 Американские брутальные дэтстеры и их последний альбом «Grotesque Blessings» состоит из 9 композиций, всё это вместе составляет около 40 минут бешеного дэта. Бас-гитара местами делает музыку Broken Hope немного джазовой, невольно вспоминаешь Cryptopsy. Риффы немного схожи с тем что делают корифеи жанра Cannibal Corpse, но только у Broken Hope это получается круче. Остальные музыканты тоже вроде бы как играть умеют. Тематика группы довольно типична для дэта: всякого рода маниакальности, извращения и издевательства. Причём всё это пронизано черным юмором. Одна песня «Razor Cunt» чего стоит: повествовательный рассказа о влагалище-бритве, которое подпортило не один мужской член. В целом, альбом хорош, но чего-то ему не хватает. |
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Иногда даже в грайнд-коре попадаются стоящие люди. Итак, группа, стоящая для меня всего на одну ступень ниже Cryptopsy, заимевшая серьезный профессиональный уровень. Очень мощный звук, интересные темы, выразительные соло, отличные тексты, есть даже пара хитов - Wolf among Ship и Christ Consumed. Мастхэв. |
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На заметку т-щу Serj-у, Broken Hope никогда не была грайнд-кором, а пока что только брутал дэт.
Если честно, то, по сравнению с Loathing, в GB чего-то не хватает... То ли привычной долбежной брутальности, то ли еще чего. Конечно, музыка стала более техничной, барабанщик, вроде, резво застучал, вокал утробно-пробулькивающий:). Группа практически растворилась на фоне ей подобных. |
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просмотров: 13771 |
I've raped, I've killed, I've desecrated
Locked away, I'm monitored and regulated
This system doesn't care where I've been
I'm really sick, but then they turn me loose again
I butchered a young boy like a farm fresh pig
I ate his tender buttocks and penile twig
Guess what happened when the law caught me?
They slapped my hand and then they set me free
I should be put to death or locked away forever
But legal loop holes just keep me so clever
A serial killer freed through revolving doors
No consequences, so I kill and slaughter more
I'll torture, molest, murder and cannibalize
I bathe in blood because justice has blind eyes
A wolf again walking among abandoned sheep
With zeal I fucked her mouth, cunt, and ass
I know it's wrong but I had such a fucking laugh
After I came in her I gutted the bitch
And I'll do it again if I ever get the itch
2. Chemically Castrated
3. Necro Fellatio
Most men die with their penis' intact
Some land on the chopping block
Woman with a fetish it's most fucking obscene
She sucks dead mens dicks clean
Deep-throating she never gags
Slurping on dead dicks in graves or bodybags
She can smell a dead mans crotch from miles away
She'll dig and until she finds her prey
Worm eaten, moldy, stinking and cankered
For dead cocks she has hankered
Licking, sucking, savoring - slurping, tonguing, blowing
Lust for phallous, decomposing
licking private parts of the dead
nauseating version of head
schlongs, reek of spoiled cheese
she just aims to please
sex with corpses is what she understands
Foul members melt in her mouth not within her hands
Worm eaten, moldy, stinking and cankered
For dead cocks she's hankered
Licking, sucking, savoring - slurping, tonguing, blowing
Lust for phallous, decomposing
Castrate the dead for her sick collection
Later she can slurp on a post mortem erection
Embalmed dead urethras make for vile loads
Swallows everything, the lifeless prick erodes
Worm eaten, moldy, stinking and cankered
For dead cocks she's hankered
Licking, sucking, savor - slurping, tonguing, blowing
Lust for phallous, decomposing
4. Christ Consumed
5. War-Maggot
In a government bio lab, a gruesome experiment
A new warefare tool, a larvae implement
Nuclear grown Super Larvae created to kill
Toxic maggots implanted against one's will
Project almost finished, nearly completed
For research a human host is needed
Strapped in the lab and force fed a parasite
Inside my thorax, the terror grows
