3 Inches of Blood
« Advance & Vanquish »
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 | 1. Fear On The Bridge (Upon The Boiling Sea I)
Behold a speeding shape
A ship upon the waves
Racing swift as death
Torment from the pits of Hell
In seas where pirates dwell
The armada sets its course
Shadowed by skull and cross-boned force
The crow's nest spots the flag
The captain's pl |
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 Очень удивила меня эта группа. Слышали мы Ральфа Шиперса из Primal Fear, косящего под Роба Халфорда (Judas Priest - если кто забыл), и Тима Оуэнса - ex-Judas Priest, Iced Earth (которому повезло больше всех), и псевдокопировальщика Томаса Реттке из Heavens Gate, но вот эти ребята меня наиболее сильно поразили – это ж надо всю пластинку орать знаменитым крикливым писком Халфорда, ещё иногда выбиваясь в такие высокие ноты, что на ум приходит даже старина Кинг Даймонд! Добавьте к этому всему огромное количество обыкновенного скриминга (в команде два вокалиста!). В общем то в этом и есть один единственный минус – небольшая разнообразность вокальных партий, хотя надо отдать должное – каких вокальных партий! По музыке эта штука напоминает, нет, если вы думаете, что пристовский Painkiller, то ошибаетесь, она напоминает микс из всего творчества пристов, только более воинственного характера (что отлично показывают тексты группы). Качество записи великолепное, но нужно отметить, что жёсткость уступает тому же Пэйнкиллеру, зато техничностью намного опережает его, присутствует чуть-чуть прогрессив элементов, а в одной песенке я даже услышал кусочек не то блэкового, не то дэтового стучания. Ещё меня убила песня «Deadly Sinners» - логическое продолжение старого хита пристов «Sinner», словно часть 2-я. Единственное что меня серьёзно беспокоит – так это на какой уровень популярности рассчитывает эта группа, ведь даже я, обычный слушатель, посоветовал бы ознакомиться с этим диском лишь правдивым поклонникам Judas Priest и вокальных способностей Роба Халфорда. |
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Перед тем как писать об этом альбоме, напишу немножко истории. Как не грустно, но последователей Heavy-Metal'a в 90-2000 гг. можно пересчитать на пальцах. Отнести к ним можно такие коллективы как, например Blaze, Primal Fear и немногих других, но назвать их свежей кровью можно только условно, так, как эти ребята фигурируют в рядах тяжеляков уже десятилетия.
Чуть ли не первыми последователями легендарных Judas Priest, Iron Maiden и Manowar является команда «3 Inches Of Blood», или во всяком случае ее альбом 2004-го года под названием «Advance And Vanquish». Давненько на меня ничего так не производило впечатления, какое произвела эта банда. На диске представлен чистейшей воды Heavy Metal, с небольшим присутствием классического speed-power'a 80-х. Послушав чистые и прямолинейно-техничные рифы, я понял, что это именно оно – то реальное и грандиозное продолжение хэви-метала, которого почти не играют новички. Музыка звучит помпезно и величественно с припевами и текстами, а-ля Manowar и 2004-й Iced Earth, но в отличие от этих команд 3 дюйма крови являются новым и современным коллективом, который пока не соблазнили более модные течения, типа power, или прогрессивный мелодичный мэтал, который в последнее время набирает обороты. Фирменными фишками группы стали очень интересный и сильный вокал (нечто среднее между Робом Хэлфордом и Ханси Кюршем), имеющий свою собственную манеру пения, а также новаторское звучание инструментов, как говориться «без отрыва от корней». Скорость и драйв ясное дело присутствуют тут с лихвой. Выделить можно много композиций, наверное почти все, но лучшими считаю красивейшую и разнообразнейшую «Deadly Sinners», скоростную и драйвовую «Premonition Of Pain», а также просто бешенную «Axes Of Evil», с суперовым припевом. Альбом слушается на одном дыхании и от него очень тяжело оторваться, не дослушав до конца.
