« Father of Victory »
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1 | The Forlorn Knight
 | 2 | The Purest Breed
 | 3 | Sleipnir
 | 4 | What Glory Remains
 | 5 | Dawn In Tir Na N' Og
 | 6 | The Will Of Odin
 | 7 | Father Of Victory
 | 8 | Charles Martel
 | 9 | Wallachian Warlord
 | 10 | The Iron Wolf
 | 11 | Heroes In The Sky
 | 12 | Carmina Bellica |
   Marios Koutsoukos – вокал
Hildr Valkyrie – вокал, клавишные, программирование
Pete Jay – вокал, бас
Elias Bloch – ударные
Juliet – виолончель
Owain ap Arawn – вокал, гитара, бас, программирование, клавишные
Yohann Clement – ударные
Mickael Jenft – гитара, вокал, клавишные
Ruslanas – волынка
Christina Katsamatsa – вокал
Polydeykis – аккордеон, 12-струнная акустическая гитара, гитара
Shea Martinsson – ирландская флейта, рожок
Mark Riddick – гитара, ударные
Elio D'Alessandro – вокал
Dreogan – гитара, бас
Fearann – дудка
Anna Shannon – скрипка, флейта, дудка
Becky – кельтская гармоника
Fra – скрипка
Fabio – флейта |
 | 1. The Forlorn Knight
Following Avon's crystal path
I pass'd by Warwick by chance
Where I came across a mansion
Standing gauntly on a low bluff...
He was brave and he was bold
He was in love with the daughter of his lord
She would not have him
She would not care
So he went afar to win h |
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просмотров: 4312 |
1997-2025 © Russian Darkside e-Zine. Если вы нашли на этой странице ошибку или есть комментарии и пожелания, то сообщите нам об этом
Germania's rose he set free
And put Saracens to the sword
He laid low monstrous beasts
Yet love he did not win...
He faced the Danes
And saved the day-King Athelstan
Did praise his name...
But bereft of love
He turned to god
And shut himself away from men...
Then I awoke and realized
I had slept in his death-bed...
2. The Purest Breed
Summer's breeze blowing through their mane
Wild horses of the purest breed! Ride!
Onward to battle, onwards like the wind
Cozak warriors of the purest breed! Hail!
Spurs to the side, a lash of the reins
Foam in the mouth, A' glistening the eye...
Bloodlust is nigh, for a rider and steed
Alike as they ride, pressing to the fight!
The banners are high and so's the battle cry,
The trampling of hooves of the purest breed! Ride!
Onwards to battle, onwards like the wind
Cozak warriors of the purest breed! Hail!
Spurs to the side, a lash of the reins
Foam in the mouth, A' glistening the eye...
Bloodlust is nigh, for a rider and steed
Alike as they ride, pressing to the fight!
Wild horses of the purest breed
Born to the steppes defiant to the cold
Cozak worriors of the purest breed
Loyal to the Czar, they defy death!
Summer's breeze blowing through their mane
wild horses of the purest breed! Ride!
Onward to battle, onwards like the wind
Cozak warriors of the purest breed! Hail!
3. Sleipnir
Sleipnir! Sleipnir!
O'er lofty mountains-Ride now!
Passing swiftly
Like a gust
Of deadly wind
A fate to seal
Son of Loki and Svadilfari
Take me where my brothers fell!
To Asbyrgi i'll make my stand
I'll fight and die upon your back!
Steed of Odin!
The horn of Heimdall calls!
Lead the Gods to one last war
Against the Giants' fearsome host!
Over sea and through the air
To and fro the Underworld
Sleipnir! Sleipnir!
Rune-carved teeth bared in a neigh
That shakes the earth
And brings down the Thunder!
4. What Glory Remains
Oft I have seen
Many a brilliant star to fade
And night came creeping in to usurp that once shinning place...
Long ago I was a mariner
A viking conqueror...
I sailed far with Erik the Red
And a hundred brave men!
What glory remains
Of these ancient days?
What songs will be sung
In the days to come?
Under hostile skies I have slept
On the heardrest of the sword
And dreamt of past glories long
Now gone forevermore...
I saw the fire that burns within
The mystic caverns of Thule
I journeyed to a world forlorn
Where shades weep forevermore...
Blackened by dragon's breath
Under arrows I have dreamt
Of the billows that caress
The shores of home again and again...
What glory remains
Of the ancient days?
What songs will be sung
in the days and years to come?
I've grown too old
And my days are numbered...
I neither have the strength
Nor fire that I once did...
5. Dawn In Tir Na N' Og
Clouds lined with silver
Soon to be parted
By the spear og lough
The dawn draws nigh... Tuatha de Danann
Awake! Seize the day!
A new sun doth rise
O'er Tir Na N'Og... sing me the song
My heart's yearning for
Play now the tune
That would bring me back
Back to your ring
There to dance with thee
And see the day break
In the otherworld!
Follow the sidhe through the lake
Icy waters flanked by hills so green
Unravel a path of mystical sheen
To undying lands let me now awake
Guardian at the gates
Of Tir Na N'Og
I fear now your sword!
Stand back, let me pass to the lands of my folk!
6. The Will Of Odin
Stars a glimmer in a valley sheer
Steel is drawn and shines in moonlight
The heavens quake then pour heavy rain
Thunders announce the bloody battle's eve...
The wheel of the sun is carved on my shield
And so are the runes of Thor on my sword!
Odin's blood has blessed my spear
Invincible I am
Dare stand in my path!
We crossed the sea in a dragon-ship
We braved the fury of the waves
We've come here for war, we bring woe
Fires that shall burn high and rise to the sky!
