 Эх, опять ностальгия замучала. Я долго искал этот диск, и вот... не удержался, и скачал Mp3 из интернета, как и в случае с Godkiller '98. Этот альбом из той серии, которую я в свое время заслушал до дыр на магнитной пленке, и в цифровом виде до сих пор до конца не восполнил.
Что же кроется за этим странным и несколько глуповатым названием, давным-давно канувшем в лету? А кроется за ним вполне качественный и незаслуженно обделенный вниманием альбом, вполне так заслуживший твердую четверку. Выполнен он в стиле "готишного" metal'а, загрубленного death'ом, напичканного клавишами и электроникой - в общем, на волне таких их соотечественников и современников, как Crematory и Dark, но с более ощутимой doom-death-составляющей. Он одновременно и напоминает, и так не похож на продукцию своих вышеупомянутых коллег по цеху. Музыка доволно разноплановая. Встречаются и бодрые хитовые темы с сытным гроулом, в которых наиболее заметно влияние Crematory, есть и спокойные квазибаллады, с чистым и приятным баритоном вокалиста, удивительно схожим с депешмодовским. А есть и что-то, носящее свежие, ну, или во всяком случае, не затасканные идеи. Так как я раньше слушал этот альбом на аудиокассете, то у меня осталась привычка делить его на "стороны". Так вот, сторону "A" (с первого по шестой трэк включительно) я считаю несколько слабее стороны "B". Хотя бы из-за того, что седьмым трэком идет загадочная и красивая "Perfect World", отдающая восточными мотивами, а девятым - действительно оригинальная и гениальная эмбиентная композиция "The Search for the Lost Dreams". Как я уже привык, эмбиентные интерлюдии в релизах большинства банд обычно присутствуют не иначе как для увеличения длительности альбома. Так вот, данный случай - это приятное исключение из этого правила, так как смотрится она здесь, как настоящая жемчужина. А еще хочется отметить 11-ый трэк "Time of the Awakening", балладного типа, создающий, в противовес названию, атмосферу колыбельной песни, которой следовало бы завершить альбом, но которую, к сожалению, разрушает следующее за ним шуточное "аутро", нужное этому альбому, как собаке пятая нога. У стороны "A" есть тоже свои плюсы. Это во-первых изредка встречающийся там женский вокал. В нем нет ничего особенного, но звучит он невысоко, и как-то отстраненно и похоронно, что очень хорошо смотриться в дуэте с чистым мужским. Во-вторых - это "Marked by Life", трэк как будто вырванный из репертуара Crematory, но... являющий собой нечто среднее между альбомами "Awake"(1997) и "Act Seven"(1999) из-за своей некоторой индастриальности. Так что, раз машина времени еще не изобретена, то против обвинений в плагиате у нас есть железное алиби :)
В общем, качайте (ибо, если вам конечно не повезет, на CD это вы сейчас вряд ли достанете), слушайте, наслаждайтесь. |
He preaches the apocalypse
for those who refuse to follow him.
He turns the disciples into slaves.
His whole life is a lie.
He loves to reap the fruits of this lie.
The aim before his eyes
he forgets all human values.
His whole life is a lie.
The aim before his eyes
he forgets all human values.
The aim before his eyes.
He acts in the name of god
the one he's never seen.
He makes the rules,
he's broken a thousand times.
He preaches the apocalypse
for those who refuse to follow him.
He turns the disciples into slaves.
His whole life is a lie.
The aim before his eyes
he forgets all human values.
His believe is deadend
from which his disciples wanted to flee.
The way to hell is our soul
it's the entrance to the dark side
of our brain.
There, where the demons are larking.
Do they wanna get our souls?
Or are they trying to lead us through
the darkness?
Fight your internal fight
against the infernal might. Feel the strength of your soul
your fate is under your control.
Don't turn away!
Face the evil!
The evil inside yourself!
Confess to your dark side!
Find the boundaries of your soul.
The good side as well as the evil.
Look inside your mind.
The search will lead to you!
Fight your internal fight
against the infernal might.
Feel the strength of your soul
your fate is under your control.
Don't turn away!
Face the evil!
The evil inside yourself!
Confess to your dark side!
The way to hell is our soul
it's the entrance to the dark side
of your brain.
