« Soundchaser »
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1 | Orgy Of Destruction
 | 2 | War Of Worlds
 | 3 | Great Old Ones
 | 4 | Soundchaser
 | 5 | Defenders Of The Ancient Life
 | 6 | Secrets In A Weird World
 | 7 | Flesh & Blood
 | 8 | Human Metal
 | 9 | See You In Heaven Or Hell
 | 10 | Wake The Nightmares
 | 11 | Death Is On It's Way |
   Peavy Wagner - vocals, bass
Victor Smolski - guitars, keyboards
Mike Terrana - drums |
 | 1. Orgy Of Destruction
[Music: Victor Smolski / Mike Terrana]
2. War Of Worlds
[Music: Victor Smolski]
[Lyrics: Peavy Wagner]
Hijackers, kidnapers, have a look around
Assassins with blessings from their gods
No mercy, they try to set this world on fire
They think  |
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 В альбоме очень много профессиональной работы на высшем уровне, но вот той самой чарующей легкости прослушивания, как на тех самых Trapped и MissingLink, нет:( Да, по первым же аккордам можно узнать группу, по прежнему виртуозное исполнение, но вот только присутствует набившая оскомину затянутость - некоторые композиции вполне можно укоротить, и они не потеряют целостности. Вобщем, факт печальный - много музыки, но мало огня:((( |
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Четырнадцатый альбом Rage. После выпуска шедеврального диска “Unity” группа решила записать концептуальный альбом о том существе, которое красовалось на обложке прошлого диска. Его решено было назвать Soundchaser (перевести точно данное название нельзя, примерно же получится «ловец звуков»). Сочинив достаточно материала, группа записывает альбом, который вышел осенью 2003-го года. Особых отличий от предшественника я не нашёл, за исключением бесспорного факта, что саунд стал ещё тяжелее. Опять же, диск почти весь из боевиков, правда, начало песни “Wake The Nightmares” напоминает балладу. Стоит отметить интересную песню с названием альбома 1989 года – “Secrets In A Weird World”. Очень необычная песня, смесь пауэра, трэша и прогрессива. Клавишная партия в начале до безумия напоминает музыку из телеигры “Кто хочет стать миллионером?”! Странно...
Вывод: интернациональное трио успешно радует своих поклонников интересной, качественной, тяжёлой музыкой! Диск весьма и весьма хорош, но до уровня “Unity” малость не дотягивает. Что, впрочем, не мешает мне поставить высшую оценку.
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Прослушивание этого альбома в свое время произвело на меня сильное впечатление. По моему мнению (странно, почему оно многими не разделяется), он получился куда лучше и интересней, чем предыдущее творение Rage. Интересные риффы интерферируют с не менее интересными соло, впервые для себя отметил отличную работу ударника. Вокал, что бы там не говорили, мне очень нравится. Безупречная с технической точки зрения работа всех музыкантов и хорошее качество записи. В итоге получился великолепный альбом, где не присутствует ни одной слабой композиции: либо очень хорошие, либо крышесносящие (чего стоят хотя бы «Death is on It's Way» или «Human Metal»). На мой взгляд, лучший альбом группы и один из самых любимых альбомов лично для меня. |
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Год подходит к концу, и пора подводить итоги: что появилось нового на металл-сцене, а что разочаровало за прошедший год. Новый альбом Rage вынужден отнести ко второй категории. Приезжавший осенью в Москву Виктор Смольский, обещал, что новый альбом будет несколько тяжелее, чем предыдущий “Unity”. Уже тогда мелькала мысль: куда же еще тяжелее?! К сожалению, тяжесть - это единственное отличие нового альбома. По сути, “Unity” и “Soundchaser” это один альбом, как по звучанию, так и по оформлению. Узнаваемые рифы Смольского в боевиках, лирическое пение Пиви в медленных композициях, супер-работа Майка Терраны - все это говорит о формировании нового стиля: rage-metal. Здорово, когда в рамках одного музыкального коллектива сосредоточено сразу три настоящих профессионала.
Но плохо то, что стиль свой они совершенно не развивают. Парадокс получился: ребята по одному могут натворить очень много (вспомните хотя бы сольник Смольского “The Heretic” или мастер-класс Терраны), а вместе занимаются самоплагиатом. Ничего нового! Проще было бы назвать новый альбом "Unity (remixes)" или "Tribute to Unity". Иногда и Боги лажают. Будем надеяться, что “SoundChaser” - это просто передышка, подготовка к качественно новому альбому.
