 Ничуть не смутившись в достаточной степени севшим в лужу "Abominog", Uriah Heep продолжили работать не покладая рук, дабы восстановить свой статус-кво на мировой рок сцене, когда-то бывший таким высоким. И уже через полгода записали и выбросили на прилавки магазинов свой новый студийный альбом! Как говорится - такой энтузиазм, да в нужное бы русло... Именно такие мысли посещают сознание во время близкого знакомства с юбилейным, пятнадцатым по счету, альбомом группы "Head First". Итак, если кто надеялся на возврат к корням - группа уже во второй раз дала понять что этому не бывать. И мне даже кажется, что тут дело не в нежелании Мика Бокса и Ко к этим самым корням вернутся, а в простой невозможности этого без наличия в составе мистера Хенсли, или другого такого же талантливого ЛИДЕРА. Признанных вожаков рождается очень немного и, к сожалению, никто из тогдашнего состава Uriah Heep на такую роль не тянул. Так что приготовьтесь внимать парктически полному двойнику "Abominog" - жесткий гитарно-ориентированный саунд, "попсовые" синтезаторы тут и там, простенькие и не напрягающие песенки, совершенно очевидно делающие крен в сторону самого настоящего AOR'а. Из положительных тенденций - изменилось качество записи, по сравнению с тихим ужасом "Abominog" на этот раз все сведено прилично и без явных проколов. Что же касается материала, то и тут группу стоит похвалить. Песни написанные для "Head First" на голову выше довольно сырых сочинений с предыдущего диска. Очень приятно слушается открывающий номер "The Other Side Of Midnight", который, при должной раскрутке, мог бы стать настоящим супер-хитом на MTV, из-за своего огромного коммерческого потенциала. Все байкеры должны непременно начать уважать Хипов за замечательный и помпезный гимн открытой дороге и ревущему мотоциклу "Weekend Warriors". Ну а самой впечатляющей вещью с альбома, на мой взгляд, является супер-скоростной боевик "Red Lights", своей энергетикой и разнообразными хоровыми подпевками все-таки воскрешающий в уме призраков старых шедевров 70-ых. Как и в прошлый раз, запала у музыкантов на весь диск не хватило, поэтому поздоровайтесь с тремя каверами, из которых особенно хорошо получилось романтическая сага "Love Is Blind". Подведем итог. "Head First" - это уверенный шаг вперед, этакая улучшенная по всем параметрам версия предыдущего студийника. Но, к сожалению, ничего больше. Надежда услышать "старое" звучание Uriah Heep окончательно утонула в зыбучих песках, как раз в тему изображенных на обложке диска. Также эта работа стала последней записью группы на своем "родном" лейбле Bronze - когда-то давным-давно выведший молодых музыкантов из грязи в князи Джерри Брон совершенно потерял интерес к своим подопечным (да и к бизнесу, на самом деле, тоже, поскольку через пару лет Bronze приказала долго жить). |
When I take you on the other side of midnight
You know I don't love you
But I love what you can do
Some more of that hot persuasion
This time it's just like you
Oh, there’ll be nowhere you can hide
When I take you on the other side of midnight
I'll be knockin'
The other side of midnight - I'll be callin'
The other side of midnight - knock, knockin'
The other side of midnight
I’m gonna take you
I’m gonna make you
At midnight, at midnight
Late at night
I'll be knock, knock, knockin' on your door
I said late tonight
I'll be callin', you can be sure
I'm gonna take you
Oh, it's gonna hurt so good
I’m gonna make you do
What a bad girl should
Oh, there’ll be nowhere to hide
When I take you on the other side of midnight
I'll be knockin'
The other side of midnight - I'll be callin'
The other side of midnight - knock, knockin'
The other side of midnight
Stay on top
Everybody got somebody
Trying to make you feel real bad
Ain't none of their business
Talking behind your back
Be strong in yourself
Stand up, walk away
Nobody gives a damn for a
Single thing you say
I'm singing
Stay on top - never go under
Lightning strikes before you hear the thunder
Stay on top - never go under
Hold on tight, here comes the thunder
Hide money in your pocket
Be nobody's fool
Always think of number one
That's my golden rule
Take care of business
Go for it with the best
Be strong enough to take it
Ain't no need to rest
I’m singing
Stay on top - never go under
Lightning strikes before you hear the thunder
Stay on top - never go under
Hold on tight, watch out for the thunder
Bad times make you cry
But the good times get you high
I can't stand it
I can't stand it no more
Somebody, everybody
Trying to make you feel real bad
Ain't nobody's business
Talking behind your back
Be strong in yourself
Stand up, walk away
Nobody's gonna listen
To a single word you say
Stay on top - never go under
Lightning strikes before you hear the thunder
Stay on top - never go under
Hold on tight, look out for the thunder
Stay on top
You’ve got to stay on top
Stand up and sing it
Stay on top
Take care of business
Stay on top
Lonely nights
Will you risk your reputation? I don’t know
You just don't know what you're saying anymore
You know beggars can't be choosers and it's fair
We may win, we may be loosers, I don’t care, no no no
Oh baby, I just can’t stand
Another lonely night
So come on over and save me
Save me from another lonely night
I hear every word you’re saying
They’re all lies
But with every breath you’re taking
You’re thinking of ways to say good night
Baby, I just can’t stand
Another lonely night
So come on over and save me
Save me from another lonely night
Come on over
Come and save me
Baby, I just can’t stand
Another lonely night
So come on over and save me
Save me from another lonely night
Sweet talk
I see your face in the magazine stand
I wanna hold you in the palm of my hand
I love everything about you
You're such a long way away
Your sweet talk ain't enough for me
I may be deaf but you're too blind to see
You're gonna break my bones with your feminine tones
But I don't wanna hear
Your sweet talk tonight
Not again tonight
When I call tonight don’t wanna hear
Your sweet talk tonight
I hear your voice on the radio
It's gettin' so bad, I don't know which way to go
Why don’t you wake up, girl?
