 Что-то совершенно не тянутся руки еще раз прокрутить второй альбома заокеанского коллектива Master. Эта, несомненно, заслуженная, а в узких кругах даже приобретшая статус культа команда является значимой боевой единицей на поле битвы между трэшем и дэт-металом. Отношения между собой эти два стиля выясняют в творчестве Master еще с середины 80-х, когда бессменно возглавляемая Паулем Спекманом бригада записала, но так и не пустила в широкие массы свою первую полноформатную работу. С особым ожесточением баталии вспыхнули в начале прошедшего десятилетия – когда Пауль, постоянно тасуя устающий от столь плотной рубки состав, сподобился выпустить в сжатые сроки аж три альбома подряд. С переменным успехом продолжаются они и до сих пор, когда «мастермайнд» команды подвязался в чешском коллективе Krabathor, имеющим, кстати, очень схожую с “Мастером” судьбу. И вроде бы дэт-метал до сих пор берет вверх, сопровождая свое дело яростными рыками (похоже, избежавшими обработки через «питчеры»), неповоротливыми, но зато устрашающими не хуже танкового рокота риффами и неуклюжим, рвущимся напролом стуком ударных. Выяснять все это не хочется. Хочется, подобно солдату в окопе, понадежней нацепить каску на лоб, вжаться в землю и носа наружу не выказывать, покуда любопытство в очередной раз не подымет «в атаку». Ну а там уж без вариантов – если на предыдущем “мастерском” альбоме еще можно было найти слабые места, неожиданные и очаровательные промахи, непосредственность и каплю человеческого очарования, то на «Седьмом дне…» перед слушателем предстает идеально отлаженная машина. Или просто мое любопытство после знакомства с дебютником свой энтузиазм подрастеряло – не время разбираться, когда на тебя прет ТАКОЕ. Остается только безропотно подставить свои уши под очень простую, но невозможно тяжелую канонаду, повредить слуховой аппарат… но так и не изменить своим убеждениям. Не вызывает, подобно многим своим соратникам, Master прилива положительных чувств, но и ругать его не хочется. Тем более что и экипаж у агрегата непростой – Cynic, Obituary… Но выйди на поле боя любой достойный представитель дэт-трэша, пусть и не отличающийся столь завидным дуболомным упорством, быть Master’у, несмотря на его харизматичность, битым и навсегда изгнанным из плэй-листа. Ну а у кого таковых нет, тому придется туго: недаром же эта работа чаще иных признается у коллектива лучшей. |
What kind of god would just overlook this
What kind of god is just simply so sick
What kind of god could we put our thrust in
What kind of god is so ruthless and vain
Funeral full of enemies
The finger points to only one
Funeral full of enemies
They shift the blame to only one
What kind of god would just overlook this
What kind of god is just simply so sick
What kind of god could we put our thrust in
What kind of god is so ruthless and vain
Funeral full of enemies
Watch the family gather stones
Funeral full of enemies
Victimised I'm left alone
What kind of god would just overlook this
What kind of god is just simply so sick
What kind of god could we put our thrust in
What kind of god is so ruthless and vain
2. Latitudinarian
Latitudinarian, the minds open
Latitudinarian, the minds spoken
Bathe in blood
Latitudinarian, the minds open
Latitudinarian, the minds spoken
Religious wars
In affect
Latitudinarian, the minds open
Latitudinarian, the minds spoken
Latitudinarian, it's pathetic
Latitudinarian, it's genetics
3. Heathen
The streets and the cities
The alleys of woe
The forces of hatred
Are out of control
The lurk in the fields
Alone in the night
A sickly perversion, excursion
That's not in sight
[Bible passage]
He travels he streets
Different weapons in hand
He searches for victims
Befriends the demand
Ridding the world of
The homeless disease
Laughing out loudly
Ignoring their pleas
Victims of the chosen
Have been clearly marked and pushed aside
Many body parts were frozen
Simply just a waste of life
Eating the flesh of the virgins
The taste of blood
Picking the brains of desertion
Forever more
Stabbing the hearts of the weakened society
Killing the worthless for pleasure now
Raping the dead it's so silent
A twist of fate
A wave of sick violence
A question of give and take
Taxpayers earning just
Feed them the deathly row
The chair gathers dust
As they age in their cell
Documented murders often
Skip the press and go unsolved
Morbid visions, gross divisions
Multiply the cause of death
You fucking heathen!
