« Rise to Power »
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1 | The Exordium 03:16
 | 2 | Awaiting Armageddon 03:44
 | 3 | Wave of Annihilation 03:47
 | 4 | The Fall of Eden 02:09
 | 5 | Chemical Reaction 04:14
 | 6 | A Casket for the Soul 04:31
 | 7 | Rise to Power 04:14
 | 8 | Visions of Violence 03:43
 | 9 | From Wrath to Ruin 03:46
 | 10 | Abysmal Gods 02:29
 | 11 | Shadow of Obliteration 12:04
 | | Total playing time: 47:57 |
   Jason Avery - Vocals
Tony Norman - Guitar
Sam Molina - Guitar
Mike Poggione - Bass
Lee Harrison - Drums |
Writing Credits:
The Exordium (Music: Norman, Harrison - Lyrics: Molina)
Awaiting Armageddon (Music: Norman, Harrison - Lyrics: Molina, Harrison)
Wave Of Annihilation (Music: Norman, Harrison - Lyrics: Molina)
The Fall Of Eden (Music: Norman)
Chemical Reaction (Music: Norman, Harrison - Lyrics: Molina)
A Casket For The.Soul (Music: Harrison, Hall - Lyrics: Avery)
Rise To Power (Music: Harrison - Lyrics: Avery)
Visions Of Violence (Music: Norman, Harrison, Avery, Poggione - Lyrics: Molina, Harrison)
From Wrath To Ruin (Music: Harrison - Lyrics: Molina, Harrison)
Abysmal Gods (Music: Harrison - Lyrics: Avery)
Shadow Of Obliteration. (Music: Harrison, Norman - Lyrics: Molina)
First solo on "Rise To Power" by Mark English.
First and second solo on "Casket For The Soul" by Jason Suecof.
Background vocals on "Rise To Power" by Sam Molina. |
 | 1. The Exordium
They dwell beyond dimensions
outside the sphere of a living realm
escaping the binds of the universe
watching beyond the unknown
Immortal inhabitants of eternity
mortal minds cannot behold
intricate patterns of insanity
which we will never know
Your will becomes s |
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 Новый альбом этой отличной дэт-группы вышел через 4 года после предыдущей работы In Dark Purity - долгий перерывчик. Хотя, похоже, это нормальный интервал для этих ребят. Итак, что же потребовало такой долгой работы? Альбом в стиле предшественника, но технически его превосходит. Перед нами дэт-металл со сложными партиями, красивыми соло а-ля Death, чистейшим звучанием (отчетливо слышна бас-гитара) и мощным гроулингом. Это, конечно, не что-то оригинальное, но очень качественное. А это именно то, чего сейчас не хватает многим грандам жанра. Этот альбом из разряда неприедающихся. Молодцы, ребята! |
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Итак, американская зондер-команда во главе с барабанных дел мастером Ли Харрисоном снова на марше, выдавая нам, благодарным слушателям и почитателям дэта, новый материал, ознакомившись с которым, можно сказать, что этот альбом - образец brutal death metal. Это - то, к чему нужно стремиться всем: прекрасная, грамотная, профессиональная музыка, практически идеальная запись, несомненное мастерство исполнения... Чего ещё нужно для жизни и смерти? Резюмирую: если вас не тошнит от дэт-метала, то этот альбом не потеряется на полке по соседству с Morbid Angel и Vital Remains. |
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Стандартный и однообразный, довольно скоростной death, не способный «зацепить» и приковать внимание к музыке на все время звучания диска. Внятные мелодии практически отсутствуют, положение спасает только отличная техника игры музыкантов. Особенно хорошо звучат гитары, выдающие интересные эмоциональные соляки, и ударные – за барабанами сидит мастер своего дела. Но вот вокал несколько разочаровал – абсолютно неоригинальный (хотя и довольно "качественный") гроул, местами просто наводящий скуку. Запись вполне приличная и каких-либо нареканий не вызывает. Обложка альбома сделана опять же по всем законам жанра, но довольно безвкусно: невнятная мазня, нечто с рогами и пентаграмма в центре. Внутри буклета найти что-нибудь интересное трудно. Из-за однообразия и отсутствия мелодий альбом быстро надоедает, несмотря на эмоциональность и напор, с которым группа преподносит слушателям свое творение. Ради отличной игры музыкантов в сочетании с довольно экспрессивной музыкой эту работу стоит послушать, но вряд ли она способна надолго задержаться в проигрывателях своих обладателей. |
