 Очень хороший альбом преданного хард-рокера Джона Бон Джови. Первой же темой, «I Believe», нас заряжают энергией. Далее идет «Keep the Faith», одна из лучших на альбоме, сначала быстрая, к середине грустно замедляющаяся, а потом снова призывающая быть оптимистами: «Каждому нужно кого-то любить, каждому нужно кого-то ненавидеть… Мы должны сохранять веру». Следующая тема также полна жизнерадостности и задора несмотря на не очень веселое название «I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead», но его смысл раскрывается самой песней: «Буду жить, пока я жив, а спать, когда помру». Далее идет «In These Arms» – романтическая песня, начинающаяся как баллада, а потом превращающаяся в настоящий рок-гимн любви: «Я бы сделал все, я бы отдал все, чтобы ты была сегодня в моих объятиях» (особенно мне, как поэту, понравилась фраза: «Ты нужна мне так, как поэту необходима боль»; совершенно с ней согласен – счастливые люди поэтами не становятся). Словно в продолжение темы далее перед нами предстает «Bed of Roses», медленная песня, которая в припеве также теряет свою балладность, – ну, невозможно говорить о любви спокойно, когда тебя переполняют чувства, а та, кого ты любишь, не с тобой, а рядом какая-то случайная девушка: «Сегодня я не буду один, но это не значит, что я не одинок. Мне нечего доказывать, ведь именно за тебя я бы умер». Трэк № 6, «If I Was Your Mother» – одна из лучших песен Джона о любви и по музыке (прекрасные переходы от разумной жесткости к лиричности – используются даже скрипки), и по тексту, ведь в ней Джон высказывает мысль, которая, вероятно, приходила в голову каждому любящему: «Ах, если бы я был твоей мамой!»; и действительно, как по-иному можно стать близким человеком для той, кого ты любишь больше всего на свете, как доказать, что твоя любовь так же сильна, как материнская? Следующая песня, «Dry County» – наверно, шедевр на все времена: очень красивая и длинная (у Джона больше таких развернутых 10-минутных тем никогда не было, да, скорее всего, уже и не будет), представляющая собой философское размышление о том, чего мы хотим от жизни, к чему стремимся, о том, что наши мечты превращаются в ничто, а мы неизбежно идем к смерти; медленное завораживающее вступление сменяется эмоциональным припевом и длинным соло; в отличие от предыдущих, эта тема очень грустная, медленные интро и экстро, как бы обрамляющие композицию, подразумевают, по моему мнению, следующее: в конце жизни, как и в ее начале, мы по-прежнему не знаем, для чего живем и почему в жизни столько несчастий. Словно для разрядки, чтобы развеять грусть, далее нам преподносят «Woman in Love» – ударную песню, в которой Бон Джови восхищается обильным количеством красивых девушек, которых он встречал по жизни (эх, он бы наших, славянских, увидел!), но уверен, что нет никого лучше, во всех смыслах, чем влюбленная женщина – и именно женщина, а не какая-нибудь молодая девчонка, у которой еще ветер в голове. Далее идет, пожалуй, самая жесткая и быстрая тема на альбоме – «Fear» (то, что называется «для хэдбэнгеров»). «All I Want Is You» снова подхватывает тему «In These Arms» и «Bed of Roses» и очень похожа по музыкальной структуре на них; название говорит само за себя – «Все, что мне нужно, – это ты», однако здесь мы видим еще и размышление на тему, почему люди не могут быть вместе: вроде бы ничего не сложного, это же не звезды с неба достать, но почему-то не выходит. «Blame It on the Love of Rock & Roll» – веселая песенка о молодом парне, которого окружающие порицают за его любовь к року и соответствующее поведение и внешний вид (типа длинных волос), но он, знай, за свое – «Так я никогда не вырасту и никогда не постарею». Предпоследняя тема, «Little Bit of Soul», размеренный хард-рок в классическом стиле с кантри- и джаз-оттенками. Заканчивается этот прекрасный альбом песней «Save a Prayer»: начинается она с хоровой пропевки в сопровождении барабанов (чем-то напоминает «We Will Rock You») – своеобразной молитвы, – а потом идет песня, в которой вокал (Ричи Самборы – первый и единственный раз за весь альбом – и Джона) пропущен через вокодер, что вызывает общее ощущение тревоги, но все равно остается оптимизм: «Помолись за меня, а я помолюсь за тебя». Что ж, подведем итоги: Bon Jovi создали альбом, который многие, вероятно, называют коммерческим, поверхностным и еще черт знает каким, однако мы таких людей слушать не будем – то, что мы имеем, представляет собой отличное сочетание харда и балладности, песен о любви и размышлений о жизни, хорошей музыки и запоминающегося вокала. Возможно, есть группы и получше, но это в других жанрах, а в хард-н-хэви подобных Bon Jovi можно пересчитать по пальцам. По сему заслуженная девятка (даже чуть больше девятки). |
And all good things will come to pass
But the truth is all you have to have
And would you lie for it?
