 Этот альбом считается менее удачным, чем три его предшественника. Что объяснимо, ведь вышел он в самый разгар панк-рок бума. Однако, не стоит недооценивать его содержимое. Да, саунд смягчился, нет привычного для Bad Co обилия хитов, но всё же, материал очень достойный. Титульный трек – запоминающийся мидтемповый номер с ускорением в припеве и характерным, умело интонирующим вокалом Роджерса. «Morning Sun» - баллада, начинающаяся с пения птиц и создающая, благодаря использованию флейт, своего рода пасторальное настроение. «Like Water» сработана в том же ключе, разве что темп пободрее. Песни «Leaving You», «Heartbeat», «Too Bad», «Man Needs Woman» представляют собой стильный блюз-рок, местами угрюмый, местами весёлый, но ни в коем случае не банальный. «Passing Time» и «Peace of Mind», благодаря выдвинутым на передний план клавишным партиям, звучат заметно легче, но картины не портят. «Knapsack» изначально вообще была не отдельным треком, а шуточным вступлением к песне «Everything I Need» - забавной вещице, выделяющейся легкомысленной манерой пения Роджерса в куплете, и его же речитативом, сопровождаемым гармоничным бэк-вокалом а–ля Queen в короткой интерлюдии ближе к концу песни. А вот завершает диск «Master of Ceremony» - пожалуй, наиболее странная песня в творческом багаже группы. На всём её протяжении на заднем плане звучит монотонный органный инструментал, гитарист Мик Ральфс извлекает расслабленные пассажи в духе Pink Floyd, перемежаемые саксофонными импровизациями, а Пол Роджерс, на фоне всего этого пропевает искажённым спецэффектами голосом, вроде бы, совершенно связный, социально-ориентированный текст, но умудряется звучать при этом так, будто плетёт «кислотный» поток сознания – в общем, волшебно.
Альбом, несомненно, классический, но «десятку» поставить ему не позволяет именно то, что он, пусть чуточку, но всё-таки проигрывает другим творениям группы, оценённым «по максимуму». |
You are, I'm learning, the key to my desire.
Ran across the country fields, in all terrain,
they had guns and dogs and everything.
Swam a river try'n to lose my trail,
But they caught me, under the bridge. Oh yeah!
The sky is burnin' I believe my soul's on fire,
You are, I'm learning, the key to my desire.
Oh, yeah.
The sky is burnin' I believe my soul's on fire,
You are, I am learning, the key to my desire.
The judge said, 'this man's a danger to humanity,
We're gonna lock him up and throw away the key'
Now, baby, your love has sent me to jail
But I'd rather die than see you with another man
It's burnin' baby, mm, mm; I believe my souls on fire
I believe my souls on fire,
Working on the railroad, every day
But they can't keep me here
And I'm not gonna stay
I got to get outta this place
I'll see you, baby.
It's burnin', yeah, it's burnin'.
