Def Leppard
« Adrenalize »
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1 | Let's Get Rocked
 | 2 | Heaven Is
 | 3 | Make Love Like a Man
 | 4 | Tonight
 | 5 | White Lightning
 | 6 | Stand up (Kick Love into Motion)
 | 7 | Personal Property
 | 8 | Have You Ever Needed Someone So Bad
 | 9 | I Wanna Touch U
 | 10 | Tear It Down |
   Joe Elliott - vocals
Phil Collen - guitars
Rick Savage - bass
Rick Allen - drums |
 | Let's Get Rocked
Do you wanna get rocked?
Let's get, let's get, let's get, let's get rocked
I'm your average ordinary everyday kid
Happy to do nothin'
In fact that's what I did
Got a million ways to make my day
But daddy don't agree
'Cos when I try to get away
He says he got plans  |
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 Очередной альбом ребята выпустили еще спустя пять лет. За это время им пришлось пройти еще через одно испытание: в процессе записи, от передозировки смесью болеутоляющего и алкоголя, умер гитарист Стив Кларк, и на его место взяли Вива Кэмпбелла, ранее игравшего в Dio и Whitesnake. Никаких изменений в саунде не произошло – это по-прежнему вполне мэйнстримовый хард-рок (с некоторой долей хэви-металла), который не мог претендовать на особую оригинальность и вряд ли был способен конкурировать среди других направлений в рок-музыке, переживавших подъем в начале 90-х годов. Более всего запоминаются: открывающий хит «Let’s Get Rocked», настоящий рок-гимн тинейджеров, о парне, весьма любящем рок и не желающем ничего делать, кроме как оттягиваться под него; мелодичная «Heaven Is» с отличным припевом, о прекрасной девушке, с которой познакомился главный герой и которая теперь заполняет все его мысли; отличная (у этих ребят точно одна из лучших) романтическая (и эротическая) баллада «Tonight», начинающаяся с игры на акустической гитаре и проникновенного пения и с припевом становящаяся более энергичной; еще одна баллада «Have You Ever Needed Someone So Bad», также наполненная эротикой, вновь на тему неразделенной любви, с одним из лучших вокалирований Джо Эллиотта; и закрывающая альбом «Tear It Down», энергичная и зажигательная, в которой лирический герой просит свою девушку быть к нему поласковей. Особняком стоит «White Lightning», довольно длинная вещь (более 7 минут), посвященная Кэмпбеллу (поскольку название песни на сленге означает не что иное, как алкоголь), начинающаяся с протяжной гитары и разных зловещих звуков, с вокалом, весьма напоминающим Дейва Гилмора из Pink Floyd; я не назвал бы эту вещь отличной, но она по крайней мере отличается от всего остального. А что же остальное? Эти песни достаточно хороши, но не представляют из себя ничего особенного: зажигательная «Make Love Like a Man», о том, что настоящий мужчина должен быть с кем-то, кого он будет любить; размеренная романтическая «Stand Up (Kick Love Into Motion)», где вокал напоминает Брайана Адамса; быстрая и энергичная «Personal Property», в которой лирический герой весьма рад, что у него есть девушка, которую он может назвать только своей; более медленная, но все равно энергичная «I Wanna Touch U» с неплохим риффингом и вновь текстом эротического содержания. Что же, для отдыха от слишком навороченной музыки альбом вполне подойдет, однако не надейтесь перед прослушиванием на какое-либо откровение. Многие считают, что данная работа хуже предыдущей «Истерии», однако, на мой взгляд, эти два альбома одинаково хороши, если вы вообще не против музыки со столь явным коммерческим звучанием. |
