 Здравствуйте, мои дорогие девочки и мальчики. Сегодня я вам расскажу очень интересную, занимательную и познавательную историю. Готовы? Ну, тогда начнем.
Итак… век двадцатый. Конец семидесятых, восьмидесятые.
Хорошенько покуролесив по Новому Свету и старушке Европе, раздолбай, баламут и глава большого семейства – дедушка панк-рок, начинает активно мутировать и эволюционировать, рождая новые стили и подстили. Вот на свет появляются «жосткий» хард-кор, рубящий правду-матку, и монотонный пост-панк, частенько являющийся неведомой фигней, представляющей загадку не только для слушателей, но иногда и для самих музыкантов, ужасненько жуткий дэт-рок и готишный готик-рок. Они, в свою очередь, родили еще кучу маленьких наследников, а также бастардов. В общем, бурная жизнь, полная адюльтера и кровосмешения, куда лучше не соваться, один хрен голову сломаешь. Нас же в частности интересует анархо-панк, а точнее, его прямой потомок – краст-панк. Почему? Вот ответ – Amebix.
Группа Amebix образовалась в конце буйных 70-х годов. Главными идеологами и боссами были два брата – Роб “Baron” Миллер и Крис “Stig Maximus” Миллер. Пожив по сквотам, поиграв по всяким забегаловкам и выпустив демо, сингл и две ипихи, отточив на них свой стиль, в 1985 году они наконец-то записывают и выпускают первый полноформатный альбом под названием "Arise!", получая на выходе мрачный, злой и металлизированный анархо-панк, который в скором времени нарекут краст-панком британского разлива. Собственно, в музыке Amebix можно услышать не только анархо-панк, но и хард-кор и пост-панк, ну и конечно же метал а-ля "Моторхэд" и "Кельтик Фрост". Низко гудящая басуха, дребезжащие гитары, приправленные дисторшном, простые и эффективные, как удар по яйцам барабаны, в некоторых местах, где нужно добавить эпичности и пафосности, немного клавиш. Вокал обычно хриплый, кричащий. В некоторых треках есть чистый войс, но любителям прекрасных песнопений слушать не рекомендуется. Также используется панковское многоголосие, то есть попросту групповые выкрики, практикуемые в панке. Темп музыки средний, хотя в нужных местах она разгоняется до более высоких скоростей, а в некоторых наоборот падает до низких. Есть на альбоме композиции, которые можно и обозвать этакими «балладами», сыгранными панками в металлическом ключе. Вот и весь простой рецепт сего блюда для революционеров и анархистов. Классика, че там. Рекомендуется незашоренным ренегатам вроде меня, любящим послушать разную няшную всячину, а не только метал. |
The skills he acquired are put to the test
The tearing of flesh and the pulping of bone!
He's coming SLAUGHTER!
It's late and it's dark but one walks the streets
An axe in his hand, no glint in his eye
This mindless machine, he butcher, you meat!
Calm and collected, but twisted inside!
He is here! SLAUGHTER!
3. Fear Of God
You say that you hear voices, I premsume that is correct?
And you say that all the bad boys end their wicked days in hell?
Well if it wasn't for the collar that you wear around your neck
You'd be seeing life quite differently, inside a padded cell!
The fear of God
Am I to understand you, when you say I'll be forgiven?
I give you all my money, well that's blackmail don't you see?
And the ones who give the most are guarenteed a place in heaven
Where they can watch the burning souls below and rub their hands with glee!
The fear of God
Your priorities Are wrong
Your faith Is blind
Crush the weak Uphold the strong
Burn the brains Of mankind
The money spent on churches could appease the starving poor
To justify injustice you must misinterpret Christ!
You lock your wealth away at night behind a bolted door.
The fear of god? You hypocrite! Open up your eyes!
4. Largactyl
You're standing on a hill, looking down at the city
Thinking 'bout your life and your bottle of pills
They released you from the hospital, you're cured!
So this is how freedom feels?
