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 «Без истории нет будущего!», - заявляет Гюнтер Тейс, и начинает очередной экскурс в прошлое Европейской цивилизации с эпохи крестовых походов и битв с великим султаном Саладином, когда «пилигримы гибли от сарацинских банд, а сарацины гибли от христианских рук». Впрочем, этот альбом ANCIENT RITES впору было бы назвать не “RUBICON”, а “ANCIENT TALES” – поскольку состоит он из песен-зарисовок, каждая из которых посвящена одному из знаменательных событий в европейской истории: тут и битва при Фермопилах, и сражение при Ипре времен первой мировой войны, и подвиг римского легиона, состоящего из адептов митраизма и тому подобное. Особняком стоит композиция “Galilean”, в которой, как нетрудно догадаться, Гюнтер и компания в очередной раз обращаются к губительным последствиям принятия авраамитских религий… В-общем, перед нами очередной краткий исторический ликбез, как и на “DIM CARCOSA”. Собственно, и в музыкальной составляющей альбома никаких особых изменений не произошло. Это все тот же довольно энергичный, а главное, мелодичный pagan-metal германского образца. Здесь нет распевности и медитативности, свойственных скандинавской и славянской музыке, зато четко прослеживается некая маршевая ритмическая структура большинства композиций. Правда, маршировать под эту музыку можно разве что бегом, но это уже другая история. К сожалению, по сравнению с “FATHERLAND” и, особенно, с “DIM CARCOSA” на новом альбоме маловато запоминающихся песен, а назвать одну, которая стала бы для него своеобразной визитной карточкой, так и просто невозможно. Каждая из композиций, взятая по отдельности, неплоха, особенно с комментариями, которые к ним сделал Гюнтер (не сочтите за иронию), но все вместе выглядит как некая детская книжка по истории с однотипными иллюстрациями. Интересно, познавательно, но само по себе особой ценностью не обладает. Попытки музыкантов добавить в свой саунд симфонических и неоклассических гармоний так и остались попытками, мало влияющими на общую картину. Ну, и, конечно, голос господина Тейса – это очень на любителя. Хотя, надо сказать, его отрывистые, рубленые вокальные фразы удивительно точно ложатся на музыку ANCIENT RITES, но эффектности ей уж точно не добавляют (в конце концов. не трэш же ребята играют). И тем не менее, позиции ANCIENT RITES на западноевропейской пэган-металлической сцене этот альбом никак не поколеблет. Другое дело, что и шагом вперед он тоже никак не стал. А топтание на месте – не есть хорошо. Ведь скандинавы, поляки и русские на месте не стоят… |
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"Allah Ahkbar", "God wills it"
Empires clashing in desert sand
Jerusalem a city lit
Did God demand? Did God forbid?
Pilgrims slaughtered by Saracen band
Saracens slaughtered by Christian hand
Templar Van Ruddervoorde in command
Templars' grandmaster of the Flemish land
Battling Saladin, knight of the moon
At the siege of Acre meeting his doom
Outnumbered he fell, in a far away land
The templars' life took an end
Azure eyed and golden haired
Forth the knights templar fared
While above troops devoted
Heraldic banners floated
3. Mithras
Mithras, God of the morning, our trumpets waken the wall!
'Rome is above nations, but thou art over all'
Mithras, God of the morning, our trumpets waken the wall!
'Rome is above nations, but thou art over all'
Now as the names are answered, and the guards are marched away,
Mithras, also a soldier, give us strenght for the day!
Mithras, God of the sunset, low on the western main,
Thou descending immortal, immortal to rise again!
Now when the watch is ended, now when the wine is drawn
Mithras also a soldier, keep us pure till the dawn!
Many roads thou has fashioned: all of them lead to the light,
Mithras, the soul of a soldier, teach us to die aright.
Mithras! Mithras!
Mithras, god of midnight, here were the great bull dies,
Look on thy childern in darkness, oh take our sacrifice!
Mithras, God of the noontide, the heather swims in the heat,
Our helmets scorch our foreheads; our sandals burn our feet,
Now in the ungrit hour; now ere we blink and drowse,
Mithras also a soldier, keep us true to our vows!
Mithras, God of midnight, here where the great bull dies,
Look on thy childern in darkness, oh take our sacrifice!
Many roads thou has fashioned: all of them lead to the light,
Mithras, also a soldier, teach us to die aright.
Mithras! Mithras! Mithras! Mithras!
4. Thermopylae
Sons of Laconia, under Lycurgian law
300 noblemen, ancient world in awe
Facing Xerxes might, no hope for victory
Still Persian blood coloured the Aegian Sea
Go, tell the Spartans, stranger passing by,
That here, obedient to their laws, we lie.
Lacedaemon's mothers gave birth to men,
Withstanding thousends again and again
None will behold the Eurotas Valley no more
This sacrifice needed to silence Persia's roar
No matter how fierce the spirit or mind
Blades striking, the kings' heart declined
Round he spun, and down he fell
No scream, no word, no cowardice yell
Symbolic sacrifice, all for the Hellenic land
Spartan codes of honour and inspiring guiding hand
No Spartiate soul left alive to tell
How bravely they fought, by treason they fell
Not a stone on their turf, nor a bone in their graves
They live on in history that immortally saves
Go, tell the Spartans, stranger passing by,
That here, obedient to their laws, we lie
5. Rubicon
Sieh das Morgenrot im Osten!
