Uriah Heep
« Raging Silence »
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1 | Hold Your Head Up 4:33
 | 2 | Blood Red Roses 4:10
 | 3 | Voice On My TV 4:20
 | 4 | Rich Kid 4:49
 | 5 | Cry Freedom 4:34
 | 6 | Bad Bad Man 4:11
 | 7 | More Fool You 3:34
 | 8 | When The War Is Over 5:09
 | 9 | Lifeline 4:53
 | 10 | Rough Justice 4:21
 | | Total Time: 44:34 |
   Bernie Shaw - lead vocals
Mick Box - guitars, vocals
Phil Lanzon - keyboards, vocals
Trevor Bolder - bass, vocals
Lee Kerslake - drums, vocals
Guest musicians:
Brett Morgan - drums
Frank Ricotti - percussion |
String parts on "When The War Is Over" arranged and played by PHIL LANZON
Russian words on "Cry Freedom" spoken by MARIE ZACKOJIVA
Produced and engineered by RICHARD DODD
Pre-production arrangements by AHSLEY HOWE
Recorded in London at PRT Studios 13-21 December 1988 & 14th January/13th February 1989
Overdubs at Boathouse Studios, overdubs and mixing at Rooster Studios |
 | Hold your head up
And if it's bad
Don't let it get you down
You can take it and if it hurts
Don't let them see you cry, you can make it
Just hold your head up, woman
Hold your head up, woman
Hold your head up, woman
Hold your head high
Hold your head up, woman
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 Словно обезумевшее от долгого молчания лицо некоего субъекта, с яростью пробивающего свой путь из песчаных дюн на обложке, группа Uriah Heep наконец-то преодолела все кризисы, и выпустила на суд преданно ждавших поклонников свой семнадцатый студийный альбом "Raging Silence". Был подписан контракт с приличным лейблом Legacy, отгремели множество "пристрелочных" концертов, показавших, что Хипы находятся в отличной форме. В конце концов, за почти пять лет молчания уж можно было насочинять кучу первоклассных песен и с блеском воплотить их в жизнь, тем более, что более чем адекватная "свежая кровь" коллектива, в лице Фила Лэнзона и Берни Шоу, только и ждет, чтобы ее использовали по назначению. Но, очевидно, судьба была в тот, 1989 год, не в духе. Нет, не подумайте ничего плохого, "Raging Silence" является вполне добротным и качественным диском, но на громогласное и мощное возвращение легенд рок музыки он не тянет ну совсем никак. Собственно, записано все отлично, игра музыкантов находится на высочайшем уровне, Берни спел весь материал на твердую пятерку, Фил нашпиговал диск отлично сбалансированными партиями старых (то бишь органа) и новых (то бишь синтезаторов) клавишных инструментов. Единственная претензия к диску - это подбор материала. Во-первых, на десять треков опять целых три кавера. Зачем и кому это было надо - вопрос вне моего понимания, хотя грустную антивоенную балладу "When The War Is Over" Хипы переиграли довольно неплохо. Помимо этих откровенно раздражающих заимствований, настроение не особо поднимает и собственный материал. Несомненно, несколько просто отличных песен имеются, талант, как говорится, не спрячешь в карман. К самым позитивным моментам относятся совершенно шикарный AOR радио-хит "Blood Red Roses", написанный, кстати, еще Питом Гоалби, весьма серьезный и позитивный эпик "Voice On My TV", посвященный телевизионным проповедникам, и, конечно же, "русская-народная" композиция "Cry Freedom", в которой помимо дивного текста про любовь не знающую "железных занавесов", можно услышать и несколько запредельно пафосных фраз на чистом русском языке. Что же касается остальных песен, то все они примерно подходят под описание - просто хорошие произведения, абсолютно ничего особенного из себя не представляющие. Ну а чтобы все-таки закончить рецензию на хороших нотах, отмечу идеально выверенный саунд, который представляет из себя абсолютно симметричный симбиоз из старого доброго хард рока и откровенно коммерческого AOR'а. В целом же, "Raging Silence" - диск хороший, но надежд не оправдавший. Вот такой парадокс получается! |
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Конечно же группа Uriah Heep оказала большое влияние на любителей рок-музыки, проживающих в России и ранее в СССР. Начнём с того, что "хипы"- это поистине первая хард-рок группа, давшая концерт в СССР, а не Scorpions, как это принято считать. Разумеется, заслуга последних в этом вопросе нисколько ни меньше, но всё же вернёмся к "хипам". Как раз первые концерты группа давала именно во времена выпуска и подготовки этого альбома (1987-1989 годы), песни с которого пришлись по вкусу нашему слушателю. Вообще всё творчество группы эпохи 80-х очень востребовано у нас, отчасти этот момент помог им вернуть хотя бы часть былой славы.
