 Долго молчали могильщики, почти два года, с шумом ушедший из диггера Уве Лулис уже выпустил и альбом со своей новой группой Rebellion, и очень хороший как оказалось. Теперь была очередь могильщиков показать, на что они способны. Итак, новый диск представляет собой концептуальное творение по мотивам Вагнера «Кольцо Нибелунга» - обыкновенный диггер, с уже обычными помпезными текстами. Гостевым вокалом в припевах отметился вокалист группы In Extremo, если бы я это не прочитал в буклете, кстати, очень красиво оформленном, то совершенно не узнал бы его здесь, так как припевы типичны для группы (как в альбомах «Knights Of The Cross» и «Excalibur»). Что тут можно сказать – не так уж и плохо, но и без минусов тоже не обошлось. Есть отличные твёрдые хиты как заглавная «Rheingold», следующая за ней мощная «Valhalla», «Maidens Of War» неплоха, вполне в стиле лучших песен могильщиков и с налётом прогрессивности, поразила песня «Liar», очень коротенькая, всего 2:46 минуты, хотя и чистый хит. В принципе можно забить на другие песни, но тут уж не как не забьёшь – «Sword» и «Murder» чересчур наполнены помпезностью, она просто прёт из них, создавая бессмысленные мелодии, и ещё - ну сами посудите – какой это прикол в 2003 году в припеве петь пару слов, как то «Giants». Самым большим минусом будет песня «Twilight Of The Gods» – тут начисто риффы слизаны с песни «King Pest» из альбома «Grave Digger», да ещё и мелодия сходна с другими перлами пластинки. В общем, это был бы слабенький альбомчик, если бы они не вкинули в него два искусных и совершенно обалденных трека – это баллада «Goodbye», и сильнейший средне темповый гимн «Hero» – по типу таких песен группы как «Curse Of Jacques» (альбом Knights Of The Cross) и «The Spell» (альбом Excalibur). Очень неоднозначная работа, в которой музыканты решили скрестить торжественную и напыщенную атмосферу с мрачной и депрессивной, лично мне Grave Digger нравиться без первого, возможно, другим он покатит и в таком виде. |
Shines brightly, bravely through the waves
Rheingold, Rheingold
Rheingold, Rheingold
Who denies love
Who forfeits its power
Can attain the magic
To forge a ring
If you are enarmoured
And longing for love
Let's see my handsome
What you look like
Guardians of the holy treasure
No cheat should steal it from the river
Gleaming glow in the water's depth
Shines brightly, bravely through the waves
Rheingold, Rheingold
Rheingold, Rheingold
Aren't you afraid
Brood of the waters
Then conquer the dark,
And I'll put out your light
I wrench the gold from the rock
Forge the ring of revenge
For hell and the devil
I curse my love
Guardians of the holy treasure
No cheat should steal it from the river
Who from the Rheingold will fashion the ring
Win the world's wealth and will be king
3. Valhalla
A sultry haze hangs in the air
A lightning storm cuts through the sky
Thunder, the master, calling for the clouds
Thunder, your master, summons you to this place
Boldly tread this fearless path
Don't fear the giant's wrath
Over the mountains
The sun rises up
A castle of gold
Shines through the clouds
The gods awaken
Out of their dreams
Crossing the vally
To the rainbow bridge
Shrouded from the pale cold night
In the east you'll see its blinding light
From Dusk to Dawn - in peace and serenity
Follow the King and dwell with me
Boldly tread this fearless path
Don't fear the giant's wrath
Over the mountains
The sun rises up
A castle of gold
Shines through the clouds
The gods awaken
Out of their dreams
Crossing the vally
To the rainbow bridge
4. Giants
Sacred hall, eternal might
Endless fame, see the golden light
Son of the dark, Godess of youth,
Sacrifice her, and pay the price
Forever you'll be guilty
Forever you'll be free
Forever you'll be strong
Forever you will live in peace
But in the light of day, pay us penance
Instead of the godess, we'll have the ring
Brother take heed, don't be greedy
The gold, the treasure, is mine forever
I have slain my brother
Cause we hate each other
I have changed my face
To the dragon's race
5. Maidens Of War
Father tell me, what's troubling you