Итог следующий. Такие интересные и нескучные работы попадаются от новичков крайне редко. Музыка отличилась своей живостью, техничностью, мелодичностью. Единственный таки неприятный момент – это то, что несмотря на всю оригинальность материала, чувствуется влияние таких групп, как Judas Priest, Manowar и Blind Guardian. А вот можно ли обыграть оригиналов – думаю можно, во всяком случае, ребятам это почти удалось. |
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просмотров: 14716 |
With your lives, defend the gold
In a fire fight yet to unfold
Opposing ships steered side by side
Fear on the bridge is realized
Cannons blaze in wood they blast
The Spanish ship is sinking fast
Raiders board the ship
Plunder all their fold
As they're lunging for the kill
Their riches will be ours
Take no prisoners
Leave no man alive
For the ransacking awaits
The decks awash with blood
Fight to the death
There is no other way
Honour will say
That captains duel on the plank
When all are dead and all is won
There's riches here to steal
Bodies scattered by the waves
For sharks do make their meal in flesh
Rain begins to fall
Their fold becomes our wealth
As they sink into the sea
No mercy for the rich
We wash their blood
From our bounty gold
We feast tonight
We're heading due west
For the secret island port
The plunder divides
But give a piece to the sea
When madness of the fever grips and greed is taking hold
Nothing can ever cure your thirst except for rum and gold
Nothing can quench the thirst except for rum and gold
2. Deadly Sinners
Don't walk the cold and ruthless streets
They drain the life from all they meet
The servants crying underground
Smelling mortal blood like hounds
As you crawl the sewer pipes
Deadly sinners set to strike
As you walk around the bend
You'll be dead right there where you stand
Flash of iron, leather, spikes, and swords
Mighty warriors with metal on their side
Enemies of metal, your death is our reward
Triumphant victory when you bring the steel to life
Deadly sinners
Victory when you bring the steel to life
Crushing the light, stalking the night
Deadly sinners always win
Kill the tyrant's endless conquest
With no mercy, straight for his heart
Bloodlust will overtake anger and violence
Without warning, lightning strikes in the dark
Lightning strikes
Flash or iron, leather, spikes and swords
Those mighty warriors with metal on their side
Enemies of metal, your death is our reward
Triumphant victory when you bring the steel to life
Deadly sinners
Victory when you bring the steel to life
Ruling the night, winning the fight
Taking it all right to the end
Winning the night, ruling the fight
Take one last step before you die
Ruling the night, winning the fight
Taking it to the end
3. Revenge Is A Vulture
A sacred pact signed in blood, two allies strong in war
To the death they will defend if an enemy comes forth
Corruption rears its ugly head, feed a traitors mind
Stab in the back remains, to break the oath
This ancient bond of trust shattered by a food
Upon betrayal, all thoughts turn to...
