 Когда речь заходит о Monstrosity, многие сразу вспоминают гениальное творение этой группы 96-го года - "Millennium". Однако не стоит забывать и то, с чего всё начиналось, потому что их дебютный альбом тоже заслуживает пристального внимания.
"Imperial Doom" - это амбициозная работа и уверенный старт, развитие которого мы получили на уже упомянутом "Миллениуме". Хотя, надо сказать, что структура присутствующих здесь композиций ничуть не уступает ему по сложности. В основном, это заслуга гуру барабанной установки - Ли Харрисона, который демонстрирует техничную, нестандартную работу, разбавляя ритмичные, размеренные моменты просто безумными сбивками и бласт-битами. Также довольно трудно определить скорость этого альбома, - темп большинства композиций меняется как минимум два-три раза за одну минуту, отчего они практически не запоминаются, разве что, их отдельные фрагменты. Однако при прослушивании это звучит очень мощно, и доставляет львиную долю угара и удовольствия.
Работа гитаристов тоже на высоком уровне. Несмотря на изрядное преобладание в ней техники, ребята не забывают баловать слушателя и простыми, бодрыми риффами, попутно сопровождая каждую песню мрачнейшими соляками. Да, большинство здешних соло-партий обладает какой-то еле заметной, мистической аурой, благодаря которой альбом представляется в совсем ином цвете.
Голос дебютнику Monstrosity придала довольно известная личность - Джордж Фишер, также известный как "Корпсграйндер", который в нынешнее время трудится на "мясокомбинате", именуемом Cannibal Corpse. Окончательно гроулинг Фишера сформировался именно в "Каннибалах", поэтому на "Imperial Doom" он довольно забавно орёт в микрофон, больше напоминая трэшевого вокалиста, а не рычащего дэтстера, коим является сейчас. Вот, кстати, один из немногочисленных минусов этого альбома - ему не хватает именно мощного гроула.
Качество записи для 92-го года вполне хорошее. Только ударные, на мой взгляд, излишне выдвинуты на передний план, но в данном случае это и неплохо, учитывая мастерскую работу Харрисона. Также ярко выражено и звучание бас-гитары, а вот обычным гитарам как раз не хватает жёсткости и плотности.
Теперь коротко по трек-листу. Заглавная песня, "Imperial Doom", является не самой сильной на этом альбоме. Я бы даже сказал, самой слабой. А самыми боевыми номерами я считаю "Burden of Evil", "Definitive Inquisition", "Final Cremation" и "Ceremonial Void". В порядке убывания соответственно.
Если кто ещё не слышал "Imperial Doom", то из всего, что я тут понаписал, можно образно предположить, что он из себя представляет: это вполне техничный дэт-метал (флоридской школы!), с виртуозной работой ударника и не менее виртуозной игрой гитаристов, сопровождаемой мрачнейшими соляками и полу-трэшевым вокалом Джорджа Фишера. А также, обладающий неплохим качеством звука, но "жиденьким" звучанием гитар.
