« Iommi »
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Tracklist & credits:
Laughing Man (in the Devil Mask)
Vocals: Henry Rollins, Bass: Terry Phillips, Drums: Jimmy Copley
Vocals: Skin, Bass: Bob Marlette, Drums: John Tempesta, Addl Guitar: Ace
Goodbye Lament
Vocals: Dave Grohl, Bass: Laurence Cottle, Drums: Dave Grohl, Addl Guitar: Brian May
Time is Mine
Vocals: Phil Anselmo, Bass; Laurence Cottle, Drums: Matt Cameron
Vocals: Serj Tankian, Bass: Laurence Cottle, Drums: Jimmy Copley
Black Oblivion
Vocals: Billy Corgan, Bass: Billy Corgan, Drums: Kenny Aronoff, Addl Guitar: Billy Corgan
Flame On
Vocals: Ian Astbury, Bass: Laurence Cottle, Drums: Matt Cameron, Addl Guitar: Brian May
Just Say No To Love
Vocals: Peter Steele, Bass: Peter Steele & Laurence Cottle, Drums: Matt Cameron
Who's Fooling Who
Vocals: Ozzy Osbourne, Bass: Laurence Cottle, Drums: Bill Ward
Into the Night
Vocals: Billy Idol, Bass: Ben Shepherd, Drums: Matt Cameron |
 | 1. Laughing Man (In The Devil Mask)
[featuring Henry Rollins]
Laughing man in the devil mask
Laughing man in the devil mask
Laughing man in the devil mask
Laughing man in the devil mask
You ripped yourself to shreds
While I stood laughing
You'd like to see me pay
For the time you're h |
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 На мой взгляд, прекраснейший и самый лучший альбом в сольной карьере Iommi и не только. Все треки звучат очень круто, мощно, оригинально и не похожи друг на друга.
"Who's Fooling Who" - отличная песня, собственно из-за которой я и купил весь альбом, но все-таки приходится признать, что Ian Astbury в трэке "Flame On" превзошел всех на этом CD, даже Ozzy Osbourne. Не надо, конечно, забывать всех остальных вокалистов, в особенности о моем втором музыкальном идоле Peter Steel с его композицией "Just Say No To Love", которая названа и сыграна в его готическо-думовом метал стиле Type O Negative. Так же очень порадовали вокалы Skin и Billy Idol...
Короче говоря, если сказать в общем, то альбом просто потрясный и нет не одной композиции, которая бы там не вписывалась, не сбивая весь темп альбома. Диск слушается на одном дыхание от начала и до конца, как одно целое. Не знаю как вы, а я очень часто его ставлю в проигровтель. Эх! Жалко, что его нет на виниле... |
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Первый альбом гитариста Black Sabbath оказался весьма удачным, но сольники Оззи все равно ему не переплюнуть. Все композиции слушаются на одном дыхании. Особенно нравится Black Oblivion с вокалом Билли Коргана. Эта вещь, как и другие выдержана в фирменном саббатовском стиле, присутствует также великолепный переход, который можно сравнить с переходом в Symptom of the universe. Есть также программированные штучки, которые использовались самую малость. Единственный недостаток - песни имеют очень похожий настрой. |
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Согласен с Пашей, что альбом, особенно по риффам, несколько однообразен. Но фэнам Black Sabbath он однозначно придется по вкусу. Купил я этот альбом, главным образом из чувства глубочайшего восхищения к творчеству Айомми в величайшей тяжелой группе всех времен и народов, а также чтобы не пропустить новые песни с вокалами Оззи и Фила Ансельмо (Pantera). "Time Is Mine" оказалась на высоте, а вот в "Who's Fooling Who" Великий и Ужасный мог бы спеть и получше, по моему мнению. Из других песен хочется выделить Иана Эстербери (The Cult) в отличной "Flame On", а также, уже упомянутую "Black Oblivion". |
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Безнадёжно вышедший из обращения альбом добывать мне пришлось с боем. Но результат того стоил! Как поклонник Black Sabbath периода 1980-1995 годов, я не мог пройти мимо такого созвездия вокалистов на фоне моментально узнаваемой гитары Айомми. Но хватит лирики - к делу!
1. "Laughing Man (In The Devil's Mask)". Вокал: Henry Rollins. Самый короткий трек альбома, энергичная открывашка. Немного портит только чересчур гнусавый временами голос в припеве.
2. "Meat". Вокал: Skin. Как ни странно, Skin - это создание женского пола! И поёт замечательно. Нервный вокал, а мягкие куплеты чередуются с агрессивной музыкой в припевах. Некоторая ассоциация возникала с "Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming" от Deep Purple.