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Пятый альбом англичан опять пришлось ждать целых пять лет. С момента выхода "Hysteria" ребята потеряли трагически погибшего гитариста Стива Клавка. В связи с этим некоторое время ушло на поиски нового. Но, несмотря на все трагедии, они смогли сохранить лицо и написали отменный материал в духе предыдущего диска. Здесь мы имеем коммерческий хард’н’хэви, с уже стандартной для Леппардов лирической попсовостью вокалиста. Музыка еще немного облегчилась, но осталась все такой же хитовой. Ритмы немного прибавили в скорости, но звучание их стало немного навороченнее и не так выразительно. Звук изменился в слегка прогрессивную сторону – ритм-секция стала не такой четкой и более сложной (хотя и в пределах стиля), к тому же акустические гитары в связке с ритм-гитарами в такой интерпретации раннее не применялись (это хорошо заметно, например, в вещи «Tonight»). Вокал Джо остался на уровне, а хоровые запевы приобрели какую-то особую печальность, которой хватало и на прошлом альбоме. В плане хитовости композиций слушателю также сильно повезло. Слабых вещей нет, к тому же все запоминается мгновенно и на лету. Материал не утратил своей разнообразности и представляет нам как шустрые веселенькие боевики, так и медленные сильные баллады. Самой цепляемой из них является «Have You Ever Neded Someone So Bad» имеющая отличный припев и классные соло. Также отмечу быстренькую лирическую «Heaven Is», грустную и медленную «Tonight» и депрессивную «White Lightning». Остальные песенки ничем не хуже, но нет смысла все перечислять. В конце отмечу, что долгое ожидание таки увенчалось успехом, и мы имеем еще один классический опус от Леппардов. |
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Очень неплохой альбом одной из моих любимейших команд, продолжающий несколько опопсевшие традиции Hysteria :) Это конечно не On Through The Night и не Pyromania, но все же очень здорово. Музыка приятная, красивая и ненапрягающая. Единственное уточнение: на мой взгляд, Adrenalize (как и Hysteria) - это уже не хэви, а мягкий хард... Любимые вещи: Let's Get Rocked, Heaven Is и очень красивая баллада White Lightning. Диск, безусловно, заслуживал бы "десятки" если бы группа называлась не Def Leppard, а например Брайан Адамс... Соответственно, минус 2 балла за некую попсовость.. :)) |
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Самый долгожданный альбом группы. После выхода успешного альбома Histeria на группу нашла черная полоса, неудачи в личных жизнях, смерть Стива Кларка.
Что же касается самого альбома, то он продолжает традиции
Histeria. Правда музыка стала более отточенной и немного медленнее. На альбоме полно хитов: Tonight, Stand Up, Have you ever needed someone so bed.
В тот год уже вовсю гремели новые стили, такие как грандж,
грайнд-кор, блэк. Поэтому возвращение такой группы не могло не порадовать любителей старого доброго хэви. |
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просмотров: 33848 |
"Get your butt right out of bed"
Stop buggin' me
"Get up and move your sleepy head"
Don't shake my tree
He said "Mow the lawn" - who me?
"Walk the dog" - not my style, man!
"Take out the trash" - no way!
"Tidy your room" - c'mon get real!
Sorry dad, gotta disappear
Let's get the rock out of here
Seven day weekend
Up all night
In at the deep end
Hang on tight
Won't take a minute
It won't take long
So get on in it
Come on, c'mon, c'mon
Let's get, let's get, let's get, let's get rocked
Let's get, let's get, let's get, let's get rocked
Let's go all the way
Get it night 'n' day
C'mon let's get, let's get, let's get, let's get rocked
I'm your average ordinary everyday dude
Drivin' with my baby
To get her in the mood
She's dialin' through my radio
And I'm ready to make my move
But what she got ain't rock 'n' roll
And it really blew my groove
It was Chopin, Mozart, Beethoven
It makes me wanna scream
Bach, Tschaikovsky, violins
Turn it off, that ain't my scene
Well I'm sorry girl
Here's my confession
I suppose a rock's out of the question?
(repeat BRIDGE & CHORUS)
All I wanna do is
Take a ride into the blue
Every time I want to love you
I get stuck inside my room
Heaven knows I'm sick 'n' tired
Of dancin' with this broom
I feel lucky today
Hey look at that, man
Do you wanna get rocked?
Do you wanna get rocked?
It won't take you a minute
It won't take that long, yeah
Get on, get with it
Oh, c'mon everybody
Let's get, let's get, let's get, let's get rocked
Get on top baby
Let's get, let's get, let's get, let's get rocked
Do you wanna, do you wanna?