There, where the demons are larking.
Do they wanna get our souls?
Or are they trying to lead us through
the darkness?
The heart stands still.
You are watching death.
He comes nearer.
He gets you.
Are they angels?
Are they devils?
They're reaching light.
Fighting for your soul.
It hurts deep inside.
Your mind burns.
No escape.
Endless pain.
Dying hour - It's your dying hour.
The evil demons are at your side.
On this rainy day.
In the middle of nowhere.
I lost my life.
On this rainy day.
What have I done?
Where am I going?
Is this the end,
or is it a new beginning?
Show me hell
or show me paradise!
Give me new strength
or leave me alone!
Do I have a soul,
or am I lost?
The time of the awakening is near.
Your soul rebels inside your heart.
Cold wrath flows through your brain.
Full of hate your are lying there.
Humid walls the last boundary.
Steel cuts your stores.
Your peace has been destroyed,
negative are all your feelings.
Marked by life.
Marked by life.
Marked by life.
Your peace has been destroyed,
negative are all your feelings.
You are feeling the wounds of your body.
The bruises in your soul.
You're feeling the pain.
You're reaching for something positive.
But your hand remains empty.
In an endless distance lies for fortune.
The time of awakening is near.
Your soul rebels inside your heart.
Cold wrath flows through your brain.
Full of hate your are lying there.
Humid walls the last boundary.
Steel cuts your stores.
Your peace has been destroyed,
negative are all your feelings.
Marked by life.
Marked by life.
Marked by life.
Your peace has been destroyed,
negative are all your feelings.
When time and space lose their boundaries.
When past, present and future unite.
When my soul reaches eternity
then my world starts leading out to the perfect way.
War - a terrible memory
Agony - forever extinguished
Fear - vanished from my soul
Greed - a forgotten concept
Close your eyes and start dreaming,
dreaming of a perfect world.
A world that probably never exists.
Look out for the perfect world inside
your soul.
When time and space lose their boundaries.
When past, present and future unite.
When my soul reaches eternity
then my world starts leading
out to the perfect way.
War - a terrible memory
Agony - forever extinguished
Fear - vanished from my soul
Greed - a forgotten concept
Endless nights
Painfull dreams
They show your real face
You're looking for the bright day.
The time without fear.
Without fear on your own face.
Endless nights
Painfull dreams
They show your real face
Time, the hands of time are running against you.
Truth, you refuse to see it
Sick thoughts are sleeping
Deep inside of you
Deep inside of you
You're looking for the bright day.
The time without fear.
Without fear on your own face.
Time, the hands of time are running
against you.
Truth, you refuse to see it
Sick thoughts are sleeping
Deep inside of you
Deep inside of you
They stand in front of you,
weapons in their hand.
Helmets of hate cover their
too blind to see their fate.
They cannot see the abyss
that twists the holy ground.
It's going to devour:
"May never they be found"
Behind them burning cities,
souls that scream in pain.
Flames entlightning the darkness,
pure greed will be their shame.
Daring the final step,
driven by their greed.
They are falling in the darkness:
"Die! You devil seed"
They cannot see the abyss
that twists the holy ground.
It's going to devour:
"May never they be found"
Behind them burning cities,
souls that scream in pain.
Flames entlightning the darkness,
pure greed will be their shame.
"Die! You devil seed"
It's the time of the awakening.
The fear of a monotonous world.
Each day embrased by invisible bounds.
My imagination is destroyed.
I'm standing alone in this room.
I can't feel my heartbeat anymore.
My breath seems to stand still.
This endless emptiness in my head.
My thoughts are spinning circles,
striking each other out.
My mind is blank - endless emptiness.
There's no way out.
The fear of failing bounds my mind.
I'm waiting for a sign.
A sign from the master of the world.
Show me the way, the way out.
It's the time of the awakening.
The fear of a monotonous world.
Each day embrased by invisible bounds.
My imagination is destroyed.
I'm standing alone in this room.
I can't feel my heartbeat anymore.
My breath seems to stand still.
This endless emptiness in my head.
My thoughts are spinning circles,
striking each other out.
My mind is blank - endless emptiness.
There's no way out.
The fear of failing bounds my mind.
I'm waiting for a sign.
A sign from the master of the world.
Show me the way, the way out.