 По сути, дебютный альбом Fleetwood Mac является логическим продолжением альбомов группы Джона Мэйолла и первого альбома Cream. Что и неудивительно, ведь гитарист Питер Грин, басист Джон МакВи и барабанщик Мик Флитвуд раньше все играли с Мэйоллом. Добавив ещё одного гитариста, Джереми Спенсера, и недолго поиграв с Бобом Браннингом на басу, они назвали себя Fleetwood Mac. Что можно сразу заметить на альбоме, и что впоследствии стало характерной чертой группы, так это создание большинством участников группы своих музыкальных "территорий", когда каждый из них играл в своём стиле, ощутимо отличающемся от манеры исполнения коллег. То есть, песни Грина затрагивают стиль прогрессивного блюза, благодаря его чувству мелодии и своеобразной гитарной игре. Песни же Спенсера сработаны скорее в ретро-стилистике, и он пытается звучать максимально похоже на небезызвестного блюзмена Элмора Джеймса, на песни которого здесь имеется два кавера. Спенсер ещё не ударился в ретро так, как то случится позже, и здесь его попытки творчества в подобном ключе выглядят скорее данью уважения, нежели сатирой. Различие в подходах к сочинению Грина и Спенсера было настолько большим, что они практически не участвовали в исполнении песен друг друга. А на номерах "Hellhound On My Trail" и "The World Keep On Turning" Джереми и Питер вообще выступают в одиночку. Однако, что удивительно, сочетание столь разных стилей на данном альбоме вышло очень гармоничным, с высоким качеством записи. И с первого же альбома создаётся та неповторимая атмосферность музыки Fleetwood Mac, которая пройдёт через большинство их творчества, несмотря на смены стилей. Отчасти этому помогает отличный саунд-продюссинг, на данном альбоме лучше всего вышедший на номере "I Loved Another Woman" с его реверберацией.
В целом, данный альбом сразу же показал высокий потенциал участников группы, и стал одной из вех в истории британского блюзового движения. |
I know I didn't treat her right
I know that a woman needs
Rollin' every day and night
Oh, yeah
Well, my heart beat like a hammer
My eyes plumb full of tears
Yes, my heart beat like a hammer
My eyes plumb full of tears
She's been gone about an hour
But it seems like a thousand years
Don't ever dog your woman
You know you're gonna ruin yourself
Don't ever dog your woman
You know you're gonna ruin yourself
Know that a woman she'll
Run off with somebody else
Oh, yeah
2. Merry-Go-Round
When I first met you baby, I didnt even know your name
Yes, when I first met you babe, I didnt even know your name
I was feeling so low on the ground
Bad luck and evil women was to blame
I never realized just how sweet and kind one woman can be
Yes, I never realized, people, just how sweet and kind one woman can be
Yes, but when I looked in your eyes
Yeah, I knew true love had come to me
Take my hand, baby, now, you hold it tight and dont let go
Take my hand, now, hold it tight and dont let go
Yes, cause our love is like a merry go round
And round forever its gonna go
3. Long Grey Mare
I've got a long grey mare, she won't let me ride
I got a long grey mare, she won't let me ride
She makes me brush her in the morning
And put her to bed every night
Long grey mare, why can't we be just like before
Long grey mare, why can't we be just like before
We used to ride so hard
Until we just couldn't ride no more
Look at me grey mare, don't I feed you everyday
Look at me grey mare, don't I feed you everyday
But when I dig you with my spurs
You turn around the other way
4. Hellhound on My Trail
Gotta keep movin
Gotta keep movin
Hellhound on my trail
Hellhound on my trail
If today was christmas day
If today was christmas day
And tomorrow was christmas eve
Lord, wouldnt we have a time boys
I gotta keep on movin
Gotta keep on movin
That hellhound is on my trail
Hellhound on my trail
5. Shake Your Moneymaker
Shake your moneymaker
Shake your moneymaker
You got to shake your moneymaker, yeah
Shake your moneymaker
You got to shake your moneymaker
And then...