Cry for it? Die for it? Would you?
I believe
I believe
With every breath that I breathe
You and me can turn a whisper to a scream
I believe
I believe
You know what you came here for
You'll pay the cost
Like it's your cross to bear
Are we the ones that put it there?
Would you scheme for it?
Scream for it? Bleed for it? Would you?
I believe
I believe
Believe we're still worth the fight, you'll see
There's no hope for this world tonight
I believe
I believe
Don't look up to your movie screens
In record stores or magazines
Close your eyes and you will see
That you are all you really need
I believe
I believe
With every breath that I breathe
You and me can turn a whisper to a scream
I believe
I believe
Keep the faith
(Bon Jovi/Sambora/Child)
Mother, mother, tell your children
That their time has just begun
I have suffered for my anger
There are wars that can't be won
Father, father, please, believe me
I am laying down my guns
I am broken like an arrow
Forgive me, forgive your wayward son
Everybody needs somebody to love
Everybody needs somebody to hate
Everybody's bitching 'cause they can't get enough
And it's hard to hold on when there's no one to lean on
Faith - you know, you're gonna live through the rain
Lord, you gotta keep the faith
Faith - don't let your love turn to hate
Now we gotta keep the faith
Keep the faith
Keep the faith
Lord, we gotta keep the faith
Tell me, baby, when I hurt you
Do you keep it all inside?
Do you tell me all's forgiven?
And just hide behind your pride
Everybody needs somebody to love
Everybody needs somebody to hate
Everybody's bleeding 'cause the times are tough
Well, it's hard to be strong when there's no one to dream on
Faith - you know, you're gonna live through the rain
Lord, you gotta keep the faith
Faith - don't let your love turn to hate
Now we gotta keep the faith
Keep the faith
Keep the faith
Lord, we gotta keep the faith
I've been walking in the footsteps
Of society's lies
I don't like what I see no more
Sometimes I wish that I was blind
Sometimes I wait forever
To stand out in the rain
So no one sees me crying
Trying to wash away the pain
Mother, father
There's things I've done I can't erase
Every night we fall from grace
It's hard with the world in your face
Trying to hold on
Trying to hold on
Faith - you know, you're gonna live through the rain
Lord, you gotta keep the faith
Faith - don't let your love turn to hate
Now we gotta keep the faith
Keep the faith
Keep the faith
Lord, we gotta keep the faith
I'll sleep when I'm dead
(Bon Jovi/Sambora/Child)
Seven days of Saturday's
Is all that I need
Got no use for Sunday
'Cause I don't rest in peace
I don't need no Mondays
Or the rest of the week
I spend a lot of time in bed
But baby, I don't like to sleep, no
I won't lie to you
I'm never gonna cry to you
I'll probably drive you wild
Eight days a week
Until I'm six feet under
Baby, I don't need a bed
Gonna live while I'm alive
I'll sleep when I'm dead
'Till they roll me over
And lay my bones to rest
Gonna live while I'm alive
I'll sleep when I'm dead
So you're looking for some action
I've got everything you need
Better keep your motor running
Baby, I was built for speed
This ain't no slumber party
Got no time for catching z's
If they say that that ain't healthy
Well, then living's a disease
We're never gonna die, baby
Come on! Let me drive you crazy
We'll make every night
Another new year's eve
Until I'm six feet under
Baby, I don't need a bed
Gonna live while I'm alive
I'll sleep when I'm dead
'Till they roll me over
And lay my bones to rest
Gonna live while I'm alive
I'll sleep when I'm dead
Sleep when I'm dead
Sleep when I'm dead
Gonna live while I'm alive
