 А что это за здоровый мужик смотрит на нас с фотографии группы? Когда приходит узнавание Мэтти Вэя, известного не понаслышке каждому приверженцу брутала, то интерес к команде с легкоусвояемым названием увеличивается в разы. Характерный вокальный посвист, до боли знакомый по альбомам Disgorge, на слэмовых скоростях данного альбома преобразовался в жирнейший разборчивый гуттурал, который точно ни с кем не спутаешь. Музыка тоже, кстати, не подкачала, находясь в приятных на вкус и цвет рамках US-way brutal. Ребята работают по "плотняку", предлагая, может быть, и типичные, но чрезвычайно наваристые партии с селективным глубоким саундом. Особенно порадовала пропись ударных, при которой каждый удар Дэйва Астора чётко различим, а амплитуда звуковых колебаний идеально подобрана для такой подачи. Выдержанная работа, лоснящаяся на солнце жировыми прожилками, по-другому и не скажешь. Добавляет релизу баллов и то, что музыканты не стремятся агрегировать сложной структурой, а предлагают ровный и массивный, но достаточно техничный материал. Не будем скрывать, что всё строится вокруг партий Вэя, являющихся своеобразным стержневым элементом столь плотной конструкции. Данный альбом - мощный релиз, легко уделывающий многие псевдобрутальные поделки последних лет. |
Operation majority directs all technology
Collected to advance through the stars
Code Injection
The Jason Society 32 strong
Designate lies and deception of truth and control
Code inject - Code inject - Code inject - Code inject
Sigma is responsible with communications
With the beyond...
Infected by will control is complete
DNA strands - Maji
Dead cells evolve and mutate
Brain experiment delete
A war of consciousness
A war on our minds
3. Among Giants
Nephilim were the giants
That walked among men
After the flood the giants
Rose once again
They will return to punish
And control the deserts once again
Of the purest blood
Controlled by Masons
Worship through manipulation
Morale of the masses lowered
The eye sees all
Controlling the currency
4. Abduction
An exchange for advanced technology
Abduction experiments not returned
Grey’s treaty exceeded and broken
To negotiate surrender
And speak in strange terms
Harnessing energy & nations in war
Greada Treaty
They came from Orion
And multiple species exist
They came from Zeta
Entities Classified Top Secret
Suffering through conflict and confusion
Strategies uncertainty this
Draconian penalty fears silence
Do not engage from deviation
True motivations of the black budget
Underground bases for the elite
Black projects do not disclose
The enigma of our security
Abduction of minds
And all that bleeds
We must seek the truth
To set our energy free
5. Afterlife
His head was that of a falcon not man
He is the horizon Attis dead for 3 days
Born of a virgin Krishna resurrected once again
Dionysus performed miracles
Mithra the king of kings
Set the conqueror - Underworld
Set the conqueror - Afterlife
Buried without darkness
The parallels we see
Not to admit truth begins
Buried with darkness
The objects I cannot see
Set to be bled truth
Set the conqueror - Underworld
Set the conqueror - Afterlife
I will see you in the afterlife
In the Afterlife...
As I bleed onto this Earth
Set to conquer my underworld
As you bleed onto this crust
Set to conquer the afterlife
6. Collapsing In Violence
Tyranny of the majority is common law
Indirect democracy
Legions of ruling mob
Trampled beat bludgeoned
Silence critical mass
Collapsing in violence
Disposing of monarchy
Tyranny of the majority
Ruling mob
Trampled beat bludgeoned
Silence critical mass
Appealing to majority religion exists
There must be a god
Appealing to majority only astrology exists
No God...
No God...
Mob rule crucify disobedient
Discovered the pursuit of truth
Enter the communion
Mob rule
Tyranny trampled beat
7. Tower Of Babel
Let us revolt
Confusion of tongues
Have brought the flood of ecstasy
A figure of speech
Let us behold
The gale of judgment
How divine is intervention
Clouded is the holy rebellion
Genesis the texts of forgery
King over all gods
Clouded is the unholy rebellion
Genesis the texts of forgery
King over all
The Tower of Babel curse
Stand at the gates not to be judged
How divine is intervention
Let us revolt
Confusion of tongues
The culture of Sumer is lost
Let us revolt
Confusion of tongues
The Tower of Babel
The Tower of Babel
How divine intervention
Clouded is the holy rebellion
Genesis the texts of forgery
King over all
The Tower of Babel
The Tower of Babel
8. Blood Runs
13 bloodlines dominate
Reptilian control is eminent
Elected by bloodlines
Convincing all of democracy
Blood runs
Reptilian control is eminent
Blood runs
Elected by bloodlines
The veils we wear are so dark
The elite know of this illusion
The same blood runs through all the veins
The veils we wear we cannot see
The same blood runs through their veins
Illuminati and infinite awareness
As shape shifting calls
Eyes turn to black
And then back again
Blood runs through to dominate
Blood runs
9. The Extinction Of Flesh
What to take red or blue
Comfort of the unknown is bliss
To persue the truth is not a choice
Take us all from this
The extinction of life
Unplug status quo persecution
Deceiving in consciousness
It is the question that drives us
Existence isn't reality...
The extinction of flesh
As they farm the drones of flesh
Horror are machines
We are power
To dream or sleep
Unplug status quo persecution
Deceiving in consciousness
It is the question that drives us
Existence isn't reality
10. Legacy Of The Ancients
The ancient gods were of flesh and blood
We are bio-engineered products of another race
What is time and did it begin
We are just products of another created mind
Of all that separates us until we die
The earth and heavens meet on a horizon of time
Under a new kingdom we watch as they come
From the sky we are products of another time
The epic of creation
Circles and embraces
Our orbits and cycles
That we have created
Legacy Of The Ancients
Sin the illuminator of the night
Of all that separates us until we die
What is time and how did it begin
Look to the ancients’ texts the stones inscribed
Legacy of the ancients and the horizon of time
11. Saturn Brotherhood
The element of occultism and the
Power to deceive
The Freemasonic government we worship
Spreading this disease
The occult hidden obscured from view
How divine is depopulation
A true society that fades into history
Brotherhood of Saturn
Thrones of the violent
Spreading an illness
Men of the order
The Bay of Pigs
An invasion of failures
Brotherhood of illness
Throne of the violent
Spreading an illness
Saturn Brotherhood