Альбом сам по себе неоднозначен - это точно. Его звучание представляет собой некий симбиоз творчества "слащавого" периода и временам возврата группы к своим корням (90-е годы). И скажу сразу - мне это понравилось! Очень свежий и местами непохожий на старых "хипов" звук воспринимается довольно интересно. Однако же, проскальзывает и намёк на "фирменный" почерк. Плюс ко всему присутствуют задор и драйв, которые не дадут заскучать на протяжении всего прослушивания. Если "Abominog" - это альбом, который не позволил забыть группу, как таковую, то "Raging Silence" - это громкое напоминание о том, что Uriah Heep живы, здравствуют и делают песни почти как раньше. Диск является первым для вокалиста Bernie Shaw и клавишника Phil'а Lanzon'а, которые так и останутся в группе по сей день.
Каждая песня по-своему хороша и разбавляет общую картину своей красотой и изюминкой. "Hold Your Head Up", "Blood Red Roses", "Voice On My TV" и "More Fool You" - тяжёлые AOR-боевики, пропитанные тем самым "духом 80-х", заставляющие напевать припев вместе с группой, больше всего понравилась последняя. "Lifeline" - очень эффектная композиция, местами напомнившая творчество UH времен Джона Лоутона. "Cry Freedom" - первый шаг возврата ансамбля к своим корням, бросаются в глаза мелодичные партии "Хаммонда", а также громкий припев "Cry Freedom - Sweet Freedom!" (надеюсь, намек понятен). "Rich Kid", "Bad Bad Man" - рок-н-рольные боевички, также добавляют ностальгии по старым-добрым временам. "When The War Is Over", "Rough Justice" - сильно мелодизированы, временами даже утомительны, но общую картину не портят. Отлично справились музыканты, чувствуется слаженность, доброе содружество всех участников группы, которые позволили выдать качественный и неоднотипный материал.
Однозначно диск является первым удачным моментом группы, после нелегкого периода начала и середины 80-х. Это первый шаг возврата Uriah Heep к своим корням, во всех смыслах этого слова. Ставлю не меньше 9-ки. |
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просмотров: 33840 |
Hold your head up, woman
Hold your head high
And if they stare just let them
Burn their eyes on you moving
And if they shout don't let it change
A thing that you're doing
Hold your head up, woman
Hold your head up, woman
Hold your head up, woman
Hold your head high
Hold your head up, woman
Hold your head up, woman
Hold your head up, woman
Hold your head high
Blood red roses
Heaven's above
What on earth has this come to?
What have I done?
What can I do now to show you?
There's still a chance
If you're ready to make up
It's not too late
'Cause I'm not ready to break up
I try to call
But you don't hear at all
I'm sending roses
I'm sending blood red roses
This burning in my heart
Is tearing me apart
I'm sending roses
I'm sending blood red roses
You've got to understand
That's my heart in your hand
Don't walk away
We can get this heart mended
Or am I the fool?