3. "Goodbye Lament". Вокал (и ударные): Дейв Гроль (Nirvana, Foo Fighters). Тревожное вступление и "электронно" звучащие ударные, да и само звучание отдаёт Nirvana. Это была моя первая ассоциация, да и голос Гроля изрядно напоминает покойного Кобейна.
4. "Time Is Mine". Вокал: Phil Anselmo (Pantera). Ну, такой вокал меня никогда не цеплял. Хотя музыка отличная.
5. "Patterns". Вокал: Serj Tankian (System of a Down). Эту группу я тоже никогда не любил. Но это так, ремарка в сторону. Песня начинается с какого-то жуткого электронного вступления, продолжение более нормальное. Рифф звучит очень знакомо. Вокал, на самом деле, неплохой, а отдельные части мелодии мне даже понравились (например, в припеве). А вот дурной речитатив ближе к финалу - как раз наоборот.
6. "Black Oblivion". Вокал/бас: Billy Corgan (Smashing Pumpkins, Zwan). Самая длинная (8:20) композиция, и при этом нудноватая. "I Go Insane" с "Fused" ещё на минуту длиннее, но куда интереснее. К тому же вокал Коргана мне напоминает Оззи Осборна, от которого меня по неизвестной причине тошнит. Теперь я её обычно пропускаю. Хотя рифф в бридже красивый - почему-то напомнил мне одну из любимых композиций в "саундтреке" к Doom.
7. "Flame On". Вокал: Ian Astbury (The Cult). Вот оно! Как мне кажется, лучшая песня на альбоме. Мощная от начала до конца, качевая музыка, цепляющий припев, и голос как раз такой, как мне нравится - "эпический", скажем так, за неимением лучшего определения. После долгого размышления я понял, что мне напомнила эта композиция: незабвенную "Feed My Head" с альбома "Magica" от Ронни Дио. Немного портит её только не нужная, на мой взгляд, пауза в середине, продолженная "электронной" перебивкой.
8. "Just Say No To Love". Вокал/бас: Peter Steele (Type O Negative). Второй однозначный must hear (или третий, если считать "Meat"). Очень характерный голос - думаю, а не ознакомиться ли мне с творчеством банды Стила поплотнее? И весьма ядовитый, насколько я сумел разобрать, текст. Насколько я успел понять, Питер такие шутки любит.
9. "Who's Fooling Who". Вокал: Оззи Осборн. Изначальная реакция была: "фтопку!!!". Вслушавшись, понял, что не всё так плохо - инструментал на высшем уровне, хотя местами напоминает всем известную первую композицию с первого альбома Black Sabbath.
10. "Into The Night". Вокал: Billy Idol. Третий (или четвёртый) must hear, хотя слова "they can suck my dick" не относятся к числу моих любимых выражений - что за ребячество... Окончание звучит почти по-диппёпловски - поймал себя на том, что жду клавишных в стиле Лорда, которых, естественно, не оказалось.
Вердикт: если увидите, хватайте и бегите! Диск весьма разнообразный, чтобы не сказать разношёрстный, но четыре отличных песни и ещё три очень хороших - уже достаточно. Для любителей Black Sabbath - тем более. |
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просмотров: 17576 |
You'll walk that line again
You'll try to die again
You'll waste your nights just thinking of me
As the needle finds the vein
As the bullet goes through the brain
As your city meets the sea
As you're drowning, think of me
Laughing man in the devil mask
Laughing man in the devil mask
Laughing man in the devil mask
Laughing man in the devil mask
I am the lord of crime
The laughing man in a devil mask
I am the birth of crime
The laughing man in a devil mask
Drop to your knees again
The laughing man in a devil mask
Tie off and die again
The laughing man in a devil mask
Push the rock back up the hill
You start to feel like you're standing still
Your life lies broken for all to see
You'll hear the laughter, then you'll see me
Laughing man in the devil mask
Laughing man in the devil mask
Laughing man in the devil mask
Laughing man in the devil mask
Tender flock, led astray
You always knew it would be this way
You just go now, no need to ask
You are the face behind the devil mask
The laughing man in the devil mask
Laughing man in the devil mask
I'm laughing, I'm laughing
You're burning, you're burning
The laughing man in the devil mask
The laughing man in the devil mask
Burn, burn
Burn while I'm laughing
2. Meat
[featuring Skin]
You taste what you want from me
You taste all of the gristle from the bones I need
To stand up to you
To live up to fools
It's too troubling
Can't take what you like from me
Can't take all of the vision that your money thieves
Don't be careless now
Just a pretty babe
A cool covering
You can't hide, no
You can't hide the way you feel
You're just dead inside this meat
That you're smothering
You can't run, no
You just stumble, crash and cry
Without asking questions why
It's all crumbling
Dark eyes, beauty's never cheap
Dark hair, dark lips maybe that I want to cheat
See my sorry face
In this love that fails
It's all good for me
Slick baby that ain't worrying
Slick rage, strong is the ego that I want to test
In your head of lies
Cut me down to size
It's all credible
You can't hide, no
You can't hide the way you feel
You're just dead inside this meat
That you're smothering
You can't run, no
