 Существование замечательного коллектива Led Zeppelin постепенно подходило к концу. Над ним словно нависло проклятие. Героиновая зависимость Джимми Пэйджа, скандальные гастроли, во время которых (в Окленде, штат Калифорния) был избит охранник, и возбуждение уголовного дела по этому поводу, смерть Карака, 5-летнего сына Роберта Планта, от острой вирусной инфекции, автомобильная авария, в которую попал Джон «Бонзо» Бонэм. Долго ребята не обращались к музыке, но наконец они решили вновь собраться и начать репетиции. Музыкальный материал был только у Джона Пола Джонса, и только он и был заинтересован в работе, поэтому и выдвинулся на первый план, что, кстати, очень заметно, когда слушаешь этот альбом – «Внутрь через дверь наружу». Он очень отличается от всего, что группа делала раньше, поскольку здесь клавишные выдвинуты на первый план, и звучат они, кстати, весьма в духе «новой волны» – жанра, который как раз тогда и зарождался. 1) «In the Evening». Интересное вступление клавишных с восточным закосом, потом вокал. Размеренный хард-рок с текстом об одиночестве и желании повидаться с любимой. 2) «South Bound Suarez». Весьма веселая композиция, основанная на фортепьянной игре. Под нее вполне можно танцевать с любимой девушкой. 3) «Fool in the Rain». Вновь песня с фортепьянной основой, на этот раз помедленнее, но под нее тоже можно танцевать – и снова желательно не одному. В середине неожиданное ускорение – веселуха полная. Ощущаешь себя где-то на Карибах с полуголыми островитянками. Потом возвращение к началу – только здесь добавляется электрогитара. 4) «Hot Dog». Быстро, весело, фортепьяно звучит в каком-то таперском стиле. Танцуют все! 5) «Carouselambra». Самая большая композиция (10,5 мин.) на альбоме. Довольно быстрая, кстати. Основа – клавишные, даже волынки вроде бы. В середине замедление – вокал под аккорды электрогитары. Текст, самый сложный на альбоме, является данью прошлому группы – нечто мистическое и философское. 6) «All My Love». Лучшая вещь на альбоме. Под запоминающиеся клавишные и грустную гитару Плант исполняет песню, посвященную умершему сыну. 7) «I’m Gonna Crawl». Вещь интересная, но слишком медленная и несколько нудноватая. Мне такой тяжелый блюзняк с текстом на тему очередного признания в любви не очень по душе. Кстати, ребята вновь решили сделать миниреволюцию в дизайне обложек: использовались шесть весьма похожих фотоснимков гостиничного бара в Новом Орлеане, но из-за непрозрачного пакета нельзя было увидеть, какое именно фото из шести находится на обложке. Группа постепенно возвращалась к концертной деятельности, все их альбомы оказались в чартах и США, и Великобритании. Можно было сказать, что Led Zeppelin обрели второе дыхание, но судьба распорядилась иначе: после смерти Бонзо, захлебнувшегося после вечеринки собственной рвотой (м-да, неэстетическая смерть, что и говорить!), остальные участники группы решили прекратить дальнейшее совместное творчество. |
So don't you let her
Oh, get under your skin
It's only bad luck and trouble
From the day that you begin
I hear you crying in the darkness
Don't ask nobody's help
Ain't no pockets full of mercy, baby
'Cause you can only blame yourself
Oh, I need your love
Oh, oh, I need your love
Ooh yeah, I need your love
I've gotta have
Oh, it's simple
All the pain that you go through
You can turn away from fortune, fortune, fortune
'Cause that's all that's left to you
It's lonely at the bottom
Man, it's dizzy at the top
But if you're standing in the middle
Ain't no way you're gonna stop
Oh, I need your love
Oh, oh, I need your love
Oh, oh, I need your love
I've gotta have
Ooh, whatever
That your days may bring
No use hiding in a corner
'Cause that won't change a thing
If you're dancing in the doldrums
One day soon it's got to stop, it's got to stop
When you're the master of the off chance
When you don't expect a lot
Oh, I need your love
Oh, oh, I need your love
Ooh yeah, I need your love
I've gotta have
I've gotta have
Baby, I've gotta have your love
I've gotta have
Baby, I've gotta have
South bound saurez
Baby, when you walk that sweet walk
Oh, you walk it good, yes, you walk it good
Baby, when you talk that sweet talk
Oh, it sounds so good, oh, so good
With a little bit of concentration
And a little bit of hold my hand
And a little bit of raving madness
You know it makes me feel, baby
Both my feet are back on the ground
And when the rhythm takes me
It feels so good, oh, so good
Maybe if it keeps a shaking
It will do you good, oh, so much good
With a little bit of stop a shaking, shaking
And a little bit of fly right down
Just a little bit of sweet con carne
It makes me feel, makes me feel
I got my feet on the ground
Ooh, now baby, when you move it makes me
Really feel so good, oh, so good
And I'm so glad, so glad, so glad, so glad
And I'm good, oh, so good
With a little bit of concentration
Just little bit of helping hand
And a little bit of saving madness
It makes me feel, baby
I'm back on the ground
Oh yes, sure does
It makes me feel back on the ground
I'm feeling good, child
I'm feeling good, child
I'm feeling good, child
Down on the ground
Fool in the rain
Well, there's a light in your eye that keeps shining
Like a star that can't wait for the night
I hate to think I've been blinded, baby
Why can't I see you tonight?