Итог: очень талантливая и интересная работа. Да и просто очень хороший альбом. |
exploding through the earth
Feel the burns
Caress the body
skin is smoldering
transcending death
Crave the blood
exalted one
Entity of the Imperial fire
Shadows entwine domination aligns
Scorn is now cast by a hell-fire blast
Behold the sins discharging mass hate
The dead are controlled their bodies are raped
Condemned by thoughts that have surrounded me
Betrayal against my soul is now complete
Altered reason cascades disbelief
My existence succumbs to a rage of spite
Crave the blood exalted one
Entity of the Imperial fire
Shadows entwine domination aligns
Scorn is now cast by a hell-fire blast
Behold the sins discharging mass hate
The dead are controlled their bodies are raped
Crave the blood exalted one
Entity of the Imperial fire
Shadows entwine domination aligns
Scorn is now cast by a hell-fire blast
Behold the sins discharging mass hate
The dead are controlled their bodies are raped
A burning grave of undying pain
habitual process of conquering doom
This path of tortures is travelled slow
Victims of chronic afflictions are ruined
Living and dying is one in the same
Their flesh is now battered beaten and torn
2. Definitive Inquisition
A hybrid form of assembly
in hidden circles of transgression
A vision looms far ahead
emanating beyond our spectrum
A burning infusion
restores the one
who's looking past
the doors that lie agape
Encompassed only by knowledge
thought our lives cannot withstand
For those unknowing it lies futile
our human proficiency remains untapped
Thoughts now diminish traces of recision
The garden of evil has you chained against your will
No need for penance your actions are unsighted
in a world of inertia you've proved yourself deficient
Definitive inquisition
Definitive inquisition
A burning infusion
restores the one
who's looking past
the doors that lie agape
A blizzard of aversion
awaits the one
who's blinded by the mind
of which it rapes
A hybrid form of assembly
in hidden circles of transgression
A vision looms far ahead
emanating beyond our spectrum
A prophecy instilled within a fervor to congeal this essence
This totality injects your soul
to propel your death with endless control
Thoughts now diminish traces of recision
The garden of evil has you chained against your will
No need for penance your actions are unsighted
in a world of inertia you've proved yourself deficient
Definitive inquisition
Definitive inquisition
3. Ceremonial Void
Dismal. Fears that I have known
haunt me. Words cannot express
my torture. I mourn reality
Conceal, the scars of yesterday
Defamed, pain seeping from my wounds
Shatter, the boundaries of the mind
Apocalypse, I bring the fall of time
Crippled, by shadows in my mind
Destroy Me!
Nightmares, encircled by delusion
Spinning, a subconscious web of sadness
Obsessed, with altercations of the mind
Disturbed, my sense [senses?] are malign
Dark prayers swelter in my brain
A boiling hate devours my sanity
I shall never be the same
Dismal. Fears that I have known
haunt me. Words cannot express
my torture. I mourn reality
Conceal, the scars of yesterday
Destroy Me!
4. Immense Malignancy
Decrepit, replete with misery
the elders lie diseased
and are dead or dying
Dilapidated, we feel tortured
You live the life of a corpse
its the destiny of your death
This malignancy is so immense
and in the end you'll all die off
A living carcass that is soon to crumble
and leave this feeding ground of the dead
Erosion of your carcass
your skin begins to tatter
as the worms consume your brain
Weathered your life corrodes trapped in horror
while your body bio-degrades
This malignancy is so immense
and in the end you'll all die off
A living carcass that is soon to crumble
and leave this feeding ground of the dead
Decrepit, replete with misery
the elders lie diseased
and are dead or dying
Dilapidated, we feel tortured
You live the life of a corpse
its the destiny of your death
This malignancy is so immense
and in the end you'll all die off
A living carcass that is soon to crumble
and leave this feeding ground of the dead
5. Vicious Mental Thirst
Deranged thoughts, a twisted mind
I've imagined a vision of burning Christ
Arranged, pre-ordained
Wisdom of the insane
Infliction inherent, Life deemed estranged
Reality transparent, normalcy in vain
Memory converted, A ministry ingrained
Tribulation for your sins, your mind is now enslaved
Hateful lies known as promises
brainwashed minds scarred as evidence
incoherent, to realities
Frenzied thinking, delusions soon confied
Fallacy enraged, by the ways of law
This dominance controls with time!
Calculated doom of your impurities
Saturation of this sickness
A Vicious Mental Thirst!
Craving such insanity
You yearn to quell this hunger
Hateful lies known as promises brainwashed minds
scarred as evidence
Disciples, yet their minds cannot decide
Inbred by a faith that soon divides
Addiction, your engulfed, by the ways of God
His dominance controls your mind!
A Vicious Mental Thirst!