Let's get, let's get, let's get, let's get rocked
Get on top of it
Let's get, let's get, let's get, let's get rocked
Love to rock your body baby
Let's get, let's get, let's get, let's get rocked
Let's go all the way
Let's do it night 'n' day
Let's get out and play
Rock the night away
C'mon let's get, let's get, let's get, let's get rocked
Do you wanna get rocked?
Heaven Is
Hey boys, Miss Magic is back
No Hollywood waste or tinsel trash
Street kid, she's no stray cat
Heaven on legs she's feline flash
Takes a good woman to play a good man
And no one plays like heaven can
She said leave your name
At the sound of the tone
Call you right back
When I get home
Better watch out
When we're all alone
Heaven is a girl I know so well
She makes me feel good when I feel like hell
Heaven is a girl that I've got to have
She makes me feel better when I'm feelin' bad
Hey guys, Miss Magic is mine
No silicone smile she's a vintage wine
Bombshell blonde, red lipstick on
Aqualine fine, she's a real wild one
(repeat BRIDGE)
Heaven is a girl I know so well
She makes me feel good when I feel like hell
Heaven is a girl that I've got to have
She makes me feel better when I'm feelin' bad
Heaven is a girl that makes dreams come true
Oh, no one does it good like heaven do, no
She got the rhythm to drive me crazy
She got the rhythm of love
She said leave your name
At the sound of the tone
The lights are out
But there's somebody home
Better watch out when
We're all alone
(repeat CHORUS)
Heaven is a girl that I've got to have
She makes me feel good when I feel like hell
Heaven is a girl she makes dreams come true
And no one does it good like heaven do
That voodoo that you do...
Make Love Like A Man
Make love like a man
I'm a man
That's what I am, uh! C'mon
All you girls 'round the world
Lookin' for a guy who's a real go getter
Every guy grab a girl
Love her like a man, make her feel a lot better
You want it I'm the one
I got it I'm Mr. Fun
You need it I'm Captain Cool, yeah
Come get it And I've come for you C'mon
Don't call me Gigolo
Don't call me Cassanova
Just call me on the phone
And baby come on over
When you need someone
When you need someone to...
Make love like a man
I'm a man
That's what I am, yeah
Make love like a man
Your kinda man
That's what I am
Every day, every night
Take her little heart 'til it beats like a hammer
Do it good, do it right
Crazy little girl gonna stutter 'n' stammer
(repeat BRIDGE & CHORUS)
Timme some rock 'n' roll
Little bit of rock 'n' roll
It's gotta be rock 'n' roll
Little bit of rock 'n' roll
Little bit of love goes a long, long way
Gotta get it on if you really wanna get her
Never ever wait it's a little to late
Love her like a man, make her feel a lot better
You want it Yeah baby
I got it Why not
You need it Oh-oh
Come get it Oh come on
(repeat BRIDGE & CHORUS)
Make love like a man
I'm a man, that's what I am baby
Make love like a man
I'm a man, that's what I am
Hey, get it while you can
I wanna be your man
Baby understand
I'm a mmmmmmmmmman!!
Make love like a man
Oh, you love her like a man
She's gonna feel a lot better
And that's a fact!
I don't wanna play the waiting game
And drift away leavin' an illusion
I don't wanna hide, It's foolish pride
To close my eyes a touch away from wantin' you
Don't try to look away when you're face to face
I see your eyes that animal emotion
You don't have to set your tender trap
It's in those eyes, it's gonna happen anyway
Movin' to the rhythm of your heartbeat
I'm wantin', willin', touchin' you, we'll be
Movin' to the rhythm of your heartbeat
Ooh babe, when you get that rhythm
Gonna move into your room
Tonight - Gimme love with no disguise
Tonight - I see the fire in your eyes
Tonight - So right this night could be dynamite
Wait 'n' see, if it pleases you it pleases me
There's nothing I can say, it's no mystery
It's in your eyes, those eyes are where I wanted them
So give me heart 'n' soul, I lose control
Can't stop my eyes from fallin' into fantasy
(repeat BRIDGE & CHORUS)
Tonight - Gimme love with no disguise
Tonight - I see the fire in your eyes
Tonight - I wanna win the greatest prize
Tonight - So right this night could be dynamite
Wait 'n' see, if it pleases you it pleases me
White Lightning
No promises, No guarantees
When you come down here
You're already on your knees
You wanna ride White lightnin'
Then sign your name
If you wanna dance with the devil
You gotta play his way - play the game
You gotta taste that sweetness
'Cos you can't say no
But are you ready for the nightmare
When you can't let go
Like a soldier of fortune
When the money runs dry
You got rivers of bitter tears - in your eyes
You wanna leave but you can't let go
You wanna stop but you can't say no
You'll never laugh about it
You just can't live without it
You had enough but you just want more
You never get what you're lookin' for
You'll never laugh about it - never
You got both ends burning
You're like a moth to a flame
You're going off the rails
Like a runaway train
It's a no-win situation
And there's no way out
And no one will ever hear you - scream and shout
(repeat BRIDGE)
Run - He's coming to claim you
Run - Nowhere to hide away
Run - Oh, you dance with danger
Run - Oh, you gotta ride the...