Largactyl Relax (it's only paranoia)
Feel a little numb? Feel a little tired?
Your brain's asleep and your body's retired
You've learned to fit in. OBEY!
You're just a shadow of what you used to be
Largactyl Relax (it's only paranoia)
A comfortable life? A car and a wife?
It's only a dream but it's fuckin' obscene
You've learned to fit in, a vegetable!
Senility! At 21 they'll be coming for you
5. Drink And Be Merry
Drink and be merry, for tomorrow we may die
It's better to laugh than it is to cry
My cup runneth over with blood and not wine
The last was the flood, it's fire this time
I took a walk on the beach, no sand dunes just oil
Dead gulls and dead fish were trod underfoot
The sky was tinted with yellow and black
And the air smelt like Dachou today
The fields were littered with the dying and dead
Nothing grows here but decay!
The village bell tolls, a priest vomits blood
Another life's wasted away
Down in the square, the party goes on
The doomed sit down to their last feast
They gorge themselves on the recently deceased
The heat of the day, the foul smell of decay
As they wait:. For the inferno to be
So drink and be merry for tomorrow we may die
It's better to laugh than it is to cry
Live for life's sake, don't let life pass you by
There's more worth living for than meets the eye
So drink and be merry for tomorrow we may die!
6. Spoils Of Victory
Look to the north, look to the east, look to the west and south
On all horizons storm clouds loom and roll across the sky
The river bursts its banks and vomits soil into the mouth
As thunder breaks the silence, a young child cries!
Between the night and the days first light the leaders made a pact
To raise the rotting corpse of war and set the wheels in motion
The stage a heaving battlefield would support the final act
While the authors hide in sattelites or forts beneath the ocean
And in this play We're cast as fools
To blindly play By others' rules
Now the dust has settled and the stench completely clear
Then return the victors to claim their wretched crown
But from the fleshheaps of the slain, there comes no cheer
Their game is over, the chips are down
You arrived like a breath from the angel of death
Famine, disease and a life on your knees, guaranteed
When you put them in power
7. Arise!
Well we've all heard the sermon seen
The preachers or worshipped the stage
Heard the new manifesto? It's all questions no solutions at all
Well, you're out on your own now, always have been
Just look at your friends
Break the surface to daylight
Strength will flow through our unity.
There is a traitor in our midst
And when we rise we will be betrayed
They are the wolves in sheep's clothing
Take the place at the back of the fold
All this talk about freedom
Will be tainted with blood (it's your life)
Put this cross on your back child
Tread the long weary trail to the top of the hill
There's some hard times coming down
There's the smell of revolution on the wind
Well, we're grinding down our axes
Telling tales round the bonfire at night
We will set out with a fire in our hearts
When this darkness gives way to the dawn
In the light we're united as one
For the kingdom of heaven must be taken by storm!
8. Slave
Earth to ashes, buildings to dust
A radioactive burning crust
The meek shall inherit all that is left
Inherit the Earth, a living death
From the cradle to the grave
You made yourself the system's slave
Acid rain, rocks on fire!
Poison clouds, gods a liar
There's nothing left, for the meek
The past is gone the future is bleak
From the cradle to the grave
You made yourself the system's slave
Evil systems, government control
Are to blame for our downfall
There's no umbrella against the rain
Destroy the power, break your chain!
9. The Darkest Hour
My friend the time has come for us to say goodbye
So with these parting words I bid you farewell
It seems the life we led was just a shameful lie
What does the future hold? Well only time will tell
I'm not scared of dying and I don't really care
If it's peace you find in dying well then let my time be near
If it's peace you find in dying when dying time is here
Bundle up my coffin, 'cos it's cold down there
And when I'm dead
And when I'm gone
There will be one child born
And a world will carry on
Some say our fate is sealed and help to tie the knot
Some say that this may be the lull before the storm
But there's one piece of nature everyone's forgot
And that's, "The darkest hour is always before the dawn!"
When the candle burns low
When there's no more to say
Dig me a hole
Where my body might lay