 О, да, сказал я себе когда слушал этот диск. Кайфа получил очень и очень много. Мелодичный дэт, с легким налетом блэка и мастерски вплетенными кусками в ключе музыки классических произведений. Все сыграно технично, мелодично и очень мощно: мелодичные и стальные рифы, недурные соляки, массивная ритм-секция, редкие клавишные и перескриминг/недогроулинг вокалиста. В придачу скоростной кавер небезызвестной The Final Countdown (вариант, которых мне больше нравится, чем версия финских Norther). Правда губит все это удовольствие убогое сведение, запись еще более или менее годна, но вот сведение хромает на обе ноги, потому что соляков не слышно, они загнаны назад, что расстраивает. Но ведь мы оцениваем музыку, а не то, как эта музыка записана, так что свою 9/10 этот диск заслуживает по музыке, а вот студийные рабочие всех 2 заслуживают. Но группа не виновата что так получилось, при чем вроде как они собираются переиздавать этот диск, так что уверен получится бомба, которая заткнет многих и на долго. Рекомендую, особенно, если вы тащитесь от шведского мелодик-дэта и вообще от тяжелой, но в меру мелодичной музыки. 9/10 |
Угадайте что это за команда?
Да конечно же очередной шведский дэз-метал!
Но. Кроме шведских мелодий здесь можно услышать Бетховена и Моцарта - прикиньте в дэз-метал обработке вставки из классики. Это вам не Ванюха Майская.
Команда, которая выпустила кучу мини теперь разродилась альбомом на 47 минут! Это - прогресс.
Ураганный кавер Europe "The Final Countdown".
И в завершение 14-тиминутный(!) гимн Dispatched.
Классический гетеборгский звук и качественное звучание.
Приятно будет послушать не один раз.
ЗЫ Тем, у кого словосочетание "шведский дэз" и NWOSDM вызывают стойкий рвотный рефлекс слушать не стОит.
Splitting your soul
You've lost your brother, house 'n wife 'n child's
To the mother, the greatly mother war
She's ruthless and reckless, malicious to your souls
You kill and die, by her dirty hands
Bullets 'n ammo - riffles 'n guns
The instruments of evil, they are putted in your hands
Orders 'n compulsion - to make you a machine
There is no life, no wonder, just kill the next in line
Kill n' get killed
Spreads like a disease
Cracking ya down
Splitting your soul
3. To Sleep You Go
[Daniel Lundberg/Daniel Lundberg]
I am awaked from my past
My mind is clear, nothing can change that now...
Wounded and hurt I licked my marks
I suffer no more, beautiful night is here again...
I spread my wings to touch that flame
Flame of whispers that tells me truth
With open eyes I kiss you bye
You leave us here by my hand
A silver dagger penetrating your chest
My beloved queen, to sleep you goes
Night clouds ahead salutes your voyage
My beloved queen, to sleep you goes
4. She's Lost
[Daniel Lundberg/Daniel Lundberg]
I had this special dagger, a nice piece of art
Jewels and gold, was shinning from the handle
The blade was sharpest steel, made by mighty hands
Power and magic was floating from this knife
Hell awaits my soul tonight
She's lost, she's gone, I reach for my dagger
Hell awaits my soul tonight
She's lost, she's gone, I reach for my dagger
My mind was soon infected, by this mighty force
Evil and darkness was coming from this source
I lost my faith and mind - this dagger let me knew
To kill and lie, in purpose to betray...
All this are behind me, nothing can be repaired
In rest, in silence - she left me here tonight
I have no longer a home, I have no one to trust
My queen are lost by my hand...
Hell awaits my soul tonight
She's lost, she's gone, I reach for my dagger
Hell awaits my soul tonight
She's lost, she's gone, I reach for my dagger
5. Down
[Daniel Lundberg/Daniel Lundberg]
Persist my crime
No antidote, hollowed mind
Persist the time
My foundation is down, a hole in the ground
Lonely at last, feeble I stand
Can I purify my soul, to begin where I was?
No answers are given, so I reach for my dagger
Inferior as me, I go down with the truth
In the eclipse of the moon, I say goodbye
A razor sharpened dagger, fills my hand
Persist my crime
No antidote, hollowed mind
Persist the time
My foundation is down, a hole in the ground
I posses a knife, a really nice dagger
Stacked in my heart, in the shades of the moon
Leaving this world, I see a star
Is this the gate of heaven - or is it the gate of hell...
6. Templar
[Daniel Lundberg/Daniel Lundberg]
Light cloaks, shinning steel
Heavy armour, lethal swords
Mighty spirits, greedy souls
A white horse, carrying it all
Killing in the name of the god
Burn it into ashes and dust
Steal all gold in the power of the cross
Take all land, covert all souls
They have their reason to take it all
To fatten up the holy church
They give to god - blood stained gold
Poor souls, no spirit at all
Castles and convents with mighty doors
Crimson drapes and thrones of oak
Halls of brave, glory and faith
Blessed by the god we raid again
They have their reason to take it all
To fatten up the holy church
They give to god - blood stained gold
Poor souls, no spirit at all
7. The Final Countdown
[Europe Cover]
8. Silver Waves
[Daniel Lundberg/Daniel Lundberg]
Standing in the moonshine, looking at the waves
It looks like silver, the treasure of the night
The horizons are endless, flotsam floats around
Open waters, only the moon is awake
In the dark sky - silver waves...
Open waters, only the moon is awake
In the dark sky - silver waves...
Silence where I stand
Only sounds of water, can be heard when it hits the shore
A tear coming from my eye, when the moon is fading away
I can see the sunshine coming upon the open sea
Open waters, only the moon is awake
In the dark sky - silver waves...
Open waters, only the moon is awake
In the dark sky - silver waves...
Silver waves...
Silver waves...
Walking my way
To the sea, to hear - to feel
9. Dispatched
[Daniel Lundberg/Daniel Lundberg]
As years go by - and so do I
Reflection time is here right now
As I die like clouds above
Here I stand soon forgotten
DISPATCHED and gone - in mist I go
DISPATCHED and gone - into darkness I'll be
DISPATCHED and gone - at last in rest
DISPATCHED and gone - fading away
A last tear, running down my cheek
The last embracement of an extinction heart
A last hail to earlier days
Remember yesterday, bring glory to the past
Reform the lines, use your spades
Run your race, to earn my throne
Towards the days, seek my grave
You will find me there, enliven your quest
As years go by - and so do I
Reflection time is here right now
As I die like clouds above
Here I stand soon forgotten
DISPATCHED and gone - in mist I go
DISPATCHED and gone - into darkness I'll be
DISPATCHED and gone - at last in rest
DISPATCHED and gone - fading away