« The Truth Hurts »
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1 | Make War (Not Love)
 | 2 | Bad Blood
 | 3 | Truth Hurts, The
 | 4 | Put the Lights Out
 | 5 | Denial
 | 6 | Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
 | 7 | One Man Army
 | 8 | Down in the Dumps
 | 9 | Beast Is Back, The
 | 10 | Switchblade Knife
 | | Total playing time: 37:51 |
   Gary Meskil - Bass & vocals
Dan Richardson - Drums
Nick St. Denis - Lead guitar
Mike Hollman - Rhythm guitar
Ice-T - Additional vocals on "Put The Lights Out"
Poppy (from Tribulations) - Saxophone on "One Man Army" |
Produced by Alex Perialas & Gary Meskil
Engineered by Rob "Wacko" Hunter
Recorded at Pyramid Sound, Ithaca, NY and Devonshire Studios, North Hollywood,
Mixed at Pyramid Sound, Ithaca, NY
Mastered at Sterling, NYC by Tom Coyne
A&R: Charles A.Caronia and Rob Grant
Art direction & design by Sagmeister Inc.
Cover photography by Jeffrey Silverthorne
Booklet photography: Collections of the Municipal Archives of the City of New
York |
 | 1. Make War (Not Love)
I'm an open wound
I can feel lt In my gut
I lie face down In my excrement and try to belly up
Unilke a fish I can't swim against the tide
So i keep my head above water and try to thumb a ride
Yet only the strong survive and the weak shall fall
The rest will pray to  |
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 Вот этот вот альбом - абсолютная классика жесткого хардкора девяностых, мощнейшая зубодробительная работа, не чуждая заимствований из дружественного трэша и просто доли суровой мужской эстетики. Гэри Мескил здесь даже не поет, он рычит подобно бульдогу, вымещая ярость на всех американских мещанах с их примитивно-покорным жизненным укладом. Естественно, как и все нормальные хардкорщики, Pro-Pain ненавидят собственное правительство, как и всех "кто говорит нам, как надо жить" вообще, но, в то же время, довольно далеки от анархистских призывов. Конечно, посетители тяжелых концертов в Штатах (в меньшей степени, и во всем мире) вполне похожи на персонажей Бивиса и Баттхэда, а хардкор там и вовсе является музыкой бледнолицых гопников, но во многом я этих гопников понимаю. Ибо круто! Стартовая "Make War (Not Love)" просто монументальна - упругий бас, крутейший грувовый рифф, злобный вокал и несколько полноценных гитарных соляков в придачу! Под водочку, не чокаясь - и сразу на войну. А ведь здесь еще девять треков, по качеству и энергетике ничуть не хуже. "Bad Blood", например, сделала бы честь и металликовскому "Kill'em All". Да она и звучит, не считая вокала, как ранняя Metallica! И соло, соло, много соло, хороших и разных. А эти звуки "индейской дудки" в "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie", разве они не чудесны?! Конечно, в будущем у Pro-Pain будут альбомы поразнообразней, и даже мелодичней, но столь же безупречно крепкого уже, пожалуй, не найдется. За каждую песню - по баллу, итого десятка. Хотя этот альбом достоин даже ста баллов по стобалльной системе! |
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Второй альбом американских хардкорщиков. Они только начали свой довольно долгий и насыщенный путь к вершинам мировой хардкор-сцены. Здесь еще нет того задора и запала, которые украшают их лучшие альбомы, но уже чувствуются зачатки будущих шедевров. В принципе во время своего выхода, "The Truth Hurts" мог претендовать на большие похвалы и позитивные отзывы, так как ребята играли в еще более-менее не приевшемся стиле, и их работа звучала тогда довольно оригинально. Но в наше время, когда альбомы с несовершенным звучанием и записью среднего качества всерьез никто уже не воспринимает, все это слушается как-то без особого энтузиазма. Дело здесь даже, не в качестве звука, а в том, что треки получились не совсем захватывающими, отсутствуют качевые риффы, вокал звучит как-то сыровато. Не услышал я здесь зубодробительных композиций и цепляющих мелодий. Но как мы сейчас уже знаем, все эти недостатки будут исправлены в будущем. Стилистика песен сочетает в себе хардкор с незначительными, но очень уместными элементами трэша и рэпкора. Приятно наличие соло в духе звезд хэви-метала, которые придают небольшое разнообразие композициям и альбому в целом. В итоге можно говорить о закономерном продолжении неплохого дебюта. Данный альбом обязательно должен быть в коллекции истинных хардкорщиков. |