I believe my souls on fire,
Keep on burnin',
Ah, yeah, yeah, ah, oh, oho. Keep on burnin'
2. Morning Sun
The Morning Sun Comes Thru My Window
All Night Long I Have Been Waiting
We Who Are Constantly Moving
Leaving Part Of Us Behind
She Moves Across The Room With Easy Grace
Mona Lisa Smiles Up On Her Face
I Who Am Completely Mesmerized
By The Sunlight In Her Eyes
Morning Sun Comes Thru My Windows
All Night Long I Have Been Waiting
We Who Are Constantly Moving
Leaving Part Of Us Behind
Moves Across The Room With Easy Grace
Mona Lisa Smiles Up On Her Face
I Who Am Completely Mesmerized
By The Sunlight In Her Eyes
And The Morning Sun Comes Thru My Window
All Night Long I Have Been Waiting
We Who Are Constantly Moving
Leaving Part Of Us Behind
3. Leaving You
You loved me and you made me what I am today
You loved me and you gave in every single way
You loved me and you gave it all so tenderly
You loved me and I’m a telling you now on bended knee
I’m a leavin’ you baby
Mmm yeah
I’m a leavin’ you baby
I was dirty and you took me home and washed my face
I was nowhere and you gave me a home and a restin’ place
I was nothing and you gave me something to live for
I was nowhere
I wanna tell you now like never before
I’m a leavin’ you baby
I’m a leavin’ you baby
Oh yeah
I was dirty and you took me home and washed my face
I was nowhere and you gave me a home and a restin’ place
I was nothing, nothing and you gave me something to live for
I was nowhere
And I’m feelin’ it now like never before
Mama I’m a leavin’ you baby
I’m a leavin’ you baby
I’m a leavin’ you baby
Oh yeah
I’m a leavin’ you baby, leavin’ you baby, leavin’ you baby leavin’ you baby
Time and time await
I’m a leavin you before it’s too late
I’m a leavin’ you baby
Hey Hey
I’m a leavin’ you baby
I can’t stop the tears that you cry
I can’t stop the tears that you cry
But I got to say good bye
Oh baby
I’m a leavin’ you ma ma ma ma
Oh oh leavin’ you baby
4. Like Water
My life is like water and i'm floating in the sea
But i have a root in the water
and it's reaching stretching endlessly
My love flying in the sky
and far away from the water she lies
Sometimes big wave coming when i'm down
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but soon i stand on up again
My life is like water and i'm floating in the sea
My soul is a stream on the water
i was born reaching endlessly
My life is like water and i'm floating in the sea
My soul is a stream on the water
i was born reaching endlessly
6. Everything I Need
Ah ooh Darlin'
Be Mine Tonight
Won't You Be My Baby
And Treat Me Right
Ah ooh Darlin'
You Know You're My Only Love
Baby Baby
Like I Said
She Got A Heart of Gold
And Somethin' I Call Soul
She Got Everything I Need
Ain't No Flies on Me
Oh Baby
Won't You Love Me Tonight
Oh Baby
I'm Gonna Treat You Right
Keep My Hand
And Hold Me Tight
Take You in My Arms
And Love You Tonight
She Got a Heart of Gold
And Something I Call Soul
She Got Everything I Need
Ain't No Flies On Me
Baby When You Wrote That Letter
It Went Right To My Heart
And I Opened the Envelope
I Knew We Were Going To Part
Ah ooh Baby
Don't Treat Me Like A Fool
Because Baby
I Went To School
I Know I Love You
And I Always Will
Ah ooh Baby
You Sent Me Your Bill
ah ah oh ooh yeah
7. Heartbeat
I don't wanna lose myself in love again,
But my heartbeat keeps on a hammering, yeah.
I met a little cutie back in sixty-
six, She used to tie you up
And beat you with a walking stick.
I said, 'Mama, call a doctor you
must be sick!'
She told me that's the only way I
get my kicks.
I don't wanna lose myself in love again,
But my heartbeat keeps on a hammering.
I been around the world about a
time and again,
I met a little chick in an opium
She put a spell on me that'd freeze
a man,
I said, 'help me, save me', but she
did it again.
I don't wanna lose myself in love again,
But my heartbeat keeps on a hammering,
yeah, ok.
Oh, oh, oh, yeah.
I met a little lady just yesterday,
Lord, she loves me in a special way.
She put coffee in my tea and she love to say,
'I wanna hold you, I wanna keep you, baby,
Now don't be afraid'.
I don't wanna lose myself in love again,
But my heartbeat keeps on a hammering, yeah.
I don't wanna lose; I don't wanna lose,
I don't wanna lose;
I don't wanna lose myself in love again, yeah.
No, no, lord no.
I don't wanna lose myself in love again,
But my heartbeat, yes my beating heart,
My heartbeat keeps on hammering.
8. Peace Of Mind
Well listen everybody out there in the world today,
I got somethin' I want to tell you
that just won't wait...