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С этими ребятами все ясно. Мало кто может сравниться с Пиви по креативности; из года в год этот товарищ умудряется писать длинные альбомы, напичканные на 50% хитами, и на 50% просто очень хорошими песнями. Невероятно, но факт. Творение 2003 года очень похожа на Unity, как по звуку, так и по музыкальному наполнению. Все очень здорово, хитово и качественно. Не знаю, возможно через какое-то
время парочку Unity-Soundchaser будут вспоминать, как мы вспоминаем Trapped! и Missing Link. В общем не буду растекаться мыслью по древу -- альбом удался однозначно, бегом в магазин! |
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Непонятно, зачем Пиви Вагнер привлек к работе над альбомом гитариста-виртуоза Виктора Смольского и супер-барабанщика Майка Террану. Все равно не дал им проявить себя, записав еще 11 достаточно примитивных композиций. Мог бы взять музыкантов попроще - результат был бы таким же. Альбом "Soundchaser" - это какое-то нагромождение звуков, невразумительные гитарные соло и ограниченный диапазон вокалиста. К традиционному пауэру такую музыку отнести трудно, скорее, это простенький трэш в духе Running Wild, но за звуковым нагромождением теряется мелодия. Ни одной выделяющейся, хитовой композиции. Ровный, тяжелый, скучный материал с невнятным бормотанием Пиви Вагнера вместо пения. 7 баллов только за качество исполнения и записи. |
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просмотров: 37256 |
Take good care to be out of here
From the nuclear fire
Separation and growing fear
We forgot we're one, never spoke in one voice
Now we're here
It's the war of worlds
And we're all concerned, right now
Everyone has to learn
It's the war of worlds
And our future burns right now
(It's the war of worlds)
This is the war of the worlds right now
They swallow and follow just the path of greed
Blood dripping, heart ripping, take it all
Confusion, conclusions not in sight, so scary
Not willing to share what all is there
Take good care to be out of here
From the nuclear fire
Separation and growing fear
We forgot we're one, never spoke in one voice
Now we're here
It's the war of worlds
And we're all concerned, right now
Everyone has to learn
It's the war of worlds
And our future burns right now
(It's the war of worlds)
Burn in hell
3. Great Old Ones
[Music & Lyrics: Peavy Wagner]
Once, eons back in time from here
Long before man was born
They came from somewhere out of space
Shaped the young planet's face
And more, they made all to be, everything we see is their work
So good, the system and it?s frame played a perfect game
Until the other came...
It was all for the great old ones
Those who created life
And life carried on and on and on
They gave all for the great old ones
Under the new born sun
Where life carried on and on and on...
So everything was good to be
When some would fall from grace
Birth of the evil energy
Fear reaches back in those days
And hell wasted all to be, all the bad we see is it's work
To save the system and it's frame, the Soundchaser came
Some call them Perfect man...
It was all for the great old ones
Those who created life
And life carried on and on and on
They gave all for the great old ones
Under the new born sun
Where life carried on and on and on...
Life carried on for the great old ones
In the planets history there are secrets, you will see
Our nature has a source. Good or evil comes from those...
And all, all their secret deeds never could complete what they need
Cause hell wasted all to be, all the bad we see; 'till the Soundchaser came...
It was all for the great old ones
Those who created life
And life carried on and on and on
They gave all for the great old ones
Under the new born sun
Where life carried on and on and on...
Life carried on for the great old ones
4. Soundchaser
[Music: Victor Smolski]
[Lyrics: Peavy Wagner]
"I have heared your voice
Now I have no choice
You must face your fatal end"
What is this? I can't believe my eyes
Is it trying to hunt, it's bringing me down, bringing me down
Why did I come to this hellish vault
I have heared, they warned
It's chasing, raging, killing you
Time stands still
And myself will
Disappear tonight from this world
Now the beast has come
It's coming out to eat me alive
The Soundchaser
Is soundchasing, raging, killing you
"Eons back in time
This world has been mine
Deadly plage from heaven sent"
Hush, my dear, the silence saved my life
It won't find us if we hide on the ground, without a sound
Hell freeze over! Please, please save my life
Instinctive breed, it is chasing, raging, killing you
Time stands still
And myself will
Disappear tonight from this world
Now the beast has come
It's coming out to eat me alive
The Soundchaser
Is soundchasing, raging, killing you
Soundchaser, Soundchaser, now the beast has come alive...
