« March ör Die »
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1 | Stand 03:31
 | 2 | Cat Scratch Fever 03:51
 | 3 | Bad Religion 05:01
 | 4 | Jack The Ripper 04:37
 | 5 | I Ain't No Nice Guy 04:15
 | 6 | Hellraiser 04:33
 | 7 | Asylum Choir 03:40
 | 8 | Too Good To Be True 03:35
 | 9 | You Better Run 04:50
 | 10 | Name In Vain 03:05
 | 11 | March Or Die 05:42
 | | Total playing time: 46:40 |
   Lemmy Kilmister - vocals, bass
Phil Campbell - guitars
Mick "Wurzel" Burston - guitars
Tommy Aldridge - drums
Additional musicians:
Ozzy Osbourne - vocals on track 5
Slash - guitars on tracks 5 & 9
Phil Taylor - drums on track 5
Mikkey Dee - drums on track 6 |
 | 1. Stand
Stand - you can make it
Stand - you can take it
Stand - realize that nobody can break it for you
Stand - you can do it
Stand - go right to it
Stand - nobody can do a damn thing to you
But you can't stand - if you don't care
Can't stand - if you don't dare
Can't stand - if you |
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 “March or Die” – второй и последний альбом Motorhead, выпущенный совместно со знаменитым лейблом Epic, дочерней компанией Sony.
Основная концептуальная линия альбома копирует своего предшественника – “1916”. Как не трудно догадаться из названия заглавной песни и альбома “March or Die” ("Маршируй или умри") – это антивоенный протест. Хотелось бы добавить, что в этом альбоме протест принял более общую форму. В заглавной песне лирика несёт скорее антиполитический характер:
Children weep and widows wail,
Our education systems fail
(Дети плачут, вдовы воют,
Наши образовательные системы сбоят).
В песне “Bad Religion” мы также найдем общественный протест, хотя вовсе не антихристианский, как некоторые могут подумать. Лирика направлена против последователей так называемой евангелистской церкви, которую считают сектой и отторгают как католицизм, так и православие. Евангелисты отличаются очень навязчивой и агрессивной пропагандой своих сомнительных взглядов. Возможно, живя на тот момент в Америке, Лемми столкнулся с их вербовкой, иначе откуда следующие строки:
Evangelistic Nazis, you cannot frighten me!
The name you take in vain shall judge you for eternity.
(Евангелистские фашисты, вам не запугать меня!
Имя, что вы упоминаете всуе
Должно осудить вас навечно!)
В целом, при прослушивании этого альбома создаётся впечатление сборной солянки, особенно в музыкальном плане. Из всего этого разнообразия лично мне нравится атмосферная титульная “March or Die” с непрерывным фоновым звучанием гитар и “органа”, “Asylum Choir” скорее в стиле NWOBHM c интересным гитарным соло. Понравилась и кавер-версия песни американского гитариста Ted’а Nugent’a – “Cat Scratch Fever”.
И всё же, при всей неоспоримой интересности, смысловой насыщенности и даже экспериментальности этого альбома, я недолюбливаю его. Это сложно объяснить. Скорее всего, как ни крути, чувствуется влияние Sony. Не могу точно объяснить, в чём это выражается, но традиционные рок-н-рольные композиции, которые присутствуют в каждом альбоме звучат как-то уж слишком прилично.
Кроме того, этот MTV-шный хит “I Ain’t No Nice Guy” в дуэте с Ozzy и со Slash’ем в качестве приглашённого гитариста воспринимается мной, скорее, как коммерческий ход, нежели как естественный порыв объединиться. Как будто Sony приручили бунтаря и несколько успокоили страдальца Лемми.
Хотя, возможно, это ощущение ошибочно, потому что, как традиционная для Motorhead любовная (“Too Good to Be True”), так и остальная лирика о миссии свободного человека (“Hellraiser”, “Stand”) осталась столь же пронзительной, как и в других альбомах.
В итоге, после выхода этого альбома Motorhead не приняли предложение Sony о совместном выступлении как с удачливыми юнцами из Metallica, так и с супермодными Guns’n’Roses. Вероятно, Лемми не захотел раствориться в американском шоу-бизнесе, и уже в следующем 1993 году Motorhead выпустили свой самый экстремальный альбом – “Bastard” на малоизвестном немецком танцевальном лейбле ZYX. |
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Не могу согласиться с предыдущим рецензентом. "March Or Die" - величайшее творение Motorhead, сравниться с которым могут разве что "Bastards" и "Sacrifice". Именно после него (а не "Ace Of Spades") я стал Моторо-маном. Это вершина альбомного мышления Моторов.