Die Welt ist ein Feuer!
Sieh das Morgenrot im Osten!
Befreit ihre Seele
(Behold the red dawn in the east!
The world is a fire!
Behold the red dawn in the east!
Liberate thy soul)
If Caesar crossed the Rubicon, so can thee
Rise like a Phoenix, conquer land and see
By will, Alexander emperor before thirty three
Set thy goals, let thy fierce spirit float free
History written by wolves, not written by sheep
No glory in hiding, no splendour in sleep
Victory or Valhalla might be thy fate
It does matter not, willpower one should rate
History written by wolves, not written by sheep
No glory in hiding, no splendour in sleep
Rise and fall, but above all rise again
Abolish past pains, thrown down thy chain
Let each of thee amid the fires
Search thy own willpower and desires
Dwell this earth like a wolf with hunger
Strengthen thy inner self and wander
Follow a path that made Pilate's laurel
Learn of a wolf packs much feared howl
Might is right when legions gather here
Cast out weakness, cast out fear
6. Invictus
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
Invictus! Invictus!
I have not winced nor cried aloud
My head is bloody, but unbowed
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
It matters not how strait the gate,
I am the master of my fate
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
7. Ypres
On this site of reflection, you came to me as a ghost
Near this monument of the fallen, where one hears the sad last post
Celebration in the city of Ypres, again a new year was born
Not on this place of eternal silence, where quietly souls mourn
For time did not matter on this site, of the graveless dead
Near the leafless trees, we somehow met
On this site of reflection, you came to me as a ghost
Near this monument of the fallen, where one hears the sad last post
Born in different times, we never knew each other,
Born in different times, we never even met
But on this night when the world celebrates, believe met:
But on this night when the world celebrates, I regret your dead
On this site of reflection, you came to me as a ghost
Near this monument of the fallen, where one hears the sad last post
Thousands of names engraved, poor souls fate did not spare
The night was cold, the wind unkind, still wondering what brought me there
Born in different times, we never even met
But on this night when the world celebrates believe me: I regret your dead
Tragic appearance, your uniform torn, your skin full of dirt
We did not speak, nor laugh or cry, did not utter a single word
We kept an honourable distance, borders of time cannot be crossed
As ther is between the living, who hold on to live at any cost
And the dead, whose lifes and dreams along with their bodies lost
Here you appear, probably a trick of the mind that I might have lost
8. Galilean
A saviour that failed to save, preaching lack of will
A cave for a grave, midst convicts on Golgotha's Hill
The coming of a messenger, promises of a holy land
Dating back to Pagan days, another son heaven send
Crucified Nazarene thou did not bring the light
Poisened Mohammed where is your garden of delight?
Prophets of Christians and Muselmen, prophets of Hebrews
Turn man into lamb, an obeying flock to use
Crucified Nazarene thou did not bring the light
Poisened Mohammed where is your garden of delight?
Holy books cleverly written but by the hand of men
Beware of Gods' messengers and their enslaving pen
Guiding lines indeed required or else civilization fails
Yet pilate the one condemned in mythical religious tales
The worlds most known legends, but no historical facts
Devoted mass hysteria, although still evidence lacks
Each character in the books of faith an own epic part to play
But without Judas no martyr Jesus and did Mohammed not slay?
Hail to the lions, hail to the Romans, representing reality
Jehovah's or Allah's' chosen ones do not appeal to me
9. Cheruscan
Chill the air, although only september
Silent the woods as in deep slumber
Here in Germania, slain by Cheruscan hand
The glory of Rome has come to an end
Gaul on its knees, under Jupiters reign
This side of the Rhine, still Wodon's domain
For noble Arminius is Germanic again
Romes' mighty eagle received with disdain
Altars erected where three legions stood
None escaped oblivion, silent the Teutoburg wood
Scattered bodies all over, captured standards as a sign
Heads nailed to the trees, symbols of decline
Midst the battle the governor fell
Fell by his very own hand
Romans took their last desperate stand
"Future emperor Tiberius, do not cross the Rhine
On this natural border Rome should draw its line"
Symbol of preservation, of Germania's freedom
Saved the untamed land of the Northern Heathen
Emperor Augustus by his loss driven to despair:
"Give me back my legions! Oh Varus, I do declare!"
10. Barbantia
Bravery displayed by each side
None seeked shelter, none did hide
Their faces directed towards foe
Causing wounds with every blow
Neither then or before
Was heard of such a man
The duke of Brabant brave in war
Chivalry still treasured then
Een standaard van goud en zwart
Schitterend in de namiddagzon
Men streed met leeuwenhart
Bij Woeringen waar de hertog won
A bannar of black and gold
Rising above the battlefield
For friend and foe to behold
At Woeringen their fate was sealed
"All of thee stay at my side,
Don't withdraw, cover my flanks
Frontal assaults I will fight
But kill me if I break our ranks"
Noch doen, noch eer en wert vernomen
Riddere en geen, noch oec gesien,
Soe condichlike ten wige wert tien,
Alse die hertoge, alse die hertoge