« Prayers of Steel »
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1 | Battlefield 02:45
 | 2 | South Cross Union 03:37
 | 3 | Prayers of Steel 06:10
 | 4 | Halloween 03:50
 | 5 | Faster Than Hell 03:18
 | 6 | Adoration 03:30
 | 7 | Rise of the Creature 05:24
 | 8 | Sword Made of Steel 05:05
 | 9 | Bloodlust 04:48
 | 10 | Assorted by Satan 04:04
 | | Total playing time: 42:31 |
   Peavy Wagner - vocals, bass
Alf Meyerratken - guitars
Jochen Schroeder - guitars
Jorg Michael - drums |
Label: Wishbone |
 | 1. Battlefield
Warriors going to attack
Another town will fall tonight
On the banner crime and sin
They'll rape the virgins off their skin
Death and glory side by side
Could you say who's wrong or right
All they built up was in vain
Ruins remember former times |
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 В 85-ом году группа Пиви Вагнера ещё не называлась RAGE, но сейчас, будучи знакомым с дискографией данного коллектива, можно вполне уверенно заявить, что AVENGER не сильно-то от RAGE и отличался. В том смысле, что Пиви Вагнер уже тогда писал классные песни, с присущей им изюминкой, которая сохранилась и спустя двадцать с лишним лет существования группы.
Так вот, несмотря на то, что пауэром у AVENGER’а и не пахло (это, скорее, speed/heavy/thrash), почерк всё равно узнается. В первую очередь, разумеется, в мелодиях. Будь то скоростная «Faster Than Hell», среднетемповая «Assorted by Satan», неторопливая «Rise of the Creature» - всё сделано просто отлично. Средних вещей (про проходняк я вообще молчу) не наблюдается. Такие дела: молодые музыканты, вся карьера впереди, выпускают альбом без каких-либо изъянов. Лирика повествует о всякого рода нечестивых наклонностях: присяга на верность Сатане, да описание того, что же этот самый Сатана на земле делать собрался. Сам Пиви впоследствии не раз извинялся за тексты и оправдывался, мол, специально чушь писал. Ладно, тексты простим, тем более что хорошо написаны, хотя и на самом деле чушь. Зато похвалим за вокал. Модный в те времена фальцет, из уст Пиви звучит очень убедительно и проникновенно. А всё это вкупе составляет один из самых удачных дебютников хэви-метал групп, начавших своё существование в 80-х. |
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Первый альбом группы, знаменитой ныне, как Rage, не является ни шедевральным, ни гениальным. Но в этой работе есть то, чего не хватает группе с 1994 года, а именно цепляемость песен и энтузиазм. Вокал Пиви Вагнера так эмоционален и пронзителен, что не хочется ни на минуту отрываться от прослушивания. Также хотелось бы отметить оригинальную манеру игры гитарных соло - некоторые просто поражают. Именно такой игре следует поучиться В. Смольскому. К минусам можно отнести глупые сатанинские тексты, но это мелкий недостаток. Гораздо лучше последних работ Rage. Альбом обязателен к прослушиванию для всех любителей берущей за душу тяжелой музыки. |
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Середина восьмидесятых принесла нам несколько появившихся ответвлений хэви-метала. Среди них был speed- и power- metal. Данный коллектив является одним из первых, подхвативших волну speed-metal'а. И хотя в те времена этот стиль еще не фигурировал, на данном альбоме мы имеем именно его. Коллектив под тогдашним названием Avenger (впоследтсвии - Rage) предоставил нам простенький спид на грани с первичным хэви начала 80-х. Музыка представляет собой скоростной (как правило) поток ритма с ярко выраженным басом и сырым звучанием гитар. Вокальные партии варьируются от слабенького фальцета, до "порыкивающего" голоса. Причем записаны они не лучшим образом, как и альбом в целом. Все это создает не очень приятное впечатление от дебютника. Это было свойственно многим коллективам того времени - зачастую группы записывали свой материал в период полураспада на грани становления стилей. Как правило, такие альбомы получались неуверенными и посредственными. Именно это и произошло в данном случае. Тогдашних субъективных конкурентов у альбома было как минимум два - это дебютные альбомы Warlock и Grave Digger. Отмечу, что оба диска предоставили нам более впечатляющий и качественный материал по всем показателям. Несмотря на это пару интересных вещей на альбоме есть. К ним я бы отнес качевую заглавную песню "Prayers Of Steel", а также последовательную и ритмичную "Faster Than Hell" с запоминаемым припевом. В остальных вещах можно выделить лишь отдельные моменты, совершенно не запоминающиеся на общем фоне композиций в целом. Итог можно подбить вполне справедливый. С данным альбомом группа не заняла серьезных позиций, но и не ударила в грязь лицом. Материал прост и неоригинален. Провальным его также назвать нельзя - довольно грамотная работа с грубыми просчетами в качестве записи в компоновке материала. Оценка соответствующая... |
