Alice Cooper
« Hey Stoopid »
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1 | Hey Stoopid
 | 2 | Love's A Loaded Gun
 | 3 | Snakebite
 | 4 | Burning Our Bed
 | 5 | Dangerous Tonight
 | 6 | Might As Well Be On Mars
 | 7 | Feed My Frankenstein
 | 8 | Hurricane Years
 | 9 | Little By Little
 | 10 | Die For You
 | 11 | Dirty Dreams
 | 12 | Wind Up Toy
 | | Total playing time: 56:05 |
   Alice Cooper - vocals
Stef Burns - guitars
John Webster - keyboards
Hugh McDonald - bass
Mickey Curry - drums |
Producer Peter Collins
Additional musicians:
Ozzy Osbourne - backing vocals on track 1
Slash - lead guitars on track 1
Joe Satriani - lead guitars on track 7
Steve Vai - lead guitars on track 7
Mick Mars - lead guitars on track 10
Nikki Sixx - bass on track 10
Vinnie Moore - guitars
Robert Bailey - keyboards
Steve Cross - keyboards
Jan Winding - keyboards |
 | Hey stoopid
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, stoopid!
Hey, bro! Take it slow
You ain't living in a video
You're flying low with a high velocity
No doubt, you're stressing out
That ain't what rock 'n' roll's about
Get off th |
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 Немногие музыканты способны произвести на свет абсолютные музыкальные шедевры, все-таки рецепт приготовления таких красавцев всегда разный. Ну а если он найден, то второй раз подобный трюк, как правило, не проходит. Элис Купер в этом отношении просто неподражаем. Мало того, что предыдущим альбомом он записал умопомрачительный "Trash", так он еще умудрился через два года по абсолютно такой же схеме выдать еще один шедевр. Все на своих местах: множество приглашенных музыкантов и соавторов (например Оззи Озборн, Джо Сатриани, Стив Вай, Винни Мур, Мик Марс, Никки Сикс), тщательный контроль за качеством песен (из 12 треков ни одного слабого) и, наконец, звук и сведение высшего качества. Альбом сразу захватывает слушателя и не отпускает до самого конца, его хочется слушать еще и еще. Мега-гимн всех поколений "Hey Stoopid" прочно заседает в голове, он служит отличным началом для диска. Помимо заглавной песни, такие замечательные вещи, как медляк "Love's A Loaded Gun", красивая баллада "Burning Our Bed" и совершенно сумасшедший номер "Feed My Frankenstein" совершенно заслуженно вошли в золотой фонд куперовских песен. Но помимо них на альбоме есть еще очень много незаслуженно обделенных вниманием произведений! Скоростные боевики "Snakebite", "Dangerous Tonight" или "Hurricane Years" просто сносят все на своем пути, приводя слушателя в состояние экстаза. Романтически-грустные баллады "Might As Well Be On Mars" и "Die For You" оставляют после себя большое количество положительных и добрых эмоций. Ну а для старых фэнов в конце альбома заготовлен фирменный подарок в виде композиции "Wind Up Toy", которая перекликается со старым материалом Купера. Мощнейший ритм в припеве, спокойные акустические риффы в куплетах, и, наконец, великолепный текст про "немного отсталого" ребенка в стандартной американской семье делают "Wind Up Toy" чуть ли не самой сильной композицией диска. А когда в самом ее конце раздается отдаленный детский крик "Steven!" эмоции просто перехлестывают через край. Конечно, тяжело рецензировать вот такие альбомы, особенно такому ярому поклоннику Купера, как я. Так что все, что можно сказать в итоге - Элис опять выдал абсолютно идеальный продукт, без единого изъяна. Рекомендуется для ознакомления всем поклонникам тяжелой музыки. |
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Их было три – мрачный «Raise Your Fist and Yell», хулиганский «Trash» и «Hey Stoopid», соединивший в себе лучшие черты предыдущих альбомов. Это и угар, и грусть, и хоррор-атмосфера. «Hey Stoopid» начинается с одноимённой песни, стартующей скандирующим «хей хей хей хей…». Смысл текста песни «Hey Stoopid» испытал на своей шкуре каждый человек, и честно говоря, лучше этого произведения-антидепрессанта я ещё не слышал в своей жизни – «эй, брат, воспринимай всё полегче» - прямо в яблочко! На следующем боевике «Love's a Loaded Gun» Элис взрастил некий гибрид баллады и