Revenge - Revenge is a vulture
Take him for everything he's got
Revenge - Revenge is a vulture
He won't know what he had until it's lost
The stage is set, a battlefield, victory or death
Valor will prevail against an insult to you name
An alliance failed, the oath remains no more
This allegiance based on trust has become war
The birds of prey shall feast on carrion
As their world crumbles
Revenge - Revenge is a vulture
Deceiver's flesh ripped off his wretched bones
Revenge - Revenge is a vulture
His head placed on a pike for all to see
A lesson learned for all of the usurpers to the throne
Bridges burned, honour lost, forever damn his kind
Forever damn his kind
Victory will be ours, their treachery returned
A shallow grave awaits
Forever damn his kind
A shallow grave awaits
4. Dominion Of Deceit
All beware the blackened tongue
Its laden heavy with lies
Bleeding on the cross for the world to see
Traitor, liar, thief - all will be revealed
Millions caught in rapture torn inside with fear
Eat the flesh and drink the blood
Slave of reality for one more of the flock
You soul, it decomposes
As poisoned words seep into you mind
Cryptic signs holding evil thoughts at bay
While your sins, your sins are washed away
As fallen angles we will fight
Against a kind that's dead and gone
No second coming for the general of the weak
Unholy wars wages upon the land
Merciless wrath upon the non-believer
The blood it soaks into the soil
As you idols weep in shame
The council of heathens
Has gathered to bring
An end to their own slavery
Dominion of deceit will now surely fall
Controlling our thoughts no more
The sheep wander blindly in the night
As the shepherd passes on the plate
The golden-tongued orator
Spreads only wicked lies
I've seen the fire burning your temple
Ashes and dust return to the Earth
As we summon the night
And flames lick at the gates
Their dominion decays and it falls
The kingdom and crusaders
Their spell is weakened
The council of heathens
Has gathered to bring
An end to their own slavery
Dominion of deceit will now surely fall
Controlling our thoughts no more
Dominion of deceit
Bones in the ground
Controlling our thoughts no more
5. Premonition Of Pain
Awoken by the terror of a thousand wars
A vision of the coming invading force
With haste he goes to the royal hall
The soothsayer alerts the king, the hour is night
The king scoffs, says no, he does not believe
You must be in error, you must be deceived
My lord, they're coming, your people aren't safe
Upon deaf ears fall words of fate
I hold the key to what lies beyond
You won't believe what this crystal orb does show
And in his dreams he saw
Brick by brick...behold
Stone by stone...our fate
Wall by wall
This castle is set to burn
When the soothsayer's riddle is spoken, beware of the answers it holds
I hold the key to what lies beyond
When the soothsayer's words make you question, the price will be paid in blood
You won't believe what this crystal orb does show
With no more than a reason to kill
The enemy's approaching from surrounding sides
Awaiting for the first strike as catapults are drawn
Flaming arrows form the sky. The massacre begins
Order turns to chaos, no hope to win
The tyrant is here to take up your throne
He'll take off you head before taking your crown
The mystic, he laughs, you should have listened to me
But now you beg for you life on your knees
On your knees
On your knees
When the soothsayer's riddle is spoken, it could hold the outcome of war
I hold the key to what lies beyond
When the soothsayer's words speak of bloodshed, just pray that the blood is not yours
You won't believe
The price paid in blood
The price paid in blood
Just pray that the blood is not yours
6. Lord Of The Storm (Upon The Boiling Sea II)
Lord of the storm rides in the eye, eye of the hurricane
Lord of the storm rides in the eye, in the eye of Hell
Rider on the night and ruler of the damned
Damnation creeps upon everyone, a sense of fatal warning
Within the crew there's treachery, a mutiny is brewing
The first mate draws his cutlass forth, towards the captain challenging a duel
You've sentenced us to a watery grave, this ship will sink into the sea
A brutal storm is on the rise, wrath of an angered deity
Batten down the hatches for a struggle that will take all of our lives
None shall live to tell the tale of this wretched night
Terror of the seven seas, Lord of the storm spreads like disease
Unlike anything seen before, the Lord of the storm