5. Defenders Of The Ancient Life
[Music & Lyrics: Peavy Wagner]
Defenders of the ancient life we are
Defenders of the ancient world at war
And if we're gonna die, keep that spark
Defenders of the ancient life we are, yes we are
Hunters came the night before
They brought to our homes their war, bloody war
All the others, just like me
Have to face the enemy, it's gotta be
They have all been innocent of starting all this waste
But the demons ran a deadly race
We were made to force them down and end their killing aims
To save the creator's precious lifes
Defenders of the ancient life we are
Defenders of the ancient world at war
And if we're gonna die, keep that spark
Defenders of the ancient life we are, yes we are
Noone ever gave us names
We were forged in fire and flames, red hot flames
Crafted to protect the ones
Chasing every unknown sound that's around
We were made to force them down and end their deadly games
To save the creator?s precious lifes
They have all been innocent of starting all this waste
But the demons had their killing aims...
Defenders of the ancient life we are
Defenders of the ancient world at war
And if we're gonna die, keep that spark
Defenders of the ancient life we are, yes we are
6. Secrets In A Weird World
[Music: Victor Smolski]
[Lyrics: Peavy Wagner]
Get deeper underground
The lost is found
Remains are all around, take care
To catch a breath of age
Not from this world
A dinosaur of rage's construction
Take a chance, only you can
Take a chance, make it alive
You're holding in your hands
A construction plan
So do now what you can, take care
To give a breath of life
A human touch
A prehistoric clone, Frankenstein
Take a chance, only you can
Take a chance, make it alive
Secrets in a weird world
Under the arctic shelf
Life, lost in the ice
Back in the new world
Secrets in a weird world
Timeless and undistorted
Life, lost in the ice
Back in the new world
7. Flesh And Blood
[Music: Victor Smolski]
[Lyrics: Peavy Wagner]
You turned away from me to be with someone else
You turned away but from inside you are here
Still you didn't give me what I need the most
I am half, it feels not right and I fear
Coming back, you started building up myself
Face to face, man and machine come alive
But mortality will be the price to pay
It's a circle with an end to arrive
Can't you see that I'm dead from inside
Won't you help me be alive
You, give me flesh and blood
I wanna know the feeling in my veins
You, give me flesh and blood
I wanna know the feel of flesh and blood
Can't you see I'm burning from inside
I just need to be alive
You, give me flesh and blood
I wanna know the feeling in my veins
You, give me flesh and blood
I wanna know the feel of flesh and blood
You turned away from me to be with someone else
You turned away but from inside you are here
Now you gave me what I need to be alive
On my mission in the night you are here
You are here
8. Human Metal
[Music: Victor Smolski]
[Lyrics: Peavy Wagner]
This is the time, this is the place for me
They brought me back to life again
It was for seen a long, long time ago
I'm coming back, I shall return
Everything I've seen
All the places I have been
And the secrets of the earth
Have been given at my birth
I withstand all that's worse
I'm human metal, yes, I am real, I'm human metal
I'm human metal and I am made to give you back what you have lost
I'm human metal, yes, I am real, I'm human metal
I'm human metal
And I am made to give you back what you have lost so long ago
Organic life is pumping through my veins
A hard drive's working in my head
My ears are trained to catch the tiniest sound
I'm powered by the notes I get
Made of blood and steel
A machine but I can feel
Activated by the sound
Of the music that's around
A raging metal pound
I'm human metal, yes, I am real, I'm human metal
I'm human metal and I am made to give you back what you have lost
I'm human metal, yes, I am real, I'm human metal
I'm human metal
And I am made to give you back what you have lost so long ago
Made to save your life and make you grow
A majestic symphony is life, so give up misery
Now raise your head and listen what's to come...
