me in the night
Tellin' me your life is better off without me
I know that you're lyin' there alone
Baby cause I know you can't live without me
Top Secret
I'm racin' with time
You burn in my mind
I'm a man with a mission
I gotta rocket in my pocket
And nothin's gonna stop it
'Cause your my obsession
Please wait for me, wait for me
Your top secret, your top secret
I creep down the street
My sensors seek your heat
Covert operation
You're a bomb that's tickin'
I'm goin' down kickin'
That's classified information
Please wait for me, wait for me, wait for me
I'm runnin', I'm hidin'
You're top secret, you love is so exciting
I'm lyin', denyin'
You're top secret,
and baby I'm dyin'
I'm in way too deep
There's no time to sleep
And I'm hungry and thirsty
It's like my finger's in a socket
I need your love to shock it
But time has no mercy
Please wait for me, wait for me, wait for me
I'm runnin', I'm hidin'
You're top secret, you love is so exciting
I'm lyin', denyin'
You're top secret,
and baby I'm dyin'
Please wait for me, wait for me, wait for me
Please wait for me, wait for me, wait for me
I'm runnin', I'm hidin'
You're top secret, you love is so exciting
I'm lyin', denyin'
You're top secret,
and baby I'm dyin'
Please wait for me, wait for me, wait for me
Please wait for me, wait for me, wait for me
Please wait for me, wait for me, wait for me