 Попалась мне тут эта группка, решил оценить, что за творение от отечественных симфо-металлистов. Теперь вот сижу, жалею о бездарно потерянном времени. Группа Lanewin представляет из себя довольно дешёвый и серенький клон "Найтвиш" с "Эпикой" и им подобным коллективов из когорты "сильных мира сего". Первым делом хочу сказать про качество записи. Оно ниже среднего. Инструменты еле слышно, чтобы более-менее нормально слушать альбом, приходится солидно прибавлять громкость в наушниках. Неудобно, прямо скажем. Сама музыка безнадёжно вторична и скучна. Абсолютно ничего нового, всё одни сплошные реверансы в сторону знаменитых коллег. Нет, копировать, конечно, можно здорово, создавая при этом захватывающе интересные альбомы, но это не тот случай. Опыта у группы для этого явно маловато, как и мастерства в целом. Клавиш напихали целую кучу, а толку... Попытки создать хотя бы в маленьких долях хоть что-то своё оборачиваются полным крахом.
И всё-таки, кое-какие светлые пятна найти можно. Во-первых, обложка. Красиво. Очень красиво. Выполненная преимущественно в зелёных тонах, да ещё и с изображением симпатичной вокалистки, обложка создаёт очень приятное впечатление. Мне понравилось. Второй плюсик - это вокал. Нет, ничего нового и гениального здешняя вокалистка не выдаёт и до Тарьи ей как до известной страны пешком. Но в кое-каких местах она берёт такие ноты и так их вытягивает что диву даёшься. Молодец девчонка! Уж не знаю, как она там вживую поёт, но на записи звучит очень здорово.
Итого весьма посредственный альбом с незначительными просветлениями. Мне очень не понравился. Не рекомендую его даже фанатам стиля. Уж всегда можно найти более интересные новинки. |
Of euphoria. Just enjoy it!
I must run,
I must escape from routine,
Run to place where music
Fills crazy air like oxygen!
And I will sing,
And I will dance,
I'll go ape once,
Then again and again!!
Bored of life?
Come and see:
Joy fills air,
It's best place to be!
Here we can forget all problems,
Here we can just laugh and dance!
Come and join the world of music!
Don't be fool to loose your chance!
Up-down skirts and falling flowers,
Crazy beats and stirring tunes,
Round dance and ardent tango -
Now Grand Revelry begins!!!
Come to us!
Come to us!
Come to us!
Join us!
Here we can forget!
Forget problems!
Here we can just laugh!
Laugh and dance!
Come and join our world!
World of music!
Don't be fool!
But when Lanewin ends...
I get conscious,
There is nothing precious,
Only dearth is calling.
Must escape from foul smell of rotting.
I can't wait
Before I pass through gateway
And I'll taste the spirit
Of euphoria. Just enjoy it!
I must run,
I must escape from routine,
Run to place where music
Fills crazy air like oxygen,
And I will sing,
And I will dance,
I'll go ape once,
Then again and again and again!!!
Essence of War
Part 1.
Within hell fight in nightmare,
Bursts of fire, bomb explosions,
Screams of horror fills the air,
Bleeding wounds, bloody oceans.
People kill with savage faces
Breaking lives for wretched aim,
Piece is vanished, war erases
Everything in cruel game.
War is now! Kill! Fall!
Ruined dreams, hope's so small.
Justice? Kindness? Love? Forget!
It all has come to an end!
"Dear my love
I hunger for being with you
all the time
that I breathe, that I live!
My love!
Will we be free
Only Above?
Can you foresee?
I ask for!
Never obey!
Don't go away
From me to this awful war."
After a night with her
he packed up things and went away.
War... He had to go
before he'd be
accused of
violating the law.
He promised to return to her
on some beautiful day.
And she did believe...
with deep pain inside in heart
She did believe...
People kill with savage faces
Breaking lives for wretched aim,
Piece is vanished, war erases
Everyone in cruel game.
