« Orthodox »
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1 | Orthodox 03:03
 | 2 | Liquid 04:06
 | 3 | Shit Comes Brown 01:08
 | 4 | To Red Ones 03:50
 | 5 | Tales Of Your History 04:07
 | 6 | Touch The Sun 03:03
 | 7 | Body As A Cover 02:47
 | 8 | Parasites 02:55
 | 9 | About Death 05:56
 | | Total playing time: 31:16 |
   Petr 'Christopher' Krystof - vocals, guitars
Bronislav 'Bruno' Kovarik - vocals, drums, bass |
 | 1. Orthodox
Give you soul to devil
Sacrifice your life
Young body on altar
You're never gonna die!
We're never gonna die
Look at my hands, look at my face, evil one
And tell me what do you see?
Vision of perpetual holocaust
Just what we wanna be
we feel what we want
we feel what we  |
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 Альбом для любителей жестокого дэт-металла. Эти чешские ребята решили не искать новых путей и записали альбом в том стиле, что именуют old-school-death-metal. Композиции варьируют от жесточайшего "лесорубного" дэта до некоторых элементов трэша. Вокалы (да-да, у них два горлопана) в стиле Глена Бентона. В плане текстов ребята тоже отличаются умом и сообразительностью - ничего общего с осточертелым сатанизмом или язычеством. Зато фашистам и коммунистам достаётся от души в песенках "Shit Comes Brown" и "Red Ones". В первой песенке всем коричневым задаётся вполне логичный вопрос: "Чё ж вы одеваетесь в цвет собственного, извиняюсь за выражение, говна?" В общем, если вы любите Коррозию, то вас может огорчить такая постановка вопроса. А всем остальным настоятельно рекоммендую. |
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Никогда раньше не задумывался, что в этой стране имеется такой отличный коллектив, в основе которого стоят два талантливых человека – Бруно и Кристофер.
Перед нами их творение с лаконичным названием “Orthodox”.
Что сразу бросается в глаза, так это некая самобытность группы, которая зиждется на великолепной технике музыкантов. К тому же стоит отметить, что материал на диске совсем неизбитый и даже сейчас, я думаю, многие найдут для себя много чего оригинального и интересного. В каждом звуке чувствуется профессионализм и какая-то неисчерпаемость самой музыки.
Что можно выделить?
Отличный вокал, эмоциональный, взрывной.
Гитарная работа довольно импровизационная даже в рамках такого направления как death metal, поэтому слушать данный диск не надоедает, а представляет (хочу подчеркнуть) большое удовольствие. Видимо это связанно с некой оригинальной атмосферой диска, которую охарактеризовать у меня, к сожалению не получается.
Отдельное место занимают качественные басовые партии и высокотехничные душевные партии соло, которые в совокупности со зрелой социальной лирикой присваивают альбому приставку интеллектуальный.
Итак, отличный альбом профессиональной чешской команды, которую, к сожалению, мало кто знает и мало кто помнит, а ведь она поистине велика и оригинальна.
Находись она под раскруткой более влиятельного лейбла, ее бы постигла слава самих Morbid Angel, хотя я об этом нисколько не жалею, ведь для себя я ее уже открыл и, конечно, безумно полюбил.
Пожалуй, мой любимый альбом в Европе из вышедших в 1998 году. |
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просмотров: 14365 |
we do what we want
we do what we want
we stay as we want
TO BE!!!
We're never gonna die!
Listen to the persistent beat of your heart
Don't believe the justifiable lies
Who uses to speak to you by two different mouths!
So he is dead for us!
we feel what we want
we feel what we want
we do what we want
we do what we want
we stay as we want
TO BE!!!
2. Liquid
You are slowly falling down
Down and down into the deep
You are living from dreams
Dreams and dreams, till the end
It is better not to see through the eyes
It is better to be open minded
Everything is so far away
When you want to find that
You are walking down the streets
You are feeling so much blind
Are you stranger in your mind?
Are you thinking how to die?
Die...by this way of dying
Liquid, in your mind
Liquid, you can fly
Liquid sweet dreams
Sweet dreams...till the end
You are waiting for help
Help and help from an angel
You are screaming into the night
Night and night, this is the danger
It is better not to see through the eyes
It is better to be open minded
Everything is so far away
When you want to find death
Death...this way of death
Liquid, in your mind
Liquid, you can fly
Liquid sweet dreams
Sweet dreams...till the end
3. Shit Comes Brown
Evil boys
That forgot wigs at home
Create new history
Screaming something about war
You little stupid nazi!
Who never used to think
Why you love to wear the shirt
In color of own shit?