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просмотров: 12059 |
listen in terror the lights darkest contradiction
besieged from all sides by this force that resides
ruling the shadows beyond fields of sight
subject to this madness resistance rendered useless
as you stand alone at the mercy of the merciless
[#1] Perceiving ourselves as endless
we choke on the sands of time
and as we fade into nothingness
their memory of our being also dies
Beyond mortal comprehension
outside our perception
creeping aggression
dark contradiction
Immortal inhabitants of eternity
mortal minds cannot behold
intricate patterns of insanity
which we will never know
They dwell beyond dimensions
outside the sphere of a living realm
escaping binds of the universe
watching beyond the unknown
2. Awaiting Armageddon
Gazing back now at the living
from behind these eternal flames
as judgment day has passed
with darkness I bind my affinity
Their kingdom bleeds
their kingdom falls
[#1] Suffering in vain, disintegrated
destined to serve, powerless
engulfed by the infernal consuming pain
armageddon draws near
Sift through the ashes of your deranged crusade
you weave hypocrisy into faith
destiny of flames the choice I've made
ashen skies have come to life
culminating storm of centuries
plumes of smoke have filled the light
the doom of all life
Structure that guided the way
cast upon irrelevance
a crown of thorns that now decays
lustful vows of decadence
as the world in its insanity
powerless to resist the end
an outlet for the killing force
draws upon the end of time
Their kingdom bleeds
their kingdom falls
3. Wave Of Annihilation
Years have passed
still the one remains
sole survivor
of a world in flames
world of flames
Last of an endangered breed
lone survivor of this tragedy
solitude inherits humanity
doomed forever to obscurity
echoing memories of those deceased
tear at the remnants of sanity
within the mind of the last to be
Through rivers of ash that layer the ground
search for life never found
cannot be, yet one survives
contemplate this worlds demise
dead haunt the living until it dies
Towering wave
consuming flames
A shattered world
in the wake of this storm
4. The Fall Of Eden
5. Chemical Reaction
Can you comprehend the strength of the enemy you have made
overpowering cravings for vengeance driving me insane
false assumptions of superiority has brought you to your knees
as you beg for mercy you will not receive
failures realization rips the smile right from your face
folding in submission you are erased
It shackles my soul this obsession
drawing strength from opposition
it boils the blood this aggression
[#1] Trapped in this web
you should have left alone
your feeble struggle
strengthens the ensnaring grasp
Can you withstand the unleashing of rage coming your way
wrath like none confronted before this boundless hate
imminent is this destruction blindly await annihilation
impossible to evade
these victims of fate
could have turned and walked away
choice no longer yours to make
waging war until none remain
it shackles my soul this obsession
drawing strength from opposition
it boils the blood this aggression
They fall like flies
crushed under onslaught of aggression
corrosive mind
lashing at your resolve in waves
manifest hate
endangered morality in regression
no end in sight
volatile force chemical reaction
6. A Casket For The Soul
Repulsive actions burning impressions on the soul
Cascading wave of failure relinquish all control
The grasp of terror crushing a fleeting sense of hope
and then the same hand closes a casket for the soul
This affliction will finalize your sanity
To descension encompassing your very being
Suffocation within the tomb behind
the eyes of a being aspiring to its demise
Termination forsaken for the suffering
which embraces every fiber of your living being
and disposing the withered remnants of a man
in a tomb constructed for a tortured mind.
