« Angels Cry »
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1 | Unfinished Allegro (instrumental) 01:14
 | 2 | Carry On 05:03
 | 3 | Time 05:56
 | 4 | Angels Cry 06:49
 | 5 | Stand Away 04:56
 | 6 | Never Understand 07:49
 | 7 | Wuthering Heights (Kate Bush cover) 04:41 [view lyrics]
 | 8 | Streets of Tomorrow 05:03
 | 9 | Evil Warning 06:42
 | 10 | Lasting Child (Part I - The Parting Words / Part II - Renaissance) 07:36 |
   Andre Matos - vocals
Kiko Loureiro - guitars
Rafael Bittencourt - guitars
Luis Mariutti - bass
Ricardo Confesorri - drums
Guest musicians:
Kai Hansen - guitars
Produced by Sascha Paeth & Charlie Bauerfiend |
 | 2. Carry On
Simple minded brain
for now you succumb
Nothing changes your way
This world insists to be the same
based on our mistakes
The flowers fade along the road
Don't blindfold your eyes,
so loneliness becomes the law
of a senseless life
Follow your steps and you will fi |
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 Очередной раз удивляют оценки. Ну, да ладно. Ничего такого супер-уж-прогрессивного, что понравится любителям ДТ и того, во что долго и нудно необходимо вникать слушателю, я здесь не услышал. Просто это очень разноплановая работа, где собраны разные композиции, без намёка на самоплагиат, как это встречается в последних альбомах Angra. А после «Angels Cry», кстати, каждый последующий альбом становился чуть похуже и поскучнее предыдущего почему-то, вот такая себе… постепенная затухающая линия в творчестве. Чем-то напоминает историю Gamma Ray и некоторых других товарищей по цеху.
Рецензируемый же альбом вызывает у меня только восторг и восхищение! Одни плюсы и никаких недостатков! Почему? И что понравилось? Ни одной проходной вещи. Все хороши и все прекрасны. Хочется выделить следующие моменты: умная и красивая структура построения композиций, могу выделить, например, «Streets of Tomorrow»; удачное вплетение классических отрезков, в композиции «Evil Warning» в инструментале используется отрезок из времён года «Winter» Vivaldi; часто встречаются, как ни на одном другом альбоме, мощные и интересные переборы бас-гитары, душевные и разрывающие партии соло-гитары; превосходная работа ударника и, конечно же, великолепный и неподражаемый голос Андре Матоса, послушайте «Wuthering Heights» и вы получите полный экстаз, ребята! Гарантирую! Только слушать в наушниках.
И ещё… Helloween в 93-м не играли такую музыку. Никакой связи с «Хамелеоном». Это совершенно разные команды (два первых альбома Viper’а в счёт не берём) и сравнивать их, и в частности, эти альбомы считаю не уместным.
В итоге вспоминается поговорка «Доверяй, но проверяй!». «Angels Cry» - шедевр и лучшая работа Angra! Проходить мимо любителям поразбирать на маленькие кусочки и посмаковать музыкальную вкуснятину крайне не рекомендуется. |
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Это первый полный диск Angra'ы, и он самый прогрессивный у них. Людям, более предпочитающим power - может и не покатить (либо покатит, но далеко не все) - прогрессив все-таки с непривычки слушать трудновато (по себе знаю). Следующие два альбома гораздо менее прогрессивные - вот их смело рекомендую всем фэнам power'a. Теперь касательно моих личных впечатлений о диске... Начало просто убойное - инструменталка Unfinished Allegro, переходящая в Carry On - лучшую, на мой взгляд, песню на диске. Очень хороши Angel's Cry и Evil Warning. Местами попадаются очень приятные вставки классики. Остальные вещи не так сильны как эти четыре. Диск этот очень сильно покатит любителям прогрессив-команд типа Dream Theater и Shadow Gallery. Ну а если вообще, то Holy Land и Fireworks мне нравятся больше... |
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Крик Ангела ярко показывает что и в Бразилии то же люди живут. Отличный повер-альбом еще не до конца опопсевшей в конец группы. Супер-вокал м супер-инструменталисты, которых безумно интересно слушать. Самое главное - мало на что похоже!!! |