Why do you sit on a toilet?
You should sit upside down
Coz'brain is in your ass
And your shits in your head
Try to open your mouth
As much as you can
Put finger into neck
And vomit out your brains!
4. To Red Ones
Sub-standard, sub nation
Under red flag, get out of my way!
I spit on you, I disdain you
You are all insane
Give us power and trust to all our rules
Give us power!!!
that's your "garden", don't mind gallows and skulls
Give us power!!!
Behind that wall is a world you'll never see!!!
Give us power!!!
Crawl for me and don't ask for a key
Give us Power!!!
I see you in my dreams
To hang on trees
Hanged on trees
Hanged on trees
Communist, community of red Hitlers
Get out of my way!!!
Your chance is lost, you are less than dust
You're living corpses
That's my revenge, don't ask for human rights
We don't need you!
You wished us hell, that's what I wish you twice
We don't need you!!
You are the family of snakes
We don't need you!!!
With red cards and silly arguments
We don't need you!!!!!
I see you in my dreams
To hang on trees
Hanged on trees
Hanged on trees
5. Tales Of Your History
Everything I can tell
Is here on this paper
Everything I can write
Is here in my mouth
I can't catch the thoughts
Because I lost them in the past
All what I've said before
Is not truth but otherwise...
Do I have to fear my life
Or can it to be so much worse?
Now I am still living in...living in...
...in hypnosis
Do I have to fear our mind
Or can it be so much better?
Now I am still living in...
...living in fear
Say everything though my mouth
Say everything though my blood
Think of everything though my brain
Tell everything though my own god
Tales of your history
You feel so much scarefully?
Tales of your history
Or you feel so painfully?
You can see the future
You don't know what's going to be
You've seen the past
And there hurts something
You want to clean you life down
But everything stay in your history
Tales of your history
You feel so much scarefully?
Tales of your history
Or you feel so painfully?
6. Touch The Sun
Child is walking down the streets
And looking for the play things
Never to hurry to nowhere
And nothing to know about cares
The rays give him power
To go through evil
And you are telling
"you have to be more happy than me"
It's so easy, not to be worry It's so easy, to touch the sun
When the sun will lead him
He cannot be scared
Sun cares about his steps
And keeps his eyes open
Mother will die so painfully
As she feels the pain of her child
Any mother wants to see
Death of her child
7. Body As A Cover
I've covered soul and mind
I've covered heart and blood
I've hidden the evil one
To see the lie laugh
Body as a cover
You've run-you didn't run
Body as a cover
You've hidden the truth
I stroked velvet palm
To feel the slime of snake
I felt the wind all around
To hear false song
I've seen hate to smile
I've been blind
I've felt break of my heart
I've been...crying
I opened out blind eyes
To wash the truth and feeling
Now there's time for our calm
You can't believe to cover
Body as a cover
You've run-you didn't run
Body as a cover
You've hidden the truth
Body as a cover
You can't believe that
Body as a cover
You have to forget that
8. Parasites
Army of hungry maggots
We are parasites
We will eat you, we will suck you
That's just what we like
Don't resist to establishment
State machinery
Never try to comment our legal robbery
Work of others is our business
We are parasites!
How easy to steal your money
That's our only job
We're going to follow you
To follow till you die
Never try comment this profitable crime!
Leave us alone, just let us live
Leave us alone, that's our business
As a shadow at your heals
We will be with you
We miss only character
And character is no good
We keep smiling on your face
Don't tell we are not friends!
Don't tell our only interest
Is nothing other than pelf
Colony of hungry maggots
We are parasites
Colony of blood suckers
We still need new blood
We're going to follow you
To follow till you die
Never try comment this profitable crime!
We are bleeding for you!!!
9. About Death
Your eyes are able to wake me up
There is something nice
There is something pursuing me
And something what can hurts
You show me how to go so close
I am little bit scared
You tell me don't be afraid
Death can be treacherous
Let's start this way, Let's start this pain
Let's start this love, Let's start this wrath
Let's start this dream, Let's start this scream
Let's start this luck, Let's start this strike
About Death-death breathes in breath
About Death-death infects your blood
About Death-death still cares for you
About Death-death gives you lust
I don't like to be deceived
I don't like to be a liar
If I'll believe
Won't you want to kill me?
I will hold out my hand
I'll feel the glow
I'll step into your soul
I'll feel death inside
Let's start this way, Let's start this pain
Let's start this love, Let's start this wrath
Let's start this dream, Let's start this scream
Let's start this luck, Let's start this strike
About Death-death breathes in breath
About Death-death infects your blood
About Death-death still cares for you
About Death-death gives you lust