« Waking into Nightmares »
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1 | Jackal 03:07
 | 2 | Living In a Whirlwind 03:19
 | 3 | Severed Reality 03:57
 | 4 | Scorched Earth 03:42
 | 5 | Abandoned by Time 04:19
 | 6 | Prey for Death 04:44
 | 7 | Nightmare Anatomy 04:00
 | 8 | Shadow From the Tomb 04:05
 | 9 | Senseless Life 04:55
 | 10 | Forgotten Dead 04:03
 | | Total playing time: 40:14 |
   John Kevill - Vocals
John Laux - Guitar
Adam Carroll - Guitar
Ben Bennett - Bass
Nic Ritter - Drums |
Recorded in Oakland,California at Sharkbite Studios
Produced by Gary Holt
Mixed by Zack Ohren
Engineered by Adam Myatt |
 | 1. Jackal
Born with the soul of a liar
A murderer, bred for the kill
Out from your mouth comes forth nothing but deceit
I want only to see it shut
After what you've taken away
There can be no forgiveness
An eye for an eye
Will make the whole world blind
Still I want you to die!
Tack  |
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 Боевито позвякивая басом и щеголяя изворотливой ритм-секцией, группировка Warbringer рвется в бой с первых секунд альбома, обойдясь без интерлюдий и зачина. Сорок минут предельно воинственного трэш-метала. Вот уж действительно, «Прогулка по кошмарам» для любителей мелодичной и атмосферной музыки! Ни одной поблажки, пока звучат эти девять композиций (за исключением неожиданных четырех минут акустического затишья на «Nightmare Anatomy»). Пусть и не максимально быстро, зато сложнее, громче и ювелирно точно!
Warbringer остановились как раз у той отметки, где уже готов начаться гетеборгский дэт в духе At the Gates (разве не он скалится с «Shadow from the Tomb»?), но все еще царствует Его Величество Трэш. Упоминать о стиле команды иначе как с большой буквы не получается - столь идеальным получилось воплощение данного жанра на пластинке. Коллектив не стремятся удивить новизной, но и от назойливых сравнений уходят, восхищая выучкой состава и завораживая сложностью партий. Альбом идеально прописан, звук кристально чист – так, что можно в деталях рассмотреть каждый маневр музыкантов. О милосердии можно забыть: в Warbringer слыхом не слыхивали о проникновенности, невысоко ставят мелодичность, а все свободное время, похоже, проводят в компании с классикой американского трэша во главе со Slayer. «Walking into Nightmares» напоминает идеально отлаженный механизм, знающий – выжить на перенасыщенном рынке современной музыки можно только благодаря предельной маневренности и заряженности, нельзя медлить, пытаясь выдавить из себя запоминающийся мотив.
Наблюдать за ним, восхищаясь сложной работой – одно удовольствие. Полюбить, пожалуй, нельзя: слишком уж далек этот плод любви профессиональных музыкантов и искусного продюсера от непосредственного обаяния тех команд, чьим творчеством Warbringer, будучи моложе, здорово вдохновились…
P.S. Единственное, но самое неприятное обвинение, которые можно просить команде – слушая «Walking into Nightmares», я не чувствую в музыке возраста музыкантов. Сколько им? 20-ть, 30-ть, или за идеальной, эталонной музыкой таятся замороженные во времени андроиды без права на оплошность?
(Диск предоставлен компанией “Mazzar Rec”). |
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Как-то на одной из своих рецензий я сказал, что не являюсь большим любителем трэша. Но пару недель назад один мой хороший приятель презентовал мне совершенно свеженький, второй по счету релиз молодой американской банды Warbringer «Waking into Nightmares». И хочу сказать, что эти юные «засранцы», но уже не по годам зрелые в плане техничности, заставили меня совершенно по-новому взглянуть на эту музыку. К сожалению, не умею делиться своими впечатлениями так, как это делает мастер слова Blackknot, но в своей рецензии на «War without End» этих парней, Он как нельзя точно передал всю сущность и идеи музыки Warbringer. Так получилось, что только с этого альбома я начал свое знакомство с творчеством этих американцев, но уже твердо для себя решил собрать, по возможности, всю дискографию коллектива. Невероятно бодрящий и живой музон! И как примерно сказал Blackknot: «если эта музыка не станет для Вас пиром духа, то просто невозможно будет не заметить ее искренности!». И эта самая искренность совершенно очевидна и на протяжении этого альбома!