I'll sleep when I'm dead
Seven days of Saturday
Is all that I need
Got no use for Sunday
'Cause I don't rest in peace
I was born to live
You know I wasn't born to die
But if they party down in heaven
I'll be sure to be on time
Until I'm six feet under
Baby, I don't need a bed
Gonna live while I'm alive
I'll sleep when I'm dead
'Till they roll me over
And lay my bones to rest
Gonna live while I'm alive
I'll sleep when I'm dead
I feel like I'm exploding
Going out of my head
Gonna live while I'm alive
I'll sleep when I'm dead
'Till I'm six feet under
And they lay my bones to rest
Gonna live while I'm alive
I'll sleep when I'm dead
Sleep when I'm dead
Sleep when I'm dead
Gonna live while I'm alive
I'll sleep when I'm dead
In these arms
(Bon Jovi/Sambora/Bryan)
You want commitment
Take a look into these eyes
They burn with a fire
Until the end of time
And I would do anything
I'd beg, I'd steal, I'd die
To have you in these arms tonight
Baby, I want you
Like the roses want the rain
You know I need you
Like a poet needs the pain
And I would give anything
My blood, my love, my life
If you were in these arms tonight
I'd hold you, I'd need you
I'd get down on my knees for you
And make everything alright
If you were in these arms
I'd love you, I'd please you
I'd tell you that I'd never leave you
And love you 'till the end of time
If you were in these arms tonight
We stared at the sun
And we made a promise
A promise this world
Would never blind us
And these were my words
Our words were our songs
Our songs are our prayers
These prayers keep me strong
It's what I believe
If you were in these arms tonight
I'd hold you, I'd need you
I'd get down on my knees for you
And make everything alright
If you were in these arms
I'd love you, I'd please you
I'd tell you that I'd never leave you
And love you 'till the end of time
If you were in these arms tonight
Your clothes are still scattered all over our room
This old place still smells like your cheap perfume
Everything here reminds me of you
There's nothing that I wouldn't do
And these were our words
They keep me strong
I'd hold you, I'd need you
I'd get down on my knees for you
And make everything alright
If you were in these arms
I'd love you, I'd please you
I'd tell you that I'd never leave you
And love you 'till the end of time
If you were in these arms tonight
Bed of roses
(Bon Jovi)
Sitting here, wasted and wounded
At this old piano
Trying hard to capture the moment
This morning I don't know
'Cause a bottle of vodka
Is still lodged in my head
And some blonde gave me nightmares
I think that she's still in my bed
As I dream about movies
They won't make of me when I'm dead
With an iron clad fist I wake up
And French kiss the morning
While some marching band keeps its own beat in my head
While we're talking
About all of the things
That I long to believe
About love and the truth
And what you mean to me
And the truth is
Baby, you're all that I need
I wanna lay you down in a bed of roses
For tonite I sleep on a bed on nails
I wanna be just as close as the holy ghost is
And lay you down on bed of roses
Well, I'm so far away
That each step that I take is my way home
A king's ransom in dimes I've given each night
To see through this payphone
Still I run out of time
Or it's hard to get through
'Till the bird on the wire
Flies me back to you
I'll just close my eyes
And whisper: Baby, blind love is true
I wanna lay you down in a bed of roses
For tonite I sleep on a bed of nails
I wanna be just as close as the holy ghost is
And lay you down on bed of roses
Wel, the hotel bar hangover
Whiskey's gone dry
The barkeeper's wig's crooked
And she's giving me the eye
I might have said: Yeah!
