 «Конец всего грядет» - именно так называется очередной альбом американских альтернативщиков. После ошеломительного предшественника “L.D.50” музыкантами была поставлена задача сотворить альбом не хуже, и им это удалось. Техника не вызывает никаких нареканий, по-прежнему плотная гитара, активный бас, срывающийся на слэп и тэппинг, шквальные ударные. Вот только чистого вокала стало больше (хотя для многих это не есть плохо – яркий пример “World So Cold”). Очевиден уход от слепой агрессии и бесконечных смен ритма в сторону более понятной, и доступной восприятию музыки. Правда, встречаются композиции со сложной ломаной структурой “Trapped in the wake of a dream”, “The Patient Mental”. Стало больше мелодий, драйва, например, “Not Falling”, и замечательная “(Per) Version Of A Truth”.
Тонкая психика Чада раскрывает все более тяжелые образы: образы безысходности, отчужденности и все же надежды. Когда все отвернулись от тебя, ты все-таки не так одинок, как жизнь и смерть, как тьма и свет, ибо они разделены друг от друга.
Так все же чем привлекает слушателя Mudvayne? В нем есть то, чего ты не ждешь: неадекватность, закрученность сюжета и странный исход. Соедините таинственность Tool, ярость Slipknot, аскетизм самих Mudvayne – это и есть “The End Of All Things To Come”. Не проходите мимо этого альбома. |
Oh doesn't it piss you off,
To be beaten at your own game?
You lead us with false morals
And shelter reality!
(No more)
We're not buying your product but you sell it to us preaching silence!
Insult me in my home
Where you were never invited
To live life on your curb
Throw sticks into the spokes
To relieve insecurities
Stifle all dissention
And sticker our freedom of speech!
(So wrong)
Sticker this
Censor this
Ban this
We've got something to say!
Police this
Condemn this
Damn this
We'll be heard anyway!
Middle finger is the flag that I wave when I'm silenced!
Don't tell me what I want
Don't tell me what I need
Don't tell me how I need to feel
I feel
Goddamn nothing!
Dig the eyes out of my face
I can still see right fucking through you
Fuck you and everything you are
i'm me, where us, and thats all
Closed mind with a form of criticize
keep your policy ive got mine
exploit me
Fabricate your lies
We have burned these ghosts just to bleed out in silence!
(Listen here)
Stand on my soapbox
And speak my own piece
Whatever you may think
(It's real)
to go through what is me
And step on your beliefs
Thieving spineless sellouts
Reving our integrity!
(Bring it on)
Sticker this
Censor this
Ban this
We've got something to say!
Police this
Condemn this
Damn this
We'll be heard anyway!
Middle finger is the flag that I wave when I'm...
2.Trapped In The Wake Of A Dream
Do I deserve these beatings?
Hating me,
well then,
Cut, cut the noose
and let me fall away...
I'm, growing weak and tired
of you
and your little shoving games
pushing me.
You pulled the trigger,
trapped in,
the wake,
of your
You're all killers.
Always fucking pushing me;
insulting me;
I've overcome;
I have found the strength of gods in me.
All unwilling;
This is so unstoppable.
Hard as nails,
hook that holds,
reach down and find the strength of many in you.
My sanctuary...
calling my name,
so I run through...
to the light,
weeping through a cloud.
by a tainted dream,
of me,
being pummeled by the tide,
killing me
But I can't wake up,
trapped in,
the wake of a
You're all killers.
Always fucking pushing me;
insulting me;
I've overcome;
I have found the strength of gods in me.
All unwilling;
This is so unstoppable.
Hard as nails,
hook that holds,
reach down and find the strength of many in you.
Call it;
call a truce.
I'm believing
in it more and more.
purge the truth, I'll belive it.
I'm so weak and sore, shadowed
Hide and seek,
but you never looked.
I wait behind the door
call out;
bite the hand that is feeding...
Compassion no more.
I hope I never wake up.
Dream-sewing, filters, distort reality of what is mine through
light this mind awakens
I draw the line from then and now, awake and dreaming, forgotten
past future becomes mine.
Throw the chains,
all away,
take control,
of your life.
Powers known,
this is my...