Go back to hell, where you fucking came from!
4. Used
Pushed aside and left behind
Used again a second time
Built my trust and slipped away
Just to call another day
Used, Abuse, Misused, You loose
Erased, Misplaced, Disgraced, You've changed
A pedestal of godliness
Pulled the rug under my feet
Used, Abuse, Misused, You loose
Erased, Misplaced, Disgraced, You've changed
5. Demon
Left us midway through
A cowardly way out
The alcoholic way
A loser there's no doubt
A weakling in disguise
He's 31 years old
Supported by his friends
He'll never leave his home
Guided by his peers
A follower at best
Success his only fear
He'll never lead the rest
His demon is his crutch
In life he has no clue
Consuming way to much
And acting like a fool
Left us midway through
A cowardly way out
The alcoholic way
A loser there's no doubt
A weakling in disguise
He's 31 years old
Supported by his friends
He'll never leave his home
6. Constant Quarrel
Life's uncertainty
The age of constant quarrel
Undying loyalty
Will this foot the bill
Fall back
Spent prophets reassure
A sense of false belief
Often to endure
A possible reprieve
Walk away
Never return
Walk away
Never learn
Promises of grandeur
I seen it in their eyes
The telephone stopped ringing
The moneys been disguised
Walk away
Never return
Walk away
Never learn
Life's uncertainty
The age of constant quarrel
Undying loyalty
Will this foot the bill
Fall back
Walk away
Never return
Walk away
Never learn
7. Judgement of Will
Worth more dead
Worth more dead than alive
It's often said
The judgement of will will decide
Plot to kill
A feeling that we've been deprived
Those insurance policies
Forcing murder violently
We've assumed the monthly plan
We're accustomed to demand
Money spent
The bills of the trust must be paid
Sickness bent
The worth of the man not his fate
Those insurance policies
Forcing murder violently
We've assumed the monthly plan
We're accustomed to demand
Worth more dead
Worth more dead than alive
It's often said
The judgement of will will decide
Worth more dead
8. America The Pitiful
Oh pitiful for smoggy skies
With amber lanes of waste
With Dreadful mountain poverty's
So many infants slain
America, America
God shed his wrath on thee
No livelihood, It's just not good
From sea to blackened sea
Time ticks away, but still they play
With plans of conquering
The industry, they think they're free
Toy soldiers of the damned
America, America
God shed his death on thee
No livelihood, it's just not good
From sea to blackened sea
Oh Beautiful for spacious skies
With amber waves of grain
With purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain
America, America
God shed his grace on thee
With crown thy hood and brotherhood
From sea to shining sea
9. Whose Left To Decide
Existence of his precence is his goal
Flawless lessons strengthen his control
Illustrations rest upon the walls
Worship him but soon the devil calls
Pledge to the one, the one who wallows
Worship the son, son of sorrow
Pledge to the one, the one who follows
Worship the son, no tomorrow
The hopes and the dreams
Of the one who achieves
Pleasures of flesh
They'll be down on their knees
Father and daughters
The bond will erase
Tortures of fires
The smile on his face
They threat no existence
Involves many forms
The thought of resistance
The power forewarns
Evil verses sorrow in our lives
Borrowing the souls left to decide
Afterlife a question no replies
A fallacy the preacher has no eyes
Pledge to the one, the one who wallows
Worship the son, son of sorrow
Pledge to the one, the one who follows
Worship the son, no tomorrow
Look at the graves of the thousands who've died
No one remembers who is left to decide
The flowers have wilted the maggots arrive
Who the hell cares where you go when you die
The church is in ruins the memories erased
The preacher will die and I spit in his face
10. Submerged In Sin
Implement, irreligion yellowbrick roads
Atheist, nonbelievers do they suppose
Fantasies concrete pillars demonic play
Warranty souls forgotten, could we expire
The rime is thin
Submerged in sin
Will they transpire
The lake of fire
Diligent perseverance, earthly unrest
Cautiously many footsteps, could be the last
Age ascends quick upon us, who will descend
Questions of life external, who'll reprimand
The rime is thin
Submerged in sin
Will they transpire
The lake of fire
Implement, irreligion yellowbrick roads
Atheist, nonbelievers do they suppose
Fantasies concrete pillars demonic play
Warranty souls forgotten, could we expire
The rime is thin
Submerged in sin
Will they transpire
The lake of fire