But I laughed so hard, I think I died
Now as you close your eyes
Know I'll be thinking about you
While my mistress, she calls me
To stand in her spotlight again
Tonight I won't be alone
But you know that don't mean I'm not lonely
I've got nothing to prove
For it's you that I'd die to defend
I wanna lay you down in a bed of roses
For tonite I sleep on a bed of nails
I wanna be just as close as the holy ghost is
And lay you down on bed of roses
If I was your mother
(Bon Jovi/Sambora)
If I was your mother
Would you let me hold your hand?
Would you say you were my baby?
Would you always be my friend?
If I was your mother
Could I teach you what's right?
Could I tell you stories? Maybe tuck you in?
And kiss you sweet goodnight
Tell me what I've gotta do
To make my life mean more to you
I could get so close, it's true
If I was your mother
Would you always believe me?
'Cause I'd wake up in the middle of the night
Just to see if you need me
Tell me there's no mother
To who you're selling your secrets
And would you tell me 'bout all the boys you been
Bringing home to meet me?
Tell me what I've gotta do
To make my life mean more to you
I could get so close, it's true
If I was yours
Tell me what I got to be
To make you a part of me
There's no one else you'd ever need
If I was your mother, mother
If I was your mother, mother
When love is blood you're never on trial
Love don't get deeper than a mother a child
Oh, baby, I gotta get that close to you
Tell me what I've gotta do
To make my life mean more to you
I could get so close, it's true
If I was yours
Tell me what I got to be
To make you a part of me
There's no one else you'd ever need
If I was your mother, mother
If I was your mother, mother
Dry county
(Bon Jovi)
Across the border
They turn water into wine
Some say it's the devil's blood
They're squeezing from the vine
Some say it's a saviour
In these hard and desperate times
You see, it helps me to forget
That we're just born to die
I came here like so many did
To find the better life
To find my piece of easy street
To finally be alive
I know nothing good comes easy
All good things take some time
I made my bed, I'll lie in it
To die in, it's the crime
You can't help but prosper
Where the streets are paved with gold
They say the oil wells ran deeper here
Than anybody's known
Now I packed up on my wife and kid
And left them both at home
Now there's nothing in this paydirt
The ghost's are all I know
Now the oil's gone
And the money's gone
And the jobs are gone
Still we're hanging on
Down in dry county
They're swimming in the sand
Praying for some holy water
To wash the sins from off our hand
Here in dry county
The promise has run dry
Where nobody cries
And no one's getting out of here alive
In the blessed name of Jesus
I heard a preacher say
That we are all God's children
And He'd be back someday
And I hoped that he knew something
As he drank his cup of wine
I didn't have too good of a feeling
As I head out to the night
I cursed the sky to open
I begged the clouds for rain
I prayed to God for water
For this burning in my veins
It was like my soul's on fire
And I had to watch the flames
All my dreams went up in ashes
And my future blew away
Now the oil's gone
And the money's gone
And the jobs are gone
Still we're hanging on
Down in dry county
They're swimming in the sand
Praying for some holy water
To wash the sins from off our hand
Here in dry county
The promise has run dry
Where nobody cries
And no one's getting out of here alive
Men spend their whole lives waiting
Praying for their big reward
But it seems sometimes the payoff leaves you
Feeling like a dirty whore
If I could choose the way I'll die
Make it by the gun or knife
'Cause the other way there's too much pain
Night after night after night
Down in dry county
They're swimming in the sand
Praying for some holy water
To wash the sins from off our hand
Here in dry county
The promise has run dry
Where nobody cries
And no one's getting out of here alive
Woman in love
(Bon Jovi)