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Angra - один из малочисленных качественных проектов, доходящих до европейского музыкального рынка. После прослушивания первого альбома коллектива сразу же возникает впечатление того, что парни, наслушавшись бравых парней из группы Helloween, решили нарезать в далёкой Бразилии, где, как известно, "много-много диких обезьян", весьма скоростной heavy/power. И тут кто-то из них подумал: "А чем мы не итальянцы с полуострова-сапога?!", и решили они для пущей помпезности добавить оркестровочек различных, и переходов разнотемповых. Критики и слушатели сразу прилепили им ярлык progressive/power, и пошла группа гулять с ним по миру. А зря, ибо прога тут нет, зато есть достаточно много акустических переборов, пищаний в духе Майкла Киске, скоростного и бестолкового шреда, и весёленьких мотивчиков. На мелодии альбом слабоват, соло-партии не откладываются в голове. Итог: слушайте лучше хранителя ключей великой группы, а не бразильские поделки. |
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На дворе стоял 93-й год. Пятеро бразильцев взяли за основу Helloween и разбавили его симфо-элементами и цитатами из классики. Это и было их единственной заслугой, т. к. ничем более этот альбом не примечателен. Неоправданно затянутые и оттого еще более скучные песни в сопровождении кискеподобного вокала Андре Матоса с весьма неприятным тембром и срывающимся на мерзкие модуляции - вот и все содержимое "Angels Cry". |
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Начитавшись некоторых восторженных рецензий и будучи поклонником стиля, к которому относят группу, я приобрел этот диск и был крайне разочарован. Абсолютно не понимаю, что особенного находят в это группе, хотя должен признать, что слабой ее, конечно не назовешь.Вокалист же лично меня просто раздражает. |
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просмотров: 23156 |
The unknown ways are in your mind
Need nothing else than just your pride
to get there... (go!)
Now we have to face another day
You won't be alone
This life is forcing us to stay
- For how long?
Cold is the wind and thunder struck
on a stormy night
But can't you see, I'm by your side
We are marching on!...
Follow your steps and you will find
The unknown ways are in your mind
Need nothing else than just your pride
to get there... So, carry on,
There's a meaning to life
Which someday we may find...
Carry on, it's time to forget
The remains from the past, to carry on Follow your steps and you
will find
The unknown ways are in your mind
Need nothing else than just your pride
to get there... So, carry on,
There's a meaning to life
Which someday we may find...
Carry on, it's time to forget
The remains from the past So, carry on,
There's a meaning to life
Which someday we may find...
Carry on, it's time to forget
The remains from the past Carry on, it's time to forget
The remains from the past, to carry on
The remains from the past, to carry on
The remains from the past...
3. Time
[Matos, Bittencourt]
This time I wanna know
what life means...
...to live it again
I'm looking forward, feel the
light shine in my eyes...
And now I know, my instincts
were not wrong,
and many things can be done
I don't believe now,
That I'm dreaming alone Oh, we're searching for the love
that everyone's got,
but can't see (yeah)
Oh, beyond the flesh and blood
there's so much hidden behind
as so much more we've gotta give... Sanity brings up the sadness
that keeps your ilusions locked
in a little box
Fright comes, you find yourself lonely
in a cage of conclusions
crowding your mind
You sit back bowing your head,
every answer - yes
Why don't you trust me
and shed out your fears,
Running over
the tears you've contained
now cover up your eyes,
- Is it good for you?
I will be here when fire burns!...
Welcome on board
over here is the ship of your life
So rotten
that will cast away
I'll be your sweet lullaby
all the night
And if you get lost
you can hold my hand...
And I'll be here when fire burns
(inside your heart)
Climb up the hills and mountains,
don't forget what you've learned! Life make us feel
the time we cannot hold
Time make us live
a tale already told
Time make us heal
a feeling inside
a feeling that lies in your heart
that we stole away... And I'll be here when fire burns
(inside your heart)
Climb up the hills and mountains,
don't forget what you've learned! Life make us feel [life make
us feel]
the time we cannot hold
Time make us live (time make us live)
a tale already told
Time make us heal (time make us heal)
a feeling inside
a feeling that lies in your heart
that we stole away...