You just stumble, crash and cry
Without asking questions why
Pure fear that you're falling for
These tears, thick in the sadness that was running before
Welling up in dread
For a softer bed
I'm not worrying
You're so sane, all the lines you shed
So cool, so good, the picture for those crazy hoods
Got this gun for keeps
Stick it in this meat
I'm not hurrying
You can't hide, no
You can't hide the way you feel
You're just dead inside this meat
That you're smothering
You can't run, no
You just stumble, crash and cry
Without asking questions why
It's all crumbling
You can't hide, no
You can't hide the way you feel
You're just dead inside this meat
That you're smothering
That you're smothering
That you're smothering
3. Goodbye Lament
[featuring Dave Grohl]
Say a prayer for me
In my memory
Have a taste, another one is through
Damn this place in me
Damn this destiny
I will be the one who cries when you go
Hello misery
You're the best of me
Hey, someone got the best of you
Come and sleep with me
For infinity
We'll spend some time and find the rest of you
Break down, break down
Reeling in your head
Rain down, rain down
Innocence is dead
Goodbye lament, goodbye lament
Goodbye faith, I swear I won't believe
Pray for me
Fading memories
Give me time and I will fade into you
Come and dance with me
I will always be sleeping behind the eyes
That I'm bleeding through
Break down, break down
Reeling in your head
Way down, way down
Innocence is dead
Goodbye lament, goodbye lament
Goodbye faith, I swear I won't believe
Goodbye lament, goodbye lament
Goodbye faith, I swear I won't believe
Break down, break down
Reeling in your head
Way down, way down
Innocence is dead
Break down, break down
Reeling in your head
Way down, way down
Innocence is dead
Goodbye lament, goodbye lament
Goodbye faith, I swear I won't believe
4. Time Is Mine
[featuring Philip Anselmo]
Lift me up
Lift me up
Put me above jail
But put me below skies, below crimson skies
Undress me from these rags
Shake me and watch me glow
Foundations cracking under the wisdom of our steps
Lift me up and shake me low
Shake and glow and life will be saved
Time is mine, ignore the blind
It won't be long till the writing is gone
And time will fly
A burden on life lifted high and precisely through wisdom and war
Wisdom and war
Braided veins
Can turn to gold
Smoke and stone
Will claim the skies and open all whose eyes are blind
The tempter is behind thee, and cowers through the throes
The sands that drank from blood, to rivers that flow beyond
Time is mine, ignore the blind
It won't be long till the writing is gone
And time will fly
The tied hands of man and you will understand through the pains of rebirth
Time is mine, the choking of seas
I won't be wrong when the scriptures are gone
And time will fly
A burden on life lifted high and precisely through wisdom and war
Deplete the eyes
Walk through the skies
In the memories of old
We'll blow it all away
Time is mine, ignore the blind
It won't be long till the writing is gone
And time will fly
The tied hands of man and you will understand through the pains of rebirth
Time is mine, the choking of seas
I won't be wrong when the scriptures are gone
And time will fly
A burden on life lifted high and precisely through wisdom and war
5. Patterns
[featuring Serj Tankian]
Life is a story
Go ahead and find your sight
Life is your glory
Go ahead and live the night
But to live means to be here
In the present now
Do try to bow for the gift of your day
Then you cede to the morning sun
Pretending that we live doesn't make us alive
Life is a story
Go ahead and find your sight
But to live means to be here
In the present now
Do try to bow for the gift of your day
Then you cede to the morning sun
Pretending that we see doesn't give us the sight
Pretending that we live doesn't make us alive
What is it that makes us lose sight
True sight, of what is real and essential
I'll take organized patterns of chaos
Over the chaotic organizations of man, any day
Pretending that we see doesn't give us the sight
Pretending that we live doesn't make us alive
Pretending that we see doesn't give us the sight
Pretending that we live doesn't make us alive
6. Black Oblivion
[featuring Billy Corgan]
You ask me why
I'll tell you die
My head is full of lies
And I am beyond high
You don't know just what I'm waiting for
Acid burns my skull as blind as snow
Black oblivion drags me ever towards
I dream tomorrow till tomorrow is nevermore
Voices tell me strike the match and burn it all to hell
Voices tell me I could watch if I promise not to tell
You don't know just where I want to go
The cross won't save you from your fallen soul
Drive slow motion firewall
Candy apple fuse
Emotions are unattached as demons are amused
Family spins the circle
Nerves are growing cold
Shotgun to the temple
Nausea down below
No more talking backwards
Or fists to the heart
Blacklight tries to capture
One more superstar
No more lines to cross
No more lines, I'm lost
No more lines, I'm lost