How your worries upset your child
I saw his eyes, heard his words
I realized the hero's solemn distress
Confide in me, I'm loyal to you
But I can't kill, your son, your blood
Killing, fighting for victory
Killing, fighting the enemy
Killing, fighting in agony
Killing, dying for glory
Maidens of war
Children of the gods
Farewell - farewell
Maidens of war
You slaughter, you've killed your flesh
Why you deny, the love with pain and death
Your spear destroyed the glorious sword
Broke into nameless steel forever
Killing, fighting for victory
Killing, fighting the enemy
Killing, fighting in agony
Killing, dying for glory
Maidens of war
Children of the gods
Farewell - farewell
Maidens of war
Why, why, why commit the cruel murder
Why, why, why I 'm imprisoned by the holy fire
Maidens of war
Children of the gods
Farewell - farewell
Maidens of war
6. Sword
Stranger tell me - the story behind
How my mother died - as I was a child
My father was killed - in a fight till death
He gave me this sword - with his last breath
This foolish dwarf - it seems so clear
Can't forge the steel - cause he's full of fear
Only the one - who feels no terror
Can forge the steel - and create it anew
Steel by steel
The hammer falls
Shaping me - a deadly sword
With fire and power - I do well
I curse it with a magic spell
Fire, fire - blow on the blaze
Smelt the splinters - of my steel
Glorious sword - nouw you're fixed in the hilt
And I spread out - to kill the dragon
Steel by steel
The hammer falls
Shaping me - a deadly sword
With fire and hammer - I do well
I curse it with a magic spell
7. Dragon
A savage dragon in the dark cavern mouth
A rancid below pours from it
If you are spatterd with his venomous poison
Beware and protect from his swishing tail
Kill kill the dragon
Kill kill - the beast inside
Kill kill the dragon
Victory is by my side
He thrust the sword into the dragon's guts
Pierced his heart and shut his mouth
He tasted the blood and listened to the birds
Who told him about the liars words
Kill kill the dragon
Kill kill - the beast inside
Kill kill the dragon
Victory is by my side
8. Liar
Night is falling
Brothers in blood
Invincible in their faith
Deceiver, believer,
Stronger than steel
Insanity is what I feel
Here I stand
Take my hand
Let us flee
To be free
I'm a liar
I'm a sinner
I feel pain
Running through my veins
I'm a liar
I'm a sinner
I feel pain
Of my own destiny
Fighting, dying,
Revenge in blood
Listen to the tongues of hate
Destroyer, betrayer,
Witness of love
Sadness is my lonley fate
Here I stand
Take my hand
Let us flee
To be free
I'm a liar
I'm a sinner
I feel pain
Running through my veins
I'm a liar
I'm a sinner
I feel pain
Of my own destiny
9. Murderer
You bloody liar
I feel the spear
You've spread the poison
And I've learned my lesson
I hear the wind,
Whispering in my ear
I see the light of day
I feel death is near
Murderer - What have you done
Murderer - The hero's gone
Murderer - With pain you shall die
Murderer - Your soul will cry
The sun goes down, the night is falling
Gods of darkness surround my soul
You faceless evil, you took my blood,
Heaven knows who murdered me
Murderer - What have you done
Murderer - The hero's gone
Murderer - With pain you shall die
Murderer - Your soul will cry
10. Twilight Of The Gods
Stack stout logs for me in pile
By the shore of the Rhine
High and bright let a fire blaze
For the noble hero
With his sword he shall burn
The horse by his side
So cast your eyes on my pain and grief
Behold your eternal guilt
Twilight of the gods
Twilight of the gods
Feel my hatred, mighty gods
My screams break the silent air
I 'll take your gold, give it away
To free my self from the magic curse
You will burn deep in hell
For the murder of my love
Darkness near, the Rhine overflows,
Higher and higher, waves grow
Twilight of the gods
Twilight of the gods
Twilight of the gods
Twilight of the gods
Bright flames set fire to the hall
Valhalla's end is near
Gods and heroes are lost in the hall
See Valhalla's fall
Twilight of the gods
Twilight of the gods
Twilight of the gods
Twilight of the gods
11. Hero
12. Goodbye