Vengeance Rising
« Released upon the Earth »
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1 | Help Me 06:17
 | 2 | The Damnation of Judas and the Salvation of the Thief 03:14
 | 3 | Released Upon the Earth 02:02
 | 4 | Human Dark Potential 04:18
 | 5 | Instruments of Death 03:46
 | 6 | Lest you be Judged 03:47
 | 7 | Out of Bounds 03:27
 | 8 | Bishop of Souls 05:24
 | 9 | Tion 02:59
 | 10 | You will be Hated 04:37
 | | Total playing time: 39:51 |
   Roger Martinez - Vocals & Lead, Rhythm, and Bass Guitars
Jamie Mitchell - Lead Guitar
Simon Dawg (Jimmy P. Brown II of Deliverance) - Rhythm Guitar
Joe Monsorbnik (Victor Macias of Tourniquet) - Bass
Johnny Vasquez- Drums
Background vocals on "Tion", "Released" and "Bishop":
Gordon Martinez, David Fuentes, Jimmy Brown, David Vasquez, Victor Macias, Steve Rowe, Michael Kramer, David Portillo. |
Label: Intense Records
The album was engineered by Pat Woehl, as well as George Ochoa (formerly of Delivernace) |
 | 1. Help Me
Help me, somebody please help me
Can't anybody hear me
Help me
2. The Damnation Of Judas And The Salvation Of The Thief
Let us now look upon, a situation from to learn
Judas and the thief, one to heaven, one to burn
Not too long ago, and in a land not far away
One was save |
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 Чувствуется, что VR пошли по стопам канадцев Razor – постепенно утяжеляя звук и медленно эволюционируя в композиторском плане, но не отказываясь от своей генеральной линии и агрессивной подачи. На «Released…» VR снова убедительны в своём безумии. Истошные вопли и даже гроулинг мучимых и страдающих в отсутствие Царствия Божьего душ представлены тут во всей красе, а грех мира сего обрёл форму в тяжёлых и колючих риффах и скрипящих соло. Если пастор распивал со своей паствой на угарных службах кагор из горла с последующим разбиванием бутылок о головы бесноватых (исключительно в лечебных целях), то я б тоже был не прочь сходить пару раз на проповедь. Банда настолько уверена в своих силах, ибо Дух Святой парил над студией во время записи, что даже разразилась этаким середнячковым инструменталом в «Out of Bounds». И было угодно Богу, чтобы самый лучший альбом стал последним в их дискографии, и такой курьёз как Vengeance Rising прекратил своё служение. Если не ошибаюсь, примерно так и была обозначена официальная причина распада коллектива.
Однако помните, что к каждому приобщившемуся к VR приставлен своё ангел-хранитель, а предъявившие копию «Released Upon the Earth» без очереди войдут в царстве Божье и будут сидеть по правую руку от Христа. |
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просмотров: 5105 |
Judas was religious, stay away from that mask
The thief was truly guilty, and here is where it's at
Once you understand that, guilty before God all we are
You can receive forgiveness, in repentance at the cross
Judas was never a true friend, just pushing his own glory
Smiling in your face, stabbing you in the back, "doing this for God" is his
Sitting on that paper throne, elevated oh so high
Well now the match's been lit, later days to the empire of lies
The thief on the other hand knew a wrong from a right
Doing wrong much of the time and sometimes doing right
But he recognized the truth when he spoke to Jesus Christ
His deeds had nothing to do with it, he'd never earn heaven as a right
The damnation of Judas and the Salvation of the thief
As for Judas in the scheme of things, as this point it's just a matter of
Hanging from the rope he spoke, the witness does not lie
The facts are in and the veredicts out - and it cannot be denied
He sealed his fate with and act of friendship - betrayer - no friend of mine
The thief in the situation, knowing he deserved to die
Called out to Immanuel, Lord remember I
I come to you, with nothing more than the wretched man I am
Guilty in my iniquities deserving only to be damned
It's for your sins I am Crucified, the Spirit confirmed time and again
The thief in his pain had joy in his heart - forgiveness it was his
On his way to heaven he still had to deal the situation
Understand that you bring nothing in repentance which merits salvation
The damnation of Judas and the Salvation of the thief
3. Released Upon The Earth
Artistic expressions, of revealed reality
Truly a useful tool, use them such and see
Explain the dark ones so full of lies
They are but shadows and soon to die
They didn't realize time's on our side
Evil would have it, we'd succumb to demise
"As the Father sent me, I send you"
Released upon the earth
We'll Occupy
Released upon the earth
4. Human Dark Potential
What is it that makes them snap?
Where was the line crossed at?
To see the face looking so docile
As they walk to their sentance of death
I see the human dark potential
This one's captured, how many are not?
Who removed all the locks?
Who could have known it was a time-bomb not just a clock?
To hear the madness of what's taken place
Stronger than fiction the facts slap the face
There's Human Dark Potential - Revealing itself everyday
One thing I know for sure is this
It matters just who you reach here in this city
Everywhere I go the papers say the same
Someone's good neighbor has flipped rabbid insane
I see it, Human Dark Potential
What crazy thoughts are going through peoples minds?
It matters what you do for Christ - all around you potential lies
Either light or darkness will fill the life of around you, which is it?