You’re such a long way away
Your sweet talk ain't enough, you see
I need a woman who's a woman to me
You're gonna break my bones with those feminine tones
But I don’t wanna hear
Your sweet talk tonight
Not again tonight
When I call tonight don’t wanna hear
Your sweet talk tonight
Oh, I don’t wanna hear it
Not tonight
You’re gonna break my bones with your feminine tones
But I don’t wanna hear
None of that sweet talk tonight
Oh, not again tonight
When I call tonight
Sweet talk tonight
Not again tonight
When I call tonight
Don’t wanna hear your sweet talk
Love is blind
I tried to give you love that was ever flowing
I tried to give a love that could be so true
But you wanted less than I had to offer
What was I to do?
I tried to bare a soul that would swear devotion
I tried to promise dreams I would make come true
But you said that love was a game for children
Here I stand, a fool
Love is blind - blinded by love
You’re all I can see in my eyes
My mind says: "Stop"
But my heart says: "Go"
And oh, how it hurts to find
It's true when they say that
Love is blind
Love is blind
I told myself if there was a chance to show you
Just how good a love affair could be
But love was something that you had never given
I just couldn't see
I closed my eyes to all that you never gave me
My heart didn’t wanna see
How you played around and how well you showed me
How wounded love can be
Love is blind - blinded by love
You’re all I can see in my eyes
My mind says: "Stop"
But my heart says: "Go"
And oh, how it hurts to find
It's true when they say that
Love is blind
Love is blind
Love is blind - blinded by love
You’re all I can see in my eyes
My mind says: "Stop"
But my heart says: "Go"
And oh, how it hurts to find
It's true when they say that
Love is blind
Love is blind
Roll overture
Instrumental track
Red lights
Red lights - on the highway
Headlights - blinding my eye
Red lights - keep me waiting
White lights - drive me insane
Red lights - in the city
Streetlights - high in the night
Searchlights - I’m looking for someone
Red lights - young blood’s alright
Try as I can but I can’t keep away
No no no, no way
Red lights - she knows what I’m here for
Headlights - look me in the eye
Red lights - are you looking for danger
White lights - drives me insane
Try as I can but I can’t keep away
No no no, not for one day
Red lights - no questions
Streetlights – youth's desire
Red lights - burning desire
White lights – put you to bed
Red lights - in the city
Streetlights - shadow the night
Sunshine - if you need some one
Headlights - that young blood’s alright
Try as I can but I can’t keep away
Not today, she brings me to my knees
Try as I can but I can’t keep away
I want you, babe
Red lights - Oh, I want you
Red lights - I need it
Red lights - you get too heavy
Red lights
Rollin' the rock
Feels so cold, so alone
An empty stage, no one home
I feel so strange, so scared
No point in screaming, I won’t be heard
You’re so cold, you’re so cool
It’s so dark in this tomb
Time has come so soon
And time takes no prisoners except in the womb
There’s no way out, no escape
This silence is deafening, I have to cry out
You’re so cold, you’re so cool
It’s so dark in this tomb
Roll away the rock
Roll the rock away
Roll away the rock
Roll the rock away
Set me free from this grave
Am I forgiven? Can I be saved?
You’ve been so cold for so long
This silence is deafening, was I so wrong?
You’re so cold, you’re so cool
It’s so dark in this tomb
Roll away the rock
Take that rock and roll it
Roll away the rock
You gotta roll the rock away
This silence is deafening
Roll away the rock
Roll the rock away
Roll away the rock
Roll the rock away
Straight through the heart
You came on like an angel
I didn’t see the evil in your eyes
I could see but I was blinded
Oh, believed your lies
You hit we with your promises
You shot me, I fell to the ground
Your promise of tomorrow
When I looked you were nowhere to be found
You set me up right from the start
Stripped me of my dignity
You got me straight through the heart
I never did stand a chance
You got me straight through the heart
You cut me and left me for dead
You promised me a heaven
Turned out to be one hell all the time
The truth that you’re pretending
Was just a chorus of lies
You set me up right from the start
Strip me of my dignity
And got me straight through the heart
I never did stand a chance
Got me straight through the heart
You cut me and left me for dead
You cut me and left me for dead
You came on like an angel
Just like an angel
You set me up
You got me straight through the heart
I never did stand a chance
Got me straight through the heart
You cut me, you left me
Straight through the heart
You never gave me a chance
Got me straight throught the heart
I’m bleeding, you’re leaving
Got me straight through the heart
Weekend warriors
Ten thousand stallions runnin' wild
They dare to race the devil's child
The race is on, hold tight the reins
They shared a week of broken chains
Wheels turnin', wheels burnin'
See the eagles fly
Weekend warriors
Weekend warriors
Weekend warriors
Weekend warriors
Like shining knights of days gone by
They're born again, they'll never die
Wheels turnin', wheels burnin'
See the angels fly
Weekend warriors
Weekend warriors
Weekend warriors
Weekend warriors
Like silver lighting from the sky
These gold clad horses thunder by
Weekend warriors
Weekend warriors
Weekend warriors
Weekend warriors