мощного, тяжёлого припева. Весёлые и беззаботные боевики «Snakebite», «Feed My Frankenstein» и «Hurricane Years» в духе альбома «Trash». Целых три баллады, каждая из которых просто на вес золота: вольготно-коммерческая «Burning Our Bed», искренне рок-н-ролльная «Die for You», мрачная и атмосферная «Might as Well Be on Mars». Выделяется необычной ритмичностью и гитарными изысками «Little by Little». Шикарнейший по своей мелодике, изобретательный по части гитарных нарезок и поразительный по своим эмоциям и атмосфере хоррор-боевик «Dangerous Tonight». Злобная «Dirty Dreams». И венчает альбом «Hey Stoopid» извращённо-гротескный боевик «Wind-Up Toy». Вот и всё. За шедевр, именуемый «Hey Stoopid», Элиса никогда не забудут, ибо «Hey Stoopid» переживёт века и останется таким же гениальным и неординарным. |
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Эту подборку отзывов я решил начать с классики - а именно с альбома «Hey Stoopid» старинной группы ALICE COOPER (не путать с сольными делами самого Купера). Остановиться именно на этой пластинке я решил ввиду того, что она была записана спустя два года после издания самой востребованной работы Элиса сотоварищи - альбома «Trash» - и аккурат следом за ним. Обычно после выхода шедевра такой период для музыкантов становится необходимым для осмысления своих творческих реалий и убеждений и достаточным для принятия верного решения. И то, и другое музыканты сделали безукоризненно, и совершённые ими действия возымели в итоге достойный результат.
Достоинства этой работы очевидны - это высокий профессионализм участников ансамбля, помноженный на умение сочинять яркие и цепляющие мотивы и презентовать их должным образом. Несмотря на то, что в этот раз Элису не удалось придумать совсем бессовестный хит вроде «Poison» и заручиться поддержкой кузнеца чартовых песен Десмонда Чайлда, пятьдесят шесть минут звучания «Hey Stoopid!» держат слушателя железной хваткой. После открывающей пластинку титульной песни внимание равномерно рассредоточивается между бодрыми и зажигательными нечётными дорожками и обаятельными чётными медляками (цепочку нарушают, пожалуй, только действительно ураганная «Hurricane Years» и BON JOVI-подобная «Little by Little»). В отличие от многих альбомов высокого разряда, на этом релизе нет резких перепадов между великолепными композициями и просто удачными - общий уровень материала остаётся довольно ровным. В связи с этим я затрудняюсь определить кульминационный момент альбома - для себя я установил его между великолепной «Dangerous Tonight» с захватывающим припевом и очаровательными фоновыми пэдами и обозначенным выше по тексту «Little by Little». В этот отрезок попадают безусловные хиты Элиса Купера – «Dangerous Tonight», «Feed My Frankenstein» и «Hurricane Years», хотя не менее солидные трэки – «Love's a Loaded Gun», «Snakebite», «Dirty Dreams» (напоминающий старый сонг «Lost in America»), лирическая баллада «Might as Well Be on Mars» - остаются за его пределами.
Исполнение музыки нисколько не проигрывает её композиторской стороне. Для записи альбома помимо основных музыкантов были ангажированы звёзды мирового масштаба - Джо Сатриани, Стив Вэй, Винни Мур, Оззи Осборн и ещё несколько менее известных личностей. Без их участия были сделаны далеко не самые плохие композиции «Love's a Loaded Gun», «Snakebite», «Dangerous Tonight» и «Might as Well Be on Mars» - это указывает на мастерство основного ядра из гитариста Стефа Бёрнса, басиста Хью Макдональда и Микки Карри за барабанной установкой. Для справедливости отмечу, что аранжировки и музыкальные решения остальных дорожек вышли всё же чуть более яркими и захватывающими. Не подвёл соратников и сам Купер - в сравнении с «Трэшем» его вокал стал чуть ли не более выразительным. Кроме того, для исполнения коротких вокальных вставок был приспособлен целый госпельный хор, ну и кое-где Осборн подпел... тематика текстов на этот раз базируется разом на всех темах, затронутых на предыдущих альбомах Элиса - среди ключевых аспектов лирики фигурируют фирменный макабр, суицид, любовь и прочие актуальные для Купера проблемы.
