 Ахтунг, раритет! Не то, чтобы самые ценные вещи Soundgarden, которые никуда не вошли, но самы знаменитые. SOMMS – это вообще-то шутка-полиндром и читается как Satanoscillatemymetallicsonatas. Что можно читать в обе стороны, получая двойное удовольствие. Вышел ЕР как довесок к переизданию Badmotorfinger в 1992 году, и включает не хиты, но довольно интересные вещицы. Как-то: кавер на Black Sabbath “Into The Void”, только вместо родного текста Крис поёт обращение вождя краснокожих Силта к белым людям, мол, очень глупо вырубать деревья и уничтожать животных, а торговать землёй – вообще нонсенс. „Girl U Want“ – кавер на странную альтернативную поп-роковую формацию Devo, с которыми Саундгардены бывали в турне. Звучит весьма странно и интересно: на отрывистый, нетипичный для банды рифф Крис поёт в свое обычной манере. „Stray Cat Blues“ – песня от стариков Rolling Stones, так она и звучит: Роллигов вполне можно узнать. Зачётный номер про всех неформальных девиц. За этим следует песня написанная самим Корнеллом, She's A Politician ассоциируется у меня не столько с Soundgarden, сколько с Pearl Jam. Концертная запись Slaves And Bulldozers с одной стороны показывает мастерство группы, с другой - Крис с группой иногда так замечательно лажают, что только ухмыляешься. Но на то он и концерт!
ЕР, который нужен позарез всем фэнам! |
Oh yeah
He treats his brothers like his enemies
When it's completed he moves on
He leaves his father's grave and his birthright
His birthright is forgotten
The air is precious to the red man
For all things share the same breath
The white man won't notice the air he breathes
Like a man dying for many days
All right now
The whites must treat the beasts of his land
As his brothers not his enemies
Tell me what is man without the beasts
I'll bet he will die of loneliness
One thing we know that the white man will
We know our god is the same god
You may think you wish to own him
Own him as you wish to own our land
But he is the body of man
And the earth is precious to him
Continue to contaminate your bed
And you will suffocate in your waste
Swings from somewhere you can't see
She sits in the top of the greenest tree
She sends out an aroma of undefined love
Drifts on down in a mist from above
She's just a girl, a girl, a girl you want
She's just a girl, a girl, a girl you want
You can hear her calling everywhere you turn
You know you're headed for the pleasure burn
The words get stuck on the tip of your tongue
She's the real thing but you knew it along
She's just a girl, a girl, a girl you want
Look at you, your mouth watering
Look at you your mind spinning
Why don't we just admit it's all over
She's just a girl you want
She's just a girl, a girl, a girl you want
She's just a girl, a girl, a girl you want
She swings from somewhere you can't see
She sits in the top of the greenest tree
She sends out an aroma of undefined love
Drifts on down in a mist from above
She's just a girl, a girl, a girl you want
She's just a girl, a girl, a girl you want
She's just a girl, a girl, a girl you want
She's just a girl, a girl, a girl you want
She's just a girl, a girl, a girl you want
Originally performed by: Devo
I hear the click-clack of your feet on the stairs
I know you're no scare-eyed honey
There'll be a feast if you just come upstairs
This ain't no hanging matter
No, this ain't no capital crime
Ya I can see that you're just fifteen years old
But I don't want your I.D.
Ya I can see that you're so far from home
This ain't no hanging matter,
No it ain't no capital crime
Oh yeah, you're a stray stray cat
Oh yeah, you're a stray stray cat
Oh yeah, you're a stray stray cat
I bet your momma never saw you fight like that
I bet your momma never saw you scratch my back
You like to get yourself those _____ from home
But I know you miss your mother
You look so scared out of my man made bed
This ain't no hanging matter
No, this ain't no capital crime
I bet your momma never heard you spit like that
I bet your momma never saw you scratch my back
I see your girlfriend and she's wilder than you
Why don't you bring her upstairs
She's wild enough that she can join in too
This ain't no hanging matter
No, this ain't no capital crime
I bet your momma never saw you fight like that
I bet your momma never saw you scratch my back
I bet your momma never saw you
I bet your momma never heard you spit like that
I bet your momma never told you
I bet your momma never told you
I bet your momma never told you you scratch like that
Oh yeah, Oh yeah
Originally performed by: The Rolling Stones
4. She's A Politician
A broken mirror and razor blade
She's a politician
Hot headed all the time
She's a politician
She doesn't misaccuse
She doesn't misabuse
She don't listen, even if she doesn't know what she's saying
She's a politician
And when it comes to blows
She'll get you on the ropes
She's got you beat, you can tell by the company she keeps
She's a politician
A broken mirror and razor blade
She's a politician
Hot headed all the time
She's a politician
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
She's got you all confused
With her machine gun talk
She won't give it cause she knows she's got alot
Music: Cornell
Lyrics: Cornell
Every word I said is what I mean
Every word I said is what I mean
Everything I gave is what I need
Virgin eyes and dirty looks
On what I have and why I took
Counting all the hands I shook
Now I know why you've been shaking
Now I know why you've been shaking
So bleed your heart out
There's no more rides for free
Bleed your heart out
I said what's in it for me
Everything I've held is what I've freed
Everything I've held is what I've freed
Everything I've shown is what I feel
Buying lies and stealing jokes
And laughing every time I choke
Biding all the time you took
Now I know why you've been taken
Now I know why you've been taken
So bleed your heart out
There's no more rides for free
Bleed your heart out
I said what's in it for me
Music: Shepherd, Cornell
Lyrics: Cornell