Behold the wrath the skies unleash
Until we're dead it shall not cease
The gods have made their judgement call
And it spells certain death
The captain mind cannot be swayed
He'd rather die than give away
All of the treasure chests below
To the grip of the unforgiving deep
Blinding lightning sears the flesh
Raindrops fall like musketballs
Piercing the skin, wood, steel and bone
All aboard will pay
The captain surfaces for air amongst the torrent nightmare
Latching to a piece of the hull, destruction's everywhere
No more survivors from the blast, the ship drifts beneath the waves
The master coasts for hours, before the storm begins to wane
An albatross flies overhead, a sign that land is near
An island spotted in the distance, maybe the torment is at an end
Rain is gone, but doom is near, a shadow's on his heart
Immortality is his, salted tears will drench his days
The captains' lost upon the seas
Penance for his wicked deeds
Cheated by his crew and God
As he floats and waits to drown
He has no clue what lies ahead
A deadly isle for him to dread
He thinks he can rebuild his life
Set sail to conquer the sea again
As he touches his feet upon the sandy shore
The sun will rise once more
Lord of the storm rides in the eye, eye of the hurricane
Lord of the storm rides in the eye, in the eye of Hell
Rider on the night, ruler of the damned
7. Wykydtron
In the year four thousand fifty five, Wykydtron came to life
Born of a scientific design to serve all human kind
Artificial intelligence bred for future war
When galaxies will crumble and fall to their knees
It breaks free from its hold taking military control
A fate seen all across the world
It takes hold of the Earth, breeding legions to his control
Soon to seize all power in the sky
Programmed to crush
Programmed to destroy
Its brainwaves only wired for death
It's wired to kill
All on the Earth
Nuclear bound - you'll fear his name
Hey it's The Wykydtron
It's The Wykydtron
Hey it's the Wykydtron
An army's formed to crush the Earth
Our creation, the master of our demise
Humanity is doomed
Fifteen years since creation's time, the war has turned to space
Human kind has one chance left to turn the tides of fate
Warheads are the only way to stop The Wykydtron
Millions die, radiation blast from Hell
Flesh, it peels away as all the people die
This is the end of the human race
Our creation becomes the master of our own demise
We are drones
We fooled ourselves
We finally sealed our fate
He it's the Wykydtron
It's the Wykydtron
Hey it's the Wykydtron
8. Swordmaster
Born with shining steel in hand, fighting's all you know
Mastering the blade, to kill those who betray
With skill and deadly grave, severed heads erase
A wrong that has been done, only death can overcome
Master of the blade, wielder of the steel
With iron fury, killer fire and speed
With his mighty sword he reaps his vengeance
Coming from the depths to right a wrong
From the depths of Hell
To deal his wrath
Swordmaster, bounty hunter for the damned
Stand and Fight - Kill or Die
His blade is gleaming and from it blood is streaming
None shall survive beyond the light of dawn
None shall survive beyond morning light
Vengeance served with cold delight, bodies split in two
Bone and sinew spray for debts that come to be repaid
Bloodlust in your mind, the painful truth is what they'll find
The course is at an end, to Hell is where he sends you
Swordmaster, bounty hunter for the damned
Stand and Fight - Kill or Die
The master moves on, keeping the balance of the world
Crusher of souls and ruler of Hell
9. Axes Of Evil
Hark! A scout has reached the gate, brining news of war
In a fortnight they'll be here, legions of the nameless fear
Our king he cannot lead, our king is growing old
With a courageous cry, a young man rises form the fold
The answer we week lies in the frozen water
I leave at dawn with hast for...
Axes of evil
Astonished faces look his way, as the hopeful carry horror in their hearts
Uncertain of a power that malice forged in steel
I must face this threat that challenges our lives
I'll strike out with vengeance, I'll reap from their demise
No! You must not seek the blades, it's said that they are cursed
Possesses you if they're found, to the dreadlord they are bound
Cutting flesh for him to eat, bloody raw Lucifer meat
Peril awaits you in the fjords, we cannot lose you to the...
Axes of evil, strong not feeble
Axes of evil, come on!
Axes of evil, our fates wrapped in steel
Axes of evil, come on! Come on!!!