Ну и к довершению ко всему, отменное качество материала дополняет очень сильное и сбалансированное звучание. А ощутимые партии бас-гитары, порой заставляют меня отвлечься от самой музыки и наслаждаться только этим инструментом. И уж если Warbringer смог по-настоящему впечатлить меня, человека который о-о-очень осторожно относится к подобным метал-продуктам, то, уверен, «Waking into Nightmares» станет для истинных ценителей трэша может и не фаворитом, то одним из любимых релизов точно.
P.S. Абсолютный, на мой взгляд, «боевик» - «Senseless Life»! |
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просмотров: 14090 |
Still, I want you to die
Thief who steals life
You were the hunter...but now I'm hunting you down
You were a sinner...but soon you will sin no more
Cannot escape...I never rest, I never desist
Feel no remorse
[Lead: Laux]
[Lead: Carroll]
You lose! I gain!
From all your suffering
Now your lying tongue has been cut out
Deed is finally done
What have I become
Hate what is myself
Two jackals burning in hell
2. Living In A Whirlwind
Living in a whirlwind!
Spiraling out of control!
In the eye of the storm
Disconnected, from the world you were born
Cheating death, just to get your fix
Cannot survive, its the end of the line
They look you in the eye and all they see is an empty stare
Living like a rat, you choke on your own despair
Still you're sinking lower, each day more desperate
You hide below the surface, waiting for the end
Must escape
Ridden with the stress that YOU CAN'T TAKE
Arrgh, must escape
Not time to turn back, FAR TOO LATE
Can't escape
Everything around you, ceased to make sense
Waiting until your time will come...
To pass
Look into the mirror at what used to be your face
A ghastly visage you don't recognize, gone without a trace
[Lead: Laux]
3. Severed Reality
Descending! Into madness
Sanity falling away
Nothing remains from the world you have known
Enter the realms beyond the gate
Twisting masses taking form beyond the murky black
A scream breaks the silence and the skies begin to crack
Eyes burst forth from the body
Their whispers seared into your brain
Beckoning your descent
You stare into the void and it calls your name...
Twisting masses taking form beyond the murky black
Severed from reality, impossible to turn back
Souls held captive, wither away and die
Sickening screams of horror rend the affrighted skies
Trapped in the path of an oncoming STORM
Looking behind the eyes of the dead
Empty walls with no way out
Lost inside this...
SEVERED! Severed Reality
SEVERED! Severed Reality, Ugh
[Lead: Laux]
[Lead: Carroll]
The mind falls into black abyss
Nothing left the same
Mouths emerge from every shape
Howls like dust from the grave
Within cryptic realms unknown
Draped in endless night
With all your might you try to escape
but still you're lost inside...
4. Scorched Earth
Indiscriminate killings
Lacking reason why
Hunting you down from the sky
A trail of destruction
Afflicting plague and strife
Leaving the sick ones to die
Without mercy, without regret
Got you in my sights for the kill
Pull the trigger and you fall
Cadavers of the slain lie there without number
I pile their bones into my throne
And drink from human skulls
[Lead: Laux]
[Lead: Carroll]
Indiscriminate murder
Exterminating life
The masses cut down to size
Relentless shotgun violence
You're caught in the crossfire
Instant annihilation
Pierced from every side
Scorched Earth
Scorched Earth
5. Abandoned By Time
[Lead: Carroll]
Blood spilled upon the sands of time, the years passing by take their toll
Atrocities of ages gone, their tales forgotten and old
Another wicked tyrant reigns in terror, another city falls
Through thousands of years and millions of deaths we learn nothing changes at all
Lost from memory
Abandoned...by time
Through ages of depravity
Abandoned...by time
Though we thought the time was done when man preys on man like beast
Man is just an animal, its hunt for power will never cease
The ones who rule use you as a tool to meet their ends
Their hunger never sated,
their bloodlust infinite
Lost from memory
Abandoned...by time
A dark age of brutality
Abandoned...by time
Look at all the horrors
Across the centuries
Volcanic explosion
Brings kingdoms to their knees
Left a smoking ruin
Smoldering decay
Buried beneath the ashes
Lies shattered remains
[Lead: Carroll]
[Lead: Laux]
It all passes by, beyond your control your control
The march of time keeps pressing on, devoid of any sould
Witness your mortal life fade into the pass
As all you have known and all you have loved disintegrate into ash
Into ash!