A bio weapon to kill our foes
Government guinea pig forced to be
My abdomen now is a parasitic womb
The wriggling grub inside is my doom
My belly bloats as it gestates
The immense maggot within incubates
Bowels liquify into a matter so heinous
Blood and worms blow out my ripping anus
Absorbing body fluids, this maggot sucks me dry
Inside my thorax, the terror grows
A bio weapon to kill our foes
Government guinea pig forced to be
A human surrogate mother lying helpless
My sustenance nurtures it's metamorpisis
Inside my guts the pupa twists and turns
Form writhes and churns
In hunger and size it's grown rapidly
From the inside out I'm eaten ravenously
It bursts from my withered body into the world
A biohazard horror for warefare unfurled
6. Earthburner
The gods made me it's said
Forged from the tears they shed
The last chapter of a prophecy, I am a global catastrophie
Sent from a divine origin to cleanse a world soiled with sin
My arrival is violent and loud
I kill the earth in a mushroom cloud
Quarelling stops by my hand
Mute protest as I scorch the land
My agenda is genocide
All are extinct as I turn the tide
A global shudder as I vent my rage
The planet blasted back into the stone age
Like a nuclear wrath, devastation complete
The world crumbles beneath my feet
People are disease that the earth must purge
I come to kill this human, this human scourge
All humans perish, this is my way
the earth's veneer now stripped away
The time has come for mankind's fate, I smite burn and eradicate
The gods made me it's said
Forged from the tears they shed
The last chapter of a prophecy, Feeding on a global catastrophie
Sent from a divine origin to cleanse a world soiled with sin
7. Internal Inferno
Within my body I can feel the heat
Fire shoots from my hands and feet
Out of nowhere I combust in a flash
My fevered flesh burns with a blazing rash
From the inside out I now explode
Intense internal heat now takes hold
Smoke billows out of my ears
I flick a fiery tongue that sears
My simple touches burn and scorch
A fiery flaming human torch
My entire body excretes fire
Reduced to a smoldering pyre
My body involuntarily burns me away
Cremating myself in a most bizarre way
Spontaneous human combustion
Intense corporeal eruption
Shitting napalm in a pyro-diarreah slick
Ejaculating acrid lava from my flaming prick
I self-ignite, can't stop the burning
A human furnace seething and churning
Flammable blood, blazing fuel in my veins
Excruciating sensations of the burning
Repeat Verse and Chorus
8. Razor Cunt
Horrific whore, you don't want to find her
Terror to tube steak, a literal meat grinder
Avoid the slut in the barbed wire thong
Look in between her legs, you'll see something's wrong
There is a heavy price for some who get laid
Submitting a stiff prick to go under the blade
Put your dick in her hell hole and your ecstacy fades
Fucking a cunt stuffed with razor blades
Manhood mutilator - Razorcunt
A sexual masochist of the worst kind
Take her to bed and terror is what you'll find
Rusty nails in her clit and labias are something to see
Her crotch is a nightmare to geneaology
Your schlong slaughtered before you blow a wad
She's the man mutilator the ultimate imasculator
Her twat can chew up a steel vibrator
Her brutal box is a pubic bear trap
Certain doom for any cock penetrating the gap
It's a horrorifice - her orifice
Your penis shreds in the goreifice
This piece of ass isn't blunt
Manhood mutilator - Razorcunt
She giggles as her barbaric crevice whittles your rod
Your schlong slaughtered before you drop your load
Your flesh pipe red, carved and lacerated
You'd still have a pecker if you masturbated
Her most intimate area lined with razored steel
Scream as you screw from the pain that you feel
Your dick sliced to ribbons within a jagged slit
Hard on once whole, now nothing left of it
Penis nothing more than bloody ground chuck
Eat her out go down on bushy butcher knives
Your mouth maimed from suicidal muff dives
Penis nothing more than bloody ground chuck
Man meat hacked away from a masacratine fuck
9. Hate Machine