9. See You In Heaven Or Hell
[Music & Lyrics: Peavy Wagner]
What we feel, it might be so unreal
And what we know, it's under construction
We have learned, the truth, it can be turned
Well, it just depends on what we believe is real
In secrecy our mission will be
Let's create our future aware
I'll see you in heaven one day
Or I'll see you in hell
Yeah, we'll be where we think we will stay
I'll see you in heaven or hell
You and me, we think of what will be
It's so hard to trust in that we'll be given
Fear, so strong, will surely lead us wrong
It's gonna bring us down, we better believe it's real
In secrecy our mission will be
Let's create our future aware
I'll see you in heaven one day
Or I'll see you in hell
Yeah, we'll be where we think we will stay
I'll see you in heaven or hell
No limit, I'm in it, it's all inside my mind
I'll be there where I dare, it's all my choice
In secrecy our mission will be
Let's create our future aware
I'll see you in heaven one day
Or I'll see you in hell
Yeah, we'll be where we think we will stay
I'll see you in heaven or hell
10. Wake The Nightmares (Falling From Grace Pt.1)
[Music & Lyrics: Peavy Wagner]
The dust that settled in the eyes
Has covered a thousand lies
Like maggots ate the brain
And time is moving rapidly
For those who are to see
A paradigma changed
And the rain's falling like tears you've shed
(keep on falling)
While the spiders crawl out of your bed
(I see them crawling)
And the raven sings songs for the dead
(sing your songs for the dead)
Wake the nightmares in my head
Like me there were more that have tried
To set a few things right
To take the dreamers hand
Their world is falling from the stars
They start a thousand wars
It's coming to an end
And the rain's falling like tears you've shed
(keep on falling)
While the spiders crawl out of your bed
(I see them crawling)
And the raven sings songs for the dead
(sing your songs for the dead)
Wake the nightmares in my head
Never swallow what you've heared before
Don't believe in what you see
It won't stay like it appears no more
If you don't awake in time
You never will again
And the rain's falling like tears you've shed
(keep on falling)
While the spiders crawl out of your bed
(I see them crawling)
And the raven sings songs for the dead
(sing your songs for the dead)
Wake the nightmares in my head
11. Death Is On It's Way (Falling From Grace Pt.2)
[Music & Lyrics: Peavy Wagner]
Oh, Angel, come and talk to me
Oh, Angel, have mercy with me
Maybe this is the time for wonders
Maybe it's the time to set me free
When death is on it's way
When death is on it's way
Oh, father, tell me what shall be
Oh, father, what am I to see
Is it now that I have to let go
Is it now the time to set me free
When death is on it's way
When death is on it's way
Oh, mother, I don't want to sigh
Oh, mother, I don't want to die
Tell me why does it have to be so
Hard to let go when it?s your final day
When death is on it's way
When death is on it's way
We talk about so many things, in fact we tell us nothing
We hear about so many stuff that's wasted in our ears
Our days are filled with everything that never brings us futher
But when it comes to say goodbye we're helpless, drowning in tears
If we don't remember this in our lifes we'll forget the day
Then we're not prepared to find the truth that helps us face the final day
When death is on it's way
When death is on it's way
Our time is sometimes not so long, our days, they maybe counted
We often build our castles on the sand of make believe
I've seen it when I sat beside your bed and held your hand, that
Trembled of the pain when you fought your very last fight
If I don't remember this I don't remember anything
Something's there that gave the strengths that's stronger than the threshold of our pain
When death is on it's way
When death is on it's way
Once at the gates of eternity it might be better if the heart is free
I reach out my hands to reality of life and it's far beyond all images
Death is on it's way, death is on it's way
12. French Bourree
[Bonustrack Digi-Pack]
[Music: J.S.Bach]
[Arranged by: Victor Smolski]
[Lyrics: Peavy Wagner]
I wanna go, long time ago
It was the time when all the ladies used to show
They saved a dance for their heart's gentleman
They're waiting for the time and saved the day
For the french bourree
Give me a sign, a single sign
So I'll be waiting here until you will be mine
I wanna know, you let the other go
Then come along and dance with me today
To the french bourree
And if you let me in your heart
I will find a start
Take a chance on me, wait and you will see
You and me, it's gotta be
Let me win your heart with a bourree
I wanna go, long time ago
It was the time when all the ladies used to show
They saved a dance for their heart's gentleman
They're waiting for the time and saved the day
For the french bourree
And if you let me in your heart
I will find a start
Take a chance on me, wait and you will see
You and me, it's gotta be
Let me win your heart with a bourree
13. Fuga
[Bonustrack Japan Version]
[Music: J.S.Bach]
[Arranged by: Victor Smolski]