 Вылезшая неизвестно откуда команда американских отморозков, возглавляемая бывшим техником Anthrax Билли Милано (участвовавшим также в S.O.D.), Method of Destruction напоминает менее провокационный и более музыкальный вариант Anal Cunt. Здесь даже присутствует бас и некое подобие гитарных риффов, имеющих панковые корни. Вообще, звучание более всего похоже на материал дебютника «Game Over» так же обособленно хардкорно звучащих от остальной трэшевой сцены тех лет Nuclear Assault, вышедший годом раньше, но, естественно, сыгранности меньше, никаких гитарных соло, Милано даже не пытается в отличие от вокалиста Assault Коннели хоть как-то петь, предпочитая выплевывать слова диким ором, слегка напоминающим рев Киллджоя из Necrophagia, а темы лирики – национализм, СПИД и непрекращающийся весьма жестокий стеб над всем, что успели увидеть на тот момент вокруг себя и на экране телевизора неуемные американцы: тут вам и Тина Тернер, и Дио (R.I.P.), и проблемы юных бунтарей с родителями, и некие «капитан Кранч», и «Джим Гордон». По количеству стебалова записи M.O.D. вполне можно сравнить с выпустившими примерно в это же время свой альбом еще одними представителями американского thrash hardcore, Wehrmacht. И у них, и у коллектива Милано огромное количество рыганий (фи!) в микрофон, тупых скабрезных шуточек «ниже пояса», и скорость, скорость, скорость… 24 трека, редко превышающих длительностью две минуты, социальная (пусть и стебная) тематика, местами проскальзывающее что-то похожее на бластбит (например, в песне «Spandex Enormity») заставляют думать, что эта запись как-то повлияла на волну американского death и grindcore в лице ее таких представителей, как Autopsy, Baphomet и Brutal Truth. Если вам нравится все, что когда-либо выходило из-под пера многочисленной семейки Anthrax, вы, бесспорно, должны ознакомиться и с этим малоизвестным «шедевром». Остальным же, не благоговеющим перед т.н. «классичностью» и примитивным звучанием первых экстремальщиков, искать здесь, естественно, нечего. Only for die hard fans, вот как-то так. |
What about our land
America has it's own problems
That's what should come first
So fuck those nigger's charity
And let them die of thirst
Aren't you hungry
Aren't you hungry
U.S.A. for U.S.A.
That's what I'd like to see
But sympathetic assholes
Send it all to their own countries
They want the food to grow
On what they call home land
But don't you know
You can't grow anything in sand
Aren't you hungry
Aren't you hungry
Aren't you hungry
I think of people starving
But do you think I care
Let them all die hungry
So I can breathe their air
Sitting in my kitchen
Stuffed form having ate
What should I do now
With what's left on my plate
Get A Real Job
Standing on a corner
Frozen to the bone
You have to make a living
But you'd rather be at home
Your eyes start getting heavy
Still you forge on
Wake up and face the world
And get a real job
Get a real job
You get a little older
Your bones are brittle and weak
Dizzy in the morning
Your pulse is sounding weak
You hate to go to work
Just living for a job
Wake up and smell the coffee
And get a real job
Get a real job
Get a real job
Get a real job
Get a real job
Soon you will retire
Or maybe have a stroke
You cannot feel your finger tips
Because some veins have closed
But still you drive a hack
Or push a hot dog cart
Now it's too late for you
To get a real job
I Executioner
I executioner
There's just me
You can't buy justice
And it sure ain't free
I executioner
Like Sergeant D
I'm corporal punishment
I weed out the weak
I excecutioner
One on one
You and me
You've no place to run
I executioner
We got a date
My fist your face
How I love to hate
There's no justice
There's me
There's no justice
There's me
I executioner
You dare fuck with me
Say it to my face
Either way you'll bleed
I executioner
The king of schism
Misery and pain
Is what you'll live in
Don't Feed The Bears
You have to prove
That you're not scared
Enter the cage
Take the dare
Screaming death
In the beast's lair
You couldn't read the signs
Don't feed the bears
Don't go in there
You best beware
Don't feed the bears
Stupid fool
You should have known
That's some place you shouldn't go
Polar giant on you
Blood starts to flow
They belong not in a cage
But in the fucking snow
Don't go in there
You best beware
And please don't feed the fucking bears!
Ballad Of Dio
In the dark of the day
Or the black of the sun
He's coming for you
Look out!