White Lightnin'
On a dead end street
White Lightnin'
Where the deadbeats meet
White Lightnin'
It's a one-way ride
White Lightnin'
Oh, there's nowhere to hide
Such a lonely road you ride
It's not easy when you don't know why
Such a heavy load you hide
You never leave no matter how you try
Run - He's coming to claim you
Run - Nowhere to hide away
Run - You dance with danger
Run - Oh, you gotta ride the...
(repeat CHORUS)
White Lightning
Can you feel it, can you feel it?
White Lightning
It's so dangerous
White Lightning
No promises, no guarantees
White Lightning
When you come down here
You're already on your knees
STAND UP (Kick Love Into Motion)
I gotta know right now
It's got to be this time
I wanna show you how
Gonna make you change your mind
There's an empty chair at my table
There's an empty look in your eyes
I just happen to be a man
And you happen to be a woman
And we happen to be together
Try to stop this thing comin'
Stand up, kick love into motion
Take a little love and shake it all around,
Stand up, kick love into motion
Take me in your arms and throw me to the ground
Down to the ground, baby c'mon
Stand up for love
I'm gonna play your game
I wanna play with fire
I want to breathe your air
Baby, gonna take you there
If you lay your cards on the table
I'll lay my love on the line
Till you're mine
(repeat BRIDGE & CHORUS)
You couldn't get it much better
You never had it so good
Stand up together
And when you're ready to
You're gonna get what you should
Little by little
Like a fine wine
My love is like a motor
Runnin' all the time
Step by step
Easy and slow
On the stairway to heaven
What a way to go
(repeat CHORUS(first four lines))
Stand up, kick love into motion
Take me in your arms
And show me what you found
Stand up, kick love into motion
My love is like a motor
Runnin' all the time
Stand up, yeah, kick love into motion
I said step by step
Go easy, go slow
Stand up, yeah,
Stand up, kick love into motion
Yeah, on a stairway to heaven
What a way to go, stand up
Personal Property
She's a gold-plated lover
Twenty-four carat cool
She can walk on water
She can walk in my room
She's a one man woman
and it's a one man race
She's got a kiss like fire
She burns the lips right off my face
It's finder's keepers
Loser's gonna weep
She's personal, property
Sealed 'n' stamped
Money in the bank
She's private
For my eyes only
She's personal property
Personal property
Personal service, personal touch
Exclusively mine, thank you so much
She's a heart stoppin', brain thuddin'
Blood pumpin', knee tremblin'
Spine crushin', tongue tyin'
Personal property
And she belongs to me
She won't fall for nothin'
She's much more than cute
Don't mind y' window shoppin', that's all right
But you ain't gonna taste
My forbidden fruit
Adios, au revoir,
Wiedersehen, goodbye
She's personal property
Off limits, out of bounds
Under lock 'n' key
For my eyes only
(repeat CHORUS(except last two lines)
She's mine, yeah
Now I don't mind you guys checkin' her out
You can whistle like a wolf
Or you can mess around
But let me tell you the secret
Of the sweet life
If you wanna stay healthy, man
Take my advice
You better kit the road, Jack
And don't come back!
