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 Известная история про мальчика и волков, который кричал о серых хищниках тогда, когда их не было и близко, добившись тем самым того, что когда они появились, но ему никто не верил, справедлива и в отношении финской группы Celesty. Они так много и долго скитались по лейблам за пределами родной Финляндии, а их так часто и много называли конкурентами Stratovarius и Sonata Arctica, что тогда, когда это все-таки произошло, пафосным пресс-релизам и заверениям самих участников никто не поверил. Между тем, «Vendetta» действительно заслуживает самого пристального внимания – удачно вплетя в собственное творчество симфонические находки Туомаса Холопайнена (сравните целый ряд симфонических фрагментов с последними работами Nightwish) и скоростные боевики Sonata Arctica раннего разлива, Celesty создали альбом, который мгновенно… нет, не превратил из гадких утят в прекрасных лебедей, но заставил уважать. Удачные и грамотные симфонические партии, хорошая и сочная ритмика, держащая в напряжении все 70 минут альбома, приятный слуху вокал и удивительно добротная и качественная студийная работа по записи столь сложного произведения способна подарить немало приятных минут всем любителям качественного финского пауэр-метала и в особенности тем, кто не принял две последние работы Sonata Arctica, списав их поиски чего-то нового в утиль – Celesty предлагает Вам именно то, что Вы хотели услышать от SA, начиная от мелодики и заканчивая помпезностью. В конце концов, так ли важно, от каких финнов получить долгожданную пластинку, ведь при желании можно представлять на корешке другое название, благо музыка сделает все сама. Российское издание содержит неожиданный хидден-трек «Gates of Tomorrow», найти в мире который можно только на японской версии альбома. И хотя он не вписывается в общую концепцию, дух прямолинейного боевика в духе «Wolf & Raven» сами знаете кого, он сохранил на 200%. Неожиданно сильная и яркая работа от бывших середняков финской сцены – на такой сюрприз, право слово, рассчитываешь не каждый день (Диск предоставлен компанией “Фоно”). |
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Альбомы группы Celesty я слышал все, но ни один из них не просто не запомнился мне, а вообще пролетел мимо ушей, слабый и скучный пауэр 3-4 эшелона. Совершенно ничего интересного, в Финляндии таких групп пруд пруди. Но вот группа объявляет название нового альбома, выкладывает трек-лист, обложку и новую песню на myspace. Без какого либо энтузиазма все же прохожу по ссылке, дабы послушать композицию. При моем скептицизме это было пустой тратой времени, но с другой стороны, что такое пять минут в нашей жизни? Да по сути своей ничто, даже несмотря на то, что порой какие-то секунды, минуты могут перевернуть целую жизнь человека. Жизнь у меня, конечно, не перевернулась, а вот мнение о группе Celesty изменилось, 6 лет я знаю эту группу и никогда ее не любил, а вот одна пятиминутная композиция буквально перевернуло все мое отношение к ним, сформированное за несколько лет.
Песенка та называлась «New Sin», на которой я услышал великолепнейший эпик-пауэр, и самое главное никакого пафоса там не присутствовало, в ней была сказочно-наивная, но от этого не менее прекрасная атмосфера, граничащая с ощущением полной безмятежности и расслабленности. За счет ненавязчивости она идеально воспринималась буквально с первого же прослушивания, а вкупе с отличной хитовостью цепляла сразу. Вот с того момента я стал регулярно следить за новостями о группе и ждать нового альбома.
И вот симфо-сказка «Vendetta» перед нами, само название уже словно символизирует месть скептикам, вроде меня, не верящим в успех и прогресс этой группы. Мол, «а вот обломитесь, мы тоже умеем играть качественную музыку». Сказать, что Celesty на этом альбоме является чьим-то клоном, я не могу. Да, есть какие-то отголоски Rhapsody of Fire, но музыка финнов лишена той восторженности, которая есть у итальянцев. Celesty играют более мечтательно, в музыке присутствует некая отрешенность, но при этом она светлая и радостная. Это сродни тому ощущению, когда вам предстоит долгая дорога, но вы знайте, что там куда вы едете, вас ждут родные люди, которые будут рады вам, что согревает вам сердце и, несмотря на одиночество, вам хорошо.