Throw the chains,
all away,
take control,
of your life.
Powers known,
this is my...
You're all killers.
Always fucking pushing me;
insulting me;
I've overcome;
I have found the strength of gods in me.
All unwilling;
This is so unstoppable.
Hard as nails,
hook that holds,
reach down and find the strength of many in you.
3.Not Falling
Noted on my time
A little left I'm centered now
As I realize
That all I
Need is to find
The little bit about to sit like the sun like a star in the sky
It just makes
Cast the stars in me
I stand
Not crawling
Not falling down
I'll beat
The demons
That drag me down
I stand
(For nothing)
Not crawling
Not falling down
(Your nothing in the end)
I'll bleed
(For no one)
The demons
(But myself)
That pull me down
(For me and no one else)
I put it out again
I'm over
The sanelities
I don’t need you
Or anyone by me
I'll just be
Living my own life
I feel like growing cynical
I feel alive and sharper
Turn on the lime
Planted on myself to sit like the seed in the comforts of every
Just makes
What you think isn't me
Come play kill
(Refuse my to fall, today refuse my shadow)
Stone cold will
(Refuse to need this, refuse to follow)
Bitter pills
(Refuse to be this, refuse to swallow, I feel godless)
Come play
Come play god
Test me
Test me
Test me
Test me
Test me
I stand
(For nothing)
Not crawling
Not falling down
(Your nothing in the end)
I'll bleed
(For no one)
The demons
(But myself)
5.Mercy, Severity
We've come here from so far away
I can save you if you leave it all behind
This sufferings been far too long
Would you take a trip with me on the back of a star
I feel like earth's gravity is just here to pull us down
Mother of creation wait
Embrace the souls of a lost world carry them away
Darkness, Negative, Receptive
Pour firmament between our waters separate the space
Mother of destruction wait
With a belt of skulls strap me down and send the ship away
Progress with the process
Mine the souls from their casts
Pour Form and Reshape
This dark womb wraps and covets me
Redefining understanding if you open up the heart
Nurturing this phenomenon
We can carry you on our wings, our wings through the dark
Lightning flashes of insight
Into the mirth of a dark sky
Pain of division is nothing
Joy of dissolution is everything
Mother of creation wait
Embrace the souls of a lost world carry them away
Darkness, Negative, Receptive
Pour firmament between our waters separate the space
Mother of destruction wait
With a belt of skulls strap me down and send the ship away
Progress with the process
Mine the souls from their casts
Pour Form and Reshape
Portal sits deep within the eye
The eye of Yin's severity, rewards understanding
Portal sits deep within the eye
The eye of yin's severity, rewards understanding
Blackness consumes body comforts
core of nothing
Blackness consumes body comforts
core of nothing
Mother I can remember
A vault of security
Can you take me away
Would you take me away
Won't you take me away, AWAY
Mother of creation wait
Embrace the souls of a lost world carry them away
Darkness, Negative, Receptive
Pour firmament between our waters separate the space
Mother of destruction wait
With a belt of skulls strap me down and send the ship away
Progress with the process
Mine the souls from their casts
Pour Form and Reshape
6.World So Cold
When passion's lost
And all the trust is gone
For way too far
For way too long
Children crying
Cast out and neglected
Only in a world so cold
Only in a world this cold
Hold the hand of your best friend
Look into their eyes
Then watch them drift away
Some might say
We've done the wrong things
For way too long
For way too long
Fever inside the storm
So we're turning away
Away from the game
Away from the storm
It's like through mending the worlds of us
Keep your thorn
Cuz I'm running away
Away from the games
Away from the space
The circumstances of a world so cold
Burning whispers
Remind me of the days
I was left alone
In a world this cold
Guilty of the same things
Reveled by the cause
I've left alone in a world so cold
Fever inside the storm
So we're turning away
Away from the game
Away from the storm
Its like through mending the worlds of us
Keep your thorns
Cuz I'm running away
Away from the games
Away from space
The circumstances of a world so cold
I'm flying
I'm flying away
Away from the games
Away from the flames
The circumstances of a world so COLD
Why does everyone feel like my enemy
Don't want any part of depressional darkness
I've had enough, sick and tired,
Bring the sun or I'm gone
or I'm gone, I'm packing out, I'm no more no motherfuckin' shit
Never lied, never loved, never lived, never lost, never hurt
never worried about being afraid,
Of anyone else, not a care, no concern, don't give a shit about anything,
Packing out, giving up, no motherfuckin' shit never lived, never
lied, never lived, never
lived, never loved, never loved, never hate never worried about
being afraid,
Of anyone else, not a care, no concern, don't give a shit about anything,
I need to find a darkened corner,
A darkened corner, A blackless corner
where its safer and calmer
I'm drowning away, away from the game away from flame
Cause I feel mending the worlds of us,
I'm running away, away from the game away from this space
Of circumstances of a world so cold,
I'm flying, I'm flying away, away from the game away from the game
Of circumstances of a world so cold.