You could be king of the jungle
Or you could swing in the rain
But she don't need no monkey, not my babe
'Cos I'm her Tarzan and she's my Jane
(repeat CHORUS)
And she's mine
She belongs to me
Have You Ever Needed Someone So Bad
Her I am, I'm in the wrong bed again
It's a game I just can't win
There you are breathin' soft on my skin
Still you won't let me in
Why save your kisses for a rainy day
Babe let the moment take your heart away
Have you ever needed someone so bad, yeah
Have you ever wanted someone
You just couldn't have
Did you ever try so hard
That your world just fell apart
Have you ever needed someone so bad
And you're the girl I gotta have
I gotta have you baby
There you go, midnight promises again
But they're broken by the dawn
You wanna go further, faster everyday babe
But in the morning you'll be gone
And I'm alone
(repeat BRIDGE & CHORUS)
Every dream I dream is like
Some kinda rash 'n' reckless scene
To give out such crazy love
You must be some kinda drug
And if my time don't ever come
For me you're still the one
Damned if I don't, damned if I do
I gotta get a fix on you
(repeat CHORUS until fade)
I Wanna Touch U
I wanna touch U
Till we're stuck like glue
I wanna touch U
I get high on U
I'm on fire over U
And I can't let U go
I can't let U go
I got love on the rise
And I burn like a fire
Got my eye on the prize
Got love in my sights
And I can't let U go
I can't let U go
Give me no reasons
Give me no rhymes
Give me that feelin'
All of the time
I wanna touch U
Till we're stuck like glue
I wanna touch U
Yeah, baby, that is true
I wanna touch U
Nobody else will do, no
I wanna touch U
'Cos a little too much
Could never be enough, no
I get wired on U
And I thrill to your touch
Yeah, I excite over U
Can't stop this landslide of love
And I can't let U go
I can't let U go, oh
(repeat BRIDGE & CHORUS)
(repeat BRIDGE)
I wanna touch U
Till we're stuck like glue
I wanna touch U
I wanna touch U, yeah
I wanna touch U
Oh, till we get it right
I wanna touch U
Yeah, make it last all night
I wanna touch U
Baby U excite
I wanna touch U
"Cos a little too much
Could never be enough, now
Tear It Down
You got the look of a howlin' wolf
I like it
The kind of eyes that could start a fire
Yes, I like it
A streetwise dynamo, I switch you on
And I watch you go
A thrill to touch, you're so hot
I'm coming for you ready or not
I'm gettin' ready -
Living on the edge of a dream
I'm gettin' ready -
Oh, switch on your lovin' machine
Tear it down
There's got to be a better way
Tear it down
I can't wait another day
Tear it down
There's got to be a better way
Tear it down
If only you could stay
All night long
I'm on fire, you're all ice
Once too much is twice as nice
Get tough, fools luck
One bite and I'm hooked
A black cat with a silver tongue
A quick lick and you're gone
One kiss, it hots up
Too close ain't close enough
(repeat BRIDGE & CHORUS)
(repeat BRIDGE & CHORUS)
(repeat CHORUS)
Miss You In A Heartbeat
I believe
That there's something deep inside
That shouldn't be
>From time to time
I sure found out
Thought love was such a crime
The more you care
The more you fall
No need to worry
No need to turn away
'Cos it don't matter
Ooh, I'd miss you in a heartbeat
Baby, I'd miss you right away
Ooh, I'd miss you in a heartbeat
'Cos it ain't love
if it don't feel that way
When we touch
I just lose my self-control
I sense sensation
I can't hide
To love is easy
It ain't easy to walk away
I keep the faith
And there's a reason why
(repeat BRIDGE)
(repeat CHORUS)
Ain't big on promises
But I'll be true to you
'Cos I'd do 'bout anything
For someone like,
Baby for you
(repeat CHORUS till fade)
She's Too Tough
Black stockings and a high heeled dress
Good looking but her face is a mess
She's no angel, oh no
Love loaded she got plenty to spare
She'll pull your trigger if only you dare
She's no angel, oh no
She's too tough - Can't help it, she just can't help it
She's too tough - Can't help it, she just can't help it
Hands off, well it's Catch-22
Y' can't touch if she can't have you
She's no angel, oh no
Whiplash, give you six of the best
Lay back, let her mind do the rest
She's no angel, oh no
(repeat CHORUS twice)
(repeat CHORUS until fade)