В целом «Hey Stoopid» оказался вполне успешным и обеспечил группе второе место в британском хит-параде и сорок седьмое - в американском. Этот результат не превзошёл достижение «Trash» и золото-платиновых пластинок 70-х годов, но, тем не менее, до сих пор держит работу в кругу наиболее могучих произведений из области умеренно-тяжёлой музыки. А для меня «Hey Stoopid» всё равно останется любимым альбомом ALICE COOPER. |
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просмотров: 43225 |
Now I know you've been kicked around
You ain't alone in this ugly town
You stick a needle in your arm
You bite the dust, you buy the farm
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, stoopid!
What ya trying to do?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, stoopid!
They win - you lose
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, stoopid!
Come on, girl, it's a better day
Get your foot out of that grave
Don't let that one love tear your world apart
Come on, babe, kick that stuff
Show the street it ain't so tough
Quit lying around with a crippled, broken heart
Now I know you've been seeing red
Don't put a pistol to your head
Sometimes your answer's heaven sent
Your way is so damn permanent
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, stoopid!
What ya trying to do?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, stoopid!
They win - you lose
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, stoopid!
This ain't your daddy talking
You know, I know
Your story ain't so shocking
You know, I know
Blow some steam
Come on and scream
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, stoopid!
What ya tryin' to do?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, stoopid!
They win, you lose
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, stoopid!
What ya tryin' to do?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, stoopid!
They win, you lose
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, stoopid!
What ya tryin' to do?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, stoopid!
They win, you lose
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, stoopid!
Love's a loaded gun
Somebody saw you at the station
You had your suitcase in your hand
You didn't give no information
You walked off with another man
I'm always standing in the shadows, baby
I watched you give yourself away
You take them home into your bedroom
You had another busy day
I tried to look the other way and fake it
You push me to the limits, I can't take it
One down, one to go
Just another bullet in the chamber
Sometimes love's a loaded gun
Red lights, stop and go
Whatcha gonna do when you play with danger?
Sometimes love's a loaded gun
And it shoots to kill
Someday they'll put me in a squad car
Someday they'll throw away the key
But 'till that day I'll be a mad dog
'Cause that's what you taught me to be
You looked into the eyes of men above you
I was the one who really tried to love you
One down, one to go
Just another bullet in the chamber
Sometimes love's a loaded gun
Red lights, stop and go
Hey, whatcha gonna do when you play with danger?
Sometimes love's a loaded gun
And it shoots to kill
Pull the trigger!
I tried to look the other way and fake it
You know, you push me right to the limit, I can't take it
One down, one to go
Just another bullet in the chamber
Sometimes love's a loaded gun
Red lights, stop and go
Whatcha gonna do when you play with danger?
Sometimes love's a loaded gun
And it shoots to kill
One down, one to go
Just another bullet in the chamber
Sometimes love's a loaded gun
Red lights, stop and go
Whatcha gonna do when you play with danger?