"Pain of the sorrow
Is too deep.
Can I stand tomorrow
Without you?
Come back, please, our embrace -
The only right place
For you and I...
So many days passed by...
No, no more!
This is the time when I die".
Illusions of Dogma
Holding chosen way through ocean of eternity
Through countless variants of what could be
To live, to breathe, to meet all wonders,
Exploring the world to give it to next me.
Dogmata puts us to confusion,
Forcing us to cherish an illusion,
That you are nothing but a slave,
That Fate will rule you from birth to grave.
Holding chosen way through ocean of eternity,
Encountering bold pilgrims who're catching their futures
To live, to choose, to meet all wonders,
Exploring the world to give it to next them.
My life is eternity,
My Future is infinity.
Come, come, all rulers of the world!
My freedom is protective sword.
Go, go and choose your own way!
So many options has our future day!
Fools! You allow to program your own lives!
Where are your senses, where are your minds?
Accepting the rules of hungering for power
You, lords of world, rush to your last hour!
Dogmata puts us to confusion,
Forcing us to cherish an illusion,
That you are nothing but a slave,
That Fate will rule you from birth to grave.
We travel through eternity, we win and we blunder,
Changes in the future depends on our choice.
To live, to joy, to breathe, to wonder!
To stay forever in Universe!
One more life
One day I found myself
Dying on the ocean shore.
My mind was filled with memories
Of days I lived not so long ago.
Save my life!
Save my soul!
Save my heart!
Save my hope!
Save my dreams!
That never will be done...
Free my soul,
Kill my pain,
Erase my past,
Life was in vain.
Today is my last day!!
I have overrated myself,
Wasted on nothing all my strength.
I have never reached the top of mountain that I had built,
I have tried to change myself and way that I had lived.
I will never run
Away from things
I haven't done.
My heart is asking me
Do I believe in wonderland?
My hope has done her last attempt
To kill uncertainty in my mind.
Save my life!
Save my soul!
Save my heart!
Save my hope!
Save my dreams!
That never will be done.
Free my soul,
Kill my pain,
Erase my past,
Life was in vain.
This is my last breath.
I was afraid to let my dreams flying,
Now I'm so afraid of our dying.
Give me...
One more life!
One more life!
One more life!
One more life!!!
Following strange forest path,
I can not see the light
In labyrinth of trees without end...
Am I going the right way?
Where should I go, where should I stay?
Too dark...I want to fly away!!
But I keep the dream in mind
About the land where sky is blue,
The Sun is warm, and people are kind,
Where we are: me and you...
Wending my way to such place
With dying hope, blank desperate,
Can I be sure about the choice
Whether it's mine or it's cruel fate?
How can I find the right way?
O, how I wish to fly away!!
Intentions of foes that slay forest sanctity,
Jealous wishes, that I feel all the time,
Are making me ready to accept the reality
Of horrific consequence of God's crime!!!
Running through the forest path,
Observing nothing new:
The same darkness, the same view,
I fear - my future and my past
Will forever be the one
With strong despair that's never gone!
But I keep the dream in mind
About the land where sky is blue,
The Sun is warm, and people are kind,
Where we are: me and you...
Evil's gripping forest, bringing mist
For darkness is forever!
The hope is dead, there is no end,
There is no freedom so I don't exist!!
There is no sense in living
So I prefer to sleep and dream!
Legend of a Savior
Once there lived a village of creatures along the bottom of a great crystal river.
Current of the crystal river swept each day
silently over them all:
Over young, over old, over rich and pure,
it was going it's own way.
Everybody clung tightly to the rocks, to the twigs, to the snags
of the river bottom.
Through all life, to their dearth, they knew the only way of life -
fighting, resisting flowing river.
But one creature said at last, "I am tired of clinging. I trust the current.
I shall let go, and let it take me where it will. Clinging, I shall die of boredom."
But they laughed.