Альбом, состоящий из двенадцати композиций, слушается легко и непринужденно. Особенно прекрасно это звучит в плеере во время вечерней прогулки или если вы едете с работы/университета - «Vendetta» идеально скрасит вам томительный поход домой, прекрасные симфонические аранжировки и будто немного приглушенные гитары гармонируют просто идеально, вокалист отлично справился со своей работой, его голос звучит мощно, но одновременно с этим очень мягко, никаких срывов на многим так ненавистный фальцет. На хиты группа тоже явно не поскупилась, помимо вышеописанной «New Sin» в голове уже после первого прослушивания непременно отложатся такие вещи как «Euphonic Dream», «Greed & Vanity», «Like Warriors», «Lord (of this Kingdom)» и четырнадцати минутный номер «Legacy of Hate Pt.3».
Подытожить нечем, один из лучших релизов который доводилось послушать в этом году. Безусловно, это не шедевр на все времена, но то, какой скачок в развитии сделала группа, просто поражает и заряжает оптимизмом в преддверии их следующих работ. |
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Если накачать Sonata Arctica большим-большим количеством сыра, выкрутить регулятор «пафос» на максимум и вбросить в получившееся безобразие по щепотке Manowar'а и Rhapsody, выйдет Celesty.
Группа на своём последнем (первом для меня) альбоме Vendetta во всю юзает симфонический оркестр и хор, но финские корни не дают им всё-таки переступить грань невменяемости и присоединиться к беспредельщикам из Rhapsody, хоть попытки и предпринимаются.
К сожалению, «Vendetta» является не просто концептуальным альбомом, а третьей частью фэнтезийной (конечно же!) саги. На моей памяти, единственный по настоящему удачный (и интересный по сюжету) многотомник выпустили только Kamelot, да и то вся история у них уместилась на два диска. А тут... Очередная эпическая трилогия о «борьбе бобра с ослом». К огромному сожалению. Потому что по музыке Celesty как раз очень и очень неплохи, и даже вокалист не вызывает отвращения (хоть и звёзд с неба тоже не хватает).
В любом случае, это первый за очень долгое время пауэрный альбом, который не хочется бросить, стереть с лица земли, уничтожить на второй же песне, а очень даже приятно слушать и переслушивать.
Вот только осталось ознакомиться с началом истории... |
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And they believe I'll become real with this beautiful dream.
(Now it's time) to start my journey to my home, cross my way and cry for help.
Fly with the wind to the gates of destiny.
Fly together.
Beware on your way when you walk through mysteries.
They free my mind.
You are the key who can save this century, screaming the name of our land together that we serve forever more.
Where am I?
This place feels unreal.
My mind is floating around.
But I know, I'm returning back home.
Then dark legions will fall to the night where the demons will sear their lost souls.
I'm suddenly awake again and free from all those voices.
Sounds in the wind are dancing in silence.
I know what I have to do; I have no time for waiting.
Now starts the time when war begins again.
3. Greed & Vanity
This setting in time creates some memories.
I can't believe I still feel sympathy for you.
When you hear about this can you live peacefully?
I believe your thoughts are filled with mysteries.
Oh, how I hate when I am right, blame me for hate and greediness.
Oh, its strain that spurs this fight, fight...
You are so clear and I see through you, if I want I can guess you're every move!
Oh, how I hate when I am right, blame for hate and greediness.
Oh, its strain that spurs this fight, fight...
Time to Rise, I rise from the grave.
I'll lead your people against your reign someday.
Rise, I rise from the grave.
I know your name, so feed this game and set me free.
This burning night gives me strength again.
I will be here and I await you in line.
And this time I won't surrender.
It's my fate to remember.
4. Like Warriors
I'm awake, can you see me?
I feel clean air inside of me.
There's no chance to dream, it's real, I can feel it.
I've come to the rescue, my mind is so powerful.
This land will guide me.
I'm free can't you see me?
Hear my call, with these men I won't fall.
The gods of power and might will defeat your knights.
Like warriors they travel with me.
United we stand and this land will be free.
Warriors raise your swords up high.
Tonight we unleash pure Hell.
I sense the evil, it's growing all the time with force.
We have to be fast, we have to be glorious.
Courage will help me, the power will grow inside.
These men will guide me, I'm free can't you feel me?
See us all, the army of light.
Our onward march, the time is now.
Honour and pride, glory and might.
It's the time for us all to fight.
5. Autumn Leaves
I'm waiting for you.
In dreams I am with you.
I know that you do miss me too.