Thrash Or Be Thrashed
I've seen enough
I just can't take it
Why don't you mosh
Or have an epileptic fit
You stand there like you're at a parade
Call this your scene
But you're the one who betrayed
Got your feet glued to the floor
Just there and thrashed some more
You're the fuckup, a dick to the extreme
It's people like you
Who make me want to scream
Thrash or be thrashed
Let Me Out
Aren't you sick of the way you're living
Let down in life without being forgiven
Struggle for a future
You try to survive
Put on this world to rot and die
Let me out
Let me out me out
Me out of this world
Tell me how I got here
Why don't you say a word
Let me out me out
Me out of this world
Tell me how I got here
Why don't you say a word
Bubble Butt
Bubble Butt
Bubble Butt
Bubble Butt
Bubble Butt
Bubble Butt
Bubble Butt
She's so fat
Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble
Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble
Bubble Butt
You're Beat
Start up the car
You ain't going very far
Stick the rubber hose on the exhaust
Breathe that fresh air
It'll take away your cares
You're beat the game is over
And you've lost
You're beat
Before you start
You cry defeat
Sitting in the bathroom
With the razor at your wrist
You mom and dad don't like
The dudes you're hanging with
They say that you're a loser
A disgrace to human kind
If I were you I'd end it all
Before I lost my mind
You're beat
Before you start
You cry defeat
Is that your hair or a Tina Turner wig
You should be ashamed of yourself
Now you shaved your head,
And that's a fashion too
With your ears you look like an elf
Bush-bush wackateas!
Man Of Your Dreams
You thought he was dead
It was just in your head
You better get ready for Freddy
You thought you saw him die
But it's you who's crucified
So now you'll pay for his sins
He'll come while you sleep
You're gonna rest in peace
He's in the mirror hanging on the wall
He'll rip out your chest
Your body he'll molest
Then laugh and use your blood
To paint the walls
First he kils one
Then he kills two
Number three on his list is you!
He's the man of your dreams
He lives to hear you scream
That's his satisfaction guaranteed
You thought you'd escape
You felt that you were safe
Then you felt his blade
Around your neck
He'll dice up your throat
On your blood you'll choke
None of this Freddy Kreuger will regret
That Noise
Don't start that shit again!
Dead Man/Most/Captain Crunch
Soggies suck
I was sitting up at night
I was feeling so uptight
I was just fucking around
There was something dragging me down
Thinking of a bite to eat
Thought this would be really neat
Cheerios are stale that's beat
But Captain Crunch is fun to eat
Captain Crunch, Captan Crunch
He's inviting you to munch
Captain Crunch, Captain Crunch
Munch a bunch a munch a munch
Fuck my brain
Scoffing down this yellow wheat
Is making me feel kind of beat
My head is spinning round and round
Now my teeth are turning brown
My face is starting to come apart
From this overdose of starch
I really wish mom wasn't here
I'll have another box of beer
Captain Crunch, Captain Crunch
He's inviting you to munch
Captain Crunch, Captain Crunch
Munch a bunch a munch a munch
Jim Gordon
Jim Gorden, the man who was insane
Jim Gorden, had Glaxo in his brain
Jim Gordon was insane
He took his mother's life
He used the hammer first
So she wouldn't feel the knife
He's gone insane
He's lost his mind
The voices in his head
Prove the bastard nuts
He bashed his mother's head in
Because she killed Paul Lynd
He couldn't play the drums
Cause people moved his hand
Was he just a mad man
We may never understand
He's gone insane
He's lost his mind
The voices in his head
Prove the bastard nuts
He bashed his mother's head in
Because she killed Paul Lynd
Jim Gorden was insane
He took his mother's life
He used the hammer first
So she wouldn't feel the knife
He's gone insane, he's lost his mind
He couldn't play his drums
Cause people moved his hands
Was he just a mad man
We may never understand
Imported Society
They came from the other side
In bunches at a time
Crowding up the neighborhood
To raise the rates of crime
Some of them got money
Most of them got shit
All they do is come here
To take from our pockets
Import, import, imported society
Import, import, imported society
Import, import, imported society
Import, import, imported society
Don't you fucking see
That you bother me
You can't hide
So go home now
Don't come back
Take your goat
Get on your boat
I hate imports
I don't want to hear their shit
I hate imports
Cause I'm just so sick of it
I just want to
Live my life without you fucking assholes
And I want to
Never see your ass again
Import, import, imported society
Import, import, imported society
Import, import, imported society
Import, import, imported society
Hindus and Ethiopians
You know they're all the same
A huck a buck of Indians
They're all so fucking lame
Spandex Enormity
Waiting here on line
Suddenly from behind
