 Куда там М. Найт Шьямалану! Здесь у нас реально "вот это поворот" - хардкор-панки становятся глэм-металлистами. Через два года Celtic Frost просто сплагиатили идею Discharge.
При всем уважении к глэму, слышать это - все равно что видеть, как любимому экшен-герою обрезают пенис и накачивают силиконовые сиськи. Но, что смешнее всего, "Grave New World" отнюдь не безнадежен. Тут полно мощных гитарных риффов и соло, да и саунд - уж простите грубость и банальность - без соплей. Да, абсолютно каждая песня затянута и ближе к финалу становится скучной. Однако это нe такая уж беда. Чуть сильнее подчеркнуть и без того бодрящую ритм-секцию, чуть ускорить и сократить композиции - и получился бы добротный релиз, напоминающий "пантеровский" "Power Metal". Остается вокал... и вот здесь мой оптимизм иссякает. Этот натужный фальцетик - просто ад и погибель всего живого. В моих ушах от такого открылись стигматы. Oдин плюс: можно теперь зараватывать на сотрудничестве с католической церковью.
Да, я знаю, Discharge хотели бы забыть об этом альбоме и делают вид, что его никогда не было. Но забыть не получается - не дают японцы с периодическими переизданиями. Может, оно и к лучшему - стыдно за "Grave New World" должно быть только одному человеку. Его зовут Kelvin John Morris, и он находился за вокальной стойкой. |
No sign of healing
Stirring up bitter feelings
Reviving fear
Reviving despair
On and on it goes
Outlasting many a prayer
Welcome to the grave new world
Of fear twisted hearts
Broken minds and souls
Sad and hungry faces
Broken minds and souls
Madness and machines
Fear twisted hearts
In Love Believe
Speed the day
Peace and love arise
From the darkness
Dread and drear
From the pit
This pit of hate
For this day strive
For this day strive
Go on loving
On and on
Go on loving
On and on
In love believing
In love believe
Keep the candle burning
Maybe one day
We'll see things the same
Don't be afraid
No don't be afraid
Afraid to care
Open wide
The door to your heart
Extend the kind arm of infinity
All over the human
The human sphere
Release our troubled hearts
And grant our children
Our children peace
D.Y.T. - A.Y.F.
Too long, too long
Far too Long
We've sailed the ship
This ship of woe
It's time to pull together
Pull together
To bring the ship
This ship ashore
Dry, dry, dry, dry all your tears
Dry your tears
Arm your
Arm your fears
In laughter, in anger
For better or worse
Join me when the adverse wind comes
Only these chains do we have to lose
Come my friend add your voice to
Voice to this
Too long, too long
Far Too Long
As your anger remained bottled up inside
It's your time for the cork
Cork to be drawn
Come my friend add your voice to
Voice to this
Time Is Kind
Though grief and
And the cruelest of winds
Loss must blow across
Pain deadens and tears dry
With the passage of time
Though all must suffer loss and grief
Time is kind and brings relief
Though all must suffer loss and grief
Time is kind
Time is kind
At first hearts break
And sorrow numbs
No words console
No comfort comes
But time is kind
And life'll shine
Life'll shine through
Shine on through
We Dare Speak (A Moment Only)
They laid their practised hands on him
Bruised and broke his skin
Bruised and broke his skin
Attacking big brother with rhyme
Rhyme was, is crime
A moment, moment
Moment only
We dare, we dare
We dare, we dare
Speak a moment
Speak a moment
A moment only
Dare we speak
Armed with an explosive mind
Words more deadly than bullets it seems
A terrorist of the most vicious kind
Armed with an explosive mind
In the dead of night came creeping
The snakes of harm to root
Leaping to, to the charmer's flute
Dragged him screaming from his bed
Dragged him screaming from behind closed doors
Sleep in Hope
Sleep in hope
In hope of this
A land where thought
Is as free as the sun
Where the altars of sheer power
And mere profit have fallen
Fallen to disuse
Fallen to disuse
So my friend
Sleep in hope
In hope of this
In hope of this
And may your willpower tower
And your heart be strong
And may your willpower tower
Willpower tower
A land where peace and love
Reign above
Hate and war
Where no greed or creed do the people
Do the people heed
So sleep in hope
But your hope must wake
While your choice is yours
Yours to make
The Downward Spiral
Mother, dear mother
It's cold tonight
Like every other
Every other night
But I never feel
Feel it anyway
I'm gonna need something
Something soon
I can feel it
Feel it begin
But I don't know
How I'm gonna pay
It must be about
Mid-December right now
And I think I'm about
I'm not really sure
How old I feel
I lost my thoughts
In some dream
Oh mother, I don't
Know how
I got where I am
But I'll try to explain anyhow
See, gradually
You get sucked in
Into it
Without ever really
Just what's happening
And that is when
The downward spiral begins
Anyway back to how it all started
It started with dope
Why not after all, it was just the once, I told myself
I didn't even like it very much
But the people I was with all did it
Then I tried speed
Why not after all, it was just the once, I told myself
The next thing I knew I was doing a couple grams of smack a week
Then a friend introduced me to smack
Chasing the dragon
Why not after all, it was just the once, I told myself
Why not after all, it wasn't using a needle
Then I started doing what I thought I'd never do
You guessed it mother
Contact with the Real
I remember
All the marks it left up my arm
Just trying to find my vein
Sometimes it would hurt
Hurt so much
But I kept on going
Ignoring the pain
As I sat
With blood pouring down
My nose and
Nose and throat
I lost contact
Contact with the real
Real, real Me
I wasn't as careful
As I should have been
And soon it began to show
I started to feel
Tired and very sick
And I watched my eyes
Eyes turn yellow
It was just about then
That I parted with drugs
And just had a drink now and then
But even before
I was over hep
I had my friend
In my arm again
It Will Always Stay
I met up with a girl a while ago
She was living the same life
Lost in the same dream
We shared a room in the city
Though you couldn't really call it home
Well it seemed as though
Drugs just destroyed her will to live
She always had a smile for me
Even when she was filled with pain
I remember that grey day
She lay still on the floor
Needle still in her arm
Eyes staring at the wall
The didn't come right then
I don't know if they ever came
But something in me died back then and I know
It'll never be the same
It seems like years ago
But I think it was only yesterday
The picture's still locked in my mind, and I know
It will always stay
It will always stay
After reading this
This to myself
I know
I know
You'll be filled with pain
So please, please
Keep memory
Close to your heart
And your love
Love for me the same
Cause at this stage
I Need
Need your
Friendship more than pity
Friendship more than pity
Friendship more than pity
More than
More than pity
And maybe just now
I can tell you the reason
For all these drugs
These drugs I'm taking
For although I'm
So scared of dying
I'm terrified
Terrified of living