Sometimes love's a loaded gun
Somebody saw you at the station
Somebody better shake you
Somebody better turn your head around
I'm scratching like a wild cat
I'm spitting fire on the ground
You got my venom running thru ya
Ain't gonna let you run off wild
I'm snakebite, I'm your only man
Snakebite is your lover
You'll never hide, baby, understand
Snakebite drags you under
I'm snakebite
They call me snakebite
Nobody gonna take you
Nobody gonna touch your rebel skin
I'll break'em like a matchstick
'Cause baby that's the kind of mood I'm in
My face is tattooed on your shoulder
Your name is scratched into my bike
I'm snakebite, I'm your only man
Snakebite is your lover
You'll never hide, baby, understand
Snakebite drags you under
I'm snakebite
They call me snakebite
You got my venom running thru ya
If you're gonna run - go running scared, I'm right behind ya
I'm snakebite, I'm your only man
Snakebite is your lover
You'll never hide, baby, understand
Snakebite drags you under
I'm snakebite, I'm your only man
Snakebite is your lover
You'll never hide, baby, understand
Snakebite drags you under
I'm snakebite
They call me snakebite
I'm snakebite, I'm your only man
Snakebite is your lover
You'll never hide, baby, understand
Snakebite drags you under
I'm snakebite, I'm your only man
Snakebite is your lover
You'll never hide, baby, understand
Snakebite drags you under
Burning our bed
Baby, don't you shed a tear for me
I wouldn't want to waste your time
You talked a lot of trash and ya lied to me
But babe, you never even tried
You can hold my heart for ransom
But you'll never own my soul
Baby, I might lose my mind
Maybe I might lose my head
But one thing I'll never do
Is swallow my pride, crawling back to you
Baby, I'm burning our bed
There used to be a time when you were everything
My flame through the night
You got me hot then you blew me out
Like this match I'm about to light
You can tear my heart to pieces
Left me standing in the cold
Baby, I might lose my mind
Maybe I might lose my head
One thing I gotta do
Is torch those sheets and pillows too
Baby, I'm burning our bed
Well, I used to think your were so kind
How could I be so blind?
I'm free but I'm alone
Maybe I might lose my mind
Maybe I might lose my head
One thing I swear to you
You're gonna fell the heat 'fore this night is through
Baby, you're burning me
Sometimes a man can bleed
Baby, I'm burning our bed
Maybe I might lose my mind
Maybe I might lose my head
But one thing I'll never do
Is swallow my pride, crawling back to you
Baby, I'm burning out bed
Dangerous tonight
Take another bite, it'll be alright
What's wrong will soon feel right, dangerous tonight
Take another sip, let it kiss your lips
And let a little drip on your thighs
If you let me I'll untie your sensuality
I'll open up your heart and satisfy my greed
I'm dangerous, I'm a dying breed
Poisonous like a centipede
I'm capable of the foulest deed
Dangerous at night
I'm dangerous like a razorback
Deadly like a heart attack
Well, I don't bend and I don't crack
Dangerous tonight
Take another turn, the rules have all been burned
And you've got tricks to learn, dangerous tonight
Play another role, try and lose control
And stain your soul to red from white
In my mind a million voices tell me no
It's prime crime time and I gotta let it go
I'm dangerous like a broken glass
I'm a flesh fanatic psychopath
I can cause you pain and make it last
Dangerous tonight
I'm dangerous when the sun goes down
So cross yourself, don't fool around
I'll drag your heart into the ground
Dangerous tonight
If you let me I'll untie your sensuality
I'll open up your heart and satisfy my greed
I'm dangerous, I'm a dying breed
Poisonous like a centipede
I'm capable of the foulest deed
Dangerous at night
I'm dangerous like a razorback
Deadly like a heart attack
Well, I don't bend and I don't crack
Dangerous tonight
I'm dangerous like a broken glass
I'm a blood bubonic psychopath
I can cause you pain and make it last
Dangerous tonight
Might as well be on Mars
The city streets are wet with rain tonight
Taxi drivers swerve from lane to lane
A lonely guitar man playing down the hall
Midnight blues coming through the walls
I tried to call you on the telephone
I left it off the hook just to hear it ring
You told me you were better off alone
I never knew that tears could stain
I'm on the roof and I'm staring at the stars
Looking down at all the cars - I can see you
In the window of your favorite corner bar
But to reach you is just too far
And I might as well be on Mars
The city seems so old and grey and beat
It closes in and makes me wanna suffocate
And you just live across the street
But that's a billion miles away
You've turned my world into a dark and lonely place
Like a planet lost in space my light is fading
I'd cross the universe to be right where you are
But I'm right in your backyard
And I might as well be on Mars
I might as well be on Mars - you can't see me
I might as well be the man on the moon - you can't hear me
Can you feel me so close and yet so far?
Baby, I might as well be on Mars
Baby, I can't fly
If I could I'd come down to ya
Maybe I should try
I'm on the roof and I'm staring at the stars
Looking down at all the cars - I can see you
In the window of your favorite corner bar
But to reach is just too far
And I might as well be on Mars
I might as well be on Mars - you can't see me
I might as well be the man on the moon - you can't hear me
Can you feel me so close and yet so far?