7.The Patient Mental
Patient, just as I am
As always
Watch the time go by
Nothing left to pass by
The minutes follow me
Drunken little people
Work away at me
Why, wont the leave me
Leave me alone
When I don't even want me
Want me
I have to
Kill the words
Before they
Form a sentence
A sentence that is me
Just like clothes to carry
The patient sets in cradled love
That doesn't even strengthen
Why wont they leave me
Leave me alone
When I don't even want me
Want me
The patient mental sits and stands
And I don't mind
And I keep
Screaming stay back
Why won't they leave him
Leave him alone
The passive smeared ritual
Driven by your worship
The hate driven in me
They have to
Kill the meal
Before they
Can consume
Consume my inner peace
With out the understanding
Trapped inside the words
The hands are moving me
The patient mental sits and stands
And I don't mind
And I keep
Screaming, stay back
Why wont the leave him
Leave him alone
The passive smeared ritual
Driven by your worship
The hate driven in me
Release me
Let me go
Why do they observe me
There's nothing here to cure
I can see the silhouettes
That's hid behind the mirror
I'm just like a clock upon the wall
Always moving but never going anywhere
The patient mental sits and stands
And I don't mind
And I keep
Screaming stay back
Why wont the leave him
Leave him alone
The patient mental sits and stands
And I don't like what's happening
screaming stay back
The passive smeared ritual
Driven by your worship
the hate driven in me
This puzzle's dead inside
Missing pieces growing eyes,
Little girls severity,
Little boys begging mercy
Sticks break on me
Cost of life at 23
Price of pain a golden ring
All crimson
Melting body rubber world
Battle axe with locks of curls
My cost, the price of a broken doll, can you
Remember that place
The place you would go to make things okay,
1000 points for insect stings,
Glue my spirit, break my wings,
Libido steams infectious whore,
Cauterize and forge the sword,
Remember killing.
Children, learning the secret knock, a nickel
To enter that place,
The place you would go to make things okay,
My cost, the price of a broken doll, can you
Remember that place
The place you would go to take pain away,
Games of passion taste so sweet
Cut his throat and slaughter meat,
My secrets.
Seven heads for seven seas,
Darkened voices plead disease
Dismembering me
Children, wrestle to seal the bag, storing it deep
In that place,
The place you would go and try to escape
Children, learning the secret knock, a nickel
To enter that place,
The place you would go to make things okay,
My cost, the price of a broken doll, can you
Remember that place
The place you would go to take pain away,
Skrying through reflections in a pool,
I see death coming, mowing down,
Do you remember the bedroom,
Was it your cell or was it your tomb,
You're living through my hell
Children, learning the secret knock, a nickel
To enter that place,
The place you would go to make things okay,
My cost, the price of a broken doll, can you
Remember that place
The place you would go to take pain away
9.Solve Et Coagula
Fire, fire
I dissolve and solidify,
Destroy to recreate,
Disassemble to assemble something pure,
Our rubic sol-ve-et-co-ag-u-la
Kill to be born again, cycled a thousand times
Fire, planetary alchemy,
Fire, the time is here now
Fire, four corners to rise
Fire rise!
Fire, there's always loss within,
Fire, the cleansing it's time
Fire, shooting arrows to the sky
I construct a new institution
Not out of bricks, iron, cement, concrete
Or steel
Our rubic sol-ve-et-co-ag-u-la
Distill to purify,
We've done it a thousand times
Fire, planetary alchemy,
Fire, the time is here now
Fire, four corners to rise
Fire rise!
