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« For Death and Glory »

Thronar "For Death and Glory" Год



CD Album

Black Folk Metal

Seven Kingdoms

N Название
1To Kill and be King 06:34
2Gift from the Gods 06:07
3The Hunt for Vengeance 05:08
4Crimnor Valora 04:20
5Dainar's Last Rites 01:16
6For Death & Glory 07:25
7Screams of Thunder 05:22
8Where Sword, Axe and Bow Strike Together 07:01
9The Butcher's Bill 01:26
Total playing time: 44:42
Состав группы->
Otto van Beusekom - Guitar, Vocals
Kevin Olinga - Guitar
Bouke "Buke" Braun - Bass
Nathalia Hoogkamer - Keyboards
Jarno Olinga - Drums
April 2005

Tracks 2, 4, 7 and 8 are from Thronar's 2003 demo (re-recorded) and the rest are new tracks (although an early version of track 3 showed up on the 'Trolleymetaal Split').

Track 2 and 7 where called 'Bonded to the Blade - Part 1 & Part 2' (followed by their current title) in their early form on the demo.
Track 8 ('Where Sword, Axe and Bow Strike Together') was called 'Where Sword, Axe and Bow Stride Together' in its early form on the demo. 'Stride' was changed into 'Strike'.
Track 4 was re-recorded using the same title.
Track 3 is a re-recording of a track from the 'Trolleymetaal' split. It's original title was 'He Who Knows No Fear'.


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