Здесь каждая вещь на своем месте (разве что кроме предпоследней - она вообще не вписывается в альбом, хотя и не самая плохая). Причем, вещи нехилые. Чего стоит "Jack The Ripper" с медленной вставкой всередине, громыхающая "Bad Religion", блестящие каверы "Cat Scratch Fever" (Ted Nudgent) и "Hellraiser" (Ozzy) (причем второй был сочинен Оззи вместе с Лемми, поскольку Килмистер помогал Оззику в работе над его "No More Tears"), тяжелый блюз "You Better Run", и, конечно же, заглавная "March Or Die", гудящая как бомбардировщик. Рекомендую всем послушать альбом еще один раз, а можно и больше. |
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Появлению на свет десятого студийника Motorhead сопутствовали очередные кадровые изменения. На этот раз проблемы возникли с Филом Тэйлором, который уже далеко не так хорошо стучал по барабанам как раньше. В результате на "March Or Die" можно услышать партии аж трех драммеров. Пара песен осталась от сессий с Филти, пара песен была записана с новым участником коллектива Микки Ди, ну а большинство материала прописал призванный на помощь Томми Алдридж. Помимо этого для второй в истории Моторов баллады "I Ain't No Nice Guy", были приглашены звездные гости в лице Слэша и Оззи Озборна. Правда, даже это не помогло вытянуть этот диск на уровень отличной работы. Несомненно, приятные моменты есть и здесь. Например, чертовски хороший кавер на старый хит Теда Ньюджента "Cat Scratch Fever". Также с большим удовольствием слушаются тяжелый и горючий блюз "You Better Run", выше упомянутая баллада "I Ain't No Nice Guy" и полный двойник недавней любовной вещи "All For You" под названием "Too Good To Be True". Ну и еще стоит выделить настоящий гимн рок-н-рольщика "Hellraiser" (который изначально вышел на прошлогодней пластинке Оззи) и потрясающе злобную и яростную песню "Bad Religion", Лемми просто превзошел сам себя и написал для этой композиции умопомрачительный антирелигиозный текст. К сожалению, больше на диске слушать практически нечего, оставшиеся треки весьма однообразны и не вызывают ровным счетом никаких положительных эмоций. Подводя итог, стоит сказать что "March Or Die" нельзя назвать работой средней руки, просто на тот момент муза в голове Лемми явно выходила покурить. Материал на диске истинно Motorhead'овский, но не особо цепляющий. Кстати, муза, похоже, курила не в одиночестве. Постоянный Моторовский художник не придумал для обложки ничего лучше, как просто стилизовать Голову под пиратский флаг. Получилось отвратительно. |
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просмотров: 36779 |
Forget you're blood & bone
Stand like you're made of stone
Stand - on your honor
Stand - show you're gonna
Stand - they can't put the creeping death upon you
If you stand - never move it
Stand - gotta prove it
Stand - stand 'cause you can't stand to lose it
Stand - stand - stand like a rock
Stand - stand - you stop their clock
Stand - stand - put them into shock
Stand - stand - together
Stand - yeah you better
Stand - don't you know that you can live forever if you
Stand - one for all
Stand - don't you crawl
Stand - if you stand then you deserve it all
But if you can't stand,
Then they're the boss,
Can't stand - it's a total loss
Can't stand - they'll nail you to the cross
Forget you're blood and bone
Stand like you're made of stone
2. Cat Scratch Fever
Well I don't know where they come from, but they sure do come
I hope they're coming for me
And I don't know how they do it, but they do it real good
I hope they do it for free
They give me cat scratch fever
cat scratch fever
First time that I got it I was thirteen years old!
