 Для истинных гурманов death metal c ярко выраженным шведским привкусом предназначен этот дебютный альбом - творение одной довольно небезызвестной личности на шведской метал-сцене, а именно - Никласа Рудольфсона. Мрачный, местами медленный, но при этом достаточно брутальный и мелодичный альбом не должен оставить равнодушными даже самых ленивых фанатов данного музыкального жанра. В то время, когда многие брутальные группы нажимают на скорость, Runemagick подобны вязкой болотной трясине, которая медленно но уверенно затягивает слушателя в мир смерти, эпических сражений и магии.
Гипер-тяжесть, умноженная на мощный вокал и средний темп исполнения, придаёт этой группе гипер-эффектность, которой могли бы позавидовать многие брутально-скоростные коллективы. |
a journey... beyond the horison's end
departure... away from this... PAIN!
memories of twisted faces
morbid voices in a race
they fade away
as i travel away
the last step on earth
in darkness i will prevail
a ruler of time and space
beyond this human race
at the horizon's ned...
2. The Black Wall
where is the ancient time
carved in our eternal sign
i can't look thru the black wall
i can't touch the world beyond
memories color the emptiness
but still the wall is black
i can't look thru the black wall
i can't touch the world beyond
where is the hungry flame
that once painted the future
...only an empty shell of me remains
where is the eternal path
that was meant for the future walk
i can't look thru the black wall
i can't touch the world beyond
the longing of the eternal fire
grows stronger and stronger
maybe one day the wall will fall
and the flames will be together
3. When Death Is The Key
the time has come
it's time to leave
the call has come
it's time to depart
when death is the key
i spread my wings
the voice within
it's time to follow
the call within
it's time to...
when death is the key
i spread my wings
when death is the key
i open the gate
i spread my wings
and let my soul free
when death is the key
i spread my wings
4. For You, My Death
for you my death
for you my life
for you my soul
for you my death
5. Curse Of The Dark Rune
what dwells in the ancient spell
the truth in the darkness beyond
signs carved in millennium stone
secret spawn of the shadow
oh, i can feel the power
curse of the dark rune
the past speaks thru the signs
whispering from the forgotten
the triumphant flame will rise
as the weak now die
oh, i can feel the power
curse of the dark rune
curse == let the wrath free
curse == the curse of the dark rune
curse == let the wrath free
curse == the curse of the dark rune
6. Nocturnal Creation
nocturnal creation
a spawn of the night
rise from devastation
in a world without light
the sun is gone
last war is done
a monument will rise
up in the sky
of fire and death
the creation's breath
the dreams are spoken
the end is chosen
nacturnal creation
the vision of thy dreams
nocturnal creation
no life in sight
rise from the flames
the world of thy end
the sun is gone
last war is done
a monument will rise
up in the sky
of fire and death
the creation's breath
the dreams are spoken
the end is chosen
nocturnal creation
the vision of thy dreams
nocturnal creation
the black realm
of the mighty darkness
the supreme soul's domain
7. The Supreme Force
our souls are together
as a creation of fire
the blood is united
immortal desire
the supreme force
(we are) together as one
the supreme force
a destiny together
the force is forever
the circles are united
the sign of supremacy
the supreme force
(we are) together as one
the supreme force
the supreme force!
8. Sign Of Eternity (Pt. II)
surrounded by walls of ancient bonds
the flame will burn forever
surrounded by fire, blood and thy desire
the elements are together... forever
suurounded by walls of ancient bonds
the flame will burn forever
it's the sign of eternity