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просмотров: 12831 |
Smoke and fire all around
Burning bodies on the ground
Death and glory side by side
Could you say who's wrong or right
There is still a rest of men
Just revenge is on their minds
But if they try to fight back
The tyrant rapes them of their heads
Death and glory side by side
Could you say who's wrong or right
2. South Cross Union
See the earth tear up, flames are rising high
Thunder's roaring like a beast
Modered hands and skulls appear in the flames
The Zombies obey to their priest
See the tries right there in the moonshine
Naked virgins chained to die
A crowd of sinners first made love to shame
Teared up assholes, hear their cries
How the smell of death's coming nearer and
Ranked sinners pleasure's near
Cause the living death's just a slave to them
Only Satan's what they fear
How the virgin's flesh is spreading round and round
Zombies slaver mixed with blood
And the lord of lies has been satisfied
In this night has died a lot
Southcross Union
Coming straight from hell
Southcross Union
Never break their spell
In the break of dawn there is nothing left
Than a bloodred coloured sand
And the insurance that the tales are true
Of hell's Union in the land
Demonic laughter of their lord Lucifer
Joins the sinners on their way
The next sacrifice will be greater then
Soon the hell will come to stay
Southcross Union
Coming straight from hell
Southcross Union
Never break their spell
Southcross Union
Rape you down to hell
3. Prayers Of Steel
Lay me on an anvil, Satan
And forge me in a crow
Let me pry young virgin souls
Make them all kotow
Lay me on an anvil, Satan
And forge me in a spike
Beat me in the chasted hearts
Be the evil strike
Let me be your weapon, Satan
Fight for darkness tough
Let me war with all your force
Fight for you so rough
Let me be your evil spirit
Hold your temple high
From the brightest hell so deep
To the blackest night
All your wiseness give me black lord
Teach me prayers of steel
Give me evil, give me power
Give me prayers of steel
4. Halloween
Dark mountains, thunder and rain
The lightning burns down the sky
Wild creatures howling out in the night
The fire's burning, hell has opened its gates
Satan meets all his wifes
They come from everywhere to see him tonight
Dance for him carefree and wild
Black terror, an evil's triumph
Human's meat torn from bones
Warm blood, that's what they're looking for
It is the night of the Underworld
Satan takes his tribute
The demons roll, chaos rules all tonight
For this there's no substitute
Hide your head, oh you better watch out
Aware of danger, don't laugh about
Steal away, there's no more less time
You're struck down in a bestial crime
Halloween - the earth will start burning
Halloween - there ain't no returning
Halloween - the witch dances on fire
Halloween - the flames high and higher
Dark mountains, thunder and rain
The lightning burns down the sky
Wild creatures howling out in the night
The fire's burning, hell has opened its gates
Satan meets all his wifes
They come from everywhere to see him tonight
Dance for him carefree and wild
Hide your head, oh you better watch out
Aware of danger, don't laugh about
Steal away, there's no more less time
You're struck down in a bestial crime
Halloween - the earth will start burning
Halloween - there ain't no returning
Halloween - the witch dances on fire
Halloween - the flames high and higher
5. Faster Than Hell
Out of work, no money left
Noone's at your side
Got no aim, no self respect
While your fighting for your rights
The only freedom's on your wheels
The highway's your district
Gotta feel what power is today
Faster - on Satans heals
Faster - it's hell on wheels
Faster - at the speed of live
Faster than hell
Identity's just a word
They'll take it off your mind
But their words, you need no more
With Satan you have signed
The ones who screamed take cover now
The other's suicide
But keep on riding stay right on your way
Faster - on Satans heals
Faster - it's hell on wheels
Faster - at the speed of live
Faster than hell
6. Adoration
Most people thinking that the world rules itself
But they are wrong as could be
It's our lord Satan, his demons and beasts
Possess everyone, you will see
Knight of avengeance, you call me from hell
Yes, I will follow your call
In my devotion we conversate well
And my resistance is small
Here you find me alone