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просмотров: 13145 |
Destroy the role that fits like a hand in glove
lf i were a broken back and you were a brace
would you let me lay down and die here or put me back in place
Like the lamb, too submissive and nice
you were easy prey for the wolf pack who made you pay the price
Yet only the strong survive and the weak shall fall
the rest will pray to the likes of a concrete wall
destroy the role that fits like a hand in glove
and make war not love
2. Bad Blood
The bad blood blood is dripping Down the wall
Your sneakers are slipping Do break your fall
You thought it was a game Till Johnny got his gun
The talons got your name I think you'd better run
My time, my work, your prize, you jerk
realize, i despise, you and yours and you me
The bad blood is boiling on the floor
You can't stop the anger cause this means war
Surrender your conscience, and do your time
I will not forgive you for wasting mine
Bad Blood
3. The Truth Hurts
Put on yout hat and coat and take
A walk down the street
I think you're bound to be surprised
By all the bodies you meet
The bowels of the melting pot
Wreeks of shit
While a guy does your windows
With a sponge and his spit
The whores on the highway try to forget
That they jeopardized the lives of the guys they met
Some will shoot you up and stuff
You down a drain pipe hole
Cause they wouldn't touch your body
With a ten foot pole
Stick em up, stick em up, empty the drawer
Said the banger to the owner of the liquor store
I was purchasing some wine
When I heard the pops and a patron started screaming
"Someone call the cops"
The cops were called, and we were told to wait
But the death toll rose because the cops were late
The banger ran out,and he was gone in a flash
He got away with the murder,
And out with the cash
The truth hurts, the truth hurts,
And fairy tales are written like a book
The truth hurts, the truth hurts
Just open your eyes and take a look, son
Let's take a little trip to the lower side
There's a junkie in a place where the freaks reside
He shoots the shit, and gets the rent paid free
With government checks and lots ofAZT
He sees his kids about once a week
And his wife's on her death bed as we speak
She prays for little ones everyday
But the boy is infected and the girl's O.K.
Jackin' in the city while the city sleeps
You play lor fun and they play for keeps
There's a thief in the hood just waitin to pop
And a kid in a Cadillac tryin to cop
Herb and couple vials of coke
And he don't sweat it out cause the fine's a joke
In a matter of time it was a real done deal
It's back to the burbs because the shit ain't real
But the truth hurts, the truth hurts,
And fairy tales are written like a book
The truth hurts, the truth hurts,
just open your eyes and take a look, son
4. Put The Lights Out
Bout time you showed up
I was just about to count you out for giving up
When we were young we talked about the same things
Lyrically redundant, mentally stimulating
We sure knew how to ride a crowd
The cops showed up because the music was loud,
but that's what being sixteen was all about
Step into the ring and swing and put the lights out
Six hundred rushed the stage
The crowd in a frenzy the band in a rage
Kick a little homage just for the old times
To spread the gospel and bust out a new rhyme
Gotta wonder what's next for the encore
Maybe some hip hop maybe something hardcore
Toughen up enough to throw your body out
Everbody move and put the lights out
Whe reap the pros in pain
A shock for the body and food for the brain
Power to the people who shook the cage
Read the fine print and turned the page
I'll make you ponder the thought succes
Could be a quality you possess
Get off your ass, don't be a burnout
Step into the thick of things and
Put the lights out
5. Denial
Born in '65 A bouncing baby boy
A million dollar smile A brand new box of toys
Every mothers dream An innocent child to hold
Untarnished by humanity bright naive yet bold
School came he tearned the meaning of joy, pain,
misfortune and gain He'd ask questions about sex and life
like - why is daddy messing with his ex-wife?