You don't know just where I want to go
Acid burns a hole right through my soul
Black oblivion, my long lost friend
Lord forgive me for I have sinned
7. Flame On
[featuring Ian Astbury]
I am one, one that shines
Yeah, I was born of a scorpion's mind
I am one, so alive
Don't try to teach me what your lips can't decide
I'm the sun, so alive
A simple breath's all I need to get by
Words you speak are like dirt in my mind
I'm gonna burn till all the stars die
Flame on
I used to bleed like a suicide mother
Flame on
And now I breathe in this dirty black summer
Flame on
I bought the truth in the mouth of my brother
Flame on
I used to bleed like a suicide motherfucker
As it is, thought divine
A diamond seed in the heart of all mind
All is truth, truth it shines
Don't hesitate for the world it divides
Flame on
I used to bleed like a suicide mother
Flame on
And now I breathe in this dirty black summer
Flame on
I bought the truth in the mouth of my brother
Flame on
I used to bleed like a suicide motherfucker
Flame on
I used to bleed like a suicide mother
Flame on
And now I breathe in this dirty black summer
Flame on
I bought the truth in the mouth of my brother
Flame on
I used to bleed like a suicide motherfucker
Flame on
I used to bleed like a suicide mother
Flame on
And now I breathe in this dirty black summer
Flame on
I bought the truth in the mouth of my brother
Flame on
I used to bleed like a suicide motherfucker
8. Just Say No To Love
[featuring Peter Steele]
Jealous black and envy green
No one died and left you queen
Rotted flesh and broken bones
Place your ass upon the throne
Just say no to love
Just say no to love
Multihued transparency
Of the girl you'd like to be
A special frozen place in hell
Preserved for those who love themselves
Left is right and right is wrong
None for all and all for none
I've had enough, say no to love
No to love
Jon Lord said that you were killed
Not possibly be more thrilled
A party thrown, I'm so excited
Since you're dead, you're not invited
On your grave I made a wish
You beneath me is such bliss
A fitting end for a phony
You dumped me for Tony Iommi
Left is right and right is wrong
None for all and all for none
I've had enough, say no to love
No to love
Left is right and right is wrong
None for all and all for none
I've had enough, say no to love
No to love
Left is right and right is wrong
None for all and all for none
I've had enough, say no to love
No to love
Left is right and right is wrong
None for all and all for none
I've had enough, say no to love
No to love
Just say no to love
Just say no to love
9. Who's Fooling Who
[featuring Ozzy Osbourne]
Is the end beginning
Apocalyptic thoughts of doom
They tell us not to fear
It's far too soon
Addicted to predictions
Were the tarots wrong or right
Will I wake tomorrow
And see the light
Watch your mother die, and then tell us not to fight
Don't you realize, they're just a bunch of fools
Speak the truth and lie, and expect us to believe
Tell me who is fooling who
Watch the soldiers marching
They don't march for you or me
They're just there to kill the enemy
Watch your mother die, and then tell us not to fight
Don't you realize, they're just a bunch of fools
Speak the truth and lie, and expect us to believe
Tell me who is fooling who
Will they ever wake up
Will they ever see the light
Give me one good reason people fight
Watch your mother die, and then tell us not to fight
Don't you realize, they're just a bunch of fools
Speak the truth and lie, and expect us to believe
Tell me who is fooling who
Who's fooling who...
10. Into The Night
[featuring Billy Idol]
And you say you wanna live forever
And you've got all the time to kill
And you're living in the dark forever
In your own little private hell
I wanna rule this world
I wanna walk the night
I wanna bleed this girl
Gonna take it all night till the morning light
I wanna lead this world
I wanna wake the dead
And all the undead souls who walk the night
They can suck my dick
Are you sure you're so clean and pure
As you lie here in front of me now
And you're tempting the lord of darkness
As you see what's forbidden to see
I wanna rule this world
I wanna walk the night
I wanna bleed this girl
Gonna do it all night till the morning light
I wanna rule this world
I wanna wake the dead
And all the undead souls who walk the night
They can suck my dick
Oh yeah, you know it's true
Yeah, you, yeah
When people say I'm from the underworld
Every kind of sin, you best believe it, girl
You come on over here from the other side
Come back to hell, it's so warm inside
I sleep through the day 'cause I'm into the night
I wanna sleep through the day 'cause I live through the night
I sleep through the day 'cause I'm into the night
I wanna sleep through the day 'cause I live through the night
Yeah, you
I wanna rule this world, yeah
I'm gonna walk the night
I wanna rule this world
I wanna rule the night
And all the undead souls
I wanna wake the dead
I wanna get you, girl
I'm gonna rule this world, babe
It's gonna be alright
Oh yeah