I got a gal that lives up on a hill
I got a gal that lives up on a hill
Says shell let me roll her
But I dont believe she will
She wont shake her moneymaker
Wont shake her moneymaker
I want to roll her I keep beggin
She wont shake her moneymaker
Wont shake her money maker
She wont...
I got a girl, but she just wont be true
I got a girl, but she just wont be true
Wont let me do the one good thing I tell her to
She wont shake her moneymaker
Wont shake her moneymaker
Wont shake her moneymaker
She wont shake her moneymaker
Wont shake her moneymaker
She wont...
6. Looking for Somebody
I got a feeling, blues gonna be my only way
Yeah, I got a feeling, blues gonna be my only way
But when you're lookin' for somebody
I'm lookin' for somebody
Tell me woman, now, how do you see a man like me
Tell me woman, now, how do you see a man like me
You look so nice
You feel so warm
7. No Place to Go
How many more year - have you got to wreck my life
How many more year - have you got to wreck my life
Well, the way you done me, gonna wreck my life
How many more time - you gonna treat me like you do
How many more time - you gonna treat me like you do
You spend all my money, all my lovin' too
Now I'm old and grey - Got no place to go
Now I'm old and grey - Got no place to go
You got yourself a youngster, you can't stand me no more
8. My Baby's Good to Me
My baby, my baby she's so good to me
My baby, my baby she's so good to me
Yes, she's so fine, as fine as a little girl should be
She got a fine pair of legs, um, and her figure is a sight to see
She got a fine pair of legs, um, and her figure is a sight to see
Yeah, she's a red hot little girl and she mean the world to me
Oh, yeah
She's good, um, eh, she's so good to me
She's good, ah, she's so good to me
Ah, she's a so good little girl, as good as a little girl should be
Ah, she's fine
She's fine, oh yeah,
She's fine, yeah
Oh, yeah
Ah, she's so good'n
A she's so good to me
Oh, yeah
9. I Loved Another Woman
My baby's gone and left me - crying by myself
My baby's gone and left me - crying by myself
I loved another woman - I lost my best gal
She was a real good woman - she didn't me no harm
She was a real good woman - she wouldn't do me no harm
But I loved another woman - now she's up and she's gone
Well, come back baby - I know I treated you wrong
Well, come back baby - I know I treated you wrong
I loved another woman - now, I won't do that no more
10. Cold Black Night
It was a cold black night and the rain was falling down
Cold black night and the rain was fallin' down
I went out lookin' for my girl,
I knew she wasn't nowhere around
She left me early that morning, with a suitcase in her hand
She left me early that morning, yes, with a suitcase in her hand
And she took off on a train this mornin'
and she was meetin' some other man, yes
She used to treat me real good and I wonder why I
didn't treat her right
Yes, ah, you know I wonder why I didn't treat her right
And now all I can do, is walk those streets both day and night
11. The World Keep On Turning
Dont look for no worries, worries and troubles come around
Yes, I dont look for no worries, people, worries and troubles come around
The world keep on turning, I got to keep my feet on the ground
Nobody saw me cryin - nobody knows the way I feel
Nobody saw me cryin - nobody knows the way I feel
Yeah, the way I love the woman, its bound to get me killed
I loved the little girl so good, she made my low down butter come
Loved the little girl so good, she made my low down butter come
I need the woman so bad, I need her like the sky needs the sun
12. Got to Move
You've got to move, you can't stay here no more
You've got to move, you can't stay here no more, oh yes
You're my baby, I love you so,
but, still you've got to go - away from here
You won't cook, you won't wash
You won't iron, you won't sew
Oh, no, you won't even scrub the floor
You're my baby, I love you so,
but, still you've got to go - away from here
Well, I'd rather be dead and in my grave
Then to see another man here to take my place
Oh, yes, you've got to move, yeah
You're my baby, I love you so,
but still you've got to go away from here
Well, I'd rather be dead and in my grave
Then to see another man here to take my place
Umm, yes, you've got to move, yeah
You're my baby, I love you so,
but still you've got to go away from here
You got to move, away from here
Oh, yes, you got to move, away from here
You're my baby, I love you so
But still you've got to go away from here
Let's bring it out now