And has this love just ended
I tried to call
But you don't hear at all
I'm sending roses
I'm sending blood red roses
This burning in my heart
Is tearing me apart
I'm sending roses
I'm sending blood red roses
I gotta keep on trying
To stop this love from dying
You've got to understand
That my heart is in your hand
I'm sending blood red roses
This burning in my heart
Is tearing me apart
I'm sending roses
I'm sending blood red roses
I'm sending blood red roses
This burning in my heart
Tears me apart
Blood red roses
You've got to understand
That's my heart in your hand
I'm sending blood red roses
'Cause this burning in my heart
Tears me apart
Voice on my TV
It's a familiar voice
Sometimes I wonder if I have a choice
You give it everything
You're selling god but am I listening?
I hear you've seen the light
Your message comes to me by satellite
You say I must believe
I say: "It's just another way to deceive"
If my salvation has anything to do
With your empty promises and what you think is true
Well, here's my donation
If it's all the same to you
I am the voice on your TV
But I am one and I am free
Always to say what I believe
I know you're only a voice on my TV
The numbers on the screen
Will help me get to heaven so it would seem
The money flows and flows
And no one cares enough to know where it goes
Look at all the millions
That you've taken for a ride with the warmest words
And the coldest heart inside
And how much longer can I listen to your lies?
What are all the credit card believers?
Gonna say when they hear about the scandals
And the lovers that you pay
And all about the meetings in your secret hideaway
I am the voice on your TV
But I am one and I am free
Always to say what I believe
You're just a voice on my TV
Your power's strong but I am free
Always to say what I believe
I am the voice on your TV
But I am one and I am free
Always to say what I believe
Can you hear me?
I am the voice on your TV
But I am one and I am free
Always to say what I believe
This is your conscience speaking
Rich kid
She's a rich kid, she wears diamond rings
Knows how to walk, knows everything
About love, she's not too sure
What she's looking for
Fresh from the woods out on the street
She's looking good, looking so neat
She don't know if she should
'Cause she don't know if she's bad or good
She don't care if it hurts her father
She don't care if it breaks her mother
She don't care anymore
She just wants what she's never had before
All she wants is love, she's ready
She wants love and she's gonna get it
All she needs is love
She's gotta have it, someone to love
All she wants is love, she's ready
Gotta have love, she'll get it
All she needs is love
She's never had it, someone to love
She was a school boy's dream, high school queen
She had it all when she was sixteen
Stayed away from boys 'cause she thought she'd get hurt
Why did she listen to her mother's words?
Couldn't go out, had to stay home
And how she hated being on her own
She needs love like everybody else
Now she's gonna get some for herself
All she wants is love, she's ready
She wants love and she's gonna get it
All she needs is love
She's gotta have it, she needs love
All she wants is love, she's ready
She wants love and she's gonna get it
All she needs is love
She's gotta have it, someone to love
Cry freedom
She told the story, I listened with my eyes closed
So sad but so true
She whispered softly, I asked her why she did so
She knew that I knew
She was a skater, the ice was her second home
The country's finest, everyone could see
She had a plan to break across the border
Instead of waiting for the powers that be
Cry freedom - sweet freedom
Tell the whole world to get ready
Cry freedom - sweet freedom
Tell the whole world that we're ready
She said goodnight but just as I was leaving
A black car came into view
And waiting there they could hear me breathing
They knew that I knew
Cry freedom - sweet freedom
Tell the whole world to get ready
Cry freedom - sweet freedom
Tell the whole world that we're ready
Insane questions, they asked me what did I know
So strange, they let me go
But more they try the stronger our love grows
I know that I know
Cry freedom - sweet freedom
Tell the whole world to get ready
Cry freedom - sweet freedom
Tell the whole world that we're ready
Cry freedom - sweet freedom
Cry freedom - sweet freedom
Cry freedom - sweet freedom
Cry freedom - sweet freedom
Bad bad man
In this supermarket city
Among the native smiles
You have to pay for attention
And do the best you can
There's a raging silence
And it's charged with action
Got no time for weakness