The future of our land lies in the balance
You must go to save us all
At last they're found floating in a crystal orb
Speak the incantation written on the wall
In a blinding flash the axes fly into his hands
Too much power for him to bear, he'll wreak havoc on the land
Wreaking havoc on the land
...Axes of evil
On the fourteenth morning's chill, from the rampart he is spotted on the hill
With a look of burning poison that fills his eyes with rage
I have returned to put an end to all your lives
With no remorse I will reap from your demise
...Axes of evil
10. Crazy Nights
On shadowed roads we run, for secrets London holds
New Cross to Camden Town, with metal force we rage
In Paradise we clash, you will perish
Our ambition, live to fight for all the
Crazy nights
Crazy nights, crazy nights
Intoxicating fury
Crazy nights, crazy nights, crazy nights
Horns up high in praise
Crazy nights
Running through the night, they all blue into one
Living for tonight, for soon tomorrow comes
Ever under shadow of the pale amber towers
Venture into the smouldering forest, fall under its powers
Throwing iron fists, blackened bruises swell
Scattering the field, choking our last victim
Hammersmith is calling me
All desires lie in wait to feed the
Crazy nights
Crazy nights, crazy nights
Intoxicating fury
Crazy nights, crazy nights, crazy nights
Horns up high in praise
Paradise erupts, bodies hit the grounds
The enemy is vanquished, all hail, the victor is crowned
Rivals rise to fight against the metal force
None can match the fury of these crazy nights
Crazy nights, crazy nights
None can match the METAAAAAAAAAAAL!
Crazy nights
11. Destroy The Orcs
Kill the Orcs, slay the Orcs, destroy the Orcs
You returned late home that night
Evidence all around you from the flight
You see your family's blood spilled on the ground
There's no trace of the Orcs to be found
Take the broadsword in your hand
Follow the Orcs to their camp
You will have vengeance in blood
With their heads they will pay the price
Spill blood
On their trail we hunt them tirelessly
Spill blood
Bloodshed eases their loss
Spill their blood
Their decapitation leads to the cessation
Of the sadness, of the woe
Spill the blood
12. Phantom Of The Crimson Cloak
Out of the fog comes a huddles shape
Cloaked head to toe in crimson flowing robes
It hunts, kills, eats
Unseen in sickening mists of night, some evil's lurking in the gloom
Voracious hunting appetite and piercing demon eyes
A mandrake sets upon its prey, slashing mangled claw
Soulstealer strangling terror, in crimson cloak it kills
Mortals who cross the path
The phantom hunts and kills
With a swift ferocity
The demon's carcass strikes
Death is his way, dare not cross hi path
The phantom of the crimson cloak stalks the dark and silent night
A killer waiting for the strike, in silence you will stand in fright
Captured by its frozen stare, your body drained of essence
Predator of the pure in heart, sending all their souls to Hell
There is no escape from here, phantom horror attack
He must feed
On innocent human flesh
To hold the madness at bay
That torments his eternal march
Death is his way, dare not cross hi path
The phantom of the crimson cloak stalks the dark and silent night
An ancient corpse
He's trod this worn path
Many forlorn years
Aeons yet to come
Death is his way, dare not cross his path
The phantom of the crimson cloak stalks the dark and silent night
13. Isle Of Eternal Despair (Upon The Boiling Sea III)
Kiss the sand, praising the dry land he has found
Everywhere on the shore there's treasure all around
Bury deep the horded loot far down below
No man or god will ever take away the plunder
He will find a cave to hide away the fold
Doomed to a desert isle
All of the riches in his hands
No living thing around
But he will never leave the cave
Alone with bounty gold
Something compels him to stay
Heaven or Hell, time will tell
The captain thinks what will come of this
If this is the end, the gold must die with me
Delving underground, to his dismay
The captain finds a curse
The isle of eternal despair, to spend eternity alone
The isle of eternal despair, with gold beyond his dreams
What a sight that's sitting right before his eyes
Ancient spoils of the pirates of the past
Skeletons are sheathed in gold by candlelight
Hunger sets but he will guard the jewels forever
Now he's punished by the gods
Forever pondering his greed
But he's doomed to eternal life
As a golden skeleton
The isle of eternal despair, doomed as his flesh beings to rot
The isle of eternal despair, knowing he'll never really die
As he decays into living, golden bones
Eyes open watching for the rest of his life