« Invasion of Your Privacy »
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1 | "You're in Love" (Pearcy/Croucier) – 3:12
 | 2 | "Never Use Love" (Pearcy) – 3:54
 | 3 | "Lay It Down" (Pearcy/Crosby/Croucier/Demartini) – 3:23
 | 4 | "Give It All" (Pearcy/Crosby) – 3:19
 | 5 | "Closer to My Heart" (Pearcy/Crosby) – 4:30
 | 6 | "Between the Eyes" (Pearcy/Demartini) – 3:54
 | 7 | "What You Give Is What You Get" (Croucier) – 3:47
 | 8 | "Got Me on the Line" (Pearcy/Crosby) – 3:04
 | 9 | "You Should Know by Now" (Pearcy/Crosby/Croucier) – 3:29
 | 10 | "Dangerous but Worth the Risk" (Pearcy/Demartini/Croucier) – 3:30 |
   Stephen Pearcy- vocals
Warren De Martini- guitars
Robin Crosby- guitars
Juan Croucier- bass
Bobby Blotzer- drums |
 | You're in Love
You take the midnight subway train
You're callin' all the shots
You're struck by lightning
You're in love
You take the evening one on one
You're only livin' to have fun
You want to use me, take me home tonight
I'll make you wish that you were mine
You're struck by ligh |
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 Это, пожалуй, лучший альбом глэм-хард группы Ratt за всю их карьеру. Если дебютник был достаточно мощным прорывом "крыс" на музыкальный Олимп, то второй альбом "Invasion of Your Privacy" - вершина этого самого Олимпа. Самое главное в этом диске - непередаваемая мрачноватая атмосфера 80-х. Кстати, я не случайно определил жанр как "глэм-хард", так как альбом лишен обыкновенной слащавости позднего чистокровного глэма типа Poison, но притом каждая песня является потенциальным хитом. Трудно говорить о каждой песне в отдельности, так как все композиции очень удачно гармонируют друг с другом, образуя единое целое - альбом "Invasion of Your Privacy". Хочется отметить тот факт, что не стоит слушать альбом "кусками", какими-то отдельными песнями, для лучшего его восприятия и понимания нужно слушать от начала и до конца. Звук на альбоме приятно радует, "холодные" гитары и пронзительный вокал Pearcy удачно сочетаются с общей концепцией песен и с как нельзя лучше подходящей обложкой альбома. Музыкальная составляющая "Invasion of Your Privacy" демонстрирует идеальный баланс: все музыканты играют на высоком уровне (отдельно хочется отметить гитару Warren'а De Martini), но притом не переигрывают, то есть, не сводят музыку к демонстрации своих скоростных и иных возможностей. Этот диск чем-то схож с "Fight to Survive" группы White Lion, причем как атмосферой, так и обложкой. Альбом лучше слушать под меланхоличное вечернее настроение. Данный диск довольно сложно достать в России, поэтому, услышав его однажды в цифре, я очень долго пытался найти лицензионную копию. Только через год я смог купить его в Штатах, и с тех пор он входит в мой топ-10 любимых рок-альбомов. Рекомендуется всем любителям музыки 80-х, а также всем тем, кто неравнодушен к красивой рок-музыке. Общая оценка: шедевр в данном стиле. Жаль, что в последующих альбомах будет постепенно теряться та самая атмосфера, которая и делала Ratt непохожими на другие команды, что, собственно говоря, и приведет к развалу группы. |
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Отпахав годовое турне, заработав первый миллион на банковский счет и вкусив прелести формулы «секс, наркотики и рок-н-ролл» молодым супер-стар нужно было думать о втором альбоме.
Зачем выдумывать велосипед? "Invasion of your Privacy" сработан по канонам первоклассного голливудского сиквела: все, что в оригинале – только больше и громче.
У группы появились понты (обоснованные), а техническое мастерство выросло чуть ли не вдвое. Саунд альбома стал плотнее, но аранжировки приобрели лоск и глянец. Альбом содержал парочку первоклассных хитов: "You’re in Love" и "Lay It Down". Яркие клипы, от которых поколение MTV было в непередаваемом восторге, великолепные концерты и постоянное мелькание на страницах журналов превратило Ratt в главных конкурентов Motley Crew на том этапе карьеры.