Craving such insanity
You yearn to quell this hunger
6. Burden Of Evil
The light does not shine for me
illumination of my darkest fear burning cries from beyond the shadows
screaming whispers only I can hear
Hatred burns with flames of disgust
your grinding death becomes so clear
a smoke-screen of confining greed
clouded vision fogs your memory
These fallen victims
now disdained
swarming evil cries
they beck you on
Your faith soon dies
it's ripped in two
desecration infiltrates
and has now broken through
The winds of sorrow
bleed through the air
infested with pollutants
it's far too late to care
The sky is now filled with chemicals
Full with toxic particles
The light does not shine for me
illumination of my darkest fear burning cries
from beyond the shadows
screaming whispers only I can hear
These fallen victims
now disdained
swarming evil cries
they beck you on
Your faith soon dies
it's ripped in two
desecration infiltrates
and has now broken through
The light does not shine for me
illumination of my darkest fear
burning cries from beyond the shadows
screaming whispers only I can hear
These fallen victims
now disdained
swarming evil cries
they beck you on
Your faith soon dies
it's ripped in two
desecration infiltrates
and has now broken through
The winds of sorrow
bleed through the air
infested with pollutants
it's far too late to care
The sky is now filled with chemicals
Full with toxic particles
7. Horror Infinity
Bloodspray, Slaughter
a prophecy of traumatic despair
Echoes of promise
now parasite infested
they feast upon your flesh
Eternal horror
Abysmal sights
of the final seize
oppressing lives
lurid memories
Days are lost
and filled with hate
encased in ruin
guilt ridden fools
Our destiny in fallen ruin
fear subsides, we travel through
Faded skies now bequeath
this timeless torture violates
"Horror infinity Shrouded destiny
Pain is all we see
Life it cannot be"
The winter's storm
takes us all
a blast of fire
makes it's call
dark depression
sweeps the streets
burning all
the task complete
witness anguish, revolutions pass
the invocation of revelations cast
Spawn of horror, endless well our burning coffins shipped straight to hell
Through deepest valleys of distorted thought
Clutching for reason we've harnessed our fall
Abysmal sights
of the final seize
lurid memories
Days are lost
and filled with hate
encased in ruin
guilt ridden fools
Our destiny in fallen ruin
fear subsides, we travel through
Faded skies now bequeath
this timeless torture violates
8. Final Cremation
A dark envision [duh, it's a verb, not a noun!] surrounds the mind
grasping for the souls of dead
the undead come trudging up
engulfing evil in your head
A sacrilegious action burns inside
this chant of death now seeps through your eyes
A blackened charr enraptures blood
Awaking cries
of unconscious souls
petrified to arise
Sifting ashes
of the funeral of life
to compel the final
cremation of the skies
The fire burns through every corpse
Resurrected shell of death
revitalized core of dust
altered for the last of days
and propelled to liquidate
An unearthly sense dwells within my head
drifting through the walls of time
the oracle of insanity
must destroy this wasted ball of mass
Awaking cries
of unconscious souls
petrified to arise
Sifting ashes
of the funeral of life
to compel the final cremation of the skies
9. Darkest Dream
A civilization has now become
The seeds are sewn to end mankind
Desecration persists against the bringer of hope
To shower evil in these innocent minds
Relentless time
Awake through pain
Timeless shame
Deformities of sanity soon twist into a
ghostly visage
Volatile anger burns inside
I relinquish all my thoughts
Visionary hatred
Cast upon the darkness of my archaic dreams
Live heated coals
That sear strips of flesh
Thay tear against confinements of humanity
To build upon depression
Fumigation of the world you know
As your life disappears
Evils find the gateway through your soul
Forever encaged, through passages of the mind
Enslaved by tunnels of tragedy
Illusions invoke mass tranquillity
Pain incarcerates your mind
Relentless time
Awake through pain
Timeless shame Deformities of sanity soon
twist into a ghostly visage
Volatile anger burns inside
I relinquish all my thoughts
Visionary hatred
Cast upon the darkness of my archaic dreams
Dying, in this dreaded world
Transition of your life is inevitable
Awaiting, your spirit now roams
But I know your wait is not alone