Call it social commentary
Call it just what me eyes see
Seems that there's more pretty women
Than there are fish in the sea
Woman in love
You see, there's girls who like your money
Girls who like your car
Girls who like to sip champagne
And feed on caviar
Woman in love
Send me some silk stockings
Smooth talking lipstick and curls
I want a woman
More than a girl
Need some lip locking, cool walking
Diamonds and pearls
I'll wrap'em all up
And give them the world
You know there ain't no woman like a woman in love
Ain't nothing she can't rise above
She can part the water when the seas get rough
But there ain't no woman like a woman in love
If lust is just a dirty dog
I've been scratching with the fleas
I've been waking up your neighbours
Barking up your tree
I went down to the shopping mall
To get it off my mind
But it's like sleeping with the enemy
If you're not deaf and blind
I tried to run
But it was too late for me
I tried to hide
Since the day Adam met Eve
'Till I turned on the television
And I looked up on the screen
I saw a hundred pretty girls
Sing this song on MTV
Send me some silk stockings
Smooth talking lipstick and curls
I want a woman
More than a girl
Need some lip locking, cool walking
Diamonds and pearls
I'll wrap'em all up
And give them the world
You know there ain't no woman like a woman in love
Ain't nothing she can't rise above
She can part the water when the seas get rough
There ain't no woman like a woman in love
There ain't secret to woman in love
You think that you can live without'em but you're asking too much
You see I've slept with romance and danced with lust
But there ain't no woman like a woman in love
I've travelled all around the world
Across the seven seas
Got everything I wanted
There's just one thing I need
It hasn't changed forever
Fathers tell your sons
That there ain't nothing like
A thing called love
You know there ain't no woman like a woman in love
Ain't nothing she can't rise above
She can part the water when the seas get rough
There ain't no woman like a woman in love
There ain't secret to woman in love
You think that you can live without'em but you're asking too much
You see I've slept with romance and danced with lust
But there ain't no woman like a woman in love
(Bon Jovi)
I see you looking over your shoulder
Tell me who do you think's out there?
You're reaching for your four leaf clover
But baby, there ain't no luck down there
I swear that there's no heart in this city
It's here the slogan reads "Do your time"
Everybody's doing their sentence
It's just there ain't nobody here who knows just what's the crime
I watched my father live a lie here
I'd rather die than fade away
I read the rules and, yeah, I know them
Still you ain't ever gonna make me play the game of
Running with the rats through the city
Makes you feel like you're a partner in crime
Girl, once you won't stop to watch
That little girl died
Hey, baby! Won't you stop and hear me?
Just being here we're breathing heart attacks
We can run and chase the setting sun we can run
And we won't ever look back
Take my hand, I know we'll make it
I'll let nothing slow us down
I know you want to curse this place but there's only
One thing that's stopping us now
Fear, fear, fear of a new thing
Fear, fear, fear of the brass ring
You ain't one for taking chances
You work and live and breathe that nine to five
Still that's what you call living, that's surviving to me
And surviving is living to die in
I want you
(Bon Jovi)
The last time I saw her
Was the night she said goodbye
She said that love's a stranger
And it's sure to pass you by
As she packed up her belongings
Baby wouldn't look me in the eye
But I could see a tear rolled off her face
As we both tried so hard not to cry, she said
I never wanted the stars
Never shot for the moon
I like them right where they are
All I wanted was you
So baby, just turn away
'Cause I can't face the truth
All I'm trying to say
Is all I wanted was you
I tried so hard to remember
Where? When? How? Why love went away?