Again the snow has covered this earth and it freezes the ground.
I can't imagine where this road leads my life without you.
Oh, how I wish that all could be, like it was here before.
Want to believe that you are here on this beautiful day.
Like the wind blows away, leaves of autumn days, you flew away.
On this first winter day, I've no words to say, if you could stay.
Till the end of this maze, as the dark blind my day.
You'll be safe with me here, we have nothing to fear and light, will be on our side.
Where have you been for all these years, I've been thinking of you.
You left me standing in the coldness, alone in the dark.
Do you remember all the words that you said, before you left?
It doesn't matter now, cause we both know it was a mistake.
Still waiting for you.
In dreams I am with you.
I know that you do miss me too.
Where can you be, do you know I'm still searching.
I think of your name, everyday.
Where we got lost, this place is still far away.
Will there be a day, when you cross my way?
6. Feared By Dawn
Far too long I've awaited this rainy day.
That can wash away the pain I feel?
Among those memories I bury all my inner thoughts.
And I'm safe from your world, too real.
How can you be so cruel, blaming me like a fool, a thief in darkness?
I know that this is the end, there's no need to release that force so shapeless.
My heart can be cold, that's what you have told, so many years ago.
No reasons to stay, one reason to go, this is your game, my overdose.
Christened by fire, feared by dawn, feel the end of our time, dark hues in our future.
There's no space in this world for us both, don't know where I should go, but I send you away, in the cold.
Do you still think we could live in peace again?
No past in our minds, no fears.
I believe that we would make those same mistakes.
And again blaming me, with tears.
Finally I am free, are you blind, can't you see where this road begins?
You know that this is the end, there's no need to return and live that life again.
7. Lord (Of This Kingdom)
Fortres of evil will spread its wings.
This darkness will rain within.
Face their fire, do now fear their flames.
This battle will end in our name.
When the sun arises, we open the gates through this wall.
And behind that wall lies an enemy who fights for destiny.
I am the Lord of this Kingdom.
He is the lord of this world.
I am the Master of the wind.
He is the Master of the wind.
Carry your brothers if they die, through Hell they survived.
We carry the sword on our shoulders until the end of time.
Power of thunder and this shaking earth.
Our enemies they will lie in dirt.
Prisoners they will rise, they will be my guide.
This army will stand by my side.
When the sun arises, we open the gates through this wall.
And behind that wall lies an enemy who fights.
All will fall after twilight, heroes of past will never fade.
8. New Sin
You gather together the congress of fools.
Your grand high intentions are shown by the proof.
Why waste your life while little leeches only feed them selves.
While lost in deep shadows we strove for the goal, your wiles won't protect you, resistance made null.
Heroes of yesterday, will rise from the dark.
Build your stories with lies.
Envy dressed in disguise.
Share this mask with the weak.
And enjoy 'cause it's...
Time for a new sin.
Get down, take their side and you'll win a bright future.
Believe this and you'll find yourself filled with sadness.
Time for a new sin.
Get down, take their side and you'll win a bright future.
Fear when the sky is covered with wings of darkness.
You call me a dark lord, I lead this dark path.
My servants, unfaithful, they grieve my commands.
The end comes to show all along you should have known.
-When I walk among these valleys, and when I close my eyes, I know who you are, I see your faces filled with lies.-
The end is near so prepare, these dark forces won't fail.
9. Dark Emotions
Where are you hiding, I'm searching for you.
Are you so scared that you don't know what to do?
Say what you want I believe it's nothing new.
No tears to shed it's just the game between us two.
Invitation inside of these walls.
Revelations of destiny calls.
Your endless screams I still hear them in dreams.
And I know when your power will fall.
Why don't I fear all these games what you play?
Maybe it's time to feed the words of the day.
Believe what you want but understand what you say.
I've tried to teach you but why won't you obey.
Like looking through thin ice in the light.
I'm blinded and cold, awaiting dark emotions untold.
These hands foretell my destiny, they say, help saving this world beckons a new brighter day.
Follow these rules and this world will be free.
You still believe this still holding your key.
Say what you want I believe it's nothing new.
No tears to shed it's just the game between us two.
10. Fading Away
Take me away from this cold alley, recall these words before I'll die.
This is my end you need to carry, no turning back, it's my last time.
I know this night will be the last one for me, I feel so cold and I'm alone.
Save this land from that evil we've sown.