And the warmth of your smile starts a burning
And the thrill of your touch gives me fright
And I'm shaking so much, really yearning
Why don't you show up? Make it all right
Yeah, it's all right
And if you promised you'd love so completely
And you said you would always be true
You swore that you never would leave me, baby
What ever happened to you?
And you thought it was only in movies
As you wish all your dreams would come true
It ain't the first time, believe me, baby
I'm standing here feeling blue
Yeah, I'm blue
Now I will stand in the rain on the corner
I'll watch the people go shuffling downtown
Another ten minutes, no longer
And then I'm turning around
The clock on the wall's moving slower
My heart, it sinks to the ground
And the storm that I thought would blow over
Clouds the light of the love that I found
Light of the love that I found
Light of the love that I found
Love that I found
Now my body is starting to quiver
And the palms of my hands getting wet
I've got no reason to doubt you, baby
It's all a terrible mess
And I'll run in the rain 'till I'm breathless
When I'm breathless I'll run 'till I drop
The thoughts of a fool's kind of careless
I'm just a fool waiting on the wrong block
Light of the love that I found
Light of the love that I found
Light of the love that I
Light of the love that I found
Hot dog
Well, I just got into town today
To find my girl who's gone away
She took the greyhound at the general store
I searched myself, I searched the town
But when I finally did sit down
I find myself no wiser than before
She said we couldn't do no wrong
No other love could be so strong
She locked up my heart in her bottom drawer
Now she took my heart, she took my keys
From in my old blue dungarees
And I'll never go to Texas anymore
Now my baby's gone, I don't know what to do
She took my love and walked right out the door
And if I ever find that girl I know one thing for sure
I'm gonna give her something like she never had before
I took her love at seventeen
A little late these days it seems
But they said heaven is well worth waiting for
I took her word, I took it all
Beneath the sign that said "U haul"
She left angels hangin 'round for more
Now my baby's gone, I don't know what to do
She took my love and walked right out the door
And if I ever find that girl I know one thing for sure
I'm gonna give her something like she never had before
I thought I had it all sewn up
Our love, a plot, a pickup truck
But folks said she was after something more
I never did quite understand
All that talk about rocking bands
But they just rolled my doll right out the door
They just rolled my doll right out the door
They just rolled my doll right out the door
Sisters of the way side bide their time in quiet peace
Await their place within the ring of calm
Still stand to turn in seconds of release
Await the call they know may never come
In times of lightness no intruder dared upon
To jeopardize the course, upset the run
And all was joy and hands were raised toward the sun
As love in the halls of plenty overrun
Still in their bliss unchallenged mighty feast
Unending dances shadowed on the day
Within their walls their daunting formless keep
Preserved their joy and kept their doubts at bay
Faceless legions stood in readiness to weep
Just turn a coin, bring order to the fray
And everything is soon no sooner thought than deed
But no one seemed to question anyway
How keen the hunter's eye prevails upon the land
To seek the unsuspecting and the weak
And powerless the fabled sat, too smug to lift a hand
Toward the foe that threatened from the deep
Who cares to dry the cheeks of those who saddened stand?
Adrift upon a sea of futile speech
And to fall to fate and make the status plan
Where was your word?
Where did you go?
Where was your helping?
Where was your bow?
Dull is the armour
Cold is the day
Hard was the journey
Dark was the way
I heard the word, I couldn't stay
I couldn't stand it another day
Another day
Another day
Another day
Touched by the timely coming
Roused from the keeper's sleep
Release the grip, throw down the key
Held now within the knowing
Rest now within the peace
Take of the fruit but guard the seed
Held now within the knowing
Rest now within the beat
Take of the fruit but guard the seed
Take of the fruit but guard the seed
All my love
Should I fall out of love? My fire in the light
To chase a feather in the wind
Within the glow that weaves a cloak of delight
There moves a thread that has no end
For many hours and days that pass ever soon
The tides have caused the flame to dim
At last the arm is straight, the hand to the loom
Is this to end or just begin?
All of my love
All of my love
All of my love to you
All of my love
All of my love
All of my love to you
The cup is raised, the toast is made yet again
One voice is clear above the din
Proud Aryan, one word, my will to sustain
For me the cloth once more to spin
All of my love
All of my love
Oh, all of my love for you
All of my love
All of my love
Yes, all of my love to you, child
Yours is the cloth, mine is the hand that sews time
His is the force that lies within
Ours is the fire, all the warmth we can find
He is a feather in the wind
All of my love
All of my love
All of my love to you
All of my love
Oh, yes
All of my love to you
All of my love
All of my love
All of my love, love, love
I'm gonna crawl
Oh, she's my baby
Let me tell you why
Hey! She drives me crazy
She's the apple of my eye
'Cause she is my girl
And she can never do wrong
If I dream too much at night
Somebody, please, bring me down
Hey! I love that little lady
I've got to be her fool
Ain't no other like my baby
I can break the golden rule
'Cause I get down on my knees
Oh, I pray that love won't die
And if I always try to please
I don't know the reason why
If she would come back, only stay with me
Every little bit
Every little bit
Every little bit of my love
I give to you, girl
Every little bit
Every little bit
Every little bit of my love
I don't have to go by plane
I ain't gotta go by car
I don't care just where my darling is
People, I just don't care how far
I'm gonna crawl
I'm gonna crawl
I don't care if I got to go back home
I don't care what I got to stand to her back
I'm gonna crawl
I'm gonna crawl
I'm gonna move the car, baby
She give me good loving
She give me good loving
She give me good loving
She give me good loving
My baby give me good loving
Yes, I love her, love her
I guess I love her
I'm gonna crawl