Был ли успешным этот альбом? Судите сами, со слов их барабанщика Блотцера: «Когда вышел "Out of the Cellar" я купил себе новую машину и дом, а когда вышел "Invasion of your Privacy" я купил машины каждому из своей семьи, а маме – дом». 10 миллионов проданных копий вполне ему это позволяли. |
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Золотое время глэм-рока в целом и группы Ratt в частности. Скажу больше - группа в то время была лидером направления. Смотрите сами: звезда Quiet Riot уже закатилась, Twisted Sister здорово не дотягивают до "крыс" по исполнительскому мастерству, Motley Crue пока не нашли то оптимальное звучание, за которое их любят миллионы, а большеротый улыбчивый парень итальянского происхождения еще не объединил свои усилия с гениальным Десмондом Чайлдом и жуликоватым Доком Мак Ги и записывает достаточно посредственную музыку. А у Ratt уже современный плотный саунд, высокое исполнительское мастерство и способность создавать хиты. Альбом "Invasion Of Your Privacy" сделан по рецепту дебютника. Все те же навязчивые припевы и липучие гитарные риффы, но не всякой группе дано, как Motley Crue, выпускать непохожие друг на друга альбомы. Ratt активно эксплуатируют однажды найденное звучание и выдают очередную порцию как хитов, так и песен похуже, причем последних стало, увы, побольше. Открывает альбом одна из самых известных композиций группы "You' re In Love"- просто забойная вещь, равно как и "Lay It Down". Удались Сивену Пирси и компании и песенки "Between The Eyes" и "Never Use Love". К сожалению, музыка на "Invasion ..." все-таки вторична и уступает свежему и задорному "Out Of Cellar", так и оставшемуся лучшим в дискографии Ratt, но не очень сильно. 1985-й, как и 84-й - год "крысы", но уже наметились первые кризисные тенденции. |
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просмотров: 29849 |
You're in love
It's not worth fighting
You're in love
Well turn around
Remember me
I'm the one
Who's out and aimed to please
You're in love
You're in love
You make your livin' lovin' hot
You spin me like a top
You take the evening one on one (On one)
You're only livin' to have fun
You're struck by lightning
You're in love
It's not worth fighting
You're in love
Well turn around
Remember me
I'm the one
Who's out and aimed to please
You're in love (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
You're in love
Well turn around (Turn around)
Remember me (Remember me)
Well turn around (Turn around)
I'm the one
Who's out and aimed to please
You're in love
You're in love
You're in love
You're in love
You're in love
You're in love
You're in love
You're in love
(You take the midnight subway train)
You're in love
(You're callin' all the shots)
You're in love
(You take the evening one on one)
You're in love
(You're only livin' to have fun)
You're in love
(It's not worth fighting)
You're in love
You're in love
You're in love
Never Use Love
I'm gonna make my statement
Don't need arrangements
I said you're not gonna make tracks
All over my life
When push comes to shove I'll be pushin' you down
Better think twice when you take that step
That you got both feet on the ground
Never use love (Never use love)
I don't want to fight
I won't get in your way
Don't give me the right
Never use love
I've gotta find my place
Don't need no replacements
When you think you're too much
Then I've had enough, hell yeah!
When push comes to shove I'll be pushin' you down
Better think twice when you take that step
That you got both feet on the ground
Never use love (Never use love)
I don't want to fight
I won't get in your way
Don't give me the right
Never use love (Never use love)
I don't want to fight
Never use love
Never use love
Never use love
Never use love
Never use love
Never use love
Never use love
Never use love
Lay It Down
I know you don't really know me
I know you don't really care to see me
I'm into total affection
Not being scared if you never please me
You know you really want to lay it down
Right now
And how
I know you really want to lay it down
Right now
Lay it down
Lay it down
Lay it down
Lay it down
Under the sheets you will find me
I know that nothin's for free
You take what's good for your pleasin'
I'll take what's good for this crazy evening
You know you really want to lay it down
Right now
And how
I know you really want to lay it down
Right now
Lay it down
Lay it down
Lay it down
Lay it down
Lay it down
Lay it down
Lay it down
Lay it down
"And I know you only want romance."
"I'll give you all that I can."
If you give me just one chance
To prove myself
In love
Lay it down
Lay it down
Lay it down
Lay it down
Lay it down
Lay it down
Lay it down
Yeah yeah yeah
Lay it down
Lay it down
Lay it down
Lay it down
Lay it down
Lay it down
Lay it down
Lay it down
Give It All
Taken away on a ride not far from here
Well no wastin' time, she's got plans for me
She came behind and then showed me her thighs
You know what I mean
Well no way to say she could win the likes of me
The life of me
She said, "I'd like to wear you out
And give it all to you
I'll find a reason now
Just give it all, just give it all"
I want to give you all my love tonight (Give it all)
Just give a sign to me, I'll make it right (Give it all)
A fashion plate in a way, she really was
She had style and class understand she'll pay to dance
She moved my soul, don't you know she's here to please
Well I'm on my knees, can't you see, move in on me
Move in on me
She said, "I'd like to wear you out
And give it all to you
I'll find a reason now
Just give it all, just give it all"
Give it all (Give it all)
Give it all (Give it all)
I said give it all (Give it all)
Give it all (Give it all)
I want to give you all my love tonight (Give it all)
Just give a sign to me, I'll make it right (Give it all)
(Give it all)
Closer to My Heart
I listen to you, are you listening to me
The way that you are, it's easy to see
Feelings for you, now I feel free
I'm lost in time
It's not the way that you hold me
It's not that I really care
It's not to say that to love is to own me
You're tangled up in my lair
You broke your promises
Fallen out of love
You broke your promises
Fallen out of love
When you cross the line
You're one step closer to my heart
Closer to my heart
One step closer to my heart
Closer to my heart
Indecision, it's all been heard
No more confusion, the page has turned
Still with the darkness of the night
I always see the light
It's not the way that you hold me
It's not that I really care
It's not to say that to love is to own me
You're tangled up in my lair
You broke your promises
Fallen out of love
You broke your promises
Fallen out of love
When you cross the line, then you'll find
That you're one step closer to my heart
Closer to my heart
One step closer to my heart
Closer to my heart
You broke your promises
Fallen out of love
You broke your promises
Fallen out of love
When you cross the line, then you'll find
That you're one step closer to my heart
Closer to my heart
(One step) Closer to my heart
One step closer to my heart
Closer to my heart
Closer to my heart
One step closer to my heart
Closer to my heart
Closer to my heart
Between the Eyes
I don't like your cheatin' misfit way
I don't stand for givin' it away
So you want some action, ask me why
You say you want to keep me in your target sight
Can't you see the world turn and hear the cries?