Baby, I might as well be on Mars
Yeah, I might as well be on Mars
I might as well be on Mars
I might as well be on Mars
I might as well be on Mars
I might as well be on Mars
I might as well be on Mars
I might as well be on Mars
I might as well be on Mars
I might as well be on Mars
Feed my Frankenstein
"Yes, yes, I know you're hungry
Ah, and here comes dinner"
Feed my Frankenstein
Well, I ain't evil, I'm just good looking
Start a little fire and baby, start cooking
I'm a hungry man but I don't want pizza
I'll blow down your house and then I'm gonna eat ya
Bring you to a simmer right on time
Run my greasy fingers up your greasy spine
Feed my Frankenstein
Meet my libido, he's a psycho
Feed my Frankenstein
Hungry for love and it's feeding time
You don't want to talk so baby, shut up
And let me drink the wine from your fur tea cup
Velcro candy, sticky sweet
Make my tattoos melt in the heat
Well, I ain't no veggie like my flesh on the bone
Alive and licking on your ice cream cone
Feed my Frankenstein
Meet my libido, he's a psycho
Feed my Frankenstein
Hungry for love and it's feeding time
Feed my Frankenstein - baby, chow down
Feed my Frankenstein
He's a psycho
Feed my Frankenstein
Meet my libido, he's a psycho
Feed my Frankenstein
Hungry for love and it's lunch time
Feed my Frankenstein - baby, chow down
Feed my Frankenstein
Feed my Frankenstein
Meet my libido, he's such a psycho
Feed my Frankenstein
Hungry for love and it's feeding time
Feed my Frankenstein - baby, chow down
Feed my Frankenstein
Hurricane years
I got a ticket to to nowhere
Got no respect for the law
I got no use 'cause it's all abuse
It's the cutting edge of the saw
Ain't got no time for the future
Ain't got no time for the past
I'm running up a down escalator
I'm going nowhere fast
I'm hanging on like a spider
Blowing in the wind
This storm's gonna tear a hole
Right through this web I'm in
Thunder, lightning
The wind outside is so damn frightening
But it's alright, all right, stand clear
You're living in the hurricane years
In the hurricane years
I've been through major destruction
I've seen through terrorists eyes
Sometimes I feel no emotion
Sometimes I break down and cry
I need to walk on a wire
I need a layer of skin
I need a preacher breathing fire
To burn away my sins
And I can't help the victims
On the side of the road
And I can't stop the cyclone
That's about to explode
Thunder, lightning
The wind outside is so damn frightening
But it's alright, all right, stand clear
You're living in the hurricane years
In the hurricane years
Turn my eyes to heaven
Watching all the clouds roll by
I see the blood moon rising
I know I'm way too young to die
Thunder, lightning
The wind outside is so damn frightening
But it's alright, all right, stand clear
You're living in the hurricane years
In the hurricane years
I got a ticket to to nowhere
Got no respect for the law
I got no use 'cause it's all abuse
It's the business end of the saw
In the hurricane years
We're living in the hurricane years
In the hurricane years
In the hurricane years
Little by little
Black leather gloves and your lipstick shines
Bright as moonlight glows
My wildest rose cuts so fine and deep
It hurts but never shows
You're bad, you're so hardcore
Pull me down here on the killing floor
Little by little - we cross the line
Little by little - the ties that bind
Little by little by little by little
Little by little tonight
Your sugar tongue speaks hot and sweet
Lying just for fun
Push and shove, sex is sex
But honey, love is love
We're not sick insane
Just another lovers game
Little by little - we cross the line
Little by little - the ties that bind
Little by little by little by little
Little by little tonight
I'm all undone, my pretty one
Don't slap my face unless you kiss me
Little by little - we cross the line
Little by little - the ties that bind
Little by little by little by little
Little by little tonight
You beg and you cry for more
You pull me down here on the killing floor
Little by little - we cross the line
Little by little - the ties that bind
Little by little by little by little
Little by little tonight
Little by little - we cross the line
Little by little - the ties that bind
Little by little by little by little
Little by little tonight
Die for you
A hundred numbers on my wall
Some with names I sometimes call
I drop a coin and watch it fall
Trying to get connected to you
A thousand hours all alone
My softest pillow turns hard as stone
This is the longest night on my own
Lying here, thinking of you
Sometimes I shake my head and I laugh to myself
I'd like to start again with somebody else
I'm like a broken toy forgotten on the shelf
Baby, I could have been someone, I could have been something
It would have been nothing to die for you
Baby, you're going to need me, you'd better believe me
It would have been easy to die for you
A million memories flood my brain
Drown my sorrow, kill my pain
Whets my thirst for you again
Just another night to get through
All my neighbors scream for quiet at my door
Shattered glass and torn up photos on the floor
Well, I couldn't stand to see your pictures anymore
Baby, I could have been someone, I could have been something
It would have been nothing to die for you
Baby, you're going to need me, you'd better believe me
It would have been easy to die for you
These cuts are deep but you plead innocent
Are you hell or are you heaven sent?