Inner child's in denial Inner child's in denial
Inner child's in denial Inner child's in denial
Peer pressure took Control of his life one day
What good he a left in his heart was stripped away
His parents got divorced left him out in the corld
Funny how we get so bitter as we grow old
The boy cried his girl by his side
She's bold and bright, naive, uptight
someday he'd like to tie the knot
But the inner self remembers all that time forgot
6. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
Yeah, what the fuck! I'm thinking of moving overseas
The heart of this country has fallen apart and the people,
they grovel on their knees I vote and I vote and I vote,
but no results tell me what the hell is going on
I-ll get on a boat pack a lunch and grab a six
and set the cruise control for Hong Kong
We want the best, we get the worst
We won the west under the big wide blue sky
Forget the past, the duke is dead We're fading fast,
So let sleeping dogs lie
I'm sick of the sounds and sights and bright lights
as the dixie band starts to play There's lots of paper hats,
and flags wave But to me it's just another day
I try and I try and I try to take a stand
But it gets thrown back in my face
Majority rules! Yeah right, not here
It takes bucks to enter the race
7. One Man Army
Beat down like a pile of junk
Politically incorrect
We knew he deserved the best But he never got no respect
Six kids and an empty wallet
With a hole the size of a dime
Not a dollar or a dream to boot
He thanks God for a hell of a time
Here lies the middle class
What once was is now past
Our forefathers spent their lives cultivating this ?
One man army born and bred
Never cared much what no one said
Worked all dat till his fingers bled
He was a one man army
One day he bought a shotgun
And went home and sat on the bed
He downed more than a couple of drinks
That put the 's' word in his mouth
So the future is not so bright when everything looks so dim
Then he tought about who he loves
But thought more about who loves him
Too much pain and no gain
Suck the blood from my veins
I work too hard to have you
Take it all away
I see red when you see green
Kill us all when we turn 18
If oppertunity ever knocked
I guess we weren't home
8. Down In The Dumps
Angry on the outside angry on the in
Disgruntled with the thing I see
Looking for a future that lies in your hands
Is such a bad place to be
Educated hippies and psychedelic yups
Really gets my Irish up
I am just a beggar, begging for some money
Spare some change to fill my cup
It's not so bad, I'm happy like a pig in shit
Unlike some puppet of a sult and tie chump
When anybody wants something from me
That's where I'll be - Face down in the dumps
Mercilessly seeking pleasure in my pain
The wages set do not increase
Can't afford the rent, I'm tossed out in the rain
I lost my life and lost my lease
Hard times are coming up around the bend
It's been that kind of year
My battle with the bottle, is back with a bang
I need a drink, so where is my beer
It's not so bad, I'm happy like a pig in shit
Unlike some puppet of a sult and tie chump
When anybody wants something from me
That's where I'll be - Face down
9. The Beast Is Back
Sitting here in a big old box Getting help for my vice
Got a sink and a toilet with aview like the rest of the mice
I lie awake and I shake like a rabid dog waiting to attack
and I crave like an addict and I'm afraid that the beast is back
The beast is back The beast is back The beast is back The beast is back
Got out and got a dead end job right about minimum wage
Serving meals to the homelessto subsidize my rage
I can cook, I can clean, I can run my wheel like a big brown mouse
Breakdown and gotta have it It's back to the halfway house
The beast is back The beast is back The beast is back The beast is back
I look back at my high school daze with a gun in my hand
one step closer to madness I stick my head in the sand
When I'm high, I can dream I can fly
An eagle in a stone cold sweat
I'll crash down like my daddy because my wings are wet
The beast is back The beast is back The beast is back The beast is back
10. Switchblade Knife
Rise and shine, get out of bed
And I'm a warmachine again
Beat my meat a few times and
I am feeling mean my friend
Me, myself and I'm coming
It's best to watch your back
You are mine and I'm gunnin'
I swear I'll beat you black
I'm gonna get you and leave you for dead
And I'm gonna beat you with a blow to the head
You'll never forget me for the rest of my life
Cause I am gonna cut you like a switchblade knife
Feed the fire cause I'm waiting
My fist will break your face
Find your house and I'll take it and ransack the place
Fear itself is still looking to shut you up for good
It's your life and I'll take it
I'd kill you if I could
Strange thoughts are going out of my brain
Standing naked with a knife in the rain
Got my fix, now I'm feeling alright
New York's so pretty at this time of night