People going nowhere
cause there eyes are closed
they don't know what they are lookin' for...
cause nobody knows
people lookin' for something
that they're never gonna find,
going round in circles, ya...
cause it's the blind...
leadin' the blind!
oh, yeah, yeah-ah...ya-ya...yah-yah
people they're chasin' rainbows
got their heads in the sky,
never findin' true reality
cause, they're flyin' too high
people live in shadows
never see the sun
spendin' they're time
drinkin' they're lonely
lonely wine
drownin' they're tears
countin' they're years...
and I know they're lookin' for...
peace of mind!
yes, I know that everybody's lookin' for
peace of mind!
yes, I know that everybody's lookin for peace of mind
everybody needs,
everybody wants,
eveybody needs...a little bit'a peace of mind...
everybody must have a little bit of piece of mind
you want your happiness
baby, go out and get it now
it belongs to you
lookin' for peace
and the peace of mind
peace of mind!
9. Passing Time
Passing time brings a wiser mind
I see some of the things I never
Never saw before
Goin' on
Goin' around
Going down
Time has taken a toll on me
Now I see the light
Time has taken the soul of me
Through my darkest night, goin' on
Goin' on
On and on and on and on
Goin' down
See the man with the broken heart
Walkin' in the street
See the girl with the red dress on
You don't know what she done to me
Time has taken it's toll on me
Now I'm a wiser man
Time has taken the soul of me
Now I see the light
The light
The look
The light
To the look
To the light
To the light
10. Too Bad
My, my, my, my
Well I finished fooling 'round with you, pretty mama
Finished fooling 'round with you
No more wasting my time baby, no more standing in line
And I'm a shiftin' on, back to where I once came from
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Yeah, oh it's been a long
You know I heard it on the news and it gave me the blues
You know it ain't right, people are fighting every place I look
People uptight and everywhere
And I'm a shiftin' on, back to where I once came from, yeah
Ain't no lie, ain't it too bad mama?
Too bad I'm gonna cry
Movin' on, oh yeah, now ain't it too bad baby
Too bad I'm gonna cry, wait
Well I heard it on the news and it gave me the blues
You know it ain't right, people are fighting every place I look
People uptight and everywhere
That's why I'm shiftin' on, back to where I once came from
Lord I tell you no lie
Ain't it too bad mama, hey, too bad you're gonna cry
Too bad you're going to cry, too bad you're gonna cry
Too bad you're gonna cry baby, mm, ain't no lie, ha
Ah, ah, yeah
That's why I'm shiftin' on, back to where I belong
Gonna leave you to cry
11. Man Needs Woman
Hot damn, I'm down on my knees
I want a love, someone please me
Come on baby I want to be in love again
Lonely nights give me the blues
I've had enough of loving and losing
Come on baby
And hit me like a hurricane
Every man need a woman
Every woman needs man
Do my best
To try to make you understand
Now every man needs a woman
Every woman needs man
Do my best
To try to make you understand
Bad luck, don't get in my way
Pretty woman you can save me, yeah
Come on baby
And take me up to heaven above
Treat me right, give me a chance
I'm looking for a sweet romance
Come on baby
And hit me like a hurricane
Now every man needs a woman
Every woman needs man
Do my best
To try to make you understand
I want a love, someone please me
Come on baby I want to be in love again
Lonely nights give me the blues
Now every man needs a woman
Every woman needs man
Do my best
To try to make you understand
12. Master Of Ceremony
Some people like to rock some people like to roll
Some people like to walk some people like to ride
Some people like to fly some people prefer the train ride
Is sixteen coaches long
Yeah the train ride is sixteen coaches long
You say you wanna change society but you live on
You say you want change society
And you say you want to want to be free
People got to learn to live together
People got to learn to live together
You can be communist a liberal conservative labor or
Anything you want to be
You can be a red neck jewish man thats allright with me
We got to learn to live together
You can be a black you can be white you can be green yellow blue pink
Purple or red indian blood
You can be anything that you wanny be please please
Lets learn to live together
I ain't never been to the ghetto in my life before
But I can understand some whites don't have it too cool either
Don't quote me in saying everybody has a chance to dance
Has a chance to romance a chance to dance
And has a chance to do anything they want to do
There ain't there ain't no god that says you can't enjoy your life
There ain't no master of ceremony that can fill your life
With worry and strife
Choose your own direction