« Hostile Ambient Takeover »
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1 | Untitled (0:31)
 | 2 | Black Stooges (5:58)
 | 3 | Dr. Geek (2:35)
 | 4 | Little Judas Chongo (2:03)
 | 5 | The Fool, the Meddling Idiot (7:49)
 | 6 | The Brain Center at Whipples (3:50)
 | 7 | Foaming (7:47)
 | 8 | The Anti-Vermin Seed (15:51)
 | | Полное время альбома: 46:28 |
   Dale Crover - drums, vocals, keyboards
Kevin Rutmanis - bass, slide bass
King Buzzo - vocals, guitar
Sir David Scott Stone - thunder sheet, electric wire
Toshi Kasai - keyboards, recording, mixing
Adam Jones - virus
John Golden - mastering
Mackie Osborne - art direction & design
Kevin Willis - photography |
 | "Black Stooges"
Why deal?
And end of will
To fire along
And it's not not not a lie
I don't know
If I can lead
The willing beast
And he's why why why white?
Sordid lies
And I'm awake
Hot in here tonight
And there's not a lot a lot of light
What are you and
What is h |
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 Данный опус от Мелвинов мне кажется одним из самых красочных в их дискографии. Здесь есть все, от веселого техничного полубреда с Dr.Geek и до около-шизофренических The Fool, The Medding Idiot и The Anti-Vermin Seed. Фарсовый бас-номер «Little Judas Chongo» и хаотично-экспрессивная «Black Stooges» являются очередным доказательством того, что, несмотря на современное дикое количество тяжелых групп и сотни их клонов, Мелвинс действительно являются оригиналами даже спустя столько лет. Однако данная работа далеко не для всех. Музыка очень нестандартна и местами должна быть вообще неслушабельной какофонией (ы!) для неготовых к такому залитых линкин-парк-макаронами ушей. Альбом «HST» настоящий сумбур мелодий и анти-мелодий, непредсказуемых ритмов и совершенно разных настроений. А банальное интро к нему - самое настоящее издевательство перед неискушенным в музыке слушателем, думающим примерно следующее: «Мда... И чем они хотят меня удивить после такого идиотского барабанного вступления?» :)
P.S. Звук отличный. А помницца, где-то вычитал, что Базз говорил, будто запись альбома обошлась им отнюдь не в астрономическую сумму наподобие того, за сколько пишут альбому супер-пупер рок-стары.
10 баллов безоговорочно. Если вы любитель оригинальной музыки - слушайте и вникайте. |
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просмотров: 9481 |
Opposed to war
And I said said said aloud
Monkey ray
And in my way
The wing collide
And it's low low lonely
Seems to be
That we could eat
The world of wars
And I'm wow wow wow wound
"Dr. Geek"
Now Dr. Geek
The key it's our job tonight
It's sanitary
And crazy with delight
And people say
Ignores about the light
And tips away
And now it's alright
It's time to deliver
And it'll make my day
And we'll be crazy
For free
Now Dr. Geek
The years are gone to our lord
It comes to me
That maybe it's too hard
And hopefully
It falls and stuffs in far
The falsify
By clean and air it's all
It's time to deliver
And it'll make my day
And we'll be crazy
For free
"That's it...
That's it fucker!!!"
"The Fool, The Meddling Idiot"
I can feed
From the angel
On down here
To blow my mind
I'm away
From the nail
All we be
Will come alive
And you are
My horrid
Rotten rings are wrong
Away from the mangle where we don't need
I got the one to make me alright
We ride
For never
Nothing can or will
We fight
At zero
Come holy rise 'round
Do you will?
We will in
Hired hand for the eye
They are alive and wasted on me
You are so even
Will you leave me?
Will you ask in ten days
When I'm not worried?
Are they really harmless?
I don't believe them
None of us
None of us don't know
Sat down on the dusk
Their low decision
With it 'til the end
I met a blue then
I'm more wire
What am I?
Qoute a manly lady
Cuz that's not why you hear
Seperate your leader
And mine keeps lower
I just wanted bottle
To live with civilized men
And change only science
Decide who would end it
I did my breathing
Sitting on the head
Borrow your meager
And I'll go and
Be a t-o-d-i
What we don't see
By nine we'll lead
By 90 degrees
By ever skin
By needle bins
Lie on the ground
Turn around
"The Anti-Vermin Seed"
If I could get the nerve and move
I'd put them all to sleep
That would not be wrong
For either you
Or what it is we see
Somewhere there's a king
Who keeps his days for forgiving
If I could hold one thing
An anti-vermin seed
That I won't ever need
Only for real
Will we all pretend
It over now
Over my hand
I remember doll
And what it do to them
And when you search your soul
You had better damn well tell green from gold
And when I look for home
If it's in my head
I'd say it's a bargain