 Послушал я раз, послушал два, послушал три, и стала меня грусть-тоска съедать. Не те это ILLDISPOSED, которых я отчаянно полюбил на «There’s Something Rotten...» и «Kokaiinun». Каюсь, не слышал «1-800 Vindication» и «Burn Me Wicked», но сути это не меняет. Проблема в том, что ILLDISPOSED стали как все. «Let’s fucking go!», - рычит Бо Саммер в интро, и начинается грузная дэт-металическая песнь, но от прежних датчан остались лишь жужжащие гитары и через фильтр пропущенный вокал. Нет ни свойственной мелодики, ни фирменного завуалированного юмора, подаваемого малыми дозами. Даже песни со словом «gates» нет. Зато есть много дэта, среднетемпового, качевого, технично сыгранного (некоторые соло очень даже ничего), но ценности имеющего не много. Лучшее применение такая музыка найдет на концертах. Могу представить, что будет твориться с толпой под «The Key to My Salvation» или «Weak is Your God». В остальном, альбом получился далеко не лучшим, даже при отброшенных ожиданиях, что ILLDISPOSED сделают что-нибудь в старом духе. |
Чего-то никто не пишет рецензию на альбом культовой группы. Попробую я. Альбом выдержан в рамках стиля death metal. Низкий звук гитар и низкий искаженный гроул. Композиции достаточно сложные для восприятия после первого прослушивания. Но альбом, тем не менее, очень уверенный и способен дать фору другим играющим в этом ключе группам. Особенно понравилась очень мрачная и в то же время мелодичная соло-гитара. |
I can't forgive this treason
You put into my life
I want to leave
But yet I stay
My Humble Spirit
Failed this day
I see you
Do you wanna live?
Cos you sure have me fooled
You're working late
A the child lost it's faith
How can I help?
Have you lost your desire
You're in league with Satan
As were I in the 80's.
3. Weak Is Your God
[Spoken words in Danish and German by Ove Sprogø:]
Fru Fernando Møe er død.. Wie Bitte?.. Tot
[English translation: Miss Fernando Møe is dead.. Sorry What?.. dead]
Weak is your god
And I know you feel the same
The Trust
You put in him - will not repay
I look at you
And all I see is disbelief
I need to challenge Him
Bring out your points
And I'll set it all alight
Your god is weak
Invented just for laws to be
Obsessive Thoughts
For nothing but your mind to ease
The look for proof
Is not a thing you value much
Let's do this right
'cos all I see is Disbelief
I need to challenge You
Keep you on the edge
Created by eternal lies
It's just pain
It's just a pain in my head
...you're the sadist one
All will hail Jesus
Bled for my sin
And that's a lot of blood
The babes in the woods
Never got far
Was an accident
All will hail Jesus
Crowned as a king
...it took a lot of blood
4. Working Class Zero
Working class zero
It happened to me
I thought of us - of what to be
You always were better
Not careless - not free
And then you end up like me
A lot of pain at the factory
And now it hurts when you wake up
Endless life - all hope is gone
End this life
A working class zero
Is something to be
If all is gone and death you see
The Poison inside Us
Is spread by our own needs
A future set to my defeat
And now they laugh at the factory
And lot of pain when you wake up
It's your life - there's just escape
You must try
Working class zero
Your mama still cries
She thinks of you
Of how you died
You always were better
Got careless - then free
And in the end you lost like me
Lucifer over London
There's a - Lucifer over London
And six six six
it makes me sick
I'm sick sick sick
of 666
[continue while fading out]
Lucifer over London
There's a - Lucifer over London
5. A Song Of Myself
A song of myself
It would be a challenge
Could hold my fears and hopes
or mere destroy them
Evolve around my home
Grow into the spirit
Would face the different times
I've met with fate and lost
Lost without being found
My soul is still at search
In a song of myself
And I could sing it to a lune
Without a soul
To see if it would make me feel a Man
Or as darkness closes in
Save us all
From the Evil the destroy this very land
A note to myself
From the files of life
Should I start to Decompose?
While I'm ahead
My youth sends me back
To the state of love
All of which are lost
In a song of myself
6. Like Cancer
Like cancer
Spreading through the system
There's no life for us
No chance of our survival
All hope
Locked out
By something like
Like Cancer
Raped by the Devil
You need me
The Poison
Spreading in my hull
There's no life for me
No way I can survive
No hope
All gone
By something like
Like cancer
You'll fight me
7. Love Is Tasted Bitter
Love is tasted bitter
Bitterness at play
Scorched baby fears the fire
Emotions come to stop
Fear not - I miss you always
Don't wanna change this fact
I shook the devils hand
When you stood by my side
Life is tasted bitter
I see that you're a mess
Fighting to kick me out
Battle won't be won
Dread to meet another day
Can't seem to get along
No need - I've been in hell
With you to prove me wrong
Death is tasted bitter
When you are at worlds end
Left is the one desire
Never speak of you again
My spirit will rise
This time to dominate
Remember you're no angel
Love is tasted
8. She Knows
She knows
And she's out to get me
The one - I did betray
She's now a foe
The Trust
Is but a memory apart
The way I spend my time
I lack control
She Knows
And she prepares to see me off
To a place where I lie no more
With a bitter thought I realise
I brought this on myself
...She knows
She knows
But she can still not look at Me
And think that I am more than dirt to her
This place
It's getting harder every day
I dream of you at night
9. A Child Is Missing
A child is missing
Let me be the first
I'll guide you to heaven
My little sister
Wont be long now
Have a little faith
I'll ease your passing
Her spirit whispers
Stupid mistake
Mama cries
That seventies game
Such a sin
A child is missing
Couldn't face life
All we believe
A shadow lifts Her
Carry my hope
Awoke now at last
All for the fact
We buried my sister
10. The Key To My Salvation
The key to my salvation
Lies in
Where ever I'm able
To show my true self
The key is to let the Poison
Out now
That for so long
Has been eating my heart
Shine on you crazy diamond
The field of my preservation
Takes in
I slowly walk the pace
Suited for my soul
The picture shown by mirrors
Shines not
The way I see myself
Leave it all behind
That's the key to my salvation
11. ...Your Devoted Slave
Your devoted slave
That's me being classified again
Where lovers are meant to trust each other
I go out of my way
I try to please that's all I can
As your hunger feast on what I bring
And what I bring - Is yours
Devoted Slave
I will obey
Hit the lights and blind my Eyes
See and do just what you want
And all you want
Is fine by me
I'm totally depended on
The things you let me do for you
My object is to please
I'm good at what I do
Devoted Slave
I must obey
Devoted Slave
I just obey
Empty hearts I disconnect
To a tune ever so grey
I play at will of girls
They even want me to
Circumstances set the scene
I willingly delay my joy
For what I have to give!
12. Ich Bin Verloren In Berlin
Ich bin verloren in Berlin
Das tempo des lebens
Sohn der welt
Brauchen keine tarnung
Trotz der kälte der nacht
Bin Ich
Verloren in Berlin
Wir wollen
Unser Schicksal bestimmen
Unsere einfache vision
Von wissen
Men grösster
Schmerz und luxus
Dreh dich nicht
Weg von Mir
I'm lost in Berlin
The speed of life
Son of the world
Donøt need any camouflage
Despite the cold night
I'm still
Lost in Berlin