She's still a block away
Why'd it have to be today
Now what do I see
She recognizes me
She hugs and squeezes me
She's the Spandex Enormity
She's so sweet when she's yanking on my meat
Then she yells is this trick or treat
It's too late she asks me for a date
Before I'd fuck I'd rather masturbate
Spandex, Spandex Enormity
A beast sent from Hell to plague me with misery
What a fucking beast
Her ass alone would be a feast
And her love drippings
Contained a stench of rotted yeast
The show must go on
It's the end of me
Taking up the whole front row
It's the Spandex Enormity
She's so sweet when she's yanking on my meat
Then she yells is this trick or treat
It's too late she asks me for a date
Before I'd fuck I'd rather masturbate
Spandex, Spandex Enormity
A beast sent from hell to plague me with misery
As we were walking off stage
You're waiting to come back
She's got a back stage pass
Oh no
I hide my head
The sight of you I dread
Her chubby little fingers grab my ass
Don't talk to me, talk to Nick, talk to Nick
Why does it always have to be me
You fucking fat bitch
I've had enough of you
Take your blubber buns and leave
She left here in tears
Followed by her rear
I could not help she's fat
She's so sweet when she's yanking on my meat
Then she yells is this trick or treat
It's too late she asks me for a date
Before I'd fuck I'd rather masturbate
Spandex, Spandex Enormity
A beast sent from Hell to plague me with misery
Short But Sweet
Short but Sweeeeet! (wooo)
They deprive
They diminsh our time
Wish I was dead
Could have been cum on their bed
Put me in this world
Gave me a little
The rich fucking bastards
Didn't care at all
Wish I were dead
I'm better off alone
I don't need their raggin'
Turn that down
That noisy music
Go to bed
And leave me the fuck alone
That's all they say
And all they do
Get me out of this place
Can't take it anymore
Wish I were dead
I'm better off alone
I don't need their raggin'
Confusion/You're X'ed (The Faith cover)
Blinded by an image that wasn't there.
Tricked by a game that wasn't fair.
Deceived by people who didn't care.
It's just mass confusion.
Frustration and disillusion.
Crying out in despair.
Reaching out for what's not there.
Panic, panic scream and shout.
Loose your mind there's no way out.
All you've got is all you need.
Time to think, time to bleed.
I thought I'd found the scene.
Straightedge, know what I mean?
But to you it was a game.
You call me fucked but you don't know my name.
You're x'ed, get out of my life.
How can you agree with me.
Did you think I didn't see you drink, you fuck behind my back. You're not my friend, I don't need your crap.
If you defend you're no better.
You're accused of the following charges
You're a woman trapped inside a man
Your sexuality no one denies you
But your preference we can't understand
You are the lonliness of all people
It's time for you to realize
AIDS like the plague is from God
For he sees something wrong in his eyes
Analy Inflicted Death Sentence
Analy Inflicted Death Sentence
Analy Inflicted Death Sentence
Analy Inflicted Death Sentence
That's what you get for having
A penis up your ass
You should have used a condom
That's what you get when you
Swallow another man's load
A lubricated condom
How do you find love in another man's hairy ass
You should have used a condom
Millions of lost hamsters
Running ramped in your bowels
Take the Hershey Highway
Fudge packing men
Fudge packing men
Fudge packing men
Fudge packing men
A manly man
Fudge packing men
Fudge packing men
Fudge packing men
Ruptured Nuptuals
I bust my balls
I break my back
To come home to a slut
You broke your vows
You dirty bitch
I'll kick you in the cunt
Ruptured Nuptuals
Ode To Harry
Harry got in his car
And turned the key
Started up and headed up the L.I.E.
Too cheap to get a real car
Had a Volkswagon Rabbit
And that put an end to Harry's cheap habit
Cause the trucker couldn't stop
So the driver just took aim
And when he hit Harry
Harry burst into flames
You're dead now Harry
And you can't come back
You'd still be alive if you drove a Cadillac
Hate Tank
When you see it coming
The shit runs down your leg
A rumble of disaster
It's much too late to beg
You didn't heed its warning
As it's parked on top of your house
Your baby's crushed to pulp
You're cornered you cry out
The Hate Tank
The Hate Tank
The Hate Tank
The Hate Tank
Its treads are stained with blood
Of victims who had pride
Some thought they'd defy it
All of them have died
Destruction in its wake
The mangled corpses rot
If you think you'll survive... NOT!
The Hate Tank
The Hate Tank
The Hate Tank
The Hate Tank
Here it comes, you better start running
Here it comes, you better start running
The armored shell coroded
From blood that now is dry
Markings left to signify
The deaths of many lives
Through many years of silence
Breaks a horrifying sound
You turn to look in disbelief
He's come to hunt you down
The Hate Tank
The Hate Tank
The Hate Tank
Hate Taaaaaank!