Pussy cat livin' next door
And I went to see the doctor and he put me on hold
He said there wasn't no cure
He said it's cat scratch fever
cat scratch fever
He said it's cat scratch fever
cat scratch fever
I'm not in danger, I'm not in pain, I'm moving like a train
You know you got it 'cause it makes you insane
It makes you want to do it, do it, wasting my brain
Well I make that kitten happy with the tongue and the hand
She wave her tail at me
She knows just where to come to find a sensitive man
I give it to her for free
Cat scratch fever
Cat scratch fever
3. Bad Religion
Thou who wouldst make us devils
Thou shalt not poison me
The world hath been persuaded to believe thy heresy
I spit in the eye of Satan
And I will spit in thine
The devils that surround thee
Liveth only in thine eye
Bad Religion, Bad Religion
I need no gods or devils, I need no pagan rights
Bad religion, Bad religion
I need no burning crosses to illuminate my nights
HEY, HEY, You hear me now
You hear me now
HEY, HEY, For thou art Judas
The mark of Cain be on thy brow
Evangelistic Nazis, you cannot frighten me
The name you take in vain shall judge you for eternity
I spit in the eye of Satan
Spit right in your eye too
You are the spooks you're chasing
You know not what you do
Bad religion, Bad religion
I know you lie, I know you lie
Bad religion, Bad religion
Thieves and liars
Cross my heart I hope you die
If there be such a being
Then thou art Anti-christ
Turn men against their children
Turn beauty into vice
I say thy God shall smite thee
He will perceive thy lust
His wrath shall fall upon thee
Thou that betray his thrust
Bad religion, Bad religion
I say that thou art liars, Thy souls shall not be saved
Bad religion, Bad religion
Here are the days of thunder, The days that thou hast made
Base seducers, I see thy greed
I am more fit for glory, Than any ten of thee
4. Jack The Ripper
See into the future
See into the past
I gotta tell you what I'm seeing in the glass
Tall dark stranger, knocking your door
Looking thru the window, It's you he's looking for
Don't be acting crazy don't you cause a riot
Stand very still, Keep very quiet
You'll never see the face
Of the man in the window
Heart begins to race
He's the one to spring you a surprise
Aaah, the ripper master of disguise
See into the mind
See into the brain
Try to find the reasons that Jacky's out again
Slipping and sliding don't even try to hide
Just like your shadow, breathing at your side
Don't give into panic, Don't you run an' scream
Aaah, the ripper, haunting all your dreams
You'll never see the face
Of the man in the window
Heart begins to race
He's the one to spring you a surprise
Aaah, The ripper master of disguise
Cold steel, whisper in the night
He'll be at your side, with a smile and a knife
It's seems like dreaming, moving in the dance
The last embrace you'll ever know, The violence of romance
Don't try to run, you'll trip and fall
You'd be a fool
He's right beside you and he can be so cruel
Stand O very still your heart is beating like a drum
He turns his face towards you
And the two move as one
And so the mystery continues to beguile
The ones who know can never tell you of his smile
See the faces shiver, see the figures move
How can you see they move so fast
You're bound to lose
5. I Ain't No Nice Guy
When I was young I was the nicest guy I knew
I thought I was the chosen one
But time went by and I found out a thing or two
My shine wore off as time wore on
I thought that I was living out the perfect life
But in the lonely hours when the truth begins to bite
I thought about the times when I turned my back & stalled
I ain't no nice guy after all
When I was young I was the only game in town
I thought I had it down for sure,
But time went by and I was lost in what I found
The reasons blurred, the way unsure
I thought that I was living life the only way
But as I saw that life was more than day to day
I turned around, I read the writing on the wall
I ain't no nice guy after all
I ain't no nice guy after all
In all the years you spend between your birth and death
You find there's lots of times you should have saved your breath
It comes as quite a shock when that trip leads to fall
6. Hellraiser
I'm living on an endless road
Around the world for rock and roll
Sometimes it feels so tough
But I still ain't had enough
I keep saying that it's getting to much
But I know I'm a liar
Feeling all right in the noise and the light
But that's what lights my fire
Hellraiser, In the thunder and heat
Hellraiser, Rock you back in your seat
Hellraiser, And I'll make it come true
Hellraiser, I'll put a spell on you
Walking out on another stage
Another town, another place
Sometimes I don't feel right
Nerves wound up to damn tight
Don't you tell me it's bad for my health
'Cos kicking back don't make it
Out of control, I play the ultimate role
Don't know how to fake it
Hellraiser, In the thunder and heat
Hellraiser, Rock you back in your seat
Hellraiser, And I'll make it come true
Hellraiser, I'll put a spell on you
[Repeat first verse]
Hellraiser, In the thunder and heat
Hellraiser, Rock you back in your seat
Hellraiser, And I'll make it come true
Hellraiser, I'll put a spell on you
7. Asylum Choir
Gone out of sight there's only darkness in my eyes
Hey, hey, where are the loosers now
Gone inside outlaws every day a losing streak
Every day they tell us lies
The sky, the sky is crushing you
The wall, the walls are touching you too
Even the floor is clutching you
And all the eyes that ever closed are open,