Drained of all sense and reason
Your very soul devolves
into a state of grotesque
Human deficiency
7. Rise To Power
Behold the seize of power
Dark faction now prepared to strike
All opposition bleeds and cowers
Legion of darkness shall dictate its will
and rise to power
Denounce all gods and moral structures
crushing to dust the bones of those who question
The power of our convictions
The world has never seen such horrors
Eviscerate all false believers
Incinerate our social leaders
Kill and rape those who seek the light
on virgin blood we thrive
Remove the tongues of those who speak out
Tear out the eyes nothing else is seen
Cut the throats and let them bleed
on human life we feed
Rise To Power
Rise To Power
8. Visions Of Violence
[#1] Ageless hands of a wicked race
Malicious fury of hell forged hate
Clawing with rage out from below
Uprising realms of sickness grows
Mocking our doomed existence
Surrender to visions of a hopeless future
Prophecies foretell the end of time
Alliance of poisoning hate deployed
Implications of a dream that died
Visions Of Violence
From the wastelands of a mind gone mad
Foreboding dreams of a world to come
Chaotic visions now known to be
haunting images of destiny
Ageless hands of a wicked race
Malicious fury of hell forged hate
Lives trained to fear
Fevered visions forming inside
in darkness swarming on mankind
Burning embers fill the sky
Transforming those left alive
Earth below now bleeds
consuming fire glows beneath
engulfed atmospheric cage
a final act has now been staged
Surrender to visions of a hopeless future
prophecies foretell the end of time
Alliance of poisoning hate deployed
implications of a dream that died
Haunting images now known to be
Chaotic visions fill destiny
Nightmare becomes reality
Twisted forms of chemistry
From the wastelands of a mind gone mad
Foreboding dreams of a world to come
These visions become violence
9. From Wrath To Ruin
With open eyes
No longer tortured by sermons of lies
Watching it die
Faith crumbles as the angels they bleed
[#1] Losing grip on reality
Behind the shield of crumbling faith
Now the mighty have fallen
Left alone to suffer their fate
Religion is lost in spiraling descension
Ending at last the reign of the divine
The world opens its eyes
No longer paralyzed by sermons of lies
Broken chains of deceit
Faith of absurdity faces defeat
This wrath becomes your ruin
From Wrath To Ruin.....
10. Abysmal Gods
All things past and void of life
And all things yet to die and face the light
Must come before, kneel and be driven down
Before the lords of emptiness
Abysmal Gods abound.
Horror, anguish, fear and torture
Souls devoured at postmortem
Empty beings, power unrivaled
Dissolve existence, effortless control
Screams of suffering
Have no effect, wrath unbridled
Fury unrestrained, entity of darkness
Feeds on pain Cries ring empty
All mortality, purified through pain
Merciless control, Abysmal Gods now possess your soul.
Horror, anguish, suffer, fear and torture
There is no salvation
Souls devoured at postmortem
Empty beings, control this power unrivaled
To resist is useless
They dissolve the existence of all things.
11. Shadow Of Obliteration
Victims of a dying world
Succumb beneath a wrath of terror
Oblivious to the awaiting doom
A never ending rain of lire consumes
Blind they sleepwalk the path of lies
Offer prayers to an empty sky
Wasted effort only made in vain
Weak are tortured in endless pain
[#1] When darkness falls
Blind illusions deceive us
Hoping for a non existent savior
While we alone are strung enough
Victims of a dying faith
I have now grown to hate
and forever turn my back
to the lights weak embrace
Darkness once confined within
demon absolved no longer bound
dark forces controlling the mind
spill forth onto realms of light
Victims of a dying world
Succumb beneath a wrath of terror
Oblivious to the awaiting doom
A never ending rain of fire burns....
Blind they sleepwalk the path of lies
Offer prayers to an empty sky
Wasted effort only made in vain
Weak are tortured in endless pain