It is the human dark potential
Look what can happen when it's replaced by light
Dahmer, Ramirez - and their kind
Darwin and Marx, blind leading the blind
I was in Milwaukee in 1989
How I wish I'd led Jeffery to Christ
Realize, there's human dark potential
The man worked making candy
Only the lifted one free's the captive
The best psycology without Him produces death
5. Instruments Of Death
Given the time to repent they fail to reply
To the just and Holy one they now await to die
God's enemies will lick the dust, a fact they fully deny
He holds them in derision, in vain they rage against the Christ
Instruments of death
They set their face against His way, inward they are destruction
Mock insults they do hurl, they care not for the instruction
They's answer for their every word unless they turn to Him
He wait's for them in mercy before the slaying begins
He bends the bow and also prepares the instruments of death
He'll use in the final war, give up before it begins
Instruments of death
They set their face against His way, inward they are destruction
Mock insults they do hurl, they care not for the instruction
God is a just judge, angry with the wicked every day
If you do not turn back you will face the day
When you stand before Him in a fear you can't conceive
He beckons you to check the facts so that you will believe
We ask not that you take some blind leap in the dark
Our faith is based on fact, God doesn't miss the mark
The fact is that He still cares enough to tell you once again
Come into the fold, join the force of God, not to die but to live
6. Lest You Be Judged
I've heard enough of what you claim is sane
The lie you live is not a game
Reality it stays the same
They're your own words you've not been framed
Like Moses striking the second blow
The heart of God you do not know
And by your words you drive others away
From the Cross of Christ - where they'd be saved
Think not there's no account, your time is running out
You can bet without a doubt you'll answer
And you keep judging me with your wicked tongue
And then you say to me judge not lest you be judged
And you keep nailing me for something you've done
And you dare to quote to me, the words from above
I've heard enough, now I must answer you
You lie and steal it's nothing new
A scatterer I see through you
Out for dollar, not the truth
You've said judge not you see, yet you keep judging me
You lie about Christianity, you don't know jack
And you keep judging me with your wicked tongue
And then you say to me, judge not lest you be judged
And you keep nailing me for something I've not done
And that behind by back, lets take it one on one
And you keep judging me - Blinded and you can't see
And you keep judging me - What is and should not be
And you keep judging me
If you want the truth you'll see
7. Out Of Bounds
8. Bishop Of Souls
Alleluiah, God - you are worthy of all praise
Righteousness and honor are your's all the day
As for me, words can't express what my spirit knows as grace
Your mercy, how it strengthens me, in mercy I exist
What am I that you should mind, yet you've redeemed us by your hand
And who can challenge you in battle, they're crushed to dust on your command
You are the shepherd and also our High Priest
The life and the resurrection, the one who slays the beast
I see - what you've done
I'll tell - everyone
Your way - it is right
I'll Praise - You tonight
I'll be - not ashamed
Your word - I'll proclaim
You are - Lord Most High
You are the...
Bishop of Souls
The King of Kings, if I were a king - I'd give you my crown
Not worthy of the honor all mankind should bow down
As I've said it once before, all will bow anyway
But this ones from your servant, Lord be honored - this I pray
You are he who judges the earth, we rejoice when we see the vengeance
Brought down on the evil wicked who refuse repentance
We are going to praise the eradication of sin
They'll pour the bowls and vials, tread the winepress - Angels sent
9. Tion
Now I hope you know the lyrics
'Cause that's what's important anyway
These are the words of the Most High God
Understand what He says
The rock below is solid so be sure you stand and you wont fall
Under the blows of the hypocrite, the cultist, or the law
Now I'm tired of hearing "the word's too big"
The Holy Spirit chose them all, move on
What it when you're given righteousness for sin
And you know you don't deserve it?
And how do you get in to God's family and then
You are a child of God? Before you weren't
And what's word for Holy that blows this notion of hypocrisy down
By the ignorant of doctrine?
These aren't Christian "e's"
Learn 'em better than your A,B,C,'s
In your mind cause them be
The Doctrines of Salvation
TION T.I.O.N. TION The Doctrines of Salvation
What do I mean you should of been damned but your
Freed due to what Christ has done for you?
Now sin is that we've fallen short of the glory so now report
How is it that you we're saved?
What is that there was a debt we couldn't pay
God paid to save our necks?
And what is it called, another word for forgiveness which we all
Needed to be Priests and Kings?
What is the term that God uses to confirm
That we are righteous to enter the kingdom?
And what is the point at which this all takes place?
And it is based on grace
And what describes faith in action, acknowledgement of sin
And that God alone can save you?
And what is the term that describes your new heart
That all must have in order to go to heaven?
And what is it called when you throw the old life off
Cause it offends the King of Kings?
TION T.I.O.N. TION The Doctrines of Salvation
10. You Will Be Hated
Nation will raise against nation
Earthquakes, pestilence and disease
These are just the beginnings of sorrows
Take heed that no one deceives you
Multitudes of people begin to bind in a frame of mind
They come to hate you because you stand for the truth of Christ
Remember the full counsel, recall just what Christ said
You'll be hated for my names sake, endure to the end
Do not be discouraged when they talk their rope
By prayer seek interseccion, for they hang themselves on the gallows pole
And You will be hated...
You'll be hated
You will be hated
And You will be hated...
For Christ's sake hated
Unjustly hated
Many come claiming to be Christ
Furious when you call their hand
They're chanels to the hell gate
Leeching serpents - in castles of sand
And many as check not the word get trapped into their web
And like with the dark black widow, looks like love but it is death
Those who practice evil, yes, they hate the light
And you are the light of the world and they hate you alright
For you know the will of God and seek His will to do
Go now in force strong in His might, remember two by two
Just don't forget
Don't be surprised
You will be hated
By those who love a lie
Don't take for granted
The hearts towards our kind
Messiah told us
We'd be despised
But we live, they die