Fire, there's always loss within,
Fire, the cleansing it's time
Fire, shooting arrows to the sky
Burn, bleed all the lives of life, ascend to
The sky
Burn, all the martyrs
Fire, planetary alchemy,
Fire, the time is here now
Fire, four corners to rise
Fire rise!
Fire, there's always loss within,
Fire, the cleansing it's time
Fire, shooting arrows to the sky
10.Shadow Of A Man
Mirror, mirror, upon the wall
I'm asking you, who is the most confused, of them all
Mirror, mirror, subservient twins
Screams back at me, you, you sick, flawless mime
I wanna break you!
You're a clever one
Do you reflect me, or do I reflect you
Are you inside of another world
I wanna break through!
You're a clever one
Is this a tool?
Can i step through
To find another plane, I'm or just a shadow of a man
Superficial tool
To support the vanity of weak
When you don't love yourself
If this is painful, on your side
I'll break your existence, and cut through mine!
You're a clever one
Are you a tool?
Can i step through
To find another plane, I'm just a shadow of a man
Are you my brother, or you look like me
Trapped inside another world
My last win
Just a superficial tool, to support the vanity of weak
When you don't love yourself
Mirror, upon the wall, am I a reflection of you?
Mirror, upon the wall, are you staring back?
Understanding, as a place within my world
On this side
Are you a fool?
can i step through
To find another plane, I'm just a shadow of a man
Are you my brother, or you look like me
Trapped inside another world
My last win
Are you a tool?
Can i step through
To find another plane, I'm just a shadow of a man
Just a superficial tool, to support the vanity of weak
When you dont love yourself
12.The End Of All Things To Come
All over with,
Fuck all the flags, the greed, the world leaders
Run for the fence
We're coming, We're killing, We're changing the faces
Believe in yourself
Let go of ego strenghten within yourself all over with
We're coming, We're killing, We're changing the faces
I'm killing, every fucking thing until somebody gets the fucking
point, the point I'm trying to make
I lead, the mice on parade,
Down to the river of Kool Aid, and open up the flood gates
I need a barrel of Cyanide; a pile of Strychnine untill the whole
damn world is dead
Start over again
All over with,
Fuck all the flags, the greed, the world leaders
Run for the fence
We're coming, We're killing, We're changing the faces
Stop talking, negotiating,
Your feeble attempts towards world peace,
Gimme a fucking break
Need world-wide genocide, planetary suicide and when the whole
damn world is fucking dead...
there's your fucking peace
All over with,
Fuck all the flags, the greed, the world leaders
Run for the fence
We're coming, We're killing, We're changing the faces
Believe in yourself
Let go of ego strenghten within yourself all over with
We're coming, We're killing, We're changing the faces
Oxygen wasters... Come on!
We've come... to save you, to save you from yourselfs
Kill or be killed
All over with,
Fuck all the flags, the greed, the world leaders
Run for the fence
We're coming, We're killing, We're changing the faces
Believe in yourself
Let go of ego strenghten within yourself all over with
We're coming, We're killing, We're changing the faces
13.A Key To Nothing
No more telling us
No more lies
No more needles
No more breathes
No more no less
No more no less
No more sick with digs
No more immigrants
No more emptiness
No more consequence
No more puppet strings
No more disease
No more throwing up
No more happiness
No more lying down
No more patience
I have
I hold the key to nothing
It was small killing murder murders in the hands
Emotion nothing seems to feel
No more nothing
No more anything
No more no
No more
No more prostrate victories
No more nations to defeat
No more speaking truth
No more deceit
No more holding out
No more pushing me
No more new world order
No more anarchy
I have
I hold the key to nothing
It was small killing
Murder in the hands
Emotion nothing seems to be
I'm washing my hands
Of the whole thing
I'm washing my hands
Of the whole thing
I'm washing my hands
Of the whole thing
Of the whole thing
No more
No more nothing
I have
I hold the key to nothing
It was a small killing
Murder in the hands
Emotion nothing seems to be
I'm washing my hands of everything
Of everything we have