4. Angels Cry
[Matos, Bittencourt]
Cry in the night of the angel
For their light will never shine
With their hearts so full of sorrow
Muddy waters all around
The curtain falls
for helpless souls
How they suffer swept aside
And the raging streams are flowing
with so little hope inside
(Is like)
Angels crying
Can't take no more
Angels dying
capture their fall
Try to see this misery
your future is not what you wished it to be
So try to fly, the answer lies
in the angry darkened skies (angry darkened skies)
You just keep on standing in these fields
all your life
You sow the seeds that never grow
No harvest comes such a strain
to feed the few
Still you're waiting, it's in vain...
The change must come right now!
Oh, see the sun in the sky
(from the dawn of destruction)
Free, free this chain from my heart... (chain, chain, chain)
Hear the cry of angels
from this life you cannot hide
The change may come tomorrow
for the solemn weeping eyes
Angels crying
Can't take no more
Angels dying
capture their fall
Try to see this misery
your future is not what you wished it to be
So try to fly, the answer lies
in the angry darkened skies (angry darkened skies)
You just keep on standing in these fields
all your life
You sow the seeds that never grow
No harvest comes such a strain
to feed the few
Still you're waiting, it's in vain...
The change must come right now!
Angels are crying and dying
There must be some way
endless you stray, still you pray
for a better life
Nobody sees when a glimpse
of your target lies behind you,
Like steps of the pilgrims
5. Stand Away
Stand away the dreaded burning fire
Will leave its mark for those with no desire
Stand in front of the whole creation
Face the people starved like worms
Still I'm begging for comprehension
From the ones who rules us all
In this field the dying embers soil
All around we mourn
Oh, here they come again
Now they're coming more agressive
Tearing down our only chances
The stars can't find the purple sky
Loneliness will find its reason
treasured seed for every season
Long for the day be back someday
And the church
Church is selling consolation
killing Jesus for salvation
Don't let us die
Let me rest in peace
Away, a while
Our smile taken from
The hearts of broken souls Stand away from the fire
Destined by the fate
Let those sinners pay how they steal
For on the judgement day
How they yield Stand in front of the whole creation
Face the people starved like worms
Still I'm begging for comprehension
From the ones who rules us all On this field the dying embers
All around we mourn
Oh, here they come again
(Now they're coming more agressive
Tearing down our only chances)
The stars can't find the purple sky
(Loneliness will find its reason
treasured seed for every season)
Long for the day be back someday
And the church
(Church is selling consolation
killing Jesus for salvation]
Don't let us die
[Taking all in desperation
leave me now to rest in peace)
Rest in peace
Let me rest in peace...
6. Never Understand
[Matos, Bittencourt]
White gold, a morning came
Sunny cold, reflecting light
Unknown songs Fresh water gush licks the lime
Sprinkling crowns of silence
The face wet from the moistened dew Wind takes the sight
Around the meadow
Playing kindly Silver dropped wine
That flows inside
a sleeping hand... Desperation fills the air
(In your heart lies the dust of the anger)
Madness knocking on my back
(Chiming bells have announced the new day) My courage lies someplace
where time forgot to send me
(now where are you going?)
(now where are you going now?)
Someday they'll mark your sins
like torture on your back
I wonder why
My mind is tight
Like stormy weather
And so it seems
That little steps
would take forever Oh, never understand...
We're like mad horses
heading for the bend
This place I'm standing here
Made it on my own
Moored my life to never let it go... I wonder why
My mind is tight
Like stormy weather
And so it seems
That little steps
would take forever Never understand...
We're like mad horses
heading for the bend
This place I'm standing here
Made it on my own
Moored my life to never let it go... All my life I'll be the way
I won't forget
All my life is never understand
7. Wuthering Heights
[Kate Bush]
Out on the wiley, windy moors
We'd roll and fall in green
You had a temper, like my jealousy
Too hot, too greedy
How could you leave me?
When I needed to possess you
I hated you, I loved you too...
Bad dreams in the night,
They told me I was going to loose the fight
Leave behind my wuthering, wuthering,
Wuthering heights Heathcliff,
It's me, Cathy
Come home, I'm so cold
Let me in-a-your window Heathcliff,
It's me, Cathy
Come home, I'm so cold
Let me in-a-your window
Oh, it gets dark, it gets lonely
On the other side from you
I pine a lot, I find the lot
Falls through without you
I'm coming back, love
Cruel Heathcliff
My one dream, my only master...
Too long I roam in the night,
I'm coming back to his side to put it right
I'm coming home to wuthering, wuthering,
Wuthering heights Heathcliff,
It's me, Cathy
Come home, I'm so cold
Let me in-a-your window Heathcliff,
It's me, Cathy
Come home, I'm so cold
Let me in-a-your window
Oh, let me have it,
Let me grab away your soul
Oh, let me have it,
Let me grab away your soul You know it's me
You know [yeah]
It's me, Cathy
Come home, I'm so cold
Let me in-a-your window Heathcliff,
It's me, Cathy
Come home, I'm so cold
Let me in-a-your window Heathcliff,
It's me, Cathy
Come home, I'm so cold... Heathcliff,
It's me, Cathy
Come home, I'm so cold (yeah...)
8. Streets Of Tomorrow
Days of pounding emptiness
Just so far away, no regret
to live beside the danger Running out of carelessness
Still unlinked the tips of a bridge
That gets no one to nowhere
Let me run away
Freed from lies, I won't forget
Escaping from this chains
I'll meet my love
Once again flying
Clouds from heaven So, now?
Tell me how
To walk the streets of tomorrow
Someday, somehow
Then we'll know
How things went wrong And how?
Tell me now
To live in peace not forever
The moment remains
And flows...
Don't let it go!
How do you stay
Down and pray
Let me know
The things that you've done
on your own...
(Tell me right now, baby...) How do you stay
Down and pray
Let me know
The things that you've done
on your own...
Let me run away
Freed from lies, I won't forget
Escaping from this chains
I'll meet my love
Once again flying
Clouds from heaven So, now?
Tell me how
To walk the streets of tomorrow
Someday, somehow then
Then we'll know
How things went wrong And how?
Tell me now
To live in peace not forever
The moment remains
And flows...
Don't let it go!
9. Evil Warning
[Matos, Bittencourt]
Time to believe in the dream that you've seen
In a world that is broken and mean
One day the sun it will shine for us all
Take the freedom that you have fore-seen... Miles away
You're heading for the unknown
and there's no way to get back
Time to complain
Nobody is telling the truth To live in the crowd
sick of your own vanity
Dead scattered petals around
Hymns of betrayal
calling you for the attack
Evil warning
You're much too fast
and much too high,
No time to worry!
It's over,
no more remaining time
to cry and feel the pain...
In the morning
You stagger up
to start to fight
You get so lonely...
with no fore-sight
until another day! Run, don't wait for the sun,
cause it's setting on your hopes
Don't look far behind
for the shadows,
they will stand...
Until the end!
Time to believe in the dream that you've seen
In a world that is broken and mean
One day the sun it will shine for us all
Take the freedom that you have fore-seen... Time to believe in
the dream that you've seen
In a world that is broken and mean
One day the sun it will shine for us all
Take the freedom that you have fore-seen...
Evil warning
You're much too fast
and much too high,
No time to worry!
It's over,
no more remaining time
to cry and feel the pain... Run, don't wait for the sun,
cause it's setting on your hopes
Don't look far behind
for the shadows,
they still stand...
Until the end! And don't let your pride
make your blood
flow cold in vain...
Until the end...
10. Lasting Child
[I- The Parting Words]
Years gone by - Awake again
In a glowing star - That shines so far
Lasting child - Remains inside
Playing around - A future denied High overhead, dusk is insight.
Fumbling the mist
Lingering around... Blow,
Carrying winds
Take me high
Where I can see
The hidden lights
That blink far beyond... Blow,
Carrying winds
Take me high
Where I can see
The hidden lights
That blink far beyond... And then
A painted dream
Colours that melt
Inside slender frames
There I'll stand
There I belong...
[II- Renaissance]