So, I can live free as a spirit in the sky.
Fading away, it's sealed in this stone wall.
Fading away, can you hear my last call.
I was so close to end this battle.
I was afraid, I couldn't see you still live, it's all that matters.
Now you can own this victory.
I know this night will be the last one for me, I feel so cold and I'm alone.
Save this land from that evil we've sown.
So, I can live free as a spirit in the sky.
Fading away, it's sealed in this stone wall.
Fading away, can you hear my last call.
These eyes can't see your light.
Only the weak are afraid to die, so I'm fading away.
I've been waiting for you there, behind dark light.
Welcome inside, I saved this seat for you, so enjoy my mind.
I've got your memories here, so close your eyes!
It's your last time.
11. Legacy Of Hate Pt.3
Would you believe me if I told you.
I'm glad that it's over, would you believe me.
Every night I saw your face and it was enough for me, my candlelight.
Would you believe me.
Could you believe that I am yearning?
Right there by your side, could you believe me.
Even if you speak no words but I sense you close to me, my candlelight.
Could you believe me?
When two souls are made for each other, why forever won't they fly together?
Wandering like the captive in your mind, searching on.
Every night in this world, when I'm awake but still dreaming 'bout our lives.
I can see where this path is leading us.
No one will believe me but It's meant to be.
That someday I will find you close to me, do you believe me, please believe me, believe me.
Fearing, falling, screaming.
Shadows surrounding me.
Fearing, falling, screaming.
No one knows this place so real.
Survived the chaos but drifted to this land.
They captured my life, no compromise.
My world named Shadow Land.
Only my spirit will walk here alone.
Nothing here, what can I do.
That's what you get when betray your own kind.
Not even wanting to die.
I've tried.
Thoughts float away as the years pass by.
This place is worse than Hell.
Nothing has happened during all this time.
Someone, let me die.
Fearing, falling, screaming, shadows surrounding me.
Fearing, falling, screaming.
No one knows this place so real.
Hiding far behind the stars.
Dark place meant for me trying to find reality.
Safe from all the lies alone in my mind.
Been here too long, no way to survive.
Sometimes I can hear a voice from the past.
Don't know what it is, don't know what it says.
Suddenly I can reach the person behind and the dust dissipates far away.
Now I know who he is, learned the power to believe.
I'll read his mind and soon I'll have the power of this whole universe.
Hiding far behind the stars.
Dark place meant for me trying to find reality.
Safe from all the lies alone in my mind.
Been here too long, no way to survived.
I've tried.
[Chaos And Destruction]
Again this day unseen sets my feelings in between my broken destiny, oh, never could I see, behind this cold reality.
Want to come with me, feel moment of eternity.
Try to hear the melody of my yearning symphony.
My yearning symphony, my yearning symphony.
Behind these shadows of mankind, waiting for the time when I can return, I return.
With you together but never here.
I stand alone, waiting when you will learn, when you learn.
Second time your evil soul filled my mind with these black holes.
We were close to see your end, but now I hear your voice again.
You were waiting for surrender, found yourself a big pretender.
Can you hear the sound of rain?
It keeps my mind away from pain.
Much too long I was waiting, fear my soul was faintly fading.
Why do I have to be here?
Come on and read between these lines and feel how...
Every night in this world, when I'm awake but I am dreaming 'bout my life.
I can see where this path is leading me.
You won't believe it but it's meant to be.
And you'll create this reality, so can you hear mighty screams of my broken history.
Now I'm captured in this cell, all alone inside this hell.
This time it's my creation and with this I'll gain salvation.
You believe in everlasting, don't know why but I'm not fearing.
Save your words for the ending, 'cause this time your soul is burning.
All my life filled with pain but I know I'm not insane.
Only dark surrounding me, oh, Gods please set me free.
Come on and read between these lines and feel how...
Every night in this world, when I'm awake but I am dreaming 'bout my life.
I can see where this path is leading me.
You won't believe it but it's meant to be.
And you'll create this reality, so can you hear mighty screams of my broken history.
My broken history.
Time for final lines, where I will tell how I fell...
I am free (you are free from your mind, can't you see).
I will never forget what you've done to my life and you know I'll return (as longs as you live).
I must believe that I can set us free.
This moment of our lives has gone with the wind.
Every night of my life I'm praying in darkness.
Behind these gates my only friends are these sad walls and we are flying away together in silence.