Can't find a solution for your harrowing distress
Impermanence of all you see renders it meaningless
Those in your life one by one passing on
Who will speak of them when a thousand years are gone...
Abandoned...by time
6. Prey For Death
Heat beats down over barren wastes
Desolate realms of ash
Vultures circling overhead
They feed on your dying past
Victims of our need to consume
Strip the world of life
Can't sustain your decadent ways
How...can we survive?
End of humankind
And you know there's nothing left
[Lead: Carroll]
Parched with thirst but you cannot drink
The oceans melt away
Breed so you can eat the young
Keeps hunger at bay
Twisting mass of starving flesh
Hands held to the sky
Can't sustain these decadent ways
Knowing...it's your time
Left alone to die
Under the sun there's nothing left
Prey for Death
Rotting inside
Waiting to die
No one is spared from the march of time
End of mankind
End of all life
Nothing is left so you pray for death
[Lead: Carroll]
7. Nightmare Anatomy
8. Shadow From The Tomb
Forming vicious impressions of hate
Redemption of birth it is never too late
Enraging due to obliviousness
Anger from my catatonic state
Voices scream, mind erodes
Cerebral cortex shatters, explodes
Forcing my thirst onto the land
Will never be quenched by my raging hand
I will prevail
The beatings will never cease
I will prevail
The beatings will never cease
Don't give a fuck about the way of change
Until the voices find their peace
Bring me to annihilation
From your rehabilitation
Should've gave me stimulation
Took away my basic freedoms
Told me I don't fucking need 'em
Dope fed through television
The time has come, my conscious has told me to kill
The time has come, the weak submit to my will
A shadow from the tomb
I will prevail
The beatings will never cease
Don't give a fuck about the way of change
Until the voices find their peace
Tie up all the fucking brats
Children of aristocrats
Beat em' with a wooden bat
I show no remorse, women and children are first
I show no remorse, masturbate to the screams
of the cursed
A shadow from the tomb
[Lead: Carroll]
9. Senseless Life
From the moment you were born you were dieing
With one foot planted in the grave
Programmed by your surroundings
To react in a given set of ways
You can't think for yourself so you are already dead
Follow only the ways of your own, abandon laws of god
Held in check by convention, strangling free thought
Your choice is only consequence, eyes are stricken blind
LIES! Senseless lies
LIFE! Living a senseless life
Bred to swallow lies, to ignore the glaring truth
Do the world some good and resist
The urge to reproduce
Unable to be free, life's hopeless for you
Circumstance will dictate your every move
LIES! Senseless lies
LIFE! Living a senseless life
LIES! Senseless lies
UGH...Living your worthless life
[Lead: Carroll]
Heal the gaping wound between the mind, the body, and the soul
Cast off the chains which bind, for all time, regain control
[Lead: Laux]
[Lead: Carroll]
10. Forgotten Dead
[Lead: Carroll]
Encircled, cut off from reinforcement
At all costs you must hold the line
Living among the slain with the knowledge
You could join them at any time
The enemy advances without number
Signaled by a creeping barrage
The attack goes on for weeks and weeks
The trenches awash with blood
Gunning down the enemy
Each one without a face
What once were fields of green
Are now endless fields of graves
[Lead: Carroll]
[Lead: Laux]
Your comrade rises up to fire
You watch in horror as he falls
The life drained away from his body
Through the hole in his skull
Gunning down the enemy
Send them to their graves
The ways of man will never change
The fallen die in vain
The whistle blows, you are forced to advance
into oncoming machine gun fire
Caught in the blast as the mines detonate
lifeless bodies hang from barbed wire
Stabbed through the gut by a bayonet, blood
chokes your scream
Another dying sould is laid upon the altar of
mankind's greed