"Fool! You are fool! You will die before you feel it!
You'll be ruined by you strange dream of surrending to the current!
You'll be thrown, you'll be tumbled, you'll be smashed across the rocks!
Foolish child, stupid man! If you don't cling, you will die!"
Not heeding them he took his deepest breath,
did stop clinging and let go.
He was smashed across the rocks at once,
But refused to cling again.
Yet in time, he was brought by the current up,
It lifted him free, free from the bottom.
He could fly, he could soar in the heaven of the flow!
He was bruised, broken and hurt no more.
And all creatures cried:
"See a miracle!
See the Messiah,
come to save us all!
A creature like ourselves
yet he flies!
See the Messiah,
See our Savior!!"
"I am not, - the creature said, - I am not Messiah,
No more Messiah than you are.
River delights to lift us free
if only you dare let go to adventures."
But they cried the more,
"You are our Savior!"
all the while clinging
to the rocks and snags.
He left them alone
making legends of
a Savior.
P.s. Based on legend of a Messiah by Bach.
You dreamt of war as way of living
Megalomania - your constant sin.
To overcome your lust for power
Meant for you to give in.
Do you remember the beginning:
Two tiny dots in endless world?
Why did we have to meet your wishes?
You're not a saint, not our Lord!
Really painful... my first dismission...
You begged forgiveness and I forgave.
Did you think that would continue
From beginning to world's grave?
Second time was last...
I can't forgive twice...
I gave you chance - you didn't exploit it.
My patience's not infinite.
Don't you think you were at fault?
You've ruined everything, destruction is complete!
Delusiveness will not continue
As it used to at beginning.
Are you a god for my infidel soul?
Did you give me rain? NO!
No time for Dreaming
I used to have a real life,
My friends, a home, a real love.
That was a time of joy and spring.
All changed now. What else can fate bring?
I recall that day when I had gone,
I recall last night I spent with you.
Through endless night, waiting for a dawn,
I whisper "I love you".
For you
For us
I fight
That when
War ends
I'll be
With you and free!!
But I am here
Plunged in strong Fear
Under these bombs
And hail of bullets.
Without a food
In this dark wood
I have no hope
That I'll face tomorrow.
My awareness is complete:
We are all had been deceived,
We are made to kill,
It’s not our will!
But what can we do?
Bright flames are everywhere
And no one really cares
That I am hurt and wounded.
O God! I ask you why
You can't prevent this crime?
Your children are dying.
My awareness is complete:
We are all had been deceived,
We are made to kill,
It’s not our will!
But what can we do?
"I promised to return to you and I will!
Dear my love, you are my everything."
No time for thinking!
Watch out! Don't move!
Hey, what are you staring?
It's not time for dreaming
You’re in cruel war!
Look where are you going
Look what are you stepping
The bomb exploded close to you
It smashed your head to shit!
God, damn it!
...My awareness is complete:
We are all had been deceived...
I hate you all!
You're disgusting!!
Burn in hell!
You're fucking bastards!!
Dark Love
Never lived in the past before...
Now memories torment my heart.
Being with you I needed nothing more,
Dear, I loved you like no one had loved!
Why did you give me only your pain?
Killing by wisdom all feelings inside,
You forced our happiness not to remain,
Today I'll finally make up my mind!
Look! It is another me!
Don't touch me like you used to touch!
Don't look at me like you used to look!
Want to return back but I want it not so much!
My love departed with heart pain you took.
Have I made up my mind?
Burning bridge I crossed
Can't decide yet. Why?
Time is lost.
Am I hurting you?
I feel the same pain.
Am I leaving you?
It's you who goes away!
Endless travelling through depths of your eyes
Doesn’t bring to me that remote paradise.
Bright bridge united our hearts is burnt.
I don't live in the past. Nothing can be returned.
To love each other forevermore -
This wish now seems naive fairytale.
Vivid memories are getting pale...
I don't love you, dear friend, anymore!