and they're watching you
Blind justice hears the voice of bribery all right,
Hey, hey, but she don't see the joke
There's only treason left when you put out the light
You can't see who it was that spoke
The sky, the sky is crushing you
The wall, the walls are touching you too
Even the floor is clutching you
And all the eyes you ever closed are open,
and they're watching you
There ain't no windows in the hallways anymore
Hey, hey, the news is awful bad
Two schizophrenics but I can't see them at all
Anymore and I'll go mad
The sky is crushing you
And now the walls are closing in on you
Even the floor is tripping you
And all the eyes you ever closed are open,
and they're watching you
8. Too Good To Be True
I saw some sad times I said
I'd had enough of heartbreak
I told myself that I could never fall again
Then sure as fate she came, I,
Just had to get to her and,
She gave me all her numbers, gave me all her names
Cold and lonely without you
Don't know if I can make it through,
Maybe you'll hear this song
You been gone way too long,
Too good to let it go, too good to be true
We left and we went home,
I looked into her eyes, thunder in my heart,
And we were joined forever
Our bodies slick together,
I told her everything, confessions in the dark
Cold and lonely without you
Don't know if I can make it through,
Maybe you'll hear this song
You been gone way too long,
Too good to let it go, too good to be true
She painted inspiration
Onto my fractured soul, I
Was never sure she knew how much she meant to me
She never trusted me, I know she didn't see
The night she left she killed the heart inside of me
Cold and lonely without you
Don't know if I can make it through,
Maybe you'll hear this song
You been gone way too long,
Too good to let it go, too good to be true
Cold and lonely without you
Don't know if I can make it through,
Maybe you'll hear this song
You been gone way too long,
Too good to let it go, too good to be true
9. You Better Run
I got no reason, to lie to you
What's in the cards, that's what I do
I was born a-running & laughing out loud
With my feet on the ground & my head in the clouds
You better run, oh baby you better run
I got a blade like lightning, silver bullets in my gun
I'm short & I'm tall, I'm black & I'm white
Sometimes I be wrong, sometimes I be right
I'm iron & steel, I'm bad to the bone
You come looking for trouble, honey don't you come alone
I seen 'em come, & I seen 'em go,
I seen things & been people, that nobody knows
I'm talking in pictures and I'm painting them black,
I seen Satan coming honey in a big black Cadillac
10. Name In Vain
Don't you say a word to me
Always barking up my tree
I don't need no more grief, no more third degree
Turn sunshine into rain
Turn pleasure into shame
Turn everything I say, inside out again
It seems, it seems the same
It seems, I ain't to blame
It seems, that you're insane
Don't you take my name in vain
Tell me what a dog I am
Tell me it's 'cause I'm a man
Tell you what, who gives a damn
Just another scam
Ain't me that's wrong this time
Ain't me that's out of line
Ain't me, it ain't my crime
Your rap, 'cause it ain't mine
It seems, it seems the same
It seems, I ain't to blame
It seems, that you're insane
Don't you take my name in vain
Seems like you know the rules
I know you ain't no fool, you think you're somethin' else,
You look pretty cool,
You ought to reconsider, I ain't no Indian giver
I been as fair as I know how so shut your mouth
You know it all seems
It's only in your dreams
I'm getting sick to death of swimming up the stream
I'm gonna ask you nice, and then I'll ask you twice
If that don't work you get your ass back in your jeans
Seems to me, seems the same
Seems to me, I ain't to blame
Seems to me that you're insane
Don't you take my name in vain
11. March Or Die
The beast behind our eyes is loose,
The day has come, the day has come,
We march to Armageddon, hungry for the war
I see the hated enemy, I see what I was taught to see
And one of us will bend the knee
We understand the law
The blood lust jerks our legs to march,
Fife and drum, fife and drum
Our eyes are fixed and fearless
Searching for the war
Our statesmen deal in blood and lies
100 million stifled cries, 100 million wasted lives
Already gone before
So March or Die, March or Die
The stench of death is in the sky
We never fail to satisfy
We rend with tooth and claw
Sword and shield and jackboot heel
We love to kill, we love to kill
We love to taste our own blood
Squirm in our own gore
Children weep and widows wail,
Our education systems fail,
To hide our guilt we build more jails,
and we shall build still more
Our forests die, the stranglehold
That we put on the earth for gold
Will yet increase ten thousand fold
And no one knows what for
March and die, March and die
Defecate, despoil and lie
Cheat, dissemble, preach & spy
Build your house of straw
Laugh and cry, laugh and cry
Bloody sunset drowns the sky
For earth the heal then we must die
No-one deserves it more
I tell you we are doomed my friends
Our time is come, our time is come
We live within a charnel house
Rotten to the core
We glorify lust, greed & pain
We drown our hope in poison rain
We point the finger, shift the blame
Ambition makes us whores
March or croak, march or croak
All your lives a cosmic joke
Fill your days with piss and smoke
The wolf waits at your door
Burn and dance, burn and dance
Sex, death, torture, false romance
Whoop and howl, you have no chance
Burn & rise no more