I tried to drown myself in pity
But the whiskey kept calling your name
I bought you fancy cars and diamond rings
All the things that money brings
And the servants to paint the sky blue
And I worked so hard seven days a week
And built a fortress for your heart to keep
If I could I'd wrap these words up for you
I never wanted the stars
Never shot for the moon
I like them right where they are
All I wanted was you
So baby, just turn away
'Cause I can't face the truth
All I'm trying to say
Is all I wanted was you
I may have built for you a dreamhouse
But never thought you were alone
I filled the party up with company
But never made our house or home
All I've got is my guitar
These chords and the truth
All I've got is my guitar
But all I want is you
Blame it on the love of rock and roll
(Bon Jovi/Sambora)
First time I heard the music
I thought it was my own
I could feel it in my heartbeat
I could feel it in my bones
My momma thinks I'm crazy
My dad says I'm insane
I got this boogie woogie fever
That's burning in my veins
They tried to take me to a doctor
But it's too late for me
Then they took me to a preacher
That they saw on their TV
Who said that for a small donation
My lost soul would be saved
I said I don't think so preacher
I'll come back another day
All I want is to be a rolling stone
They don't understand what we all know
It feels so good that it ought to be illegal
I got my vaccination from a phonograph needle
I'll never grow up and I'll never grow old
Blame it on the love of rock 'n' roll
My teachers didn't like me
They always tried to put me down
'Cause I wore my hair too long
I played my music way too loud
Every little boy
Wants to learn to play guitar
So he can pick up all the chicks
And be a rock-n-roll star
They said it won't last but they misunderstood
If people think it's bad then I'll be bad for good
It feels so good that it ought to be illegal
I got my vaccination from a phonograph needle
I'll never grow up and I'll never grow old
Blame it on the love of rock 'n' roll
Blame it on the love
Blame it on the love
Dad don't understand what the little girls know
Blame it on the love of rock-n-roll
All I wanted, all I ever needed
My guitar gave to me
Every song I've sung, blame it on love
Every war I've won, blame it on love
Everything I've done, blame it on love
Blame it on the love of rock-n-roll
It feels so good that it ought to be illegal
I got my vaccination from a phonograph needle
I'll never grow up and I'll never grow old
Blame it on the love of rock 'n' roll
Blame it on the love
Blame it on the love
Dad don't understand what the little girls know
Blame it on the love of rock-n-roll
Little bit of soul
(Bon Jovi/Sambora)
You've been robbed
You been used
You been crucified and
You been abused
You been sacrificen and
Now you're confused
Ain't it the truth?
You got a hole in your head
And a cold empty spot in your big brass bed
When you're mad at the world and
You feel like you're losing control
All you need to get by is
A little bit of soul
When you've lost in the flood
And you feel like you been kicked through the mud
You know they still haven't found the drug
To pick us up
Feeling down, misunderstood
You know these times, they ain't looking so good
When you're mad at the world and
You feel like you're losing control
What we all need to get by is
A little of soul
Everyone's complaining
Nothing but frustration
The king has pissed in
Your pot of gold
It ain't entertaining spending
So much time in the hole
Send down
A little bit of soul
When you're mad at the world
And you feel like you're losing control
What we all need to get by is just
A little bit o soul
Save a prayer
(Bon Jovi/Sambora)
Dear Lord, Jesus, Buddah, Allah
Or can I just call you Joe?
I've got a lot of things to tell you
And some things I gotta know
I'm tired of hearing talk
About this world's about to end
If we can die together
Then can't we all be friends?
I gotta know
Hey, I gotta know
So mister, can you tell me? Gotta know
Baby, can you tell me? Gotta know
Whoa oh oh I gotta know
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, I gotta know
Baby can you help me, gotta know
I gotta know
Did you ever feel like you were drowning?
Did you ever feel betrayed by a kiss?
Did you ever feel like you needed somebody?
Would you feel alone in a world like this?
Did you ever feel like you needed shelter?
Did you ever laugh when you wanted to cry?
Did you ever dream about evolution?
Don't you ever feel like you're living a lie?
Oh, whoa, too many children grow up blind to the truth
I say, Oh Oh, Oh, Oh, say a prayer for me
I'll save a prayer for you
Did you ever feel like you were helpless?
Did you ever feel like an open wound?
Did you ever feel that there ain't no forgiveness?
Did you ever feel that close to the truth?
Oh, whoa, the world closed their eyes on the blinding truth
I say, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, say a prayer for me
And I'll save a prayer for you
I'll save a prayer for you
I'll save a prayer for you
I'll save a prayer for you, for you, for you
I'll save a prayer
Did you ever feel like you need shelter?
Did you ever feel like you lived through the flood?
Did you ever feel a lust for survival?
Did you ever feel, feel, feel?
The world keeps turning, Rome's still burning
There's too many hearts that haven't found a home
This train's on the tracks and the world's on my back
Save a prayer for me and I'll save one for you
No one to blame but it's hard to explain
Why too many souls are feeling so alone
You've got to hold on if it's all you can do
Save a prayer for me, I'll save a prayer for you
I'll save a prayer for you
I'll save a prayer for you
I'll save a prayer for you, for you, for you