You're much too cold to know how much you meant to me
A billion tear drops fallen from my eyes
But it's just a joke now
And I'm laughing at your lies
You make me hard as rock and now I realize
I could have been someone, I could have been something
It would have been nothing to die for you
You're going to need me, you'd better believe me
It would've been so easy to die for you
I could have been someone, I could have been something
It would have been nothing, babe, to die for you
You're going to need me, you'd better believe me
It would have been easy to die for you
Dirty dreams
Well, I wake up burning in a soaking sweat
My pillows are dripping and the sheets are wet
I jump out of bed and I turn on the light
This happens to me every night
Sometimes you turn into a snake with long black hair
Then you change into an angel, blonde and fair
You can turn yourself blue and I don't care
You can change your look
You can change your race
But it's always your touch
And always your face
Dirty dreams - how you wanna do me?
Dirty dreams - let me get through
Dirty dreams - a triple X rated movie starring me and you
Well, I close my eyes and you open your lips
There's a shock from my head to my fingertips
I fall through a hole 'cause I can't get a grip
The room starts to spin
And the world starts to turn
My heart catches fire
And my bed starts to burn
Dirty dreams - how you wanna do me?
Dirty dreams - anything for you, babe
Dirty dreams - technicolor movie starring me and you
Make my dreams come true
Shake my nights, you rattle my sleep
Roll my eyes, I'm in too deep
Dirty dreams - how you wanna do me?
Dirty dreams - let me get through
Dirty dreams - a triple X rated movie starring me and you
Dirty dreams
Dirty dreams - you're really getting to me
Dirty dreams - anything for you
Dirty dreams - technicolor movie starring me and you
Dirty, dirty dreams
You wanna be ashamed of yourself
Wind - up toy
Voices come from down the hall
In my room all painted white
I have my bat and rubber ball
I like to sleep with them at night
But now I'm all smiles
The good little shots must be winning
Yes, they crank my dial
My motor is stalled but my wheels are still spinning
Daddy won't discuss me
What a state I must be
Mommy couldn't stand
Living with a wind up toy
All my friends live on the floor
Tiny legs and tiny eyes
They're free to crawl under my door
And, and someday soon so will I
But now I'm all smiles
These good little shots must be working
I'm so happy now
Look, my fingers don't shake and my head isn't jerking
Daddy won't discuss me
What a pain I must be
Mommy couldn't stand
Having such a wound up boy
Doctors want to check me
Poke me and dissect me
What do they expect?
Feelings from a wound up toy? I don't think so
I'm just a wound up toy
A wind up toy
I'm lost in a nightmare, shiny white halls
Drawing rats on the wall, solitary confinement
Chained in a cell, got my own private hell
Preacher crucifies me
Warden wants to fry me
I was never young
Never just a little boy
Daddy won't discuss me
What a pain I must be
Mama couldn't stand
Having such a wound up boy
I'm just a wind up toy
I'm a wind up toy
I'm just a wind up toy
I'm just a wind up toy
"They come here everynight
I see them, don't you see them?
Hmm, that's odd, isn't it?
I'm so tired, I'm winding down
You'll have to go now, it's bedtime!"