Odin ride forever by our side
Thy will is grim but it will be done!
Tyr embrace in thy might your sons
Freyja weave thy spell of magic...
The wheel of the sun is carved on my shield
And so are the runes of Thor on my sword!
Odin's blood has blessed my spear
Invincible I am
Dare stand in my path!
7. Father Of Victory
Father of victory
My life I lay down to thee
Steep me in majesty
And forth send thy Valkyries!
Father of victory
My sword I offered unto thee
Crown me for eternity
In Valhalla now welcome me!
Father of victory
Behold! Your true son am i
As einherjer I stand
In your honor for to fight!
Father of victory
Thou who reings supreme
Ride wild a hunting O'er fires on the battlefield
8. Charles Martel
Charles Martel, the day will come again
I'll see you lead the cavalry to chrage!
Charles Martel, in the battle of Ambleve
You dyed Malmedy blood-red!
Tours recall the glory of your hosts
Thy fame is sung on harps with golden strings!
The crescent moon you drove back to the sea
Once and for all...
Ans when the sound of battle horns
Shall keenly fill the air anon
We'll rise with pride our banner high
And answer to our king's call!
Charles Martel, the day will come again
I'll see you lead the cavalry to chrage!
Charles Martel, in the battle of Ambleve
You dyed Malmedy blood-red!
Tours recall the glory of your hosts
Thy fame is sung on harps with golden strings!
The crescent moon you drove back to the sea
Once and for all...
Even when the horns of war
Shall echo in the fields no more
When in tatters hangs our flag
And empty be the throne of Franks
We'll still keep watch by night to see
Charles Marterl return again!
Rest now my king but light be thy sleep
Thy foes still covet thy crown...
Charles Martel, the day will come again
I'll see you lead the cavalry to chrage!
Charles Martel, in the battle of Ambleve
You dyed Malmedy blood-red!
Tours recall the glory of your hosts
Thy fame is sung on harps with golden strings!
The crescent moon you drove back to the sea
Once and for all...
9. Wallachian Warlord
The land beyond the forest
Where rusalky and domovye lurk
Is held under the spell
Of Vlad's sovereign stare...
Vampiric dusk now bleeds the sky
And the virgin dawn aghast will find
The boyar traitors impaled on a spike
In the shadow of Targoviste's spires...
Stand fast – their hordes are come!
Bound to the dragon by oath of blood
Sword unsheathed, forth rode the rince
To drive the Ottoman wolves to the sea!
Broadswords of scimitars
The wild music of steel on steel
Yet Targoviste falls – alas!
60000 dogs prowl the land
A curse on Corvinus, the sultan and Radu
Who thought that prison walls could keep a hero bound
In 1476 Wallachia welcomed backed her son
Placing on his shoulders the royal mantle of black legacy!
Stand fast – their hordes are come!
Bound to the dragon by oath of blood
Sword unsheathed, forth rode the prince
To drive the Ottoman wolves to the sea!
10. The Iron Wolf
In the days of yore
The royal hunt was on
Loud bayed the hounds
As Gediminas set forth
In the holy woods
Of old Sventaragis
He laid down to rest
Beneath an ancinet oak
And dreamt as only dream
The men who would be kings!
He saw the iron wolf
Ride monstrous on the hill
He heard the iron wolf
Howl like hundreds of it's kin!
Tearing from the veils of sleep
His heart was a wild drumbeat
He sought the counsel of the gods
Through Lizdeika's wise words:
"What is destined for thee, let it be!
Great Duke, unite thy people and be king!"
Fear not the iron wolf
He shall be thy fort!
And in him shall dwell
All the rulers of thy line
And the glory of their deeds
Shall resound like wolf-song
Thoughout the ancient world!
11. Heroes In The Sky
At last the flaming arrows
Fall like heavy rain upon me
And I am sailing towards
The vastness of the endless sky...
In Valhalla I will dine tonight
Like all heroes in the sky!
In my dreams, a Valkyrie
To take me to the sky!
There is no death tonight
I'm a hero in the sky!
Don't let my mother cry
I'm a hero in the sky
When the enemy spears
Formed lines full of thorns
I fell without a tear
I lived and died by the sword
In Valhalla I will dine tonight
Like all heroes in the sky!
In my dreams, a Valkyrie
To take me to the sky!
There is no death tonight
I'm a hero in the sky!
Don't let my mother cry
I'm a hero in the sky
Red on white across the vale
Blood on the snow is spilled
My battlecry did win the day
By my hand a king was killed!
In Valhalla I will dine tonight
Like all heroes in the sky!
In my dreams, a Valkyrie
To take me to the sky!
There is no death tonight
I'm a hero in the sky!
Don't let my mother cry
I'm a hero in the sky
12. Carmina Bellica
Upon the pinions of the wind
A call is carried forth
And sets our banners high
Fills our hearts with pride!
Swear the warrior's oath
On the shrine of the war-god
Carve runes upon your sword
And enemy hearts alike!
Songs of war signs my sword
Sound the charge – we go to war!
Songs of war and glories old
Shall be rsung in our halls!
We stand beleaguered by foes and fire
Courage still in our eyes
Phalanx, hold the line!
Men of Hyperborea
Your time is come to ride
Lo! Your grim gods are aligned
Pon the ramparts of the sky!
Songs of war signs my sword
Sound the charge – we go to war!
Songs of war and glories old
Shall be rsung in our halls!
"Show them Hyperborean might
O pride of the empire!
Today the field shall be thine
Bring them to their knees!
Crush their idols to the ground
Ride their armies down!
Let us take up the cry: Vae Victis!"