Drowned in Adoration
Here my master I crawl
Drowned in Adoration
Don't need no clothes, don't need no food
Don't need to struggle in mud
Just need my prayers chamber under the roof
And a few nibs of warm blood
It's my religion to hunt with the wolfs
Dark at the full moon midnight's
Speak out the spell and make love to the witch
And turn to darkness the lights
Here you find me alone
Drowned in Adoration
Here my master I crawl
Drowned in Adoration
Take my advice now, ordain your soul
The high priest is waiting for you
Be my devotee, a hunter of hell
Hear what he wants you to do
Crossing two men bones, dissect chickens guts
With livesblood stained church is our hide
Inhale the inscense, rely on the night In shelter of darkness we ride
Here you find me alone
Drowned in Adoration
Here my master I crawl
Drowned in Adoration
7. Rise Of The Creature
Lightning in the haunted claudy sky
As the wizzard stears the blood
Whisp'ring Lucifer's spells through the night
Creatures wincing in the gut
Attended by wild lightning
It's coming up for you
You won't escape with a bad frightning
It's coming up for you
Wake up, take refuge for death
The rise of the creature will take your live away
Wake up, care of what you do
The claws of the creature will come right up for you
Come right up for you
Froogs, black widows, guts and a virgin's pride
Are all needed for the brew
If the evil creature tastes the scent
It's claws will come right over you
Attended by wild lightning
It's coming up for you
You won't escape with a bad frightning
It's coming up for you
Wake up, take refuge for death
The rise of the creature will take your live away
Wake up, care of what you do
The claws of the creature will come right up for you
And the wizzard stood there in the thunder storm
With his arms spread high up into the sky
And the nature trembled deeply all around
Screams of pain were heared everywhere
As the wizzard spunged his hands into the brew
And the creature raised his claw up into the air
Raised his claw up into the air...
Attended by wild lightning
It's coming up for you
You won't escape with a bad frightning
It's coming up for you
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8. Sword Made Of Steel
You see the guys in spikes and leather
That's what it means to me
Just we, we rule the night together
That's what is worth to be
When the day is gone
The metal show is going on
It takes your breath away
Can't you see the only way
Together we are like a sword made of steel
No one treats us wrong
Together we are strong
The heat, the sweat stucks all together
But still they battle on
No fear, the power of the masses
Every fight, it will be won
When the day is dawn
The metal show is going on
It takes your breath away
Can't you see the only way
Together we are like a sword made of steel
No one treats us wrong
Together we are strong
Run to the limit
No one can stop you, full speed
Break up the old way
Free will, not force's what you need
Power and loudness
Give you the strength for the day
We blow free your mind now
Arm you to go your own way
9. Bloodlust
Fight, we will not fight again
Crashing down our swords in men
Kill and be killed for a facts
With no gain to all at last
Politicians tumble on tongue
Fight themselves than stand as one
Play with lives, they got no
Personality respect
Get up and scream - Get up and scream
Throw your fists in the air
Get up and scream - Get up and scream
Stand against the war
You see hell's weapon
Cold steel Bloodlust
Fear, it's fear what lames the brain
They submit and go insane
Fuck the war machine instead
It's your live, so free your head
You are the evil but I'm not your slave
Call it defence, it's an highway to the grave
You see hell's weapon
Cold steel Bloodlust
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10. Assorted By Satan
God prayers never leave
The ways of his relief
They like to torture and pain
If it would bring again
You hear their shabby lies
They feed their bellies while another dies
Come on and whipe them away
So we don't see them for another day
Assorted by Satan
We pray the message of hell
Assorted by Satan
We bring satanic spell
There's bloodlust in your eyes
Come to our sacrifice
The candles lick to the sky
The full moon's rising high
Come dress in leather and spikes
Celebrate till midnight strikes
Hail to our master of hades
Wait till his league invades
Assorted by Satan
We pray the message of hell
Assorted by Satan
We bring satanic spell
Why should someone be a better man
Just if he prays to the lord
We will never sympathize with them
Ruling the world with a sword
Hail Satan