Can't you see you're burnin' me right between the eyes?
I don't like your hot and cold device
You know I'm the only one this time
Can't you see the world turn and hear the cries?
Can't you see you're burnin' me between the eyes?
You hardly notice
Can't you see you're burnin' me right between the eyes?
I see you burnin' me between the eyes
I don't like your cheatin' misfit ways
I don't stand for givin' it away
Can't you see the world turn and hear the cries?
Can't you see you're burnin' me between the eyes?
You hardly notice
Can't you see you're burnin' me right between the eyes?
You hardly notice
Can't you see you're burnin' me right between the eyes?
Right between the eyes
Right between the eyes
You hardly notice
Can't you see you're burnin' me between the eyes?
(Between the eyes)
(Between the eyes)
I see you burnin' me between the eyes
What You Give Is What You Get
I make my moves
I make them right
I don't refuse
I keep it light
I take command
Of the scene
Because for me
There's no in-betweens
I keep holdin' on
Holdin' on through the night
I keep holdin' on
Holdin' on through the night
'Cause it's so easy to forget
What you give is what you get
It's so easy to forget
What you give is what you get (What you get)
I take my time
And I don't care
This love ain't right
What's fair is fair
If you just ask
You will receive
Give me the task
I aim to please
I keep holdin' on
Holdin' on through the night
I keep holdin' on
Holdin' on through the night
'Cause it's so easy to forget
What you give is what you get
It's so easy to forget
What you give is what you get (What you get)
'Cause it's so easy to forget
What you give is what you get (What you get)
It's so easy to forget
What you give is what you get (What you get)
It's so easy, yeah
'Cause it's so easy to forget
What you give is what you get (What you get is what you get)
It's so easy to forget
What you give is what you get (What you get)
'Cause it's so easy to forget
What you give is what you get (What you get)
It's so easy to forget
What you give is what you get (What you get)
Got Me on the Line
Well cocktails for two, me and you
It's some fun hot afternoon
Whenever I'm alone
I sit and pick up the phone, give a call
She's so hot to have and to hold me
She said "I'll be your one and only"
I know what it means to be alone
Got me on the line
Ready for the night
You got me on the line
Now you'll think twice
You like your home sweet home all alone
You will be callin' me
I've heard the news around the town
You're not gonna hang up on me
She's so hot to have and to hold me
She said "I'll be your one and only"
I know what it means to be alone
Got me on the line
Ready for the night
You got me on the line
Long distance kept me holding on
Got me on the line
Ready for the night
You got me on the line
Now you'll think twice
Got me on the line
Long distance kept me holdin' on
You got me on the line
Ready for tonight, tonight, tonight (Tonight)
"Nobody hangs up on me."
You Should Know by Now
My blood is thicker than water
I'm livin' out my life
I'll have my friends forever
We'll walk the sands of time
You should know by now
You should know by now
You should know by now
You should know by now
I never take no chances
Don't stand for compromise
I'll find the hidden treasure
I'm only passin' by
You should know by now
You should know by now
You should know by now
You should know by now
Can you hear me tellin' you (Tellin' you)
I've got something to say (Hey)
Don't you know it's nothin' new
Don't you get in my way, get in my way
You should know by now
You should know by now
You should know by now
You should know by now
You should know by now
You should know by now
You should know by now
You should know by now
You should know by now
You should know by now
You should know by now
You should know by now
You should know by now
You should know by now
You should know by now
You should know by now
Dangerous But Worth the Risk
But worth the risk
The things you do
To get your fix
You'll head for fun
You're on my list
Live for love
Will get you this
I know something, you know that it's true
I can feel it when I'm next to you
Dangerous but worth the risk
Your life's not threatened, but your lovin' is
Dangerous but worth the risk
The pressure's on
You're on the run
You're gettin' loose
You're havin' fun
Streets are cold
But remember this
We are dangerous
But worth the risk
I know something, you know that it's true
I can feel it when I'm next to you
Dangerous but worth the risk
Your life's not threatened, but your lovin' is
Dangerous but worth the risk
I know it's true
I know it's you
It's you
It's true
Dangerous but worth the risk
Your life's not threatened, but your lovin' is
Dangerous but worth the risk
Dangerous but worth the risk
Your life's not threatened, but your lovin' is
Dangerous but worth the risk
I can feel it when I'm next to you
Dangerous but worth the risk
Dangerous but worth the risk
Dangerous but worth the risk
I know something, you know that it's true
It's you
It's true