'Cause I'm a bad bad man
Down the streets of darkness
Where they know my name
Lies a force of evil
And a destructive plan
There's no time for questions
When you run into danger
Don't get too close to me
'Cause I'm a bad bad man
I'm working for the LA division
To stop the inner city collision
I'm bringing law and order
To the twenty first century
I don't care for politics
You can keep your point of view
You'd be better off without it
I got my own bad plan
A tough cop has a lonely existence
A reputation of the highest resistance
A mean runner bringing order
To the twenty first century
I don't believe in passion
Don't believe in feelings
I take peace from the wicked
Run and hide while you can
I got no time for small talk
Got no time for off the wall talk
Don't care who I tread on
'Cause I'm a bad bad man
Bad bad man
I'm a bad bad man
Bad bad man
I'm a bad bad man
More fool you
I held the rope so tightly
As she climbed down from her room
We said we'd make our getaway
Underneath the moon
I always will remember
The night that we left home
And the words of warning
Ringing in my ears
More fool you - more fool me
New job, new friends and a family
In a house on the sunny side
We played on the wheel of fortune
But it was me that took the ride
It didn't work between us
I had to give it all away
And in the end I knew it had to be
More fool you - more fool me
More fool you - more fool me
If I've told you once, then I've told you twice
But I'll tell you once again
Now she's taken away most everything
And I've lost my only friend
More fool you - more fool me
More fool you - more fool me
More fool you - more fool me
More fool you - more fool me
When the war is over
When the war is over got to get away
Pack my bags to no place in no time no day
You and I, we used each other's shoulder
Still so young but somehow so much older
How can I go home
And not get blown away?
Ain't nobody gonna
Steal this heart away
When the war is over got to start again
Try to hold a trace of what it was back then
You and I, we shared each other's stories
Just a page that's lost in all its glory
How can I go home
And not get blown away?
You and I had our sights set on something
Hope this doesn't mean our days are numbered
I've got plans for more than a wanted man
All around is chaos and madness
Can't help feeling, nothing more than sadness
Only choice to face it the best I can
Ain't nobody gonna
Steal this heart away
And not get blown away
Well, I'm not superstitious
But there's something going on inside
Could be friendly, could be vicious
And there isn't any place to hide
It's my imagination
A blessing or a curse
No, I can't ignore it
For better or for worse
It wakes me when I'm sleeping
A thief that takes my breath away
And I find myself reaching for a lifeline
Throw me a lifeline and bring me back in time
I need a lifeline, throw me a lifeline
I'm going down for the last time
Sometimes I can't control it
Sometimes it isn't there at all
Sometimes I try to roll it
And wind up staring at the wall
My imagination
I love the games it plays
I get in so deep that I get lost
For days and days
It sometimes leaves me shakin'
Standin' in the dark alone
And I find myself reaching for a lifeline
Throw me a lifeline and bring me back in time
I need a lifeline, throw me a lifeline
I'm going down for the last time
Rough justice
The gates have opened, now I'm a free man
My time is over, I need a new plan
But I've had no loving
For a year and a day
My lady's waiting, got a taste for her wine
She's wearing money but none of its mine
She's been surviving
While I've been wasting away
Back in my room
It ain't quite the same
You can't hide it
I'm onto your game
Rough justice - there's no disguise
And I can tell by the look in your eyes
Rough justice - I've had my share
I've done my time but I'm still running scared
Rough justice - coming down on me
Long arm of the law never setting me free
Rough justice - I bide my time
Back in action, I'm riding the crest
And putting all that I've learned to the test
No complications
Taking it day by day
Freedom of movement, freedom of choice
Free to be right back here with the boys
Ready to listen
But you've got nothing to say
Back in my room
It ain't quite the same
Just can't help it
I'm part of your game
Back in my room
It ain't quite the same
You can't hide it
Just part of your game
Rough justice - there's no disguise
And I can tell by the look in your eyes
Rough justice - I've had my share
I've done my time but I'm still running scared
Rough justice - coming down on me
Long arm of the law never setting me free
Rough justice - I bide my time