 Злой скоростной трэш, сыгранный с глуховатым злым звуком. Не андерграунд, но и не второй, и даже не третий эшелон американского трэша. Тем не менее, толковый звук, отличная техника и убедительная подача – где-то между копией Testament и копией Exodus. Но так как это копия, то и высот парни не достигли с этим альбомом. Проблема в том, что несмотря на кипящие страсти, понятные широким массам песенные структуры и энергию, Denial никакой изюминкой, в отличие, к примеру, от Razor, не обладают. Приходится честно констатировать: да, «Antichrist President» звучит весело, но является середнячковым альбомом. И положение не спасают даже такие оргии как «Sentenced», «Serpent’s Bite» или одноимённая композиция. |
Boring you with lies,
They’re out the door.
Saying one thing
And doing the opposite,
How much longer
Can we take this shit?
Exploiting the people,
They scream please,
Bringing a great nation
Down on it’s knees.
They will see and they will wait
Until they realize our hate.
Reality of the masses,
People being victimized.
Blindly choosing their leaders,
People bring their own demise
2. Insane Asylum
Dark feelings, hatred misunderstood.
Resentment without reasoning.
All minds focused meticulously
Behold a target to receive.
All helpless minds being shrouded
In an all consuming void of hate.
Held in bonds, their minds so bleak.
Their captors training thoughts to peak.
They stay unaware of their unholy task
Feeble minds without answer.
Each mind individual, not even a trifle.
But in unison, their power unreal.
Welcome to the insane asylum.
We have the treatment you fear.
Welcome to the insane asylum.
Leviathan is growing near.
The deep, dark unholy one may stir
Touched by the commune of minds.
The array of thoughts brought to one
Channeled to the great unholy one.
Leviathan, his teeming black mass
Awakened by the crazed hatred of fools.
3. Third World Nation
Our world is becoming a
Third world nation.
There’s not enough patience
And too much frustration.
We must slow down
And take a look around
Of what the tragic results
Of our past can be found.
Our earth is becoming a
Third world nation.
We’re slowly destroying God’s
Wondrous creation.
We all think of life
In our quest to succeed.
But it is life in dying
In the midst of our greed.
We carry on as we die away
We must think of life
In the roles that we play.
We all carry on,
We are building a path…
A world that’s full of hatred
And it’s all full of wrath.
We’re killing ourselves
With the way that we live,
But our ignorance
Won’t let us see
That someday we’ll all be gone
Unless we learn from history.
We won’t see and will build.
Building useless treasures.
Earth will form and it will break.
To form a third world nation.
We are taking all of our greed
And killing God’s creation.
We are molding the earth
Into a third world nation.
4. Antichrist President
He begins as a face in the crowd,
The sign of Satan on his head.
His future is of most controversy.
It is unrealized in his mind.
Campaigning for power he sells ideas,
Promises and fallacies alike.
The population blinded by his light
Casts their votes for hell
Antichrist President
Antichrist President
As he swears in the oath of office
His hand touches the book he abhors.
The flesh on his hand crawls in pain
While it rests on the book of the Lord.
He rises in unchecked power
Proposing the advantages of war.
His hand creeps to the doomsday switch
That controls the means of holocaust.
The superpowers are clowns
In his circus.
He watches his manipulation
Of their minds.
The chapters written of his reign
Come true as Nostradamus did say.
World tensions mount
As values give away.
As Babylon did before
His hand reaches for the switch.
Life as we know it is no more.
5. King of Darkness
Into the dark depths
Descending beneath you
You are thrown into a world
Beyond your wildest dreams.
Human flesh is melted away,
Your body burns,
Your soul escapes.
Compressing pain,
Worse than torture…
You have entered Satan’s realm.
Time has no definition,
Seconds burned into eons.
Your body ripped apart,
Demons cast you in a lake of fire.
You have no feelings
Of compassion,
Only seeds of hate within.
Satan laughs at your eternal torment
As your soul is lost again.
In the realm of the king of darkness
His evil flows forever more.
Your soul consumed by his grasp…
Life for you has just begun.
6. Sentenced
Day by day wasting away
A victim of my own demise.
Each new day arrives.
One more must die
To pay for his crimes.
Anxiety grows when the men come
To take the next one away.
Life escapes my body in search
For my final resting place.
I count the men ahead in line
Before I meet my maker.
My head grows numb
And I tremble in fear
Because I know there will be
No rest for me.
Daylight breaks the window pane.
Only two souls precede my fate.
My life has no meaning
Because the crime was committed
For the master of my soul.
Finally, the priest, he stands near
And the holy words have no meaning
‘Cause I fear my last breath is near.
Each day recedes as the tide,
‘Cause tomorrow will be my demise.
As I approach the chamber
My soul chills, my life passes
Before my eyes.
Locked in the meaning of my final words,
The injection pierces my vein.
A bright light opens in the doorway
Stands my god.
Descending deep to a place that I fear
I secure that my new life has begun.
7. Mass Graves
Prisoners of war
Vanished without a trace
Their location never found.
The mouths of the soldiers
Sealed by death
Their secrets never heard.
These were the ones
Who were followed by doom.
They were labeled for disposal.
The criminals who committed
This violent act
Go unpunished for their sins.
Hands tied, kneeling down,
A bullet through the head.
Bodies thrown down
To the massive pit
Even though they’re not dead.
They all craved for their last wish
As a bullet pierced their brain.
Families wait for their return.
They were never seen again.
Mass graves
Holding the unjustly slain.
Still, no witnesses remain.
A forest of life now stands
Where the dark acts took place.
A deadly forbidding barricade…
The entrance is closely guarded.
Souls scream out in torment
Lying beneath the soil.
There they lie,
Unseen by the world.
Screams of the slain still heard.
8. Serpent's Bite
Control is gone
From your mind and body,
You are trapped in a prison of flesh.
Maybe there’s no hope
For you to escape.
Forever entangled in your hell
You walk like a stranger
In a strange land,
Not knowing your destinations end.
Making you unaware
Of your every move,
Denying the shackles of slaves.
Inside of you, your hands are tied.
Bound and gagged
The serpent laughs.
Break the shackles, end your slavery
From the deadly grasp of the drug.
How long can you survive as a puppet,
The strings entangling your freedom.
Maybe there’s no hope
For your escape…
Forever entangled in your hell.
Acknowledge the bite
From the fatal serpent,
A key to unlock your cell.
Kill the demon that runs in your veins.
The walls of your prison crumble away.
Control is gone
From your mind and body,
You are trapped in a prison of flesh.
Maybe there’s no hope
For you to escape.
Forever entangled in your hell
Acknowledge the bite
From the fatal serpent,
A key to unlock your cell.
Kill the demon that runs in your veins.
The walls of your prison crumble away.