 Водно-кровавый альбом финско-шведских музыкантов из группы Mehida сложно оценить однозначно. Что можно точно сказать, так это то, что совместное пауэр-металическое детище экс-клавишника Sonata Arctica Микко Харкина (автор всей музыки) и вокалиста великих Therion Томаса Викстрёма, удалось на все 100 процентов. Уровень исполнения крайне высок, партии клавишных Харкина сразу создают атмосферу, тяготеющую над слушателем до последних аккордов. Мощные гитарные риффы и ритм-секция в свою очередь добавляют тяжести и энергетики к общему довольно-меланхоличному звучанию. По звуку Mehida напоминают французов Karelia из их второй работы «Raise». Но сходство это проявляется только ближе к середине альбома, начиная с пятого трека «Stronghold» и достигает своего апогея в таких номерах, как «Guilty», «A Letter from Home», «Dry Bones» и «Lost Ones». Начинает же альбом прогрессивная «Unchanging» с потрясающими вокальными партиями на фоне разорванного ритмического рисунка, созданного ритм-секцией и гитарными риффами. Отдельно хочется отметить композицию «Multitude», начинающуюся с беспрестанно повторяемой гроулингом фразы «I have never done anything wrong», затем настроение слегка меняется, но эти первые секунды запоминаются после первого же прослушивания.
В итоге, Mehida создала необычный и крайне интересный прог-пауэр-продукт, который будет интересен всем поклонникам меланхоличного пауэр-метала, в духе тех же Karelia. Музыка Mehida совсем не походит на ранних Sonata Arctica и, тем более, на Therion. У музыкантов получился добротный, затрагивающий самые тонкие струны сердца, альбом. Не шедевр, но, безусловно релиз, заслуживающий внимания поклонников метала в целом. |
It shall be complete
That you have won the enemy
You gave your life to save
Us from the sheol's dark despair
Through your wounds you paid
The price that brought us freedom
The life will never end
The death is only a door to pass
You didn't die in vain
You won the death and rose up again
2. Wings Of Dove
My thoughts trouble me and I'm distraught
At the voice of the enemy
At the stares of the wicked;
For they bring down suffering upon me
And revile me in their anger
Confuse the wicked O Lord,
Confound their speech,
For I see violence and strife in the city.
Threats and lies never leave its streets.
"Oh, that I had the wings of a dove
I would fly away and be at rest"
My heart is in anguish within me;
The terrors of death assail me.
Fear and trembling have beset me;
Horror has overwhelmed me
and revile me in their anger
[Ps. 55]
3. Burning Earth
The things that you see
Will be destroyed
They will be torn down
The days will come
When not one stone
Will be left on a stone
There will be signs in sun
And moon and stars
And on the earth distress and confusion
At the roaring of the sea
Men will faint
Because of fear
Of what will come on the earth
The days will come
When not one stone
Will be left on a stone
[Lk. 21]
4. Multitude
I have never done anything wrong...
Search yourself
See the light you thought you had is darkness
Hear me calling
I'm the one who's wounded for your transgressions
I dry up the sea
But I also make rivers to the deserts
I clothe the heavens with blackness
And also let the sun shine on everyone
You burdened ones come to the waters
Drink from the unfailing source
Everyone of you devastated
Call upon me while I'm near
Brace yourself
Your covenant with death will be annulled;
Hear me saying
Your agreement with the grave will not stand
[Isa. 28, Mt. 11]
5. Stronghold
Here I stand
No-one by my side
I'm a dread to my friends
and everyone
Flees from me
But in You I put my trust
Let your face shine on me
My times are in your hands
Deliver me from my enemies
'Cause You are
My stronghold
My fortress
My shield and strength
When everything else fails
My eyes grow weak with sorrow
My soul and my body with grief
As I fall like a dying sparrow
And I feel there's no one to reach
But in You I put my trust
Let your face shine on me
My times are in your hands
Deliver me from my enemies
How great is your goodness
which you bestow in the sight of men
on those who take refuge in you.
In the shelter of your presence you hide them
from the intrigues of men;
in your dwelling you keep them safe
from accusing tongues.
[Ps. 31]
6. Guilty
I feel that I'm drowning
Can't you see
Oh please just let me breathe
I'm exhausted because of this burden
I'm desperately crying in my pain
'Cause we're all guilty
Burning in our flesh
Tryin' hard to be free
'Cause we don't wanna see
We're convicted under a sin
I see no escape from myself
For what I do is not the good
I want to do
[Ro. 7]
7. A Letter From Home
I saw you there
Standing near
Waiting for a train
To take you away from here
I was there
Beside you
On the platform
You decided to go on your way
The wind is cold
Silent breeze of a memory makes it colder
Where have you been sweet child of mine?
I've cried so many tears knowing you suffer
No matter what you've done
All this time I wanted to tell you
You're welcome home
I'm still here
To hold you near
To let you heal through my wounds
I never left you alone
[Lk. 15]
8. Dry Bones
Our bones are dried
and our hope is lost;
We're completely gone
Come from the four winds, O breath,
and breathe into these slain,
that they may live.
[Eze. 37]
9. Lost Ones
Who are you that you fear mortal men
The sons of man that are but grass
That you forget the Lord your maker
Who stretched out the heavens
And laid the foundations of the earth
We all like sheep have gone astray
Each of us has turned to his own way
And the Lord has laid on him
The iniquity of us all
Wherefore when I came was there no man?
When I called was there no-one to answer
Is my hand shortened, so it can't redeem?
Or have I no power to deliver?
[Isa. 50, 51, 53]
10. Grace
Here, look at me
From your cross
I'm not worth a penny
I'm the biggest loser of all
I'm guilty under suffering sun
Shining above me slowly killing me
I only deserve to die
But please remember me in your kingdom
As a man
Condemned to die
Idesperately turned out to you
Then I heard the words of grace and truth
Piercing through my soul
Today you'll be with me in the Paradise
From now on you're mine
And I'll never let you go
It took some time
To walk my way
Got no reason to be proud of
The things I did and said
I was guilty under suffering sun
Shining